Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, September 10, 2010

Al Shabab terrorist attack was diverted from Kenya at last minute

Kumekucha exclusive

Somali terrorists deliberately chose a Ugandan target when a Kenyan one would have been more effective in sending their message home because they wanted to protect their vast interests in Kenya. This country has clearly become their centre of operating and the hub of the economy that keeps many Somali activities, legal or otherwise going.

This is after months of activities that suggested that Kenya was being set up for a terrorist attack. Last year several explosive devices linked to terrorist activities were found in the country. Which suggests that there was a change of heart at the last minute in deciding to target Uganda a landlocked country that is of little or no use to the Somali community.

In shocking information made available to Kumekucha it emerges that Kenya is such an important centre of activity for Somalis based all over the world that if they were to be shut down in Kenya everything would ground to a halt for them. Financial activities ranging from piracy earnings transfers to the financing of the same activities to financial activities to keep the Al Shabab going are all transacted through Kenya.

Indeed most of these activities suffered a massive temporary blow last January shortly after the riots over Muslims demanding the release of the radical Jamaican cleric, Abdullah al-Faisal, broke out in Nairobi. Faisal is on a global terror watch list and served four years in a British jail for inciting racial hatred. He secretly entered Kenya through Tanzania only to become a hot brick nobody wanted to touch and no airline wanted to fly out. In a major blunder Somali youths mainly believed to be from neighbouring Somalia caused mayhem especially around the Jamia mosque area which led to a massive crack down by the government to eject illegal Somali immigrants from the country. The crack down was more effective in lining the pockets of some officials with plenty of hard currency from Somalis rather than in solving any immigration problems facing the country. Still Somali power brokers learnt a lot from the mishap and the word on the street now is NOT to upset the apple cart in Nairobi in any way because it will jeopardize a lot of other “important things.”

In other words the shocking truth is that Kenya was saved from a terrorist attack only because of her generosity and welcoming hands to illegally immigrants from Somalia and allowing Somalis to set up shop for all kinds of illegal activities right here in Kenya no questions asked.

My informants tell me that in this kind of scenario it is extremely unlikely that Kenya will ever be a target for any Al Shabab attack. At least for now. But even more interesting is that this information suggests a clear link between terrorism and big Somali money in Kenya which is rather scary.


  1. Repeat a lie many times and it will become the truth, right?

    Are you aware that,

    (a) In the May 1979 meeting of the Bilderberg Group, Bernard Lewis, a British historian of great influence presented a British-American strategy which, “endorsed the RADICAL Muslim Brotherhood movement behind Khomeini, in order to promote balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines.?

    (b) While Khomeini was in Paris prior to the Revolution, a representative of the French President organized a meeting between Khomeini and “current world powers,” in which Khomeini made certain demands, such as, “the shah's removal from Iran and help in avoiding a coup d'état by the Iranian Army.”?

    (c) In February of 1979, Khomeini was flown out of Paris on an Air France flight, to return to Iran, “with the blessing of Jimmy Carter.”?

    (d) In 1986, the CIA backed a plan by the Pakistani ISI “to recruit people from around the world to join the Afghan jihad.”


    More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by CIA and MI6, with the SAS [British Special Forces] training future al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts. Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia. This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989?

    (e) Robin Cook, a former British MP and Minister of Foreign Affairs wrote that Al Qaeda, “literally ‘the database’, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were RECRUITED and TRAINED with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.”

    Thus, “Al-Qaeda” was born as an instrument of western intelligence agencies.?

    What we are saying is this:

    The creation of Al-Qaeda or so called terrorist was thus facilitated by the CIA and allied intelligence networks.

    The PURPOSE of which was to maintain this “DATABASE” of Mujahideen to be used as INTELLIGENCE ASSETS to achieve US foreign policy objectives, throughout both the Cold War, and into the post-Cold War era of the ‘new world order’.

    With all these facts in public domain, on what basis do we insist on feeding people with outright lies???

  2. Burn A-Koran international day

  3. More so, Chris, we know this a matter of fact:

    (a) The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected president.

    Do you wanna read further?

    (b) Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. DIPLOMATIC FACILITIES, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits.

    One of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed)

    Do you wanna read further?: and here

    (c) The well-respected former Indonesian president admits that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings.

    Read it here:

    We can go on and on to demonstrate the UTTER LIES/FABRICATIONS we are told by CRIMINALS/PSYCHOPATHS running so called governments which many are taught to WORSHIP. However, there is no need.


    Brainwash Education
    To make us the fools

    Bob Marley


    Trying to belittle our
    Integrity now.
    They say what we know
    Is just what they teach us;
    And we're so ignorant

    Well, what we know
    Is not what they tell us;
    We're not ignorant, I mean it,

    Bob Marley

  4. Facts or fiction?

    Fact; Somalis from Europe and North America prefer Uganda to Kenya. Why I don't know. And, I am glad Museveni publicly exonerated Somalis from the heinous act carried out by Shabaab.
    Fact; Dubai, where I live, is currently the most important city for Somalis (from Somalia).

    "Still Somali power brokers learnt a lot from the mishap and the word on the street now is NOT to upset the apple cart in Nairobi in any way because it will jeopardize a lot of other “important things.”"

    How I wish that were true. Somalis, the ones who cant agree on building their own State, would collectively agree on sparing some neighbour?

  5. Pastor Terry Jones is my HERO!!!

    ... Thank you good Pastor for standing up against where no-one dares!

  6. @ anon 8:18. The good pastor postponed his idiotic burn a Koran stunt. I doubt he saw the light. More likely than not he realized he will spend the rest of his life as a "dead man walking" ala Salman Rushdie.

    Chris a bit of rotten timing on your part to post this on the actual day of Eid (the Muslim world is celebrating it today though KE gazzetted it for tomorrow). I hope you realize that separating Al Shabaab from Islam is nigh impossible. By the way, how many Kenyans have been extradited for the Kampala blasts? I lost count at 10.

    Mwarang'ethe has pointed out historical references that will float over the heads of most who have been brainwashed by the likes of CNN. The Middle East is enjoying the kind of treatment today that Africa should be prepared to go through in 20 to 30 years when the west decides we don't deserve our resources. It's already taking place in DRC where 5m + have died.


  7. I'm a big fan of yours, but of late i've come to believe that your sources may be misleading you on certain specific facts. I suggest you vet them accordingly. Thanks

  8. Islam was a creation of the Vatican!- Roman Empire and its about time, the same religion was 'erased'.

  9. @Bagad

    Survival of the fittest is the mother of all modus operandi in Small Mogadishu aka "Mogadishu Madogo" (Eastleigh, Nairobi).

    Somalis from Europe (majority from Italy), Spain and North Africa, prefer Uganda, South Africa, and lately Namibia to Kenya because they have never ever found the right formulae to deal and survive within the cutthroat competitive environment that has been created by Kenyan Somalis and the larger Somali community (permanent residents, businessmen and women, and refugees).

    They can't stand the business heat (competition) from Eastleigh because it's just been too much for them to take.

    While their distant cousins, the Kenyan Somalis have learned to adjust and do business with the rest of their fellow Kenyans.

    I repeat "fellow Kenyans" in all trading centers of Kenya.

    Name any single Kenyan town where there is no registered bona fide presence of Kenyan born Somalis?

    Sparing "Some Neighbour"!!!!!

    The fact of the matter is very obvious, Kenyan Somalis didn't collectively agree on sparing some neighbour who happens to be their own homeland, but they have always categorically warned any "distractive elements" in their midst and at the same time, denied them the opportunity to cause havoc and unintended consequences for the law and abiding Kenyan Somali community.

    That is one of the many reasons why forward thinking Kenyan Somalis, Somali refugees and permanent residents, have never ever wanted to get caught up on the wrong side of the legal fence nor with those (Al-Jambazis) who are always bent on biting the hand that has fed them, sheltered them and provided them with safe passage to wherever they wanted to go since the day one of their bright and promising native son from Harard, Ali Shermarke, was assissinated on October 15, 1969.

    And worst of all, Kenyan Somalis don't want any reminders of the ruins of Qa'ableh brought to Mogadishu Madogo.

  10. Anon: 10:29 AM

    How so? You may as well provide some people with a lame excuse for a dissertation. Lol!

  11. Anon 10.29 a.m. I do agree, part of the hidden secrets in the vatican, contains information on how Islam was created. The Ayatollah's in Iran made a pact with the pope to keep the same secret, as the former also contains information that can destroy the very foundations of christianity.

    So, if the Vatican has nothing to hide, one wonders why they keep secrets - from 'christians'.

    Islam remains a creation of the vatican - scholars of history can trace the same from the 'jerusalem wars'

  12. Islam is EVIL (Terry Jones). Fact or fiction? Well, when Haiti was flatened the world poured in just like Tsunami but NOT the Paki floods. You cannot brand somebody great satan and cry to hang on Marines and choppers to save yourself from floods. You cannot bake your cake and eat it. Poor global PR=poor response when in need, period.

    And BTW Mwarang'ethe why can't you mint a theory on the Monsoon floods? Please surf the net and publish your dessertation, won't you?

    Fact or fiction:

    All Muslims are NOT terrorists but all terrorists (save for tokenism McVeigh etc) are Muslims. CHECK!

  13. No religion is superior than the other and those who VIOLENTLY undermine others must be STOPPED. And while at it who told you there is god in the first place? Preying into our spiritual insecurity doesn't serve any purpose but to galvanize a flock in a frenzy aka security in numbers.

    You cover your face, you step out of the bus or you go back to where your type stay at home and wait for co-wives. And that is not sexism but REALITY. Catholics do it and so do protestants albeit without BOMBS. No two ways about it I am afraid. Koran just like the Bible is just a cluster of printed papers, PERIOD.

  14. Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.

    There must be a very good reason as to why the Vatican is still holding onto so many ancient secrets concerning how to:

    a) transform mineral water into wine during a friend's a wedding or new years celebrations.

    b) remain light and buoyant when lost at sea or during spring break.

    c) resurrect a dead sibling of a close friend, especially one who deserves a second chance at life.

    d) restore sight to the blind with consulting an optometrist or even an ophthalmologist.

    e) feed 4000 hungry mouths with five loaves of whiole wheat bread and two tuna fish during lunch hour.

    f) calm, contain or difuse hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes, floods, avalanches, whirlwinds during the rainy season or winter season.

    g) mint coins from fish during tax season, or when faced with a looming IRS audit.

    h) landscaping ideas on how to get rid of barren fig trees and other fruit trees with simple verbal commands.

    i) catch huge hauls all year round without the help of sophisticated equipement or trawlers.

    j) survive a postmortem, reclaiming your real yourself after three days under six feet of earthly dirt and talk about it to close friends and associates.

    j) float or hanging high in the sky/air without a parachute or hot air balloon.

    k) give gynaecologists, psychologits, psychiatrists and e.n.t specialists a ran for their money, or put them out of business all together when necessary.

    l) get rid of excess swine breeds without incurring transportation costs or slaughter house fees.

    et al.

    Was the Vatican also responsible for the prodcution of VAT 69 Scotch Whisky?

    It's always been rumoured that William Sanderson may have a monk bored to death, or a son of bishop, or brother of a very prominent high ranking vatican official, hence the trademark VATICAN 69 AD. LOL!

    What else shall the Vatican be blamed for?

    How about we blame the Vatican for being responsible for global warming and air pollution due to hcontinuous emissions of photons during daily prayers and blessings offered for the last couple of centuries?

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  15. There is a clear correlation between terrorism in Somalia, piracy in the Indian Ocean, 'big Somali money' - laudering schemes - in Kenya, their handlers, cartels of human trafficking and their Kenyan agents aka "embedded high ranking Kenyan authorities".

    There is no way foreigners from a neighbouring country can be allowed to operate carte blanche without those concerned or the powers that be blinking an eye or bringing them to justice, like the American, UK, Candian, Australin, Germany, Swedish or Swiss law enforrcement agencies have done over the last three decades.

    Who among us can resist guaranteed weekly or monthly fat envelopes stuffed with fifty a hundred dollar or euro bills?

    Raise your hand behind the scenes?

  16. @ anon 3:05 maybe the world was waiting for confirmation of Osama's drowning in his cave in pakistan. As for all terrorists being Muslim, I must've missed the news bulletin announcing the Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) had converted to Islam.


  17. Mwarangethe,

    I am shoked beyond words that the FEDERAL RESERVE of the USA that was given exclusive money printing rights in 1913 and continues to manipulate the USA and by extension world economy is a PRIVATE ENTERPRISE.

    USA is under the mercy of this ogre in the white house that no one can dare kill coz its stronger and more powerful that the POTUS.

    The money policy of the new katiba of Kenya has also legitimized a prototype of this hegemony. God help us.

    Kumekucha Prefect

  18. And BTW Mwarang'ethe why can't you mint a theory on the Monsoon floods? Please surf the net and publish your dessertation, won't you?


    The truth, indeed, is something that mankind, for some mysterious reason, instinctively dislikes.

    Every man who tries to tell it is unpopular, and even when, by the sheer strength of his case, he prevails, he is put down as a scoundrel.

    Chicago Tribune (23 May 1926)

  19. Anon 3:05

    "All terrorists are Muslims": fiction.

    You probably have never heard of St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. That happened a whole 4 centuries before the first document 'Islamic terrorist' act. And, in between we have had many other terrorism activities carried out by Christian groups against other Christian sects or followers of other religions. The Tamil Tigers, as far as I am know, were the first to carry out suicide bombing. Last time I checked they were Hindu adherents.

    Closer home, the LRA has wreaked havoc in northern Uganda, South Sudan and parts of DRC. The Catholicism they espouse and the fact that they want to rule Uganda by God's Commandments never make to the mainstream media. While at the same time, Shabaab and their like minded in groups will always be in mentioned with Islam featuring in the same sentence.

    Yeah, the Mau Mau too were a terrorist group just like Hamas, the ones who are fighting to liberate Palestine.

    Depends on where you get your news from.

  20. And I forgot, the first case of terrorism in independent Kenya was committed by the State against innocent Somalis. The burning of Garissa in 1980 and the Wagalla massacre of 1984.

  21. Baqad you adressed the easier target at 3:05 & ignored anon 7:26 who raised some very pertinent points. As a Kenyan Somali do you believe it is just to channel ill-begotten wealth into the Kenyan economy via local residents? Wouldn't it help the KE Somalis cause to expose their errant relatives money laundering activities rather than turn a blind eye & buy properties with blood money? Shouldn't they expose immigration officials who they know are naturalizing Somalis while ignoring KE Somalis pleas for even an ID? Just wondering if there are any patriotic KE Somalis out there. Past injustices have probably made most want to give the system, & the country, "payback" by any means possible.


  22. Baqad don't be selective with your history. KE has always had reason to be weary of the folks in NEP. That's the only province that raised arms to fight the Kenyatta gov't on the eve of independence because the people actually wanted to secede from KE & merge with Somalia. That was the cause of the Shifta War '64-'69.

    The only thing that put the insurrection to an end was rounding up the population & putting them in 14 manyattas (concentration camps). Once the rebels supply routes were blocked (read active support from KE Somalis to the bandits was blocked) the insurrection ended.


  23. As a Kenyan Somali do you believe it is just to channel ill-begotten wealth into the Kenyan economy via local residents? Wouldn't it help the KE Somalis cause to expose their errant relatives money laundering activities rather than turn a blind eye & buy properties with blood money?


    ``I know the secret of making the average American [Kenya] believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television.... You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images....''

    --Hal Becker, media ``expert'' and management consultant, the Futures Group, in an interview in 1981.

  24. Mwarang'ethe that is a truism only in America. For one thing only 2% of Kenyans own TV sets. For another, the Nyayo years trained us well in seeking alternate sources for news. Now with the internet in the mix, only a fool will select to be informed via KTN & Kumekucha alone. The sources are practically unlimited.


  25. Islam advocates murder and I wonder which "god" allowes people to kill others under the guise of religion. Pastor Terry Jones, Kudos!!

  26. Anon 2:08
    Don't blame Muslims, Koran tells all Moslems to kill non-belivers.
    In other words, many moslems are disobeying the Koran.

  27. Anon 2:24

    The Quran explicitly says killing a single innocent human being is like the whole of humanity.


    I have said it before, here and elsewhere, that we need to tame the runaway corruption in Kenya and have a coherent foreign policy. I do not want to be the one advocating for policies aimed at only one community. If we deal with corruption same of these things you are complaining about, and others as well, will be a thing of the past. But, instead of having a zero tolerance attitude towards corruption we choose to target the soft target here, the Somalis in Kenya.

    You know I remember when the Bonaya was being touted as a possible successor of Moi, Christian clergy in Kenya were appalled by that and registered their disgust with Moi. They didn't know that Bonaya was a Catholic. In 2009, Macharia Gaitho wrote in the DN that he only recently learnt that Garissa was indeed part of Kenya. Now, if the elite are that hopeless when it comes to knowing what exists within Kenya and the fabric of our society, what do you expect a policy that is aimed to deal with Somalia's Somalis in Kenya will do the Kenyan Somalis?

    Its for that reason that I want us to deal with the root causes of these issues.

    And, for your information, the atrocities I mentioned were committed by Moi and long after the Shiftas laid down their weapons and accepted their Kenyaness. Rather than treat us with the respect we deserved they continued killing us.

    By the way, do you know that NEP is the ONLY PROVINCE in Kenya that has no tarmacked roads? And, do you know that NEP is the ONLY PROVINCE in Kenya that has the PC's office and residence, and effectively all the important offices at the HQs in another province? And, you expect me to be patriotic to Kenya.

    Anyway, I am patriotic and see myself as Kenya but we can't change the attitude of the masses by further estranging them. You need to show them that they are part of this country.

  28. Anon 2:24

    The Quran explicitly says killing a single innocent human being is like killing the whole of humanity.

  29. Baqad,
    Are you denying Koran does not tell Moslems to kill non-believers?
    Or you think we're naive we don't know what is in that evil book?

  30. Anon 2:42,

    Yeah, we need to kill imbeciles like you. Lucky you, you are logged as Anonymous!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Are you denying Koran does not tell Moslems to kill non-believers?
    Or you think we're naive we don't know what is in that evil book?

    9/11/10 2:42 AM


    But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

    LUKE 19: 27

    Is that Koran????

  32. Anon 2:42,

    Yeah, we need to kill imbeciles like you. Lucky you, you are logged as Anonymous!

  33. Baqad,
    No need of name calling or empty threats. Just answer me: Is it written in Koran that Moslems should kill non-belivers? A Yes or No will do.

  34. Mwarang'the,
    Stop your Ujuaji here by bringing irrelevant bible quotes to divert from what Koran tell the followers to do.
    FYI: Luke does not tell the followers to kill non-believers.

  35. Anon 2:56,

    I called you an imbecile and for good reason. You can choose to either follow the Pat Robertsons of this world (and lately Terry Jones) or you can do all the resources Kenya wasted on you a favour by buying yourself a nice copy of the Koran (I presume you are Kenya). Only then you can come up with your own conclusions. And, this is my last rejoinder to an imbecile like you.

  36. FYI: Luke does not tell the followers to kill non-believers.

    9/11/10 3:02 AM


    Because the verse we quoted says what?

  37. Baqad
    Past injustices motivate your lack of patriotism. Expose the corrupt gov't officials. Name & shame them. You have 14 MPs from the various Somali clans (Ogaden, Degodia, etc). Why are they silent on your lack of tarmac roads? Hold them to account.

    1 estate in Garissa was burned in 1980 AFTER 6 gov't officials were murdered in the area by locals. Did you expect the GSU to issue medals to the people? Even in the US kill a cop & expect the full force of state FFU machinery on you in a disproportionate brutal response.

    The Wagalla massacre occurred after the Degodia community refused to cooperate by bringing out the non-KE amongst the people. It was excessive but even cops can panic & overreact to perceived threats.

    Bonaya was a good man. Moral of the tale....never outshine Moi.


  38. Islam religion is a counterfeit of Judaism and Christianity founded by a false Prophet--Muhammad. FACT!

  39. Bobby6Killer,

    You shock me, I thought you knew better than these.

    "1 estate in Garissa was burned in 1980 AFTER 6 gov't officials were murdered in the area by LOCALS."

    Emphasis mine.

    Last time I checked, we had only one person responsible for the death of 'government officials' in Garissa. If you care to know, his name was Abdi Madoobe. Having said that, was the government of the day justified in interning the residents of a whole town for three days at the playground of a school without food and water? And, were they justified in burning houses and killing people for that? I thought we had the police and judiciary, to investigate and charge criminals?

    "the Degodia community refused to cooperate by bringing out the non-KE amongst the people."

    Am not sure when this discourse of non-Kenyan Somalis in the midst of the Degodia started. But, just for your information, Somalia collapsed in 1991. Only thereafter did we start receiving Somali refugees in Kenya.

    "Past injustices motivate your lack of patriotism."

    Sadly, no. I wrote that to show you why further picking on the Somalis would not help the Kenyan cause. The only result you will get is a community further estranged from mainstream Kenya. It if for the reason, as a Kenyan, that I say that we need to tackle corruption and come up with a good foreign policy. Please read again, I said 'as a Kenyan'.

    And, please visit my blog again and read my articles - just to get a gist of my arguments.

  40. Anonymous said...

    Past injustices motivate your lack of patriotism.

    1 estate in Garissa was burned in 1980 AFTER 6 gov't officials were murdered in the area by locals. Did you expect the GSU to issue medals to the people? Even in the US kill a cop & expect the full force of state FFU machinery on you in a disproportionate brutal response.


    F&5k the so called patriotism that allows such senseless murder of the innocent.

    “This disgrace should be done away with at once. Heroism on COMMAND
    SENSELESS BRUTALITY, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism.”
    Albert Einstein

    “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” -Samuel Johnson.

    “I submit that patriotism is the first refuge of a scoundrel.”
    -Ambrose Bierce ~

    “It is even worse - I submit patriotism is the first, last and middle range of fools.”

    -H. L. Menken

    “Patriotism is the principle that justifies wholesale murder.”

    -Leo Tolstoy

    “Patriotism is a religion, the egg from which wars are hatched.”

    -Guy de Maupassant

    “Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.”

    -Bertrand Russell

    “Patriotism - the virtue of the vicious.”

    -Oscar Wilde

  41. Baqad the facts are from Ahmed Issak Hassan's (a KE advocate) writings. NEP was a no go zone for ordinary citizens for years. Only gov't officials, cops & troops could venture there. I guess the PC should've resided in NEP & made himself a target.

    What I am saying, as a previous contributer to Kumekucha also said, do away with the victimhood & try to work within the system.

    On paper, the new constitution offers the people of NEP a golden opportunity to break the endless cycle of the past. Make that work for you rather than give the state the chance to clamp down on unrest (there are provisions for state of emergency). Rat out those amongst you who are in KE illegaly. Use your blog to get your community to work with the rest of KE not in parallel/opposition to it. Expose those with wealth acquired by illegitimate means such as piracy & human trafficking. I believe they are known, or easily can be, within the community.


  42. Use your blog to get your community to work with the rest of KE not in parallel/opposition to it. Expose those with wealth acquired by illegitimate means such as piracy & human trafficking. I believe they are known, or easily can be, within the community.



    Why not start by asking Kikuyus, Luos, Kalenjins, Asians, Arabs and other "tribes" to expose those who have gained wealth in illegitimate manner like land grabbing, corrpution, drug running, gun running etc?

  43. As a Kenyan Somali I am not proud to be a Kenyan and do not have the reason to be proud. I did not choose to be a Kenyan rather it was forced on us by British to esure instability in Africa for decades. If the referendum is successful in Sudan then watch out for other countries in Africa following suit. Even nfd is not imposible. Kenya needs to recognize our contributions or else let us break away the error of begging is over.

  44. As a Kenyan Somali I am not proud to be a Kenyan and do not have the reason to be proud. I did not choose to be a Kenyan rather it was forced on us by British to esure instability in Africa for decades. If the referendum is successful in Sudan then watch out for other countries in Africa following suit. Even nfd is not imposible. Kenya needs to recognize our contributions or else let us break away the error of begging is over.

  45. Mwarang'ethe in that case we need all the scoundrels we can get. Nation building requires sacrifice. We even steal symbols of others (flag raising statue from Iwo Jima) to manufacture a sense of "nationhood". If we can do it relatively peacefully with the odd Wagalla here, PEV there, so mote it be. The landgrabbers, gun runners, drug traffickers of all ilk are known to us. If change doesn't come soon enough their day of reckoning will come with a vengeance. Let's get equal disclosure from NEP guys & their northern cousin's.

    @ anon 4:23 thanks for your honesty. Alas we are all in the same boat as far as this Brit experiment called Kenya goes. However we have to make do with the cards we were dealt. Going the pre-colonial route would leave us with small non-viable states in the modern sense. Somalia is proof positive that having 1 tribe is no guarantee of success. It still breaks down into its sub-clans violently. Your most likely better off in KE where the stable state restores order if not law, sometimes brutally, than you would be dodging bullets in Mogadishu.


  46. Mwarangethe,

    "Why not start by asking Kikuyus, Luos, Kalenjins, Asians, Arabs and other "tribes" to expose those who have gained wealth in illegitimate manner like land grabbing, corrpution, drug running, gun running etc?" Thanks for this and your take on patriotism.


    "What I am saying, as a previous contributer to Kumekucha also said, do away with the victimhood & try to work within the system."

    Its obvious you haven't read my articles. And for your info, the PC still resides in an area that is effectively in Coast Province.

    And, as Anon 4:23 says thats the prevalent sentiment in the province. In fact, most Kenyan Somalis will tell you they are going to Kenya when they are crossing the Tana Bridge in Garissa.

    Anyway, I say what I say because Chris here and many other Kenyans, and the Standard Group of late, are of the opinion that Kenyan Somalis are complicit in the Somali problem Kenya is facing. I am not even sure what Somali problem Kenya is suffering from. The problem of positively contributing to the economy by the Somali Diaspora community? Why do we want to only concentrate on the piracy money when indeed almost all Somalis in Europe and North America are sending money (and they form a significant proportion of 'our Kenyans in the Diaspora') to their relatives in Kenya? Do you know that the amount Kenya receives from this section of our unwanted visitors (and we are talking clean money here) would come to a stop? Lets look at this from both sides; if the dollars the send from piracy is bad then we shouldn't even touch their good dollars with a ten foot pole.

  47. I'm really proud of our Kenyan Somalis who have steadily marched on in enterprise and increasingly in politics despite a system that has perpetually excluded them. I am particularly horrified at the irrational sentiments against Islam that are being voiced here and hope that the rules of common decency will be enforced.
    No need to blame a whole community in Kenya and in Somalia for the misdeeds of a few. Not everyone is thrilled by the actions of al shabab.

  48. Ooh! Mwarang'ethe please! Spare us..

    Bobby 6 Killer only gave out his advice, plus we always dont have to 'worship' you with your 'dogmatic' theories.

    You never seem to agree....Is your view always right? Hell no and by the way Islam advocates for the Killing of non believers a.k.a infidels - stop quoting irrelevant verses from the Bible.

  49. I am not ant-Somalis but I am ant-Islam. If I have my ways, I would order all Muslims in Kenya to convert to Christianity or anything else by force!
    Islam is a religion of violence that turns good people into murderers and monsters.

  50. Now that Al-Shabab terrorists continue there reign, we can only blame the vatican for helping create this evil religion.

    The vatican helped to finance the building of the massive Islamic armies in exchange for 3 favors:

    1. Eliminate the jews and true christians in North Africa
    2. Protect the Augustinian monks and Roman Catholics
    3. Conquer Jerusalem for "His Holiness" in the Vatican.

    It is common knowledge that Khadijah(one of mohammeds many women) gave her wealth to the pope and her cousin 'Waraquah' was a staunch Roman Catholic and was very close to Mohammed and helped interpret his 'divine revelations'. Warakuah is responsible for directing Mohammed that Abraham offered Ishamel as sacrifice and we all know that the Bible says it was Isaac.

    When the Muslims conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the temple they built in its place 'The Dome of the Rock' in Ishmaels honor - the site is now Islams second holiest city.

    And it was a plot gone bad when Jerusalem was conquered by the muslims and then they refused to handover the same to the pope on realising that they could actually conquer the world for "Allah".

    The pope in his tired wisdom decided to raise an army to go back and recapture Jerusalem.

    FACT: St. Francis of Assisi helped negotiate a peace deal between the Islamic and Roman armies. And the deal was, Islam took over Turkey in Europe and Roman Catholic got Lebanon (which is now back to Islam).

    So long as Al-Shabab continues following its Islamic ways, we the children of God are READY FOR WAR!

  51. This is my best alternative of burning a Koran:
    Instead of burning the current Korans, we should recycle them into toilet papers and print new ones from pig skin and put an American flag on the first page of each Koran and let them circulate.
    These terrorists will learn the world is controlled by 4 Billion Christians and not 1.3 Billion Muslims (Lunatics)

  52. Al-Shabab, should only realise that Islam is a false religion, we shall pray for them so that they may see the light.

    Mohammed is not a messenger of God. One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not lust, rape, be a war criminal, a mass murderer.

    Mohammed was a ganster godfather, raided merchant caravans, raped and enslaved women. No wonder women are second class citizens in Islam.

    Even the Koran 4:34 Orders a man to beat his wife if she doesn't obey him.

    So I plead to my Al-Shabab brothers, Islam is a scam especially Shi'a Islam, the notion of "Taqqiyeh" an immoral tactic to lie for a good cause and later retract your words.

    We are awaiting for you my brothers to accept the Love of Jesus Christ.

  53. Religion is indeed the opium of the masses.

    Islam is a sanitized version of ancient polytheistic moon worship, which Mohammed invented inorder to exercise military control.

    FACT: Was the title of 'al-ilah'(the god) used as the Moon -god? YES
    2. Was the pagan "Allah" a high god in a pantheon of deities? YES
    3. Was he worshipped at the Kabah? YES.

    I say dont follow a merciless religion, plus my Al-Shabab brother's there aint no virgins waiting for you in your heaven - pay K-Street a visit instead.

  54. @ anon 5:06 that's what I have been trying to get out of Baqad. Denounce al shabaab. Step up to the plate & expose their activities or laundering actions when they come to light as i'm sure they may from time to time within the KE community. KE passports have become suspect for international travel as they are dished out to the highest bidder non-Kenyan (Baqad's corruption but there's local duplicity as they can help expose the racket).

    As for the anti-Islamic rants they should be ignored (have you seen the Kikuyu/Luo rants on the blog comments? Some Kenyans lack decorum). Islam has a far longer history in KE than Christianity which is barely 100 years old in Kenya. We should not take up the west's battles here as Africans usually know how to live & let live (That's why it was a shame al qaeda & co brought their battles to nairobi & mombasa).

  55. This is what I don't understand about Islam; they say God does not have a son, yet in Koran, Jesus and Virgin Mary are mentioned more than 25 times each. In fact Koran says "Mary was favoured by God amomg all other women... God breathed into her and conceived Jesus"
    There are many recordings in Koran of many miracles Jesus did because God enabled him. There is also a mention that Jesus was a messiah in Koran.

    So why then do they need Mohammed?
    Is that not a contradiction?

  56. Freedom of expression is not a licence disrespect peoples faith and beliefs. Some of the comments here should not be printed or allowed to be posted. Such comments have potential to cause wars and mayhem. I am sure this loud mouths don't want to see secterian wars in Kenya, because they never end and no one wins.
    Chriss you may find this islamaphobia to be fun but you stand to loose the respect of your readers who are mostly well educated people. This topic is distasteful and dangerous

  57. Anon6:49,
    Why is it always disrepective only when it comes to Islam but when muslims burn other countries' flag, bibles and call death to Christians, there is not a single voice from Islamic world condemning their actions. Is that not disrespective?

    We are not going to be held hostage by this religion. The world is going to rise and stand against Radical islam! No more fear!!!

  58. @Anon 5:42 AM

    Mbona unaropokaropoka pamoja na kupayukapayuka bila ishara yoyote ya nidhamu wala hekima?

    Wondering why one would waste their valuable energy and sanity, regurgitating the very same-old same-old same-old religious vitriol that has always been spewed by the extremist "fundos" for centuries?

    "The Vatican did this, Vatican did that. The Vatican is responsible for this and that and that and that!!." Who really cares in 2010, centuries after the fact?

    BTW, were you or anyone close to you once harmed in anyway, shape or fashion by the world wide agents of the Vatican?

    Am not insinuating that's case here, but if it is the case for one reason or another, then pole sana, but don't forget to take the appropriate criminal plus civil action against the perpetrators.

    Better late than never. Don't forget to get a prono bono lawyer, otherwise most lawyers end up keeping 65% of whatever is awarded to you during final settlement.

    Healing the unseen wounds is always the better solution as opposed to wild online rantings and ravings, here and there in search of attention.

  59. Christianity is the ONLY true religion that worships GOD!... And yes we are ready for war with heathens if need be.

    Soldiers of christ will continue to march on, Religion aint the 'war' of the west, it's war of God's people versus the false prophets as stated in Revelation.

    Bring it ON! Burn the Koran!

  60. The BIBLE doesn't have contradictions like the Koran. We have tolerated Islam for too long, we allow them to build mosques, eat and dine with them, entrench their religion in the constitution.

    Wonder what would happen in say.. U.A.E, Palestine, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia if Christians demanded for the same.

    WAR of the WORLD's

  61. @Anon 5:67 AM

    The burning of another country's flag or flags of other nations, is and has always been a political statement that has nothing to do with religion whatsoever, but seasonal politics, or theatricals.

    How about you guys burn each others religious flags without destroying temples, churches and shrines in the process?

  62. I will never forget "Rose" and 200+ other Kenyans who were Killed in the name of this evil religion in 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing!
    Many Kenyans lives were turned upside down... and you want us to tolerate this evil religion? Hell No!

    "Onward Christians soldiers marching unto war, looking onto Jesus...."

  63. The Vatican was established in 1929 so it couldn't possibly have struck all those "deals" in antiquity.

    Looking at the Al Shabaab question, which was the premise of the original post, as a religious matter misses the point. It is a matter of state. National security to be precise. The main concern should be how do we work with NEP residents to ensure the "porous" border is secured? How do we ensure that illegitimate funds aren't funneled into KE through non-regulated informal community "banks" & may later be used to finance hits against targets in Nairobi or elsewhere? (It takes a national ID to mpesa or zap cash around. How are NEP non-ID holders moving cash around?).

    Turning this into who worships who & to what end is not going to stop Al Shabaab hitting targets in Nairobi. I fail to see the need for cyber crusades/jihads when the goal should be ensuring a potential terror threat is averted & our collective security as KENYANS is assured.


  64. This is the time we need Crusaders (Christian Army from Europe) back again like in those medievel days when they took over Jerusalem and controlled Israel for 200 years.
    In those days Muslims were shitting themselves whenever they hear of these Crusaders.
    They preserved all the holy sites in Israel and stopped the descrecation of the Tomb of our Lord Jesus by the Muslims.
    If u go to Israel today, you will be able to visit all those Holy sites thanks to the Crusaders.

  65. Bobby6Killer,

    We dont care wether Islam was here 100years earlier than Christianity in Kenya...

    We know how muslims behave..look at what happened with that terror guy from Jamaica...huh!

    The facts about Islam are very clear.. So terrorists only blow themselves up just for the promise of heaven with so called virgins, thats a sure date with the devil. I come from Southern Sudan but have lived in Kenya for 4years now and I know what Islam is capable of.


  66. Bobby6killer,

    We have to look at the Al-shabab issue from a religious point of view.

    What do there statements and actions stand for? Especially against innocent victims.

    What kind of law do they use in Somalia?

    What do they call there war?

    Bobby6Killer please WAKE UP, ONLY JESUS IS THE ANSWER.

  67. Bobby6killer STOP being so naive! Was the Roman Catholic Church established in 1929?

    On whose behalf was St. Francis of Assisi mediating for? And what was the final agreement?

  68. Bobby6killer....what christian religious 'secret' is it that the Ayatollah possesses that made the Pope agree to a pact. And what did the Ayatollah get in return?

    You are one of the few 'sober' bloggers here, so I would expect you know the answers to the above questions?

  69. @Mwarang'ethe, in your usual style and manner you have simply quoted an irrelevant verse from the Bible.

    You also want to state that you are an expert in religion??? Keep it WEALTH and LAND. Of which we are yet to see real solutions.

  70. @ anon 8:17 you'll be pleased to note the US has its AFRICOM base in Djibouti (part of greater Somalia). Japan will have troops there as well so although not quite crusaders, the piracy issue will soon be directly addressed.
    @ anon 8:23, Arab presence at the coast goes back 1CE almost 1,900 years so Islam landed when it started. Agreed on the Jamaican which I asked Baqad earlier. The Southern Sudan experience with Islam is horrific. Over 2.5m dead. But that is your history not KE's. We had slave trade issues with the Islamic world & maybe if the Christian wazungus eventually pay reparations for slavery & colonialism maybe the Arab world will follow suit. All the best in your 2011 referendum. @ anon 8:31 KE is a secular state though for historical reasons Islam has to be recognized constitutionally. You can't fairly take away what's been there since day 1 of independent KE. Secular states thrive economically so we need not do what they do with Sharia. @ anon 9:17 you can't claim the Vatican made agreements which, allegedly, were made by the Holy See. Keep it factual. A multicultural society cannot afford to have one section against the other. Live & let live within the law of the land.


  71. Only Islam that is at war with all world religions. In India they fight we Hindus and Sikhs, In Israel they fight with Jews, in the West they fight with Christians.
    And you want me to tolerate this religion and continue to plant bombs in our beatiful capital?

  72. Wow, the place has really been invaded by PEACEFUL Christian Crusaders!

    Booby6Killer and others, please disregard these imbeciles. I can't think of any other word to describe them.

    By the way, I see a South Sudanese in our midst and I wonder whether the problem we have is limited to Somalis only. It is for this reason that I have been saying we need some good foreign policy.

  73. @ anon 9:22. I have heard about the alleged pact between the Holy See (not the Vatican) & the rising Arab Muslim armies that led to the downfall in the 700's of the Roman Province of North Africa which practiced Christianity. A similar pact allegedly led to the downfall of the Eastern Roman Empire (Turkey & beyond) whose capital, Constantinople (Istanbul) fell in the 1400's.

    My take on it, these unfortunate turn of events had more to do with highly motivated & organized Muslim armies of the day than any secret pact with the Pope in Rome. If you have any info to the contrary kindly provide the links as I do enjoy history.


  74. Bobby6Killer

    Just because Islam has been in Kenya the earliest does not mean it's the right religion.
    Baalism was there in Canaan well before Abraham was born (Abraham is the father of Muslims, Christians and Jews faith).
    Baalism religion and the worship of Golden calf was the reason why canaanites and all the other "ites" where driven away from their land by the Israelites with the order of the Almighty God.

  75. B6K,

    Thank you so much for the post @8:13 AM, and for steering the conversation(s) back to the center and heart of the maze, yaani the original post.

    Terrorism and NOT Religion or Religious affiliations.

    The Creator of the universe does NOT give a ... about what man made religion the earthling beings belong to.

  76. are the BIGGEST IMBECILE!

    Islam is just fool of false hoods! Contradiction, intolerance, false prophets.

    Did Mohammed 'Rape' a nine year old?
    Do you believe there are virgins waiting for you in 'heaven' i.e. Ofcourse If you blow up yourself?

  77. Anon 10:29,

    Sure, I am. However, please go back to school and learn how to spell correctly. Only thereafter should you be allowed to debate with adults. Maybe you need some change to buy candy with, on your way?

  78. .....@Baqat!

    Aint you the biggest imbecile!


    For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved"... So call on His name, also you brother Mwarang'ethe.

  79. What makes Christianity superior to Islam? By worshiping a Three in One God? And how does that make you a monotheist? I thought One was One and Three was Three? AK47, how about we left Jesus and Mohammed aside and went back to Abraham, and worship God the way he did?

    By the way, I thought Jesus was sent for the Sons of Israel only, so where is the relationship between an African and the former?

  80. ‎"Behold! The angels said: 'O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a
    Word from Him. His name will be Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and in (the company of) those nearest to God.'" (Quran 3:45)

  81. I am a Muslim and I believer in The One and Only God, there is none like unto him. He begat not and neither was He begotten. I believe in Jesus too, but not as the Son of God but as a Prophet. I do not believe that Jesus died, rather God saved him and took him to heaven. I believe that Jesus will come back. Am not sure what is so evil about that? As a Muslim I am not supposed to kill an innocent person save because that will be like killing the whole of humanity.

    Tell me what is so evil about that? Why do you have to listen to the likes of Pat Robertson who thinks Haitians (by extension Africans) are a cursed lot? Why do you have to listen to someone who would help the Zionist in Israel to subjugate your coreligionist in Palestine? Do you know that Palestinian Christians can not worship at the church of Nativity all courtesy of the Zionist's policies supported by the Christian right? So, what is Christian about that?

    As a Kenyan I am glad though that your guys didn't have your way, as regards the recently promulgated constitution. I am happy that Kenyans, who are majority Christians, did not fall for your propaganda.

  82. Islam, Christianity and Jewish have a lit in common and believe in the same one god. Where don't they agree and which one is true relion. Who went wrong. Where are the experts.

  83. @Baqad!....clap!..clap!...clap!...clap! Typical of Islamists, avoiding the True Facts!

    You were asked did Mohammed Rape a 9 Year Old? Yes / No.

    Is it True that Virgins await you in heaven, once you are all blown up in smitherins...

    If the Referundum was about "Should we retain Kadhi Courts in the constitution?" we all know what the result would be, so dont try and speak on behalf of christians.

    CHRISTIANITY IS SUPERIOR TO ISLAM. And more peaceful to. No false 'jihads'.

  84. Fact more lives have been lost in the name Christianity than all other religions.
    Fact the holocaust of the Jews was done with help of Vatican.
    Fact Christians and Jews were happier under Islamic rule in Palestine than under the Romans. They had more freedom to practice their religion and could own land and property.
    Fact Christianity is shrinking and only in the third world you will find the church is full on sundays. Europe is an atheist continent where the only religion they know is chrismas.
    The war btw Catholics and Protestant has stopes because the west has stopes believing in God period.

  85. "....peaceful......"

    Have you ever heard of the crusades? And, how the Christians and Jews lived there before and after the fall of the Christians?


    I thought it was you guys who had, in clear contravention of the bible, homosexuals as priests?

  86. There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

    (Al-Baqara [2:256])

  87. Osama Bin Laden is a Terrorist.
    Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim.
    So Islam must surely condone Terrorism. Lol!

  88. Osama Bin Laden is a Terrorist.
    Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim.
    So Islam must surely condone Terrorism. Lol!

    This false prophet Mohammed guy surely had a 'super' Libido...Islam allows for 4 wives maximum and dude had like 9 wives or was it 11, I guess exceptions were reserved for the PROPHET! Lucky man.

    He must have been on super viagra! Lol.

  89. Mahali Muslims wako Iko Shida kubwa sana!

    We want to convert our Muslim brothers to the only true religion of christianity.

    As your Koran contains so many contradictions. Mohammed just slept and woke up, the way you can think of writing essays and came up with the Koran.

    The false prophet was a murderer, rapist, liar e.t.c an original gangster, no wonder his Al-Shabab disciples are so violent kawaida ya Muslims.

    We be the only true religion, u dig Mujahedeen Warriors.

  90. @Baqad....why do Muslims just avoid facts Aaaarrgh!

    Mohammed did rape a 9 year Old, and Oh the chosen one was infallible, had enough wives, I guess thats why your Al Shabab will rape virgins first before slaughtering them, as the Koran does not allow for killing of virgins- no wonder they are reserved for you in 'hell'. Jesus on the other hand was so pure and kind, but he will return.

    So prepare to go to HELL!

  91. Allah was simply a moon god. The Kabbah was a place for Idol worship. Mohammed had an insatiable appetite for women he didnt even spare children. Women are second class in Islam - no wonder Al-Shabab even forbids wearing of Bras.

    Even school bells - Al Shabab psychos!

  92. My POEM!

    I was brought up in a christian home - so Islam must be a lie.
    My parents were Christians - so Islam is a lie.
    I dont like the name Islam- so Islam is a lie.
    George Bush didnt like Islam - he cant lie, so Islam is a lie.
    Christianity is the largest religion - all these people cant lie - so Islam is a lie.

    Mohammed must be in hell.

  93. @Anon 2.25pm Bwa ha ha haaa!

  94. Bagad,

    Ignore the ravings and rantings of certain froth filled ... fundamentalists who are using the original post to spew their homeschooled bigtory, intorelance and vitriolic propaganda.


    It's not worth it.

  95. anon 11:05,

    Christianity is an extension of Judaism. If you read your bible very well, In the old testament from when the kingdom was taken away from Israel God promised the Israelites a messiah who will come from the House of David and His Kingdom will have no end, He will save the Jews people from oppression of their enemies (Bablyonians and the Roman Empire). This was prophesied throughout old testament especially by Prophet Isaiah. So God sent his only begotten son Jesus, to Jews first and then to the gentiles. And through Jesus, Christianity was founded. Christianity is founded from the word CHRIST, which means in Hebrew the anointed one or the Messiah.

    As of Islam, it is a fake religion that masquerade itself through Judaism and Christianity to deceive the followers. Muslims trace their root from Ishmael the son of Abraham who he begot with his servant girl called Hagar and was rejected by God according to the Holy Bible because he was not a child of promise.

    On the other hand, Christianity and Judaism trace their root from Abraham's son Isaac, or the the son of promise whom Abraham sired with his wife Sarah, Isaac then begot Jacob and Jacob begot the 12 sons who later became the 12 tribes of Israel. And in those 12 sons (tribes), Judah was chosen to be the kingly tribe and this is where King David came from, and 1000 years later, Jesus was born from this lineage of the House of David.
    Matthew 1:1-6.

    But obviously the Jews rejected Jesus because they were expecting a proper King who will come in full majesty and power to annihilate all the enemies of Israel. And this is where Judaism separate from Christianity. In other words, Jews are still waiting for a 'proper' messiah as of today.

  96. Anon 8:03 AM

    While you continue to remain loyal, faithful and committed to the memory of "Rose" and 200 plus other Kenyans, DON'T FORGET OR IGNORE to do the same for 1600 plus other Kenyans who were murdered by their fellow Kenyan neighbours during a marauding mayhem of December '07 and January '08.

    May the souls of all those who perished continue to rest in eternal peace.

  97. anon 3:53 PM

    Why do you and people of your ilk love to parrot ancient narratives without a deeper understanding of what was written fallibly by imperfect men?


    What religion has the Creator of the universe subscribed to since time memorial?

    Why would a sect of imperfect men (mortals) conjure up a cultic religion then turn around and impose it on the Creator of Universe?

  98. Baqad(or is it Bagdad?)

    Jesus DID NOT just came to save the sons of Jews but He came to SAVE THE WHOLE WORLD. To the Jews first because at the time He came the Jews were expecting a messaiah. And those Jews who believed were saved, most notably Saul who later became Paul who is credited as the greatest Apostle of Jesus Christ. Through Paul, the whole Roman Empire accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ which he preached throughout Europe and Asia Minor.

    And before Jesus ascended to heaven, He said His Gospel or the good news of His Kingdom will be preached throughout every corner of the earth, to every race and every tribe. And it is after this He will return again.
    So don't say you have never heard of the good news of Jesus: Repent and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and YOU will be saved!
    Don't worry about your Muslim family, YOU will stand before God on your own. Choose life, choose Jesus.

  99. Just ignore this ...

    I now understand why Christianity took centuries to reach the shores of East Africa in the last 120 yrs, while it had cemented its deep roots in Ethiopia years before 330 AD.

    Drink deep for a change.

  100. Eid Mubarak to all concerned.

  101. Anon 5:18,

    FYI: Ethiopia was once a very powerful Kingdom. Only 3rd or 4th most powerful nation in the ancient world after Egypt, Babylon and the Roman Empire.

    And Christianity has been in Ethiopia since 1st AD , only few years (or months?) after Jesus ascended to heaven. That is before Europe converted to Christianity! How do I know that? From the book of Acts in the bible, (Acts 8: 26-39) there was this Ethiopian Eunuch an important government official in Ethiopia, who came to Jerusalem to worship and on his way back to Ethiopia, Philip one of Jesus disciples witnessed to him and he got converted to Christianity. He went back to Ethiopia rejoicing and from him Christianity began to spread throughout Ethiopia.

  102. Holy crap! This is precisely why it is best to have a secular state. Just a couple of random corrections. Philip the Evangelist & Saint Philip the Apostle were 2 different people. Ethiopia in the ancient world was in northern Sudan (Punt) as modern day Ethiopia was called Abysinia. Pat Robertson claimed the Haitians were cursed because they made a pact with the devil to liberate themselves from slavery. Just a white man's opinion as there's no other explanation in his world view on how ordinary black folk could defeat French & English armies. He made no mention of Africa.

    Christ is a Greek word (from Christos) not Hebrew. I could go on & on picking out errors, misrepresentations, & lies in the holy war above. The poem is "cute" but inflammatory though it does underline the fact that at the end of the day even religious matters depend upon on where you are born. Live & let live.

    The point remains, as Kumekucha commentators split into their Christian & Muslim factions to fight their holy war, Al Shabaab wamepita katikati yenu & they've set up a cell or 2 in Nairobi & Mombasa.

    Folks let us not lose sight of the real threat here. We need to be vigilant as a nation to avoid any repeats of Aug '98 & Kikambala.


  103. Anon 3:53

    Thanks, will do that.


    I think we have a threat not just from Shabaab but also from a section of the supposedly peaceful part of Kenya. It is for these reasons I always don't like the idea of coming up with policies aimed at only one section of the crowd. We need to come up with the relevant policies that would make extremism, of whichever faith, undesirable in Kenya. Also, we don't need to have a purely secular system for us to coexist as savages. I think, we can harmoniously live together, but, as long as we tame all the faiths; and not just the minority one. After all, it is our land at stake here.

  104. The Koran and Al-Shabab are one and the same thing. So the Islamic plot of converting Kenya into an Islamic state will NEVER! work.

    Anyway am enjoying my bacon and sausages for breakfast as I post my comments!

  105. Bobby6Killer

    STOP lies here!

    The Ancient Ethiopia is the SAME as the modern day Ethiopia.

    Archelogists (Sp) have dug up many evidence of ancient Ethiopia somewhere north of Addis Ababa and throughout Ethiopia.
    Queen Sheba Palace (The Queen who met King Solomon in Jerusalem about 1000 BC) who found not far from the Modern day Addis Ababa.

    And who are you? who made you a teacher over this blog to correct errors?
    ... and which errors and misinterpretations? or you are trying hard to sound important/Mr-know-it-all!!
    There are no errors and Misinterpretations there, you just want Kumekucha bloggers to bow and marvel before you.

  106. Bobby6Killer,

    I am now even more shocked. I finally got the article you talked about yesterday. The same was written by our current IIEC chairman. However, I am surprised that you deliberately substituted " bandit known as Abdi Madobe..." with this "locals"

    Two, I read about Wagalla from the same document and I didn't see, and just like I told you yesterday, the issue of foreigners. Read it for yourself again:

    "The Wagalla Massacre in Wajir in February 1984. This was the second documented incident this time blamed on the General Service Unit (GSU). In February 1984, the security forces launched an operation in Wajir targeting the Degodia sub-clan of the Somali. Most of those rounded up in the swoop were summarily executed after days of incarceration at the Wagalla airstrip. Close to 5,000 people are said to have lost their lives during this incident."

    I am shocked that you could blatantly lie!

  107. All the same, thanks for leading me to that article!

  108. @ anon 1:12 sorry to burst your bubble but the Kingdom of Sheba was in present day Yemen.

    Baqad, keep searching. You will find concise versions of the same general write up that do not include the name of the lone gunman. They simply refer to government response to the murder of 6 officials in Garissa. The massacre happened, but then again so did the murders that preceded it.


  109. Bobby6killer...Bang! Bang!

  110. Bobby6Killer,
    You know you have no evidence whatsoever that Queen Sheba Kingdom is from Yemen. Dream on....
    Even a primary school pupil can tell you Queen sheba was an Ethiopian Queen, the land of Cush.

    You think Kumekucha readers are not educated, don't you?
    It's a pity some people here might take note of your twisted, ill-informed information as the truth.

    I urge the readers to check the accuracy of any information you post here!

  111. Bobby6killer.... HONESTLY! Was that a cheap shot! Ati Queen Sheba kingdom was from Yemen????

    Even a toddler will tell you that, it is an OPEN secret that the origins are from ETHIOPIA!

    Or you want to start feeding us 'dogmatic' theories like Mwarang'ethe, trying to sound intelligent and rubbishing opinions.

    Shindwa Kabisa!

    Bang! Bang!

  112. I believe there are a few elements here that are questionable. Either Mwarangethe and Baqaq are working for NSIS or CIA.

  113. I could've sworn this post was closed earlier. @ anon 4:11, kindly feel free to verify as Baqad did earlier. I also know the Queen of Sheba from Ethiopia story. That's what we were taught. The Ethiopian royal family claimed heritage from Menelik I, the queen's son with King Solomon. However, modern archeological findings place the Sheba in Yemen (although it covered portions of Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia & Eritrea some say even Egypt). The capital of Sheba was Ma'arib which is not far from Sana'a, Yemen. Kingdoms tend to keep their capital's in shags as they spread outwards. Yemen has always had ties with Africa. Remember sheihk Balala?

    @ AK47 don't be so trigger happy. Keep up with the latest 411 rather than relying on what we were taught back in school. You will find even history is constantly updated (or re-written).


  114. First of all, I am so glad to find that this topic is no longer in the number one position but it has been relegated to the archives of Kumekucha.

    What a relief! And good riddance of some individuals had hijacked it in order to find their seasonal religious fundamentalist shirmishes, whenever there is an opportunity.
    Bo6kir @9:23 PM

    Where do modern archaelogical findings place the
    a)Garden of Eden.
    b)Noah Ark.
    c)The Ark of the Covenant.
    d)Where Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David or Solomon were buried.
    e)Crossing point (location) where the fleeing Hebrew slaves crossed the Red Sea.

    All they can do is speculate and add some broken pieces of pottery here and there.
    The Ancient Empire of Abyssinia at its height also included Sothern Egypt, Eastern Sudan (as far as present day Darfur), Yemen and Western Saudi Arabia, and existed in various forms from 980 B.C.

    So imagine a case where Kenyans in 2090 or 3029 claiming that Queen Elizabeth as one of their own just because she happens to received the news about her soon to be queenship at time when she was on a safari in Kenya.

    Or just because Kenya was at one time - 100 yrs ago (1900s) - part of the Commonwealth (of Nations).

    That has been the case with ancient claims on the world renowned Queen of Sheba.

    Many have claimed for political, social and religious reasons, hence the variety of names accorded to her, such as Queen of the South, Malikat Saba, Makeda, Balqis, Balkis, Sultana Sud, Kentakes, Hatshepsut, Nicaula et al.
    Jesus of Nazareth.

    Hebrew .... Yahushua Mashiach.
    Greek ..... Iesous Khristos.
    Latin ..... Iesus Christus.
    English ... Jesus Christ.
    Your language ... ? ... ?
    Why should we the people limit ourselves to commemorating the victims of August '98 & Kikambala?

    What of the 1600 or more victims who perished during the '07 & '08 PEV?

    Who will shed heroes and heroines tears of national remembrance on their behalf?

    What about the 1000s and 1000s who lost their lives during the bloody pre indepedence era?

  115. First of all, I am so glad to find that this topic is no longer in the number one position but it has been relegated to the archives of Kumekucha.

    What a relief! And good riddance of some individuals had hijacked it in order to find their seasonal religious fundamentalist shirmishes, whenever there is an opportunity.
    Bo6kir @9:23 PM

    Where do modern archaelogical findings place the
    a)Garden of Eden.
    b)Noah Ark.
    c)The Ark of the Covenant.
    d)Where Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David or Solomon were buried.
    e)Crossing point (location) where the fleeing Hebrew slaves crossed the Red Sea.

    All they can do is speculate and add some broken pieces of pottery here and there.
    The Ancient Empire of Abyssinia at its height also included Sothern Egypt, Eastern Sudan (as far as present day Darfur), Yemen and Western Saudi Arabia, and existed in various forms from 980 B.C.

    So imagine a case where Kenyans in 2090 or 3029 claiming that Queen Elizabeth as one of their own just because she happens to received the news about her soon to be queenship at time when she was on a safari in Kenya.

    Or just because Kenya was at one time - 100 yrs ago (1900s) - part of the Commonwealth (of Nations).

    That has been the case with ancient claims on the world renowned Queen of Sheba.

    Many have claimed for political, social and religious reasons, hence the variety of names accorded to her, such as Queen of the South, Malikat Saba, Makeda, Balqis, Balkis, Sultana Sud, Kentakes, Hatshepsut, Nicaula et al.
    Jesus of Nazareth.

    Hebrew .... Yahushua Mashiach.
    Greek ..... Iesous Khristos.
    Latin ..... Iesus Christus.
    English ... Jesus Christ.
    Your language ... ? ... ?
    Why should we the people limit ourselves to commemorating the victims of August '98 & Kikambala?

    What of the 1600 or more victims who perished during the '07 & '08 PEV?

    Who will shed heroes and heroines tears of national remembrance on their behalf?

    What about the 1000s and 1000s who lost their lives during the bloody pre indepedence era?

  116. Islamaphobia at it's best!

  117. Bobby6Killer,

    Christ is the English term for the Greek Χριστός (Khristós) meaning "the anointed one".

    It is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ(Māšîaḥ), usually transliterated into English as Messiah.

  118. anon 8:34 PM

    did u forget to include the equivalent of jesus christ in one of the ancient written languages besides hebrew, greek and latin?

    'isa masih' in arabic. it is!

    anon 6:25 AM

    y didn't u just provide bobby6killer with the etymological link for the same @

    or the sources u borrowed the etymology of the word from?

    technology is at people's fingtips, including those of bobyy6killer, i suppose.

    nb it's okay to cut and paste, but don't forget to give credit where credit is due.

    just reminder, n nothing personal.

  119. @ anon 6:48 absolutely. Which is why I told Mwarang'ethe only a fool would rely solely on Kumekucha as a source for information. I don't think he took too kindly to that statement.

    The internet is a brilliant tool for information. Those who want to locate biblical sites are free to surf & discover them to their heart's content.


  120. Jesus is also called "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" in the book of revealation.


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