Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, August 27, 2010

This is it!!

New constitution signed into law. Gloomy weather ushers in new dawn but Kenyans still very excited

Contrary to what some people may want to think weather is significant and has many times through history signified the times and what is about to come.

On this day August the 27th the year of our Lord two thousand and ten the day of the birth of the new republic of Kenya in many parts of the country it is raining, including around the largest gateway into the republic of Kenya, Mombasa port. That is a sure sign of blessing according to the African culture. Indeed many times when important historical events that have brought about great positive changes have happened, the weather has been cloudy, almost gloomy, just the way it is right now in Nairobi where it is all happening. For instance July 4, 1776 the day the American declaration of independence was ratified the weather was cloudy and deteriorated into dark and gloomy by afternoon. What happened on that day was not normal by any means. It shook, and still shakes the world today!

The mammoth crowd at Uhuru Park are in very high spirits and are completely unfazed by the weather knowing fully well the significance of the day that they are witnessing. How many Americans witnessed July 4th 1776 and how many other times will it happen in history again?

I was moved to tears by the first song the Kenya Army played as President Kibaki inspected a guard of honour on arrival at Uhuru Park a few moments ago. It is an old song first released by the Kenya police band shortly after independence. It is a Swahili song and I will translate some of the words in the song that moved me to tears;

“Walk on the ground that is your country with pride and without fear. That is the assurance that we have received from the president. After the exit of the colonialist happy times are here.”

Kenyans quickly realized that it was all a mirage. Thye had simply exchanged colonial masters from a white man (who was in many ways fairer) to a small clique of Africans who ruled ruthlessly and with an iron hand. Anybody who tried to resist or challenge the authority of the new masters was put to death. Indeed even those whom it was suspected may want to resist in the near future lost their lives. Pio Gama Pinto, Tom Mboya, JM Kariuki, Kungu Karumba and many others fell. May their sould rest in peace.

And so finally 46 years later, Kenyans are now ushering in what they thought they had in 1963.

So the choice of song was extremely appropriate.

I am staying online and live and will post regular updates either as comments or complete posts.

It is raining cats and dogs in the part of Kenya where I am right now. Wonderful!!! I have a very good feeling about this new constitution and what it will help us to do for our beloved motherland.

As I post this the President has just signed the new constitution!!! 6 copies in all!!!


Kenya's new constitution is written with the blood of these brave Kenyans who dared to dream of a better tomorrow for the motherland;

Josiah Mwangi Kariuki (March 21, 1929–March 2, 1975) was a Kenyan socialist politician during the administration of the Jomo Kenyatta government. He held different government positions from 1963, when Kenya became an independent country, to 1975, when he was assassinated. He left behind three wives and many children. He is the Kenyan who famously quipped "I don't want to be in a Kenya with 10 millionaires and 10 million beggars." A remark that greatly irked the Kneyatta administration. JM was so brutually murdered that parts of his body were dismemembered including his private parts. Nobody has ever been convicted for this heinous crime. JM Kariuki is amongst the Kenyans whose blood went into writing our new constitution.

I will highlight other great Kenyans in this series in the days to come.


  1. Chief Justice, President Kibaki and Raila Odinga in that order take their oaths of office for the new constitution. Raila is cheered after every sentence as he takes his oath. A truly momentus moment for Kenya.

    My thoughts at this moment: It is happening, it is really happening... power has finally been transfered to the people of Kenya.

  2. Chris,

    Please, hold back some of the excitement, you will need it when Jesus comes back - that is, enjoy this occassion in moderation. If only you know that most of the seats (e.g. senators & governors) created by the constitution have already been shared out in backroom deals, you would know better than to be naively hopeful.

  3. From Uhuru Park they will go to State House to dine on you money. So enjoy the movie while it lasts, without popcorn. Or are you one of those who say that if Raila has eaten then they have also eaten?

  4. This is great for those of us who can't be there.

    Kudos Kumekucha

  5. Anon @ 12:57

    Thanx for joining me today.

    Let history judge wether my excitement was in vain or not. I never delete any posts in kumekucha even when I end up being proved wrong.

    Methinks that it will be mighty difficult to do backroom deals for elective posts in Kenya from now henceforth. A lot has changed and will continue to change.

    Happy Katiba day my brother/sister, maybe we can share a drink later as we agree to disagree if you are close to where I am at the moment. Let me know.

  6. Its jst a gloomy day.i dont see the rain.LOL.btw ppl booed cardinal Njue.that waz pure intolerance.

  7. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." - Bertrand Russell

  8. chris we are following thru kumekucha; but please roll down the updates. It could be a new begining yes but did we need to invite Al bashir; this govt sometimes looks for problems even when there is none. What message are they sending to the world? That kenya abets impunity. it looks like we are still in the woods;

  9. Omar Bashir from Sudan responded to Raila's invitation. He is on the dias gleening from ear to ear, enjoying every moment of it as genocide continues in Darfur unabated. Kumekucha kweli, kweli.

  10. Military hardware rolling across the concrete at Uhuru Park. The crowd is now very quiet.

    Is it an awe at the show of might that has rarely been displayed before?

    Clear message to our enemies, including some spoilt brats with automatic weapons and bombs in a neighbouring country pretending to be freedom fighters in the anme of religion. You don't want to ***k with us. Especially now...

  11. Thanx for the updates folks...

    Still can't see that rapist Al Bashir though

  12. From FB conversation ongoing:

    what make of tanks is this
    28 minutes ago via Mobile Web

    T-72. The ones that supposedly "belonged" to S. Sudan. We have 110 of them.

  13. Boring traditional dances. Sorry they have never jazzed me.

  14. Love the beautiful cultural display.

  15. Emmy kosgei.beautiful.

  16. Eric Wainaina!!!! WOW!!!

    My favourite. This is a brother from the struggle that has culminated in this day. Kudos brother.

  17. Are you checking out her beauty or what she produces; Kenyans never change even with the new constitution.

  18. Remember Eric's song Kenya nchi ya kitu kidogo. The song hit mostly coz it reflected the hopelessness of Kenyans then amidst notorious corruption.

    Hopefully today is the beginning of the end of corruption

    P.S. The song Eric Wainaina has just presented today is Daima mimi ni Mkenya.

  19. @ Chris

    What is ICC fugitive doing at Uhuru Park. That is the biggest cock-up of the Kibaki government. How can they trash our biggest moment by inviting this criminal to grace the celebrations?

    It is an insult to the people of Western darfur and Sudanese nationals who Bashir has persecuted over the years.

    As soon as the PM took his oath, I boycotted that ceremony. I cannot stand to be pretend to be happy in the presence of fugitive Bashir and other pominent ICC suspects, it is disgusting!!!!!!!!!

    It is obvious that 2008 PEV victims will have to wait for the next government to have any hope of getting justice, since Kibaki has no intention of co-operation with ICC, not at all, given the hearty hand-shake I saw him give Bashir.


  20. No wonder I was nervous that something could go wrong today. This is terrible!!!

    In my wildest nightmare I never for one minute imagined that a well know murderer and rapist would be smiling from the VIP dias on the day a new Kenya dawned.

    Am in total agreement with you, Phil.

  21. Phil,

    Wacha wewe!! Bashir came as a guest of ODM. He was escorted to the dais by an ODM Pentagon Member and minister, Najib Balala. When things go wrong you call it Kibaki Govt, and when things are okay you talk of Raila-Kibaki Govt. Kumekucha achana na hizo siaza cha Kibera.

  22. Lucas 'rateng' Mboya WHAT. President Omar Bashir of Sudan, wanted for crimes against humanity, with a warrant of arrest over his head from the ICC is at Uhuru Park...What kind of a sick joke is this......!

    Michael S. Opondo I tell you. I hope Ocampo did his intelligence and has his commandos waiting to snatch him at JKIA.
    34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucas 'rateng' Mboya Its kenya im worrried about. How will we cooperate with ICC in handing over our suspects if we invite other suspects to join us in celebrating most important day of our lives....?
    32 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Maureen Wambui Shame screwed up obligation!
    24 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Agwingi Argwings-Kodhek War. Is war. Bashir is my man. Great conversation. Ata Ruto yuko hapa.
    22 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucas 'rateng' Mboya Ruto's warrant has not yet been issued....
    20 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Michael S. Opondo Ruto had better seek some counsel from Bashir, while he has the chance, on how to evade Ocampo!

  23. Phil has kibaki pulled the rug under Raila's feet again! wow i thought the trust was back; kenya ni kenya tu

  24. Please give us a football commentary Raila... Pleeeeeeaaaase!!!!

  25. Raila has lost me with this Kitendawili stuff...

  26. A football commentary was probably not appropriate on this occasion with all the foreign dignitaries probably coz Raila has an International image to retain.

    Ama wat was the reason why he ignored the urging on of the excited crowd?

  27. Mwai Kibaki's speech. I sincerely hope that the next president of Kenya will be a better "communicator" with less boring old school speeches.

  28. Did I miss it?

    It seems that Kibaki did not mention Al Bashir when acknowledging the presence of the various heads of states and their representatives.

  29. Dear ODmers,

    Stop calling Ruto a ICC suspect. We have discussed this before and people like Phil used to tell us that PEV was spontaneous as a consequence of "historical injustice." Then there was a fall-out between Raila and Ruto and the same "spontaneous violence" propagandists started pointing fingers at Ruto. In reponse, Ruto said whatever happened happend in an effort to make Raila president by force.
    Please, ODMers, today is a day of celebrations; stop forcing us to re-litigate that barbaric chapter you visited upon our country.

  30. We do not need old school speech but rather futbol &popo storis

  31. Quick somebody give me Ocampo's cell, want to sms him right away. Kibaki is about to finish his speech.

    It shud be easy to post arresting officers at JKIA later this afternoon.

    Kweli Al Bashir is an idiot, what is he doing attending such a democratic function? It is not consistent with his image. Doesn't he fear it will look like he has softened?

  32. Blogger Chris said...
    Raila has lost me with this Kitendawili stuff...
    8/27/10 2:24 AM

    There were known characters, sitting behind Raila, and who vehemently opposed the constitution, who want to be birds and at the same time animals. They want to be both NO (read opposed Raila) and YES (support Kibaki, and be sworn into cabinet)....and Raila was saying you cannot be both. You are either a bird or an animal, you cannot be both. He was tacticitly hitting at MOI and RUTO, and those YES MPs who were wrecking havoc in parliament yesterday. Corruption and Impunity is NOT dead. We have to collectively fight these vices. They were present in Uhuru Park, and they will be going to enjoy the luncheone at Uhuru Park.

    Raila wanted to wind up his speech before this, but in reality, wananchi forced him to say his vitendawili and repeat that he is Arsenal's Spanish and beloved captain Fabregasc.

    But this is a story for another day. Siasi inataka kuanza sasa. 2012, here we come.

  33. You guys want 2012 politics to start now? Even before we start to implement the new Katiba? You want vitendawili and football tales and what not? Even before Raila's head drill has fully recovered? Bring it on, bothers; wanaume ni kuonana!!!

  34. Crowd jeering Al Bashir as he is given a dove like the other dignitaries to release.

    Poor rapist and murderer, he looks very lonely and out of place with that fake smile.

    * * * *

    There's that song again at the end of the function (Kanyaga nchi yako kwa nguvu na raha). Let us remember those hopeful Kenyans in 1963 who ended up very dissapointed by the antics of one Jomo Kenyatta and his goons.

  35. Today I am very happy. I can go and settle on my father's shamba in Turi, near Molo, without fear of beng called a "foreigner" by a guy carrying prehistoric weapons, bows and arrows. What a day, I have a county, Nakuru County, which I can call home. Daima mimi ni mkenya!!!!

  36. @Phil Thanx bro. Very interesting.

  37. Chris/Phil/Taabu/et al,
    Just arrived at Kosewe's from the Uhuru Park Promulgation ceremony!was too emotional to blog at Ground Zero,what a day! i have experienced every emotion under the sun for the past 7 hours!laughing, crying, booing,cheering...!

    Despite tight security presence at Uhuru park Kenyans were allowed to stroll into the venue of today's celebrations relatively free carrying flags, foodstuffs, mobile phones etc.

    I am so pleased that the mammoth crowd present showed just how awake the Kenyan population have become when they openly booed wanted fugitive President Bashir of Sudan for being at a democratic function

    More and more this
    I am sure i saw Bw.Phil standing behind ODM Party leader and PM of Kenya Raila Amolo Odinga

    In particular i am disappointed that so many of our young musical local talents were there to perform on this auspicious occassion but the events planner ignored some of my favourtie Golden Oldies like Them Mushrooms, Dolla Kabala, Daudi Kabaka and of course One Man Guitar Mike Rua

    All in all a great day for Kenya!hongera Kenyans.

    I am saving 5 seats on a first come first served basis here at KOSEWE's. All ALVARO's and NOVIDA on me please Chris/Phil/Taabu/Deroo et al join me won't you?

    PS:-Taabu wachana na mambo za OFAL and TRITE no robbers please

  38. I have never seen Chris make so many comments in a single article (post). Truly this must be a momentous occasion.
    Calm down bwana, this is only the beginning, treacherous and hard work lies ahead.

    Long live Kenya....

    Kumekucha Princess

  39. am very disappointed with prime minister Raila odinga today. instead of taking the opportunity to unite the country and usher in patriotism, he got carried away by his emotions when he saw his arch enemy Moi and got drunk with the support of the crowd and became vengeful, in the process his speech bordered on hate speech. if this is the president kenyans want to elect in 2012, tribalism and division are here to stay in kenya.

  40. Luke wrote

    I am so pleased that the mammoth crowd present showed just how awake the Kenyan population have become when they openly booed wanted fugitive President Bashir of Sudan for being at a democratic function


    Yes, "awake" just like the mob that demanded the release of Barabbas while crying, crucify Jesus.

  41. @anon 4.08am...
    whats tribalistic about what raila said????
    he's stating it as it cannot pretend to be an mammal if youre a bird or vice versa....
    let the people's president spread and share his wisdom.
    did anyone hear what kalonzo said that riled the crowd so much???

  42. To those who support this document, you may choose to believe Mwarang'ethe is mad, utopian etc etc.

    However, it will be difficult to argue that, Dr Willy Mutunga is also mad. Why do we say this?

    In his DN piece entitled:

    "Will the new constitution really change politics and society in Kenya?" he captures in a passing moment what we have said over and over again at KK.

    Here it is:

    "It was in the ECONOMY where South Africa was ENSLAVED by neo-liberalism, bringing to bear GREAT LIMITATIONS on the implementation of the new constitution..."

    NB: Exactly the same thing SHALL happen with our so called new constitution.

    However, instead of showing how NEO - LIBERALISM enslaves us, he goes on to blame Mbeki and Zuma for the SA failure. Therein, we part ways.

    "Thabo Mbeki’s rule did not mitigate this situation while Jacob Zuma’s presidency has seen signs of the weakening of institutions, allegations of corruption, ethnic cards being played and perhaps the nurturing of an imperial presidency."

  43. Raila is a muderer!
    He caused the death of 1500 Kikuyus. No wonder he invited his fellow ethnic cleanser Al Bashir of Sudan.
    Have you heard birds of feather flock together??.

  44. I dont like Raila,but if he bashes Moi and reminds him of the obstacles he had put on a new constitution,then definitely that makes me happy.

  45. Now this is interesting. Both the president and Prime Minister have skipped the State Banquet at State house or missed a part of it to be in parliament and are this minute being sworn in as members of parliament under the new constitution with the other legislators.

    Those skeptics who don't believe that things will change in Kenya please take note. This new constitution has had a huge impact already even before implementation has started proper.

    The move to swear in legislators today was forced by the legislature contradicting the well laid plans of the executive for this day and tomorrow. In the new constitution there is proper seperation of powers even as the last president to be also an MP is still in office.

    Na bado.


  46. Probably one of the busiest days in President Kibaki's life in a long time. Both he and the Prime Minister have just rushed out of parliament to return to State House for the swearing in function supossed to be taking place there now.

  47. I am a RAO hater! Lakini the way it seems... The guy is simply the man to beat come 2012, lakini tuta deal na yeye NKT!

  48. Railas hole in the head must be bigger than many people think.He has taken the oath of Mp for Langata in parliament still with that kofia in his head.I dont know whether he has contravened any standing order but then again he was seating next to Kalonzo and he might have been afraid Kalonzo might take a peek at his brain if he took of the hat...!

  49. Let's see how Ruto takes his oath.

    To anon above, please do us all a favour & stop re-writing history. All the casualties of PEV were NOT kikuyu. Kisiis & other non-Kalenjins were also targeted in Rift Valley. Luos died in large numbers in Kikuyu & its environs mainly by police shootings. Do you recall the Luo family set alight in Naivasha by mungiki vigilantees? In Nairobi people died from both sides as well. Even Kalenjins were killed & make up part of the total casualty list.

    PEV whether spontaneous, planned or unplanned was a national disaster that affected all Kenyans across the board. Portraying the kikuyu as the only ones who suffered is disrespectfull of all other KE communities that were affected.


  50. Oops! Spell check error. That should've read "Kisumu & its environs" and not Kikuyu


  51. yes its a high time we stopped kikuyu this, luo that.
    i'm half kikuyu half luo, and i know for a fact that both sides of the divide have suffered horrible injustices.
    and lets stop hating people just because of their tribe, lets make decisions based on facts and actions.

  52. Na hivyo ndivyo ilivyo. Mambo sasa iko sawa sawa.

    It is a hppy day for many and others who never lived to see this days.

    Comrades detained, shot, suspended from Chuo, defected to other countries and why not? The famous MAPAMBANO chants! Tupo!

    Kenya Mpya, Mambo Mapya, Kuongozwa upya.

    I feel proud to be Kenyan!

  53. Siasa ya vitendawili, kwisha leo!

  54. Trouble started in Kisumu before drifting to its epicentre in Rift Valley, which was an accident waiting to happen...lest you forget!

  55. ...and correcting past injustice is hopefully what today is all about. Glad as I am to see the new constitution finally promulgated, the presence of Bashir who is a wanted man is worrying. It doesn't augur well for any future ICC action in KE. Probably the gov't could argue that if you placed human rights as a pre-requisite to an invite, you'd be hard pressed to have any regional dignitary at the function. Afterall, are M7 & Kagame angels? All those leaders have blood on their hands....Kibs & RAO included!


  56. I do swear that I will well and truly serve the Republic of Kenya in the office of "citizen"and that I will do justice in accordance with this constitution of Kenya as by law established, and in the accordance with the laws and customs established, without fear, affection or ill-will, so help me God.

  57. I do swear that I will well and truly serve the Republic of Kenya in the office of "citizen"and that I will do justice in accordance with this constitution of Kenya as by law established, and in the accordance with the laws and customs established, without fear, affection or ill-will, so help me God.

  58. Hehehehehehehehehe

    MPs are having problems pronouncing the word Conscientiously.

    Most are pronouncing it as consciously.

    The word actually means the sense of what is right and wrong that governs somebody's thoughts and actions, urging him or her to do right rather than wrong.

    Difficulties in pronounciation could be the reason why so many of them have opted to take the oath is Kiswahili.

  59. Chris

    You can't pronounce what you lack ;-)

    Where's Willie Ruto?


  60. If you were in the diaspora and was watching it live you know that they cut off the live feed every time Raila went to the dias

  61. My uncle and his comrades never want to hear about other people's struggles, the many deadly struggles that came before and after the "Kamukunji Revolutions - @ Karanja's".

    My Uncle's generation seem to have forgotten the fact that there have been successive uprisings and deadly struggles which have come and gone with different Kenyan generations.

    Kenyans have experienced deadly political struggles during the early 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000-2007. The PEV being one of the deadliest in our country's modern history.

    In other words, every decade has seen its share of deadly political struggles, and there is no exclusivity or reserve to the suffering, deprivation, and deaths
    that have resulted at any given time.

    August 27, 2010, our version of July 4, 1776, is the accumulative result of all the Kenyan struggles that were started at the turn of the last century and led to yesterday's promulgation.

    We salute thousands and thousands of Kenya who died during the struggles for freedom and democracy, and all those who never lived to see the results of their constructive contributions come to fruition on August 27, 2010.

    All Kenyan generations should always remind themselves that we stand not just on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, but we also walk on many unmarked graves of those who walked before us in search of Uhuru.

    August 27, 2010, birth of a second republic and tribute to all those who paved the way.

  62. Chris, this is one of those special moments that call for Kumekucha to share some August 27, 2010, memorable photos, among other historic photos from the past, whenever they become available. Have a slight background veil (film) of Kumekucha engraved (stamped) on them.


  63. Anon 6.32a.m... Rao was afraid that if he took of his hat Kaloozer! May know the secret of growing back hair in his balding head! Bwa ha ha ha!

    Stop hiding behind your KIKUYU Tribal mask ( the most hated tribe in Kenya ).

  64. Great idea anon@8:33am.

    Unfortunately we don't have anybody on the ground taking photos. But I will try and post some special photos from the past in the main post above.

    Readers can also send me photos for pulishing as attachments or supply links here in the comment area to appropriate photos.

  65. Woooo! Fabrigasc Rao jazzed me leo.... His speech was the only one which captured attention! Even his haters listened to it.... Waah and the CROWD! Cried for more.

    Kaloozer made a short speech coz Dude was afraid that the crowd may go bonkers and make him cry and run of the Dais!

    My brother Raila! Hata leo hauna uhasama, today you have hired hundreds of thousands of goons!

  66. It's good to celebrate because we have made another step but we need to be extremely vigilante.

    Civic education needs to continue and Kenyans need to be taught how to rally behind the implementation of the constitution.

    Areas that I know if we have the same leaders then it won't be implemented is land and recall of MPs.

    We need to know that the COE played a very role in us having this kind of constitution however in order to push it ahead they left areas of land and recall of MPs hanging or incomplete until Parliament passes a legislation to support it. I can confidently say that if they hadn't left this two areas hanging then we couldn't be having this constitution at the moment. Our leaders couldn't have accepted it to go further.

    Moi's reason to be against the constitution was majorly to do with Rift Valley. Uhuru and Michuki were a bit hesitant to support it but eventually they supported it, which may have to do with convictions somewhere that all will be well with their land and other properties.

    There are areas that will easily be implemented like devolution, unfortunately they are those areas which might not be implemented which unfortunately affects the others.

    Notwithstanding these weakness, the constitution still has many areas which will benefit Kenyans and we need to support it and improve it with time.

    Unfortunately these benefits will hinge so much on the leaders we have rather than the constitution by itself. Though some major loopholes have been sealed, the seal is not watertight and can easily be manipulated or misused to favour few people.

    I have to be honest that I'm very worried about one of the counties I belong. If we/they'll not overhaul their leaders completely then devolution will help to make these leaders richer, and once they are richer they will buy more land and other properties, and later this county will start having squatters. It's not Keiyo but if you have ever been there you'll know what happens when a leader is rich and corrupt. You'll know what Biwott did to these people - the Keiyos. Same can happen to other counties if there leaders take advantage of the loopholes in the constitution.

    For this reason I'll say, yes let's celebrate today, but let's start working tomorrow. Let us all unite and educate each other of how this constitution can be successfully implemented.

    One thing I'll start by saying is that I'm extremely suspicious of fast tracking of implementation of the constitution within a year. The reason can be to jump some crucial procedures claiming that it will take time if they follow such procedures. I see that someone wants to take advantage of the euphoria among Kenyans to scuttle this implementation by deceiving them that they want to fast track it.

    Most of our leaders really didn't know what is contained in the constitution, and it was late when they realised and because of fear of people's wrath if they reject it they had to support it. I can bet that some will want to take advantage of the loopholes by providing soiled legislations and/or jump some procedures that will water down the constitution.

    For example, someone wants to make us believe that implementation of counties and devolved funds is good by itself. I say no because I know leaders whose mouth is already open to swallow these devolved funds. They ate CDF and the increase of devolved funds will enable them to eat more and they are likely to do to us what Biwott did to Keiyos.

  67. I repeat, that leadership will play a major role in the implementation of the constitution. On land, I can bet that no current leader will implement it because majority were swallowed by the 'dragon' so that implementing it will be to their disadvantage.

    So guys I officially announce that the battle between the people of Kenya and our current leaders has started. This time we should never allow them to make us fight each other, we should fight them continuously and ensure that our constitution is successfully implemented.

  68. Philip said...
    I repeat, that leadership will play a major role in the implementation of the constitution. On land, I can bet that no current leader will implement it because majority were swallowed by the 'dragon' so that implementing it will be to their disadvantage.


    As apertains land, FORGET IT. Kenyans blew the greatest opportunity they have and will ever have in a 100 years.

    We saw the same thing in the Roman times just before Christ. So, what is new that we have done?

    And, if you want a recent example, visit Britain in 1909. Exactly 100 years later, they have managed to move ZERO steps on this question.

    And, even better, in 1968, a very prominent American economic professor advised the New Orleans on how to fund the levies.

    They refused to listen. 40 years later, he was watching on TV Amerians drown when the levies gave way.

    If his advise had been implemented, New Orleans would have been saved. Interestingly, instead of the media telling the masses such truths, they say, oh, oh Bush II, rubbish.

    As apertains the idea that, we need good leaders, also,forget it. It is not about leaders. New Orleans was meant to be swept no matter who was the president of the USA. Doubt it, but, all we are saying will become clear soon.

  69. Just wondering if those silly jaluos who were heckling other political leaders and religious leaders on behalf of their godfather Raila went to his Karen home for lunch and dinner or they returned to their dilapidated shanties on empty bellies as Raila went to have Kibaki’s lunch at State House? And all those juluos and their silly leader who have always thought Kibaki was an “equal” partner to Raila saw where real power lies today. Raila was sworn in by Kibaki and that’s the only role he played in the 5 hour ceremony as Kibaki beamed in glory and limelight. And Kibaki counter-signed Raila’s oath. How does an “equal” partner allow that as he is relegated to the back seat? Raila should thank his gods that he and Kibaki fiddled with elections in their strongholds and then Raila forced himself to power by ordering his tribal goons to slaughter innocent Kenyans.

  70. Anons 1.20a.m , 2.13a.m. , and 5.31 a.m Please STOP! Cheap Propaganda, I hope you have your FACTs! Raila did not invite AL BASHIR!

    Balala was simply an Usher! And not representing ODM as you want to put it.

    Raila's notable guests were Ole Segun Obasanjo, Koffi Annan and Salvar Kiir( whom they are very close).

    The invite for Bashir was directed and coordinated by Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula ( PNU).

  71. Phil

    The people, the people, the people who voted for the new constitution should now be able to kick out or even force the resignation of certain individuals if the current leadership fails to play a major in the effective implementation of required changes in accordance with the new Kenyan Constitution.

    As a matter of fact, Kenyans are not expecting miraculous reversals of fortune over night, however they anticipate to see immediate as well as gradual tangible changes take place at the national, county and local levels without the tyring and sickening old fashion excuses and arrogant leadership style that was part and parcel of Kenya before August 27th, 2010.

    Am very sure that Kenyans will be worth their salt if they never ever allow the business of national governance to revert back to the dark old days of doing business as usual at the whims of the usual suspects, none other than the glorified political jogoos who are so drenched with wannabe bwana kubwa sydrome.

    Kumekucha, it's a new dawn and a new era which marks the end of an era where politicians and senior civil servants had perfected the art of roving around the country in their show-and-tell motorcades and rental helicopters for the express purpose of entertaining the idle, hungry and povert stricken crowds.

    Their familiar weapon of choice of was promising miraculous development projects and drastic improvement in the lives of the people, only deliver their usual trademark which equals zero, zilch, nada to the regions and people in questions.

  72. Raila must answer why Bashir was invited to our celebrations. Was his invitation anything to do with Raila's oil and gas interests in the Sudan??? Or was this just another Kenyan clumsy way of showing our neigbouriness to the Sudanese?? Please PM we need you to be forthright about this govt invitation.

  73. @Kumekucha,

    Here you are, harakisha harakisha before someone at GETTY IMAGES decides to move the following pictures of the day in the next twenty four hours.

    They are a collection of wonderful historic photos taken during the promulgation of Kenya's new constitution in the capital, Nairobi.

  74. @ anon 4:23pm

    Fact: Foreign Affairs Min Wetangula confirmed Bashir was invited by "his peer", Kibaki. Birds of a feather indeed...

    Fact: EU delegates boycotted luncheon at statehouse thanks to Bashir's unexpected invitation. Only the head of EU attended the luncheon with a letter of protest in hand. Our pres goofed & you can kiss all those pledged $$$ goodbye as someone has to pay!

    Fact: South Sudan's Salva Kiir, who was on the guest list & was in the country since wednesday was a "no show". Did he know something we didn't know? Jakaya Kikwete was also a "no show". Probably too busy with his campaigns or afraid of fainting on foreign soil, or he too decided not to tarnish his name with Bashir's presence.

    Fact: EU delegates who had boycotted the statehouse luncheon attended an evening function hosted by the PM at carnivore with food, wine & fireworks late in the night.

    In conclusion, RAO is unlikely to have ties with Bashir as his South Sudanese counterparts would be closer to him by virtue of decent. The diplomatic gaffe of Bashir's invitation lies at Kibaki's doorstep, not RAO.


  75. When is raila going to remove this unseemly kofia of his? It is disgusting, he wore it even in parliament when swearing as an mp.

  76. I'm a teetotaler but couldn't help knocking a few cold beers (Summit Malts--100% Kenyan) yesterday to celebrate a brand new Kenya. I'm still overjoyed and very delighted. This morning I looked straight in the eyes of my four years old daughter and thought to myself- yes, there's a future for you princess!
    Could someone please explain to me why political rejects and turncoats like Passaris, Kalembe Ndile, and Maina Kamanda were allowed to SQUAT in VIP section while heroes like Shikuku and Ngala Mwendwa got stranded without any seats?

  77. Bobby6Killer at 11:04 PM,

    Thanks for putting the record straight - namely that "The diplomatic gaffe of Bashir's invitation lies at Kibaki's doorstep, not RAO."

    All you RAO haters who have this silly habit of always bringing in RAO's name into issues that he is not even involved in, can you kindly RAM your hatred up your "rear exit points"

  78. Can you expect anything else when homeguards are in charge of KE? Worse yet, what about Kibaki's appointment of Ndegwa Muhoro as head of CID on the eve of the birth of the new republic? The 11th hour appointment is proof positive that Kibaki is a dicktator!


  79. @Anon at 9:34PM

    GOT IT!!!


  80. Me thinks the Albashir's invite was actually ochestreted by those supporting status quo( trying to say that Kenya is still the same). Mr wetangula why include Bashir in guest list for this occassion when he can't even go to any AU Summit? You are the most goofy foreign affairs minister we've had.

  81. Citizen

    Blaming Wetangula is akin to blaming the guy who printed cards to a wedding you are not invited to. Blame the groom & the bride. In this case that would be Kibaki & Muthaura.

    Maybe its their twisted way of throwing sand in that other famous jaluos eye, Obama. Ofcourse at the end of the day they just made ALL Kenyans look like accomplices to genocide! NOT IN OUR NAME!


  82. "Genocideer" Omar El Bashir is said to have bought his invitation card to Nairobi for several millions of dollars in order to try and redeem his tarnished image. Definitely value for money I would say. Some Kenyan politicians must be laughing all the way to the bank after soiling a special day by spitting in our faces. And don't forget the shady deals before the mass murderer/rapist/crook/liar/thief had left for Khartoum. Wish the F16's had been deployed in our skies to take out the evil b@stard.

  83. Bobby 6 must be a STUPID KIKUYU..always out to hate on other tribes..

    YOU must be A KIKUYU THIEF///only KIKUYU thieves bring in their fellow thieves.

  84. As always our politicians laugh all the way to the bank while we suffer for their deals/sins. We have so many Kenyans working & living in South Sudan who may become targets of irate AK47 toting southerners pissed off by Kibaki's appeasement of the fugitive Bashir.


  85. Why do Kikuyu's on this blog pretend to be so patriotic and all Kenyans know that we are dealing with a murderous community.

    Who trust's a Kikuyu in Kenya today... even fellow kikuyu's dont trust their own.


  86. Stupid Kikuyu's....PNU invited Al Bashir.

  87. @ anon 9:45 am, are on glue? Just because I called Obama a jaluo, which he is, doesn't make me a kikuyu. If anything my first missive on this blog was to correct some other anon who assumed all PEV victims were kikuyu.

    I am a Kenyan & as such can criticize Kibaki or RAO as I deem fit.


  88. Al Baaaashirrr should never have been allowed to rain on our national parade in the first place.

    We have come a long way but we have never wanted to learn valuable lessons from our long history.

    Remember the old pictures of crazy-weird Idi Amin Dada gatecrashing one of Kenya's national festivities decades ago, and no body took him to task.

    Kenyan crowds can be seen cheering him and even following him wherever he went in the city of Nairobi, at a time when his lunatic regime was busy murdering hundreds of innocent Ugandan civilians per month.

    Al Bashir is the exact antithesis of what emerging African democratic nations find in leaders.

    His presence at the rebirth of the Kenyan nation was a total embarrassment to all concerned, an affront to the ICC and an insult to over three million plus lives that have been lost in Darfur.

    I am sure the man may have some used several million barrels of oil to pay his way to enter the Kenyan airspace, but there are emergency preventive measures that could have been implemented in order to stall him out of the Kenyan airspace or thwart him from soiling our new found national glory.

    I hope there will be such a thing as mid-air arressts in the international air space the next time he tries to venture out to another neighbouring African country.

    Milosevic's predicament awaits this man in one way or another.

  89. Raila invited Al Bahir! PERIOD

    It's also known he had already invited his mentor Fidel Castro but was too ill to attend. There are also reports he invited Kim jon Il of North Korea but he too turned down the invitiation.
    Raila is a dangerous marxist and genocider!

  90. Anon 1.15pm Bwa ha ha... You must be an Editor for one of the backstreet gutter press newspapers!

    Not only do you sound defeated but you must be crapping cow dung mixed with some Al Bashir shit! Straight from your mouth.

    Rao can never be associated with the likes of Al Bashir! Since you have nothing of substance to say, you can continue blogging your cowdung! Bwa ha ha.

  91. Rao! Uko Yu 2 sana!

  92. Rao! Uko Yu 2 sana!

  93. Anon 1.15pm woishe! Are you that desperate. Trying to drug Rao's name in the mud, poor you.

    I give you a grade A for being a desperado and an F for intellect.

    AL BASHIR - was KALONZO's Guest FACT! Ha ha he he

  94. Anon 1.15 p.m you must be on those cheap Liquor from Central Province. Pole sana, infact Kim Jong called Kibaki 2 congratulate him and Fidel Castro actually provided the 'bling' that Kibaki wore jana.

    Al-Bashir actually hid under Kibaki's bed in statehouse and you have been sent to this blog to try and divert attention and buy time for Al-Bashir.

    I hope that the 1Litre of diesel that you took as a bribe enabled your Tuk Tuk fika home safely.


  95. I hope there will be such a thing as mid-air arressts in the international air space the next time he tries to venture out to another neighbouring African country.

    Milosevic's predicament awaits this man in one way or another.

    8/28/10 10:54 AM


    Destabilization and destruction of Yugoslavia started in 1980-84.

    At this period, the IMF demanded:

    - currency devaluation,

    - an increase in the Yugoslavanian CENTRAL BANK's discount rate,

    This increased its DEBT while the interest hikes slowed its economy.

    The drop in the living standards created by these IMF measures led to the economic and political turmoil.

    In 1984, the U.S. National Security Council Directive 133 (NSD - 133) entitled "United States Policy Towards Yugoslavia" and labeled "SECRET SENSITIVE" contained the marching orders for the FINAL FRAGMENTATION of that nation.

    In other words, the wars u saw in 1990's were planned a decade earlier. Those who planned them are obviously unknown to many cos we read or listen to "news" and we imagine we know what is going on.

    It was after this, its CENTRAL BANK was forbidden from CREATING money and the transfer of the same to the outlying provinces. As such, from an economic growth of 7% btw. 1966 - 79, it went to -10% by 1990.

    To add fire to the situation, the outlying provinces which now could not get funds from the central banks, were offered trade deals by Germany etc if they could declare independence.

    Without too much details, the issue of Yugoslavia is not what the Western media has told us.

    For instance, in his trial, Milosevic BRILLIANTLY PROVED that, it was NATO that was the war criminal. They cannot tell u this, but, we know as a matter of fact this for instance:

    When the NATO'S prime witness, RADE MARKOVIC, the former head of the Serbian secret police took the stand, the Prosecutor Jeffrey Nice was shocked when this key witness explained to a shocked court how his torture in the Belgrade jail had been overseen by two U.S. West European agents, Mihailovic and Petrovic.

    They will never tell u this. They feed u with what they want u to "know" and they succeed brilliantly.

    More so, did they tell u what they did with the highly efficient VSZ STEEL complex in Slovakia?

    No, they will not tell about all these stuff. All they tell you is about war criminal Milosevic. What a LIE!!

  96. The truth is now emerging that Raila was actually kept in the dark regarding Al-Bashir's visit.

    Muthaura, Thuita Mwangi, and Dave Mwangi actually facilitated the visit. Kibaki sent a personal invite to Bashir.

    Now the bloggers who were talking about Rao's need for Oil in the sudan etc etc NKT!

    Raila must really scare you that you would do anything to turnish 'Mr. Super reformer's image'

    Propaganda....will not get you anywere.


  97. Wewe Tangulia Tangulia and company made a spectacle of themselves by wasting an official invitation on one of the most unwanted person in our midst.

    Have two words for those responsible: SHEER DESPICABLE!

    They could as well have extended their official invite to Mr. Robert Mugabe and Kony of the LRA.


  98. My two cents worth...Al Bashir was invited by Moi and Ruto!Only NO people could do that?Both these characters are as shady as they come and could have been the ones who conspired to sell Bashir that invite for several million barrels of crude!Now that I have cracked that one,can we all now leave Rao and Kibs in peace to savour the moment....!

  99. As convenient as it may be to say Ruto or Moi did it, that would still be a lie. Kibaki is fully to blame for Bashir's invitation. Wetangula confirmed Kibaki made the invite & Anyang N'yongo & Orengo confirmed ODM was not consulted.

    Let us never forget that in early Jan '08 Kibaki was busy telling Condie Rice that things were "under control" as hundreds died....many at the hands of his shoot to kill policy to the AP's.

    His sentiments were echoed by Michuki who stated in late Jan '08 that Kofi Annan had nothing to fix in KE as there was no problem. This was at a time when Kibaki had appointed the PNU half of cabinet thereby almost scuttling the Annan led peace talks at Serena. For the record, ODM had invited Annan.

    Kofi Annan had to remind Kibaki that as head of state the buck stopped with him to use any means necessary to quell the violence. It was at this point that the KE army was deployed from Lanet barracks, armed to the teeth, with armored vehicles & helicopter patrols that sent mungiki thugs back to their slums almost without firing a shot in anger unlike the AP'S.

    Kibaki is KE's equivalent of Emperor Nero. For the sake of clinging on to power he was willing to sacrifice the lives of over a thousand Kenyans & was content to watch KE burn. Knowing full well his own people in RVP would suffer he went ahead and had himself installed as commander 'n' thief. Why would a mere invitation to get the chance to thumb his nose at the ICC worry him now?

    Unlike some rabid anti-Kikuyu elements on this blog, I do not believe all Kikuyu's are thieves. The Kikuyu are not a monolithic voting block as they have their Nyeri, Muranga, & Kiambu factions. PEV may ofcourse in future have these blocks working closer together instead of against each other.

    To the same anons who only see KE in black & white through a Kikuyu vs. Luo prism, I would like to remind you there are 40 other tribes in KE. Most of us are sick & tired of having the same old record (45 rpm) of political battles waged in KE. You're either playing side A or side B of this worn out tribal record. Alas this is the downside of democracy where tyranny of the majority rules, but do not expect us to dance to either Kikuyu or Luo songs in perpetuity.


  100. Rao haters were you @????... All attempts to blame him as the one responsible by bloggers here for the Al-Bashir fiasco has been futile.

    For the Record PNU side of the coalition is ready to wine and dine with the Devil to retain power.

    Kaloozer especially is even ready to sell his soul to the Devil to become the President of this great Nation. It's unfortunate because he will not see the inside of StateHouse.

    Kenyans are not ready for Mr.6% We need a leader with a CV for instituting reforms and not one who maintains the status quo.

    The Christian in him should have condemned all the atrocities that KANU committed especially to his Akamba people.

    A recycled KANU stalwart aint gonna lead Kenya NEVER!

  101. I can bet my small toe that Taabu is writing a one paragraph post on Bashir's visit.

    Its DAY 2 after getting a new katiba nad Kenyans are back to what they love most: Bickering, blaming, insults, rumor-mongering,...etc
    ODM has the Luo ministers releasing predictable press statements trying to shield raila and you can also bet the adopted brat miguna will also write something to protect his foster dad.

  102. Anon 6.25 a.m. Please take your Bullshit mixed with Horseshit comments elsewhere. You tribal mongerel.

    The Al-Bashir invite is well known that Raila was kept in the dark to prevent him from 'spilling the beans'.

    As per your tribal comments.....wouldn't it be obvious that we are going to get KIKUYU! Ministers and politicians trying to shield Kibaki.

    Wetangula has already stated that Kibaki invited Al-Bashir and has no apologies to make in that regard. Why was Raila not told of the visit?

    Kenya has opened a new chapter, kindly reserve your tribal vitriol for your family and clan members!

    You can always be supplied with TP(read Toilet Paper) to wipe the Tribal Shit coming from your mouth.

  103. Anon 6.25 a.m

    Its obvious that you must be suffering from selective amnesia. For the Record it's only ODM that has condemned the Al-Bashir visit, I wonder why PNU as a party is not condemning the same.

    Its rather obvious who invited the Goon to the 'Kenyan Party'.

    Goons will always wine and dine with goons!

    Have a goon day will you.

  104. I wonder why KIKUYU! Ministers are not coming out clean in regard to the Omar Thug Bashir visit.

    Even Fellow Kikuyu's nationwide know that their Tribal Chief Kibaki invited fellow thug.

    The Kikuyu politicians must be busy plundering the remaining assets through the guise of 'privatisation' for improved efficacy.

    Thuglife is all that Kikuyu's know. Ofcourse there women are also prostitutes all over and children littering the streets as parking boys and Men- Mungiki, Matatu touts.

  105. Kibaki! Invited Al-Bashir... A fellow genocide comrade.

    Al-Bashir with his 'Janjaweed' and Emilio with his 'Mungiki'.

    They must have shared alot on how to defeat Ocampo!

  106. New constitution indeed,from the comments here,it seems Al Bashir not only rained on our parade,hata ali ikojolea...!After some lull in the storm,the bare knuckled fight between Raila and Kibaki continues.And dreams of a Raila and Uhuru presidential race go up in smoke..!Thats Kenyan politics for you...!!

  107. Kumekucha!! Kumekucha!! The dawn of a new era is in our midst. Let's never forget to keep our eyes on the prize.

    While we bear in mind that real change as in "kumekucha" begins within the individual - in the heart of each and everyone of us that frequents Kumekucha for whatever reasons.

    "This is it!!" "This is it!!" "This is it!!" Kumekucha!! It's now or never!!

    BTW, I wonder why some of us are still clinging to the old destructive vitriolic language and sickening negative ethnicity that have been a forte of some cliquish goons and cyber-kenyanthugs in the diaspora as well as in Kenya?

    A quick look at some of the comments will tempt one to draw the conclusion that some goons have migrated to Kumekucha in order to settle their usual cyber-ethnic-skirmishes.

    As matter of fact, the overly vitriolic exchanges (volleyshots) which are usually a domain of other ... sites speak for volumes.

    "This is it!!" This is it!!" Kumekucha!! It's now or never!! Kumekucha!! Amukeni!! Wake up and smell the much awaited civility that will go along way with New Kenyan Constitution.

    "This is it!!" Kumekucha!! It is now or never!! The choice is ours!!

  108. VeRy pathetic of us.NEW KENYA indeed!!!!You're taking this as a Kikuyu-Luo thing???....the PM is whining,as usual.He forgets the number of people that died bcoz of his greed for power.WHAT HYPOCRISY!!i'd Rather give my vote to a retard than endorse him for 2008.

  109. Anon 9.28 a.m.. Who needs your retard vote!

    Kibaki seems to forget how many people were killed because of his GREED! For POWER! HYPOCRITE! Stupid bastard!

    So spare us your holier than thou attitude!

  110. RAILA for PRESIDENT 2012!

  111. anon 9:22. what cheap liquor are you drinking? ati you will vote for a retard (is it uhuru, ruto or kalonzo)rather than agwash in'2008'kwanza whose greed led us to PEV? wasn't it the hurriedly sworn in the dark lame duck sloth who has gone back to snoozing after wining and dining a most wanted fugitive on our money.
    RAO FOR 2012!!!

  112. Anon 9.22 a.m seeing that you are already a retard, we don't need your retarded opinion nor'l end up a spoilt vote.

    Go join your mzee kobe prezzo n psychotic lucy in retirement.

    RAO FOR 2012!

  113. Anon 9.22 a.m seeing that you are already a retard, we don't need your retarded opinion nor'l end up a spoilt vote.

    Go join your mzee kobe prezzo n psychotic lucy in retirement.

    RAO FOR 2012!

  114. Kalonzo for 2012!!

    Raila belongs to the toilet!!

  115. Change has come to Kenya? Not really with all your tribalistic comments on this blog.It is time you started concentrating on the issues and not tribes. Fellow Kenyans you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Maybe the next generation will make us proud because the current one is too set in it's ways.

  116. fredrick said...

    Change has come to Kenya? Not really with all your tribalistic comments on this blog.It is time you started concentrating on the issues and not tribes. Fellow Kenyans you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Maybe the next generation will make us proud because the current one is too set in it's ways.


    What change?

    As long as a our STATE is constituted as a means of PLUNDER, a few local and foreign men (class) will hide under certain TRIBES to PLUNDER other TRIBES by capturing the STATE, i.e. the organised violence.

    However, whenever a "tribe/s" or rather, the elite from that tribe or tribes see that, they are being excluded from plundering those who labour, they retreat to their tribe to try and remove the tribe in power.

    However, the tribe/s organsing themselves (remember Kikuyus and Luos in Moi's time?) to remove the one in power (the Kalenjin) are not interested in reforming the state so as to make it not an instrument of plunder, but, want to capture it for plunder themselves.

    When the "excluded" tribes like "Kikuyus" and "Luos" did in 2003, the newly exluded tribe of Kalenjins regroups to fight the two plundering tribes.

    However, also, within the plundering tribe/class, some will be exluded. Once this happens, they may join hands with other big exluded tribes to fight the tribe that has emerged victorious in legalised plunder/robbery.

    In other words, the cycle of tribal politics and associated violence will go on in Africa untill we have a sense of how a State ought to be organised.

    In other words, when we shall learn how to organise a state as an AGENT and not as a MASTER, we will have no more tribal politics. It shall be so because, capturing the state will not be of help economically.

  117. I agree...this is it! A constitution crafted and written by Kenyans themselves. Kudos!
    The beauty with the process of constitution making in Kenya is that it revealed that there are potentially other political cleavages eg religion. I hope that, over time, these other cleavages grow in strength to the extent that tribe loses its current dominance.

  118. Anonymous said...

    I agree...this is it! A constitution crafted and written by Kenyans themselves. Kudos!
    The beauty with the process of constitution making in Kenya is that it revealed that there are potentially other political cleavages eg religion. I hope that, over time, these other cleavages grow in strength to the extent that tribe loses its current dominance.

    8/30/10 12:01 AM


    Like Iraq you mean? Or Northern Nigeria?

    And, in your mind, how is that route better Sir?

  119. I do not believe that inviting President Al Bashir was a blunder in any way. If anything this was a message from Nairobi to its partners, including Washington, that Kenya is ready to determine its own foreign policy independent of external interests. President Al Bashir may or not may not have committed the atrocities he is accused of, but the decision to apprehend him on Kenyan soil remains with the Kenyan Government and this is subject to what is in the best of the country's interest.

    Washington or Obama should not even be joining this debate because they are not signatories to the ICC charter. Why support something you don't believe in the first place. If this was a USA and Canada story it would all be different.

    The Kenyan Government acted as it did to secure a lasting peaceful solution to its northern neighbors especially with a referendum set to take place in Sudan in a few months which is high on wish list than what the ICC or the USA wants. Problem is that the Kenyan Government has no one high up the ladder who has the balls to put it in a plain and simple language for the doubting thomases. Forget the ODM hogwash that they were not aware of the invitation. I am an ODM supporter, but I am tired of defending their cheap politics. Even if they were not aware, I believe they have guys in their ranks who are sharp enough to solve this equation.

  120. I wish to ask this....what is the main reason why we should not have invited Bashir?

    Behold we cheered as some of our own who have created worse atrocities against Kenyans were on the VIP dais. They were even sworn in.....

    What hypocrisy and cheap politics....

  121. RAILA FOR PRESIDENT 2012! R-r-r-roger that!

  122. Washington or Obama should not even be joining this debate because they are not signatories to the ICC charter. Why support something you don't believe in the first place. If this was a USA and Canada story it would all be different.


    Well, it would have been very nice if Nero Obama was to focus on criminals who SURROUND him.

    We mean, highly placed criminals who sell drugs to Americans so as to finance buying of arms for armings "rebels" in Sudan, Angola, Congo etc and then cry, genocide so as to push out those who resist these devilish schemes:

    Also, please see these two short vids:

  123. I'd rather urinate on my voting card in 2012 than vote in a luo retard.

  124. I'd rather SHIT! On my voting card come 2012 than vote in a KIKUYU BASTARD THUG!

    R-r-r-r-roger that!


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.