Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Kibaki Is The Main Target in Ocampo's List of 6

Kenya comes full circle from the Kapenguria Six to the Ocampo six

Nobody would have guessed it but the Kenyatta name entered into the history books of Kenya leadership politics when he was charged with six others in Kapenguria for being not only a member but the leader of an illegal murderous gang called the Mau mau. Almost 60 years later the Kenyatta name is set to exit leadership politics in Kenya with another Kenyatta being charged with directing a murderous gang called the Mungiki.
His excellency President Mwai Kibaki's behaviour in recent months explained.

Admittedly the situation is very different this time round but the similarities are uncanny and more numerous than one would think at first glance. Both trials involved six persons, the earlier case was the Kapenguria six, this time round it is the Ocampo six. Both controversial court cases were a very major turning point in the history of Kenya and destined to lead to the liberation of the Kenyan people with this second one leading to the major liberation of ending impunity in these shores.

And the end of impunity is the underlying messages that many analysts have aptly captured as special ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo released his list of six suspects. For the first time the legal strategy of Ocampo can be clearly analyzed. The direction it is leading is shocking and unexpected for many because it is the road to justice and it sticks like a leach to his promises of dealing with those who were most responsible for the violence. The list reveals just how sharp a legal mind the Argentine lawyer is and is a warning volley to the lawyers for the six of what they will be up against in the months to come. But what I personally found even more revealing was that the list subtly and very clearly on my mind explains plenty of political mysteries that have plagued Kenya in recent times.

Let me start with the political mystery explained. In recent months those who have known President Kibaki have been shocked at how the president metamorphosed before their very eyes from a well know permanent caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly that delivered a new constitution that is bound to have far reaching grave consequences on the political class (in fact we have already seen evidence of the fallout starting to happen even before the constitution has been fully implemented).

Could it be that the president was preparing very early for a strong defense at the ICC based on an image of being the number one reformer having personally pushed for and succeeded in getting a new constitution implemented? I mean the guy was fightoing for a new constitution like his life depended on it. Could it be the reason why the president went to such great lengths and expense to invite the most famous fugitive from the ICC, President Al Bashir of Sudan to discredit and reduce the political impact of the ICC court and make a strong case for African cases to be left to the AU to resolve?

When you think about it, it all neatly fits into place like some jigsaw puzzle and makes sense. Especially when you consider that amongst the six on Ocampo’s list are head of Public service Francis Muthaura (a name that shocked many Kenyans and was totally unexpected in the list) and that of the notorious immediate former commissioner of Police Maj Gen Hussein Ali. Both these public servants were at the heart of what triggered the unprecedented killings in Kenya in January 2008. In giving their evidence everything will point straight at where they were taking orders from and that is the head of state. Indeed it will be a repeat of exactly what happened in the case of Sudan where President Al Bashir’s name emerged later as the evidence unfolded in proceedings. His indictment actually happened long after the Sudan trials had commenced.

Impeccable sources have proved to this blogger that the case against the two gentlemen (Ali and Muthaura) will be the easiest to prove, with water tight evidence. An aside here is that many Kenyans (and not just politicians, we see the same disease in the comments in this blog every day) are too fond of opening their mouths too quickly and making comments that display their ignorance and lack of knowledge on many issues. For instance in this case what many forget is that the ICC is not a court designed to prosecute chicken thieves. The guiding principal here is crimes against humanity. What happened in Kenya in January 2008 was so horrifying that any maker of the most scary horror movies in Hollywood will be quickly challenged and their work made to look like fairy tales for toddlers in comparison to what happened within the shores of our beloved country. I tried my best to capture some of that horror when the clamour for blanket amnesty for perpetrators of the post election violence started, led by some very wicked MPs. Regular readers of this blog will remember the statement we published here from a woman who watched her husband being killed and was then gang raped. But barely had a rape started when her attackers felt that the place where they were plunging their male tools in brutal rape was too small and actually proceeded to “widen it” with a panga and then continued to rape amid the blood spurting out in torrents. By some miracle of God that woman survived to tell her story. See her story here.

The legal strategy of using people who were taking orders to lead to the source of the orders is a smart one both legally and politically and for all intents and purposes is bound to work like a charm.

Now we understand why there has been so much panic amongst the political class in recent days and even talk of withdrawing Kenya from the Rome statute which is the most stupid idea I have heard in a long time because notice has to be given of 12 months and withdrawal will not affect ongoing cases in any way.

The old powerful Mafia don that has dominated Kenya for so long like a dark colossus and is called impunity is definitely going down. He is of course going down fighting, but down he is going.

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  1. Meerkat Manor12/15/10, 8:27 AM

    There is no ICC without Raila Amollo Odinga, the main insigator of the violence.

    Can't wait for Ruto to spill the beans and bare it all where his orders came from! Ruto is holds enough evidence to incriminate one Amollo Odinga.

    Ruto is going down BUT NOT alone!
    He is taking the whole ODMoron party with him!

    Watch this space....

  2. Chris: This is a very astute assessment. Ocampo is certainly going to let those indicted point the finger at "the Big Man."

    Meerkat Manor: Raila's situation is more complicated and less difficult to prove especially given the past history of pre and post-election violence in the Rift Valley.

  3. Meerkat Manor: I meant to say Raila's situation is MORE difficult to prove...

  4. If I was one of the six named and happened to know too much...I would flee in the heat of the night and seek political asylum somewhere very safe and far away from Kenya. Someone just knows too much and may be "taken out" by the merciless mafia any minute before plea bargains begin at The Hague, nothing can be ruled out. Desperate times calls for desperate measures! Be afraid, be very afraid! After being the most powerful politician after Kibaki, Muthaura is going to pay a heavy price, thanks to Kibaki's hands off approach and "laziness many see him. The void Kibaki created thanks to his "laziness"was quickly filled by Muthaura. As for ODM chairman Henry Kosgey, what does he and Ruto know that Raila doesn't? Ni kubaya sana wasee! We are not yet done with the aching tooth! Kibaki has already stated the suspected mass murderers will still stay in their jobs, hakuna ku-step aside! Impunity reigns supreme, only in Kenya! I wonder if ailing Muthaura can seriously handle all the heat coming from Ocampo's kitchen. As for Jayne Kihara, Michuki, Karume, Gen Gichangi and Kibor, well they can finally snore as they sleep. That's just for now.

  5. This is what made "Kumekucha" famous and also earned it numerous enemies at the same time, getting to the very core of the motives of the political class. Thank you for this Chris.

    Now we know what all the noise PNU politicians are making is about. Their boss is being targetted for an appearance at the Hague, alongside his bossom buddy Al Bashir. This is too much excitement for me...

    wacha ni digest hio kwanza.

  6. Who did say hatutaki madoadoa? Oh, oh oh. Mtu atapita kaikati yao!

    The target is not Kibaki and not Raila. The target is the system that webred for 47 years.

    If Sonko can be garlanded, if Pattni can be lionised, if Maina Njenga can dine with the Kings, then, the system should be targetted and hit hard.

    Kibaki is okay. Leave him alone please. He won an election (4.5 million Kenyans cannot be wrong), was sworn in a Musalia Mudavadi and Raila Odinga calledfor Mass Action. Phil told us here that there will be a People's Government swearing in at Uhuru Park.

    By the way, when is the next Synovate Poll with Raila Odinga and 78% approval due. 78% think that he can make a good presidency with Uhuru Kenyatta as vice.

    Today Raila was in Uganda meeting Yoweri Museveni! HA!

  7. Chemilio as the C-I-C is a haunted man, the ailing and sickly Muthaura will have sleepless nights tonight, as he least expected being mentioned.

    The List though should have read: Uhuru, Michuki, Mbugua (AP Boss), Iteere,Ruto, arap sang ( remains the bile the jamaa chomoad on radio is akin to kill all the cockroaches as potrayed in hotel rwanda)

    And those who say that Raila will have a straight and narrow to the house on the hill are dreaming, only the disillusioned ones can say that. Who said that we have to vote him in ama its automatic.

    The Kenyan heir apparent prince Uhuru will never see statehouse, he belongs to the wrong TRIBE. And bwana Ruto wrote his orbituary the day he deviated from BABA.

  8. M.pesa

    you are spot on when you say someone will be "taken out" by the merciless mafia, this disease called "Ocampositis" is spreading fast and has ambukizad Kenyans as far as the tribal diaspora.

  9. Can the KK Vampire suck some blood out of this Ocampo madness and snuff out life off every persons post/comment. The stench of the vampire is in the e-shadows, its feeding time

  10. @Chris,
    Thankfully this is not over by a long shot;after today's announcement a local tribunal is the way forward to deal with names omitted from Ocampo's list

    Not to mention pressure from the Kenyan public who not only want justice against ICC crimes but political responsiblity taken for stolen elections

    Just when we thought we were moving away from the darkest chapter of our nation's history today's announcement proves we haven't even started the healing process from the scars of 2008

    No time to enjoy my usual gourd of Mursik or maindi choma today;I await the conclusion to this political theatre, the thrilling grand finale which will place the buck squarely at the foot of both State and Orange House.

    In the meantime i revive and reclaim my horseless status as the footsoldiers amass and descend on us with war songs in the name of their tribal warlords. Only brand new leadership can save Kenya. Where is Phillip to pray....

  11. FTR (for the record):

    The main reason why 'President' Al Bashir of Sudan was invited to Kenya had nothing to with the ICC or the AU.

    It all had to do with a national appeasement of the government and people of Sudan.

    The Kenya government feared impending retaliatory actions anf therefore urgently wanted to be totally forgiven for having been caught with its national pants down or red handed with the goods, military hardware that was destined for Southern Sudan.

    The former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Moses Wetangula, was right all along when he reiterated that "Kenya needs to be on friendlier term with its neighbours."

    'President' Al Bashir forgave Kenya for its indiscreations against the Republic of Sudan.

    NB: Military hardware has been shipped to Southern Sudan via the port of Mombasa, on regular basis since the 1960s.

    Israel was the largest "consigner" in its efforts to punish Sudan for providing assistance to the PLO movement at the time.

    Now You Know!

  12. Ocampo is too smart for the Kenyan political class.From experience elsewhere,he knew targeting the principals would only raise emotions,cause instability in the country and give the leadership valid reasons why not to co-operate with the ICC.But what could Muthaura have done without Kibaki's approval?And what could two prominent members of the ODM pentagon Ruto and Kosgey done without Railas knowledge?This Ocampo guy is pure genius,let kenyans digest the initial shock of those in the list,get the cases started and then let the evidence implicating the two principals slowly trickle out from their previously loyal henchmen.We are headed for exciting times indeed.
    Ps..Where does all this leave Mr Wiper?I think the stars are in perfect alignment for him this time around..!

  13. Chris,

    Why Kibaki is (not) the main target in Ocampo list of 6 soon to be ICC indictees?

    One lesson learned by all professional game hunters of the big cats is that they have to be very patient, tread carefully at all times while tracking the leader(s) of the pack, while in the meantime, bring down the other ferocious members of the pack or before pride before zeroing in the major target. It can sometimes take seasons.

    Does the name, Jean-Pierre Bemba aka "JPB" ring a loud bell?

    The former vice-president of the DR Congo, is about to face The Hague for charges of allowing a campaign of murder, rape and pillage in the Central African Republic.

    Ironically, some of those (well known Ugandan generals) who backed Bembe are not on The Hague's menu or next course of prosecution.

  14. Who in his right mental state can VOTE in Kaloozer into statehouse, the man just like his slogan will be wiped out of the Kenyan political scene, am sure he is munching muthokoi with Pauline tonight!

  15. Chris:

    Those who think that fingering of the PNU guys and Ruto hae increased Thug Raila's chances of getting to State House in 2012 must be naive fools!! In fact, todays events have just placed Brother Kalonzo as our next president, period. The greatest winner today is Kalonzo.

    Apart from Raila, the other loser is Ocampo because he will not get more than two indictments out of the six; and of course, the victims of the PEV because justice will remain elusive.

  16. Is Chris a witchdoctor or what? This article
    was written more than a year ago but correctly names the three cabinet ministers in Ocampo's list.

  17. Chris,
    Now you have made Luka it the roof and ban all kids/maids from KK because dared write this

    ......But barely had a rape started when her attackers felt that the place where they were plunging their male tools in brutal rape was too small and actually proceeded to “widen it” with a panga and then continued to rape amid the blood spurting out in torrents......

    How dare you Bw KK? It was so lurid even Luka skipped it and never commented on behalf of the innocent kids. Wapi e-cop?

  18. Well penned Chris. Below find a link for the ICC Sudan Timeline to support your missive that we are looking at the tip of the iceberg with the Ocampo 6:

    It took over 3 years from when the ICC issued its initial summons in '05 to 51 unnamed individuals to when Bashir was indicted in mid '08. A similar timeline in KE would see Kibaki hauled off to court from retirement while Raila would possibly find himself in the ignomious position of playing cat & mouse games with the ICC a la Bashir.

  19. @Taabu,
    ati Anderson kitu gani?bila PS MUTA DO?roll on Sunday please and i'm not a BLUE man please

  20. Absolute hogwash..Kibaki aint going to no Hague and you all know him well enough to know that he would not be intimidated by anyone!! Can anybody show me anything or anyone that tishas Baba except perhaps Lucy? Hiyo ni ndoto....

  21. @Anon 9.57am

    WTF! A Kalonzo presidency stinks Puiiiiiiii! Prrrrrrrr! Like a Mwarangethe You Tube link, Leta Ingine. That Hair Glo dying opportunist's only state house will be photo frame on his wall. If he can't occupy the incomplete VP's residence in Karen how can he make it to the Hill. BURE

  22. raila will never see the statehouse!
    in his bloody quest for power he insigated crimes against humanity.
    poor chris, can't see this.

  23. Luke,

    I'm completely shocked. I didn't expect the backbone of Muthaiga club to be snapped like that. Mentioning Uhuru and Muthaura is a serious matter that should not be ignored. Fortunately Michuki and Lucy will be there to comfort Kibaki, otherwise we were at the helm of loosing our president through heart attack. Also fortunately the President has decided to regard as white paper with blank ink and nothing more the 'Performance Contract' signed by all civil servants, that says that if a civil servant is suspected of any wrongdoing he must step down. So Muthaura will still be Head of Civil Servant and he'll be able to give sound advice to Kibaki during these trying moments.

    It's still shocking that Muthaura will meet the Cabinet in the absence of Uhuru Kenyatta since they are not allowed to meet as they are both suspects.

    It's even more shocking that ICC gave conditions that will ensure Uhuru and Ruto don't meet in person to discuss about KK alliance.

    Just like PNU politicians I'm also shocked because there is very high possibility that since independence power is going to shift from Muthaiga club to I don't know where. If you know very well what happened to Biwott and the likes when power shifted from Moi to Kibaki then you'll know what will happen to the likes of Kimunyas when power shifts.

    To be honest I wasn't prepared to all these. At least on Kalenjin side it was known, the only little shocker being the mention of Henry Kosgei.

    The way I and my friends feel is the way Disciples felt after Jesus' death on the cross. We hope some resurrection will happen and it will be business as usual. But how long it will come to pass we don't know. At the moment we are getting ourselves prepared for more damning information revealed at ICC before CNN, BBC, Sky and Al Jezeera news for all to see.

    Maybe from tomorrow, next to City Hall, on a hot sunny day, we'll start discussion on who will take from Ruto and who will take from Uhuru.

    Eugine Wamalwa is the favourite coz Kalonzo and Saitoti cannot be trusted. He had started planting himself last Sunday. If you know how closely Luhyas and Kalenjins interact at Cherengany then you need to know that Eugine can get all Kalenjin votes by Ruto saying 'Wamalwa tosha'. With Maina Njenga on his side he'll get over 30% of Kikuyus. Further Eugine is still a poor geek who can be easily controlled.

    Let me hope and pray that we will not witness any heart attacks and strokes.

  24. @ Meerkat Manor 8:27 am, I beg to differ with your post. Please note that calling for Mass action is not a call to kill and destroy property.
    I will give an example, just last week, in London, university students were called to mass action by their student Union President. They came in thousands and demonstrated in peace. But a few decided to break the law and even attacked the police. People who broke the law of the land have been arrested but not the student union president. He called for demonstrations but not destruction of property or injure others.
    This also applies to Kenya. Demonstrations should NOT mean death and destruction.

  25. @ anon 11:02. There is no statute of limitations on murder or crimes against humanity. Those are 2 out of 5 charges against Muthaura, Uhuru, & Ali. The ICC court hearings are likely to bring forth testimonies that will incriminate others such as Michuki & Kibaki. On the ODM side, it's no secret Ruto wouldn't bat an eyelid to incriminate his former brothers in arms. As the Chinese say, slowly slowly catchee monkey. This is the ICC way.

    KE made the failed state (bottom 20 countries) list in 2009 & got a worse rating in 2010 whilst previous perennial offenders Rwanda & Uganda actually improved & left the list. In short, we are easy pickings for the international community to put us back on the right track. A scenario where Kibaki is eventually targeted by ICC is not as far fetched as it may seem now. It would also correct a major disservice that Kenya has unleashed on other African pseudo-democracies...the Grand Coalition Government patched together after rigged elections.

  26. FOOLISH arguements we are likely to hear soon:

    1. Ocampo didn't name any Luo yet there were violence in their areas.

    2. Ocampo was influenced by Obama.

    3. Obama was influenced by 'his cousin' Odinga.

    4. Ocampo, Obama and Odinga belong to same tribe. They are playing politics in Kenya in order for Odinga to become president.

    Such people will forget about Waki and KNCHR reports. Such people will forget PEV victims. Such people will be full of hatred.

    It's time we need to come together and build our country.

  27. You rightly got it
    Legally,the eventual suspect is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, fullstop. eiter by commission (instructing Ali and muthaura) and by ommission (allowing Kenya to burn while wholed in statehouse and meeting Mungiki organisers and financiers).

    wait for evidence to start flowing.Artur bro saga is a joke,also directed from statehouse.

  28. Whether or not you agree with Chris, one this is for sure:

    Electoral politics will change drastically in Kenya. This is the one thing that will make our leaders think twice before uttering hate speech and propagating violence.

    Cheers Kenyans! To a future of peaceful elections!

  29. the biggest loser today was raila since he will never get the kale vote and certainly not the kiuk vote. Kalonzo should start preparing himself for state house .....I am so thrilled ANYBODY BUT RAILA!!!!!!

    PS Ali Muthaura and Uhuru will be acquitted

  30. Just because Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto seem to be out of the equation for 2012 doesn't mean that their absence if any will provide, grant or facilitate easy national political maneuvering for the so called "leaders of tomorrow" who hapen to be their 60s and beyond.

    The major culprits who orchestrated the post election violence from both sides of the divide are well known and they should be brought to The Hague as well.

    Likewise there is an entreched segment of the Kenyan population who are known to be trouble makers, violent agitators, seasoned political instigators and purveyors of vitriol ethnic politics since the mid 1960s.

    Some of their leaders may assume or feel that they have gotten their own versions of "The-Hague-Free-Card" but they have no clue nor have they seen what awaits them around the corner of Kenyan politics.

    Suffice it to say that Kenya's political landscape is going to change for good, for the better and forever, and there will be more losers than the established Gang of Six.

    Some ethnic political alliances will be shuttered for good, and emerging political candidates will have to readjust and find new ways to survive and work with all communities of Kenya.

    There will be a huge political backlash against some individual politicians as they seek to travel the now treacherous '2012 Road to the State House', which is now paved with no guaranteed blueprint or road map.

    As for Kalonzo Musyoka, count him out, he will not even get bread crumbs in form of the next vice presidency or deputy prime minister.

    Forget the wannabe Masinde Muliro from the 1960s like Eugene Wamalwa, "the expert rider of coattails of a dead man" and such thing as "Luhya and Kalenjin of Cherengany" (chenganani).

    And don't even mention the dodo bird who still conscripted by his late father's political shadow.

    Now is the best time the Gang of Six to start spilling the beans before 2012.

  31. @1:42 PM

    My sentiments exactly, and we have not heard the last of it.

    The days of warped national politics, ethnic block voting, taking the minority communities for granted and plus assuming that the rest will follow like blind sheep, are heading to the Lang'ata Cemetery in Nairobi and Majimbo Cemetery in Mombasa.

    Finally, a new dawn might be on the horizon and all Kenyans will have their day and say at every national polls nad equal representation in all spheres of national influence from 2012 henceforth.

    The days of ethnic domineering should be ended in many ways than one and never allowed to fester in our midst.

  32. With Ruto and Kosgey on the list, there goes the last of the Kale votes for Raila. All the candidates have to do in RV is potray Arap Mibei as a traitor who had people fighting for him and deserted them once he got to the throne.

    With Muthaura, Ali, Ruto and Kosgey on the list, all the fingers point at Kibaki and Raila being the next guests at the Hague. Ocampo just has to let the scenario play itself out.

    Back to the politics of 2012. With the naming of the Hague 6, Uhuru and Ruto are automatically out of the running. However, per Ocampo words, the earliest the summons will come is in late 2011 or some time in 2012. That gives them enough time to potray themselves as victims to their respective communities and steer them the way they want for 2012.

    Now, that leaves Saitoti, Kalonzo and Karua as the next credible opponents of Raila in 2012. As we know, Saitoti stinks like a skunk and all you have to do to silence him is give PLO his cell number which will indeed happen if he plays hard ball with the succession plans.

    That leaves Martha. She is a headstrong woman who might be a party spoiler and without much dirty linen, she might be a problem. But if a soft approach of sending wazee to talk sense to her is used, she might be persuaded to step aside.

    That leaves Wiper. He is a coward who has been in the system long enough to know how it runs, and can be trusted to protect the mighty. Moi trusts him, so do the other powers in Kenya.

    This powerful people can easily put up resources to back him.

    Being a Kao, he is electable by ALL the tribes except the Luos and maybe some Lunjes.

    Throw in Eugine as running mate and you add all the Lunje votes to the basket.

    Balala and other Coast leaders can easily be convinced they are in the next Ocampo list. Btw, Balala already ditched Raila.

    Now, bring into play the fact that the elections in 2007 were not votes for Raila but votes against Kibaki (and Kikuyus for that matter), and the majority of Central were not votes for Kibaki but votes against Raila.

    So, you tell me, who is the greatest beneficiary of this fiasco?

    My guess, no matter how much many of you might not like it, Kalonzo is.

    We may argue sensibly because we are educated but the majority of the voters are illiterate in rural areas and they vote based on the current emotions. The 2007 theme was "Kikuyus should leave"... 2012 will be "Msaliti Raila"

    Watch this space....

  33. FACT: You CANNOT win an election in Kenya (Even by Rigging) without having EITHER Central or RV on your side.

    FACT: Almost half of coast is made up of Kaos.

    FACT: Central will NEVER vote for Raila.

    FACT: Without a credible Kikuyu candidate in the mix, ALL of central would vote for a Kao (Kalonzo in this case).

    FACT: Kales have no beef with Kaos.

    So, in a Kalonzo / Raila race, given the fact that now Ruto will have to run back to baba to try get advice on how to cool things, and baba hates Raila with a passion, this is what would happen:

    Nairobi: 50 / 50
    Central: Kalonzo (90 / 10)
    RV: Kalonzo (70 / 30)
    Eastern: Kalonzo (90 / 10)
    NE: 50 / 50
    Nyanza: Raila (90 / 10)
    Coast: Raila OR Kalonzo (60 / 40)
    Western: Depends on running mates so we split:
    :- Kalonzo / Eugine AND Raila / Mudavadi (50 / 50)
    :- Kalonzo / Non-Lunje AND Raila / Mudavadi: Raila (70 / 30)
    :- Kalonzo / Eunine AND Raila / Non-Lunje: Kaonzo (60 / 40)

    Now, for those saying Kalonzo has no chance, look at the match realistically. Bear in mind that the majority of voters are still illiterate and operate on emotions.

    I rest my case.

  34. Anon @ 2.50 p.m.

    You are getting ahead of yourself. If you think the path to State House is Kalonzo's for the taking you have really misread the times.

    R.V. and Cen. Prov. are not about to hand the self-centred politician the presidency on a silver platter.

  35. Who are the self-appointed politicians who will benefit from Moreno Ocampo's latest chase move?

    Kalonzo Musyoka is not one of them. The man has never been what Paul Ngei, Kitili Mwendwa, Muli Mutisya et al were to the Kamba community.

    Nor will he ever be the Kenyan version of Oliver Tambo, Sisulu, Albert Luthuli, or Sithoole, Nkomo, Chikerema, Muzorewa among others.

    But why does the Kitui politician remind me of a man whose political career will be marked and ended by the 2012 elections?

    The people of Kitui, the Kamba, Kenyans and the country in general will be better off fronting any other candidate apart from one Kalonzo Musyoka.

    First of all, Kalonzo had his chances of instituting real change in 2007 but blew it out by wasting it on short term political gain.

    He's better known as "kipepeo" in most political circles due to the fact that he has never been known to own a real spine of his own, but he is more of a worn out flag that is only good at floating in whatever direction he thinks that the seasonal political winds will take him.

    Najib Balala has a better chance of being elected the next president than Kalonzo Musyoka.

  36. @ Ken

    "Now, bring into play the fact that the
    elections in 2007 were not votes for
    Raila but votes against Kibaki (and
    Kikuyus for that matter), and the
    majority of Central were not votes for
    Kibaki but votes against Raila."

    Absolutely spot on! Expect to see more of that sort of voting for the lesser evil if we recycle the same old candidates.

    I for one hope the political landscape is in for an overhaul of cataclysmic proportions. 2012 will be a post Ocampo & post Wikileaks (which hasn't been covered much by KK) election. We have not even seen 30 of the 1,812 cables that will paint our current crop of leaders in extremely bad light to make them unpalatable as their dirty laundry comes to light. Yet you saw the venom directed against an absent Ranneberger on Jamhuri day. What are they afraid of? Don't be surprised if the fallout of the ICC cases & Wikileaks becomes so far reaching & overwhelming that KE will be forced to think outside the box & create a new political class from scratch.

  37. Hate him or like him, Uhuru Kenyatta will be vindicated when the ICC's prosecutorial dust has settled at The Hague.

    Uhuru Kenyatta is the only public figure who proceeded to take control of the situation by seeking available ways and means to try and rescue thousands and thousands of children, women and the elderly from the jaws of death, while others stood by and watched from the safety of their homes or the sidelines of political wrangles.

    Uhuru Kenyatta may end emerging as a stronger candidate, wiser politician and better prepared leader with a nationwide appeal, except in Nyanza.

    I consider Uhuru Kenyatta to be the lesser evil given what has emerged and also what major political antagonists are known to have done before, during and after the elections.

  38. Parliament to go recess on friday;

    This bunge should be dissolved. Can they ask and vote that the Ocampo six vacate office before they take the break if they are serious in implementation of new katiba.

  39. Kenyans are so unsophisticated. They blame their leaders for tribalism yet they (the people) are the tribalists. Someone up there says kambas should front someone else but not kalonzo. Did kambas meet and decide to front kalonzo? Kalonzo is fronting himself, as I assume raila and others are fronting themselves. This is the correct way to think. Are there any takers?

  40. @ Ken

    You must have learnt ARM CHAIR POLITICS WELL! Armed Complete with pseudo - FACTS! Kindly, read the National census report on the population of KAMBAS in COAST and get back to us with the figures shall you - or you think we are illiterate?

    Western Politics, you got it all wrong, Eugene Wamalwa is a Bukusu and we all know how his Bukusu rival Wetangula feels about him and plus we know how other sub-tribes in western feel about the Bukusu, remember the Late Wamalwa ( Even when he run for the presidency, how many luhya votes did he deliver against Baba?

    That's what we call SIASA ya MAKAMASI, don't try and vomit your FAKE FACTS you may end up swimming in your own vomit like mwarangethe.

    If only elections were decided on SKEWED BRAIN DAMAGE! The "illiterate" Kenyans who you think still roam the village do not exist anymore, take a walk down Kenya will you and educate yourself because you seem more" illiterate" or you are EDUCATED!

  41. @Anon 12.20

    Wah! Noma sana

  42. Chris, recently l wrote that the blog has become fake. You read it and surely you have risen to your best. This blog reached one million through thoroughly researched articles displaying bare truth.
    What you have written is plain truth. Ocampo and the ICC will not leave anybody untouched. The President had powers to order calm and he actually said wakitaka kupigana, wacha wapigane. He supported the villains. He has a case to answer. When his term ends, he will be summoned to the Hague. He will not come back. He will visit Charles Taylor and be neighbours for a long time of their wee years. Raila is not off the hook either. He will be summoned. Michuki is not safe yet. The PCs and the PPOs who are declining to write statements will be summoned to the hague for attemted coverup. Kenya will be a very good country to live in Chris whenpeople will live and respect neighbours rights.

    Chris, keep up the good discussion and educate these people that they are playing with long jail terms. Offcourse, food and accomodation is good at the Hague, unlike Kamiti. They should serve jail terms in Kamiti maximum prison not the Hague.

  43. Why Kibaki Is The Main Target In Ocampo's List of 6... That is the bottom line.
    So many are trying to drag Raila into that headline, won't happen! The earlier people get that the better for them. ICC will not play politics, equalizing blame simply because they were the 2 main contenders!
    Believe this, Raila will face the consequences IF, only IF he played a part in the PEV. Please note that just because Ruto & Kosgey are among the 6 does not make Raila guilty by association and just because he is the party leader does not mean he authorized any criminal acts. Unfortunately the same cannot be said with CIC-those are the bitter facts.

  44. Let's not forget that RAO was deprived of the presidency.

    Without Kalenjin support, I believe his chance is lost - although he cannot be underestimated either.

    The more important issue is whether ICC deliberations and indictments will change the political culture fundamentally.

    If the two principles can keep Kenya growing at over 7%/year, ICC will not risk destabilizing Kenya with an indictment of Kibaki or Raila (even if they were complicit).

    There are just too many unknowns right now to tell how things will play out in the next two years. This is really the window of opportunity that the senior leadership has to make fundamental change stick.

  45. Where has KEN disappeared to with his FACTS? Don't chicken out now Mister. We are waiting and lurking in the shadow, do stand up for your facts or you are KUKU like Kalonzo? Lets do this.

  46. Positions on Presidential hopeFOOLS!

    "Possible Contenders":

    RUTO: Will never make it, should carry his own Bible, we hear he is a STAUNCH christian and is out to shame the DEVIL.

    UHURU: He only provide "blankets" (arms) and "food"(finances) to the helpless (Kikuyu) and rumuors abound that a witness turned down a cool Ksh. 50M to trash evidence. His Old man made it to the Hill for UK it is downhill from here.

    RAILA: NO iota of evidence to link him to the skirmishes, even is on record for having sent IDA to rescue stranded Kikuyus in Kisumu ( No single Kikuyu died in Kisumu, but how many Luos were shot in the back?) but will not see statehouse either due to propaganda.

    KALONZO: His chances of making it to the Hill, is "Manifest Nonsense"


    KARUA: The Reason why she can't utilize her BIG EYES to see that she will NEVER make it, just beats me.

    PETER KENNETH: Has already been branded a traitor for abandoning the prince

    EUGENE WAMALWA: Better learn to live with tear gas and adjust his lung capacity, and better attend rallies in track suits for easier disappearing acts and know that YES.. Those people still think we are under the old constitution, Kenya ina wenyewe.

  47. 2:06 Am, If the two principles can keep Kenya growing at over 7%/year, ICC will not risk destabilizing Kenya with an indictment of Kibaki or Raila (even if they were complicit).

    This is not about the economy, not everything is! Ocampo will indict Kibaki or Raila, whether the economy is blossoming or not! Don't people know/understand what the ICC is all about???

  48. Anon 10:58 PM

    "Did Kambas meet to front Kalonzo Musyoka?"

    Where did you read or hear that from? Your guess must be as good as mine or the next person near you.

    "Kalonzo is fronting himself"? Well, well, first of all does he have the political guts, vision and the means to do so successfully?

    NB: This should have been the correct way to read and think before leaping to myopic induced conclusions.

    "The people of Kitui, the Kamba, Kenyans and the country in general will be better off [fronting] any other candidate apart from one Kalonzo Musyoka."

    Now who is the "unsophisticated" one that who sees everything through the prism of their ethnic lenses?

    BTW, did you notice the terms "tribalism" and "tribe" was not used?

    Some folks are sophisticated enough not to use such archaic terminology in their everyday conversations and thought process.

  49. @Anon 3.05 AM,

    Its a furu FURU CondishoooooON! LOL! @ "manifest nonsense" Now RAO has been potrayed as the Devil and bloggers here have always stated that "Lesotho" was his brainchild, if he had so much hatred for the Kikuyu then the statistics (if any) in Kisumu should have been enormous.

    Business premises TRUE were destroyed and Kikuyus evacuated but did they loose their lives? Can the same be said of Luos and Luhyas in Naivasha?

    The Beef between Kales and Kikuyus will never end, Kikuyus in RV know it and Kales know it, those in the know should ask what transpired in the council of elders meetings between the two communities for PEACE huh!

    How is it that from the get - go, its the PNU side that has always been against the ICC, just like they were against an election re-run in 2007, If we Kenyans are honest with ourselves, then we should ask who has go more to hide and loose?

  50. 3:27 AM, I 'like' your comment. Well said!

  51. One WSR realised the "blunder" he had made, by unleashing warriors to cleanse the RV of GEMA. This is a perfected art that RV Kale MPigs had nurtured over electioneering periods 1992,1997, and 2007 was not going to be any different.

    The Irreconcilable differences between him and RAO only took effect, when RAO refused to play ball and trash the WAKI and KNHRC report in public. Bwana WSR realised that he was on his own and the ethnic cleansing was a blunder on his part.

    He lost a lot of weight at first due to stress but in his brilliance, regained composure and decided to play real politics as his plan was to now side with UK, as PNU held forte and C-I-C was the real POWER and if played and potrayed well, it would scuttle ICC and constant references to RAO as the engine behind ICC was to make him look like he was the reason behind their down fall.

    Only disillusioned Kenyans will be unable to see beyond the smoke screens being played out, backed by the energizer bunny tribal diaspora in western capitals including as far as India.

    Did they want a "regional balanced tribal" list Kenyan style. I applaud RAO because he has exercised restraint in all this shenanigans, the Beth Mugos and Michukis of this world are trying to stoke a fire through incitement. We all know if RAO was to open his mouth and respond, the kind of circus that would be played out would be earth shaking.

    RAO has ceded too much, Stolen elections, Took up a "Nusu Mkeka" position, irrelevant ministries, name dragging, sabbotage by Chemilio in all aspects. Kenyan politics revolves around the man PERIOD!

  52. @ Anon 6.33am Yipeee Kaiyeee.

    The MP who has done more somersaults than Chinese trained acrobats regarding his position is Ruto. Now if you go ahead and hold a secret meeting with UK in early 2009 and you decide to "work" together to "finnish" this thing (PEV and ICC).

    The plan: Both of you will offer their candidacy for PORK and then play "victim" when things get hot. UK played it cool and in brilliant fashion, release Maina Njenga from Prison then eliminate Njuguna Gitau ( the UK link to Mungiki) and then make it look like rivalry for Mungiki leadership.

    Eliminate Oscar foundation founders before they hand in the Mungiki dossier to Ranneberger. Now WSR key suspects were flown out with the aid of Hassan Omar, before WSR got to them.

    Now the appointment of justice Kaplana Rawal is strategic and not meant to aid ICC in anyway, why? Kaplana Rawal is a FREE MASON and is on record as having declared that in 1992, now who among UK and WSR is a freemason with powerful links to the Scottish Hall and Wales, your guess is as good as mine, add that mix to the ICC.

    Someone is lucky to have godfathers all the way up and will walk a free man, as for the othe hossana hymns will rent the air in a 4 by 6 room at the hague, their bones will be intered in 2090

  53. And we all thought that Esther Arunga and Hellon were mad, when they said FREEMASONS run Kenya. Let us continue discussing NTV,KTN, CITIZEN, KBC, Nation and Standard news with verbatim and invoking tribal parlance the Kenyan way.

  54. Scuttling the ICC process will be a piece of cake, and quoting Ruto "Hii Mtihani tumepatiwa tutaipita". Out of the three judges one already dismissed the Kenyan PEV case as not qualified to be crimes against humanity, the people who died were sheep / cows.

    So UK, WSR, Mr. "Manifest Nonsense", the General who discharged his duties in a "professional manner" and others only need to convince one more Judge and the case will be a non-starter.

    The KKK alliance is going no where. UK and WSR will emerge as heroes and where does that leave Kaloozer, I pity that opportunist.

  55. Hey KEN where you @, don't scamper out of the KK wild wild west. Come back with your FACTS! Am just sharpening my fangs and claws woishe, you should know that I have learnt and honed my skills from the undisputed KK e-shadow vampire himself.

  56. News Flash! Overheard at a local KIOSK!

    1) Kwa nini rist (list) ya Ocampo haina Mjaruo?

    2) Uhulu (Uhuru) aliokoa maisha yetu wa kikuyu, tukichinjwo na makarenjin, wakati Kibaki alikuwa anarara statihousi.

    3) Raira na Ocampo wako na njama, Ocampo akona madhalau sana

  57. As we continue playing politics here, I have also decided to play politics in another way.

    I'm going to see which political party will be stronger and which leader is going to win. After that I'll see how to get close to the leader and to be in that political party.

    As you guys continue arguing about which leader will win, and as either Kambas, Luos, Kikuyus get happy because the leader of their tribe has taken over, I'll be dining with that leader since I funded his campaigns. I'll go ahead and make sure I've got government projects as you people get happy that leader of your tribe has won, yet you are still getting nothing more in your table.

    That's the smart politics that the rich knows and that the poor don't know.

    Let me tell you guys that everytime there is a big project, where more money can be stolen, nothing like tribe exists among the participants.

    That's why participants in Cemetery scandal were Luhyas, Kikuyus and Luos.

    That's why participants in IDP scandal were Kikuyus and Kalenjins.

    That's why participants in Maize scandal were Kalenjins, Luhyas and Luos.

    Participants of Goldenberg scandal were Kalenjins, Luhyas, Kikuyus and Indians.

    I don't need to tell you more. Infact as you guys are making noise about ICC know that this create a very good diversion that corrupt deals become easy.

    I don't know Kalonzo very well in regard to corruption, but what I know is that his presidency will not favour Kambas as much as Ngilu's presidency can. As a person who is not coming from Kamba region, and who can consider to engage in corruption, I can prefer Kalonzo or Wamalwa more than the other contenders.

    So as you guys continue making noise, I'm thinking of which members club to join and to meet the dude you'll be happy he has won, then we can make a deal of how we are going to fleece part of your tax.

    Generally when a leader from a tribe wins it means that rich people in that tribe will get more government contracts, but it doesn't mean that richer people from other tribes won't get, and also it doesn't mean that poor people from that tribe will get richer. We all know that many Kikuyus and Luos are still in Kibera, Mathare and Kariobangi despite Raila and Kibaki being in power.

    So know that the rich see politics differently.

    Okay I'm not going to do what I've said but I want Kenyans to know the reality on the ground.

    I'll start coming back with real cases coz I know exactly what happens inside the corridors of government offices.

  58. Small correction,

    I said "I don't need to tell you more. Infact as you guys are making noise about ICC know that this create a very good diversion that corrupt deals become easy."

    What I mean is that during this time it is normally easy to make corrupt deals in Kenya as people's attention is directed to ICC.

  59. Julian Assange, the founder of wikileak is now a free man!

    HAHAAAAA....! expect more wikileaks.....

  60. Philip said...
    As we continue playing politics here, I have also decided to play politics in another way.

    I'm going to see which political party will be stronger and which leader is going to win. After that I'll see how to get close to the leader and to be in that political party.


    "Despite the US presidential hopefuls railing about the errors and excesses of the banking sector, its bosses are among the most important donors to both the Republican and Democrat fighting funds."

    Yaani, the sheep get divided into this and that, but, the elite back both sides.


    Anyway, who is holding the popcorn and mursik?

  61. @ anon 12/16/10 3:27 AM

    So in your books it is pefectly Ok to destroy the sweat and struggle and years of thrift such as happened to Kimwa huh?
    Well, let me educate you for free (politics 101 on kiuks) The house of mumbi will never vote for a man who cannot guarantee the safety of their investments period!
    If raila was a smart man he should have understood that from the word go, you can't undermine the kikuyu economic base and expect them to vote for you ever, ask Moi

  62. Ocampo is a fool , his case against PNU was poorly researched and a good attorney will tear it to pieces he purports that mungiki and PNU had a deal in Nov 2007 while we all know that mungiki supported ODM during the elections and that's how The glory wanjiru got some votes, it wasn't until after the massacres in kibera and eldoret that mungiki intervened.
    If kibera is the basis of ocampos ethnic cleansing argument he may have to explain how come it was ODM supporters evicted people from their homes and who still to date occupy other peoples houses this case is truly manifest nonsense

  63. Ocampo may be a fool but who is FEELING THE HEAT? You don't trash him (Mwara.. style) with cheap kinyozi logic ati Mungiki supported ODM. Well, he told Rao off and he reminded all who care that he has no business with siasa.

    Stop e-FARTING from too much popcorn. You lack of creativity is evident in that belaboured phrase just like serial web reference. And BTW where did you study e-farting? LOLEST!

  64. Some people are keen on destroying Kenya. Let us hope their plans are thwarted and Kenyans remain united. We should refuse to be manipulated into killing each other just so that some individuals can save their asses. We do not share their 6by6 beds nor do we share rides in their limousines or helicopters. Wabebe misalaba yao. Kama waswahili wanavyosema maji umeyavulia nguo sasa yaogee.

    Just read this

    Let us pray that these evil plans fail miserably. No more bloodshed in Kenya! We are all human beings who just want to work peacefully and feed our families. One of our own in power changes absolutely NADA. When will we learn? There are still luos in Kibera and kikuyus in Mathare even with "one of our own" in power. Stop this tribalism thing, it is compeletely stupid, irrational and primitive. We have nothing to gain from it and we have everything to lose. Why can't we just go on with our lives and choose clean visionary leaders of whatever tribe they might be? Isn't that the most rational thing to do? How would one prefer a crook of one's tribe over a clean man of another? I fail to see the logic here.

    If robbers come to your house and steal your property and rape your wife and daughter do you cheer them on if they are from your tribe? It is the same here! Wake up Kenyans! Let us think of how we can take our country forward and all live better lives, we are a nation of masochists as of now. We need to free ourselves from the shckles of tribalism and start thinking like rational adults.

  65. If Emilio were the main target Ocampo would have gone for him directly, that's what he's been doing with others so why would Kenya be an exception?

    I agree that Kalonzo is the biggest beneficiary here--he continues to pita katikati, really.

    Raila has two options. Alas. One, start cloning himself right away if he wants some kind of a chance at the state house in the next 20 years or so. Or two, plan for another coup next year. Poor chap!

  66. Stop this tribalism thing, it is compeletely stupid, irrational and primitive. We have nothing to gain from it and we have everything to lose. Why can't we just go on with our lives and choose clean visionary leaders of whatever tribe they might be?


    Just a few DIFFICULT observations on the matters of tribalism and conflists in Kenya/Africa.

    Since the "Age of Enlightenment" European philosophers, have laboured under the illusion that, with increased scientific knowledge, men will be guided by reason.

    It was these views which led to colonisation of Africa so as to "civilise" us. By "civilising" us, they intended to create a universal man who is not tribal, nationalist and such.

    To achieve their dreams of a universal man, some thought that, Communism offered the sure route. Consult Karl Marx and Lenin for more details.

    For instance, Communists told us that:

    "IT is frequently asserted that the task of Communist enlightenment consists in the education of the NEW MAN...

    The Utopian and humanitarian-psychological viewpoint is, that the NEW MAN must first be formed, and that he will then create the new conditions."

    Source: Leon Trotsky: The Tasks of Communist Education @


    To others, the creation of a NEW MAN was to be done via global "FREE TRADE."

    It was why Fukuyuma on the eve of death of Communism which only managed to put millions in graves instead of creating a NEW RATIONAL MAN, he said, it was the END OF HISTORY and the LAST MAN.

    In other words, the end of the ideological battle between the twins of enlightement, was supposed to end HUMAN CONFLICT. How naive!

    However, with the end of IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICT of the last two centuries, which was an ANOMALY to say the least, man has gone back to his NORMAL CONFLICTS.

    Man's NORMAL conflicts since time immemorial are based on:

    (a) tribal difference,

    (b) religious diffences (remember war on terror?, remember Yugoslavia which was created after 1WW?),

    (c)scarce resources like water, land and oil (do you hear GEOPOLITICS which many thought was buried is back?).

    In other words, any increased scientific knowlege will be used not to enable man live rationally, but, shall be USED TO pursue his IRRATIONAL interests as shown above, and which offcourse leads to conflicts.

    However, instead of us realising this TRUTH, and build our future based on it, we seek to build our nations based on IRRATIONAL IDEAS of Enlightement.

    Thats why we hear some philosophers say, that, there is nothing like a "tribal land."

    And, it is upon this IRRATIONAL IDEA our nation founders laboured on the question of land. Unfortunately, the present and future generations will have to pay a heavy price for this IRRATIONALITY embeded into our Constitutions.

    Anyway, good luck and pass some more mursik please.

  67. Mwarengethe,

    Interesting. But how do you reconcile your being religious (superstitious) and your support for reason and rationality. The Enlightenment basically killed religion in Europe. To me science and religion are oxymoronic.

  68. But how do you reconcile your being religious (superstitious) and your support for reason and rationality. The Enlightenment basically killed religion in Europe. To me science and religion are oxymoronic.


    Enlightement was/is another religion. More so, it is more dangerous than the "old" religion these thinkers wanted/seek to replace.

    The "old" religion at least believed in the original sin, i.e. stupidity and vanity of man. The new one discarded these nortions.

    If you look around, you will discover that, since the enlightement madness, more millions have been killed by the STATES (Russia after 1917, Hitler, Mao, Cambodia, colonial and post colonial wars in Africa etc) than perhaps in the last thousand years.

    Don't forget the millions killed by "our dear friend, the USA" in the pursuit of rational world of global "FREE TRADE."

    Interestingly, all these murders/robbery were/are committed so as to build a MORE RATIONAL WORLD like that where there is no "tribal land" as Kenyatta, Mboya and other Ceasarist believed and their followers believe as we read in the "new Constitution."

    Unfortunately, all these experiements just like those of Ceasar and others will end in tears and blood.

  69. Mh. Mzee Mwai Kibaki never raised his voice and ordered any of his henchmen, let alone his diehard supporters and the crowds from within the ridges to cause mayhem.

    Likewise, Mh. Raila Odinga has always had a knack for staying above waters while those around him and in the mix of things, sink and drown to death while fighting for him in the dirty trenches of politics.

    1982 speaks for itself and 2007 is no exception.

    The two Generals won their respective battles against the one time iron man, Mzee Daniel arap Moi and their several political opponents during the struggle against KANU and its affliates around the country in 2002.

    Kibaki seems to have reached a point where he will remain contented with the current record of battles won, regardless of whether he never leads the fight in the major war for Kenya's total liberation.

    As for Raila, there is no doubt that he will keep his political skirmishes going, he will sustain any battles that are bound to gain him more political mileage, regardless of whatever body count that accrues in the process.

    He is the kind of politician who will never ever give up on his dreams and vision of winning his major political war, which is not to liberate Kenya from its past and current sad state of existence, but to become president of Kenya in one way or another.

    Unfortunately, the people, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, the workers, the poor, the displaced, the homeless, the so called "elite" and the pseudo intellectuals, the business community, and the common foot soldiers are not yet in a position to wake up and refuse to fight 'The Generals' Wars' but they will continue to used as political fodder as well as stepping stones 24/7, 365 days, including every election cycle.

  70. @Mwara"N"gethe,

    Your serialised e-farts stinks of rotten vampire flesh. Please cover yourself with a blanket and FART, and hope that you suffocate from the smell and die.

  71. Wilileaks on our smiling AG. How did he miss a ticket on the Ocampo Express?

    R e p o r t o f t h e
    C o mm i s s i o n t o
    I n v e s t i g a t e P o s t -
    E l e c t i o n V i o l e n c e
    ¶ 1 5 . ( C ) T h i s
    C o mm i s s i o n , c o mm o n l y
    k n o w n a s t h e W a k i
    C o mm i s s i o n ,
    i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e
    v i o l e n c e p e r p e t r a t e d
    o n t h e
    K e n y a n p e o p l e i n t h e
    a f t e r m a t h o f t h e
    D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 7
    e l e c t i o n s . T h e A G
    a p p e a r e d b e f o r e t h e
    C o mm i s s i o n a n d
    d i s c u s s e d t h e l a c k o f
    p r o s e c u t i o n i n t h e
    a f t e r m a t h o f
    p o l i t i c a l v i o l e n c e
    f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e
    K e n y a n e l e c t i o n s
    i n c l u d i n g t h e 2 0 0 7
    p o l l . C o n c l u d i n g t h e i r
    d i s c u s s i o n o f A G
    W a k o i n t h e r e p o r t ,
    t h e C o mm i s s i o n w r o t e :
    - - & I n v i e w o f t h e
    l a c k o f a n y v i s i b l e
    p r o s e c u t i o n a g a i n s t
    p e r p e t r a t o r s o f
    p o l i t i c a l l y r e l a t e d
    v i o l e n c e , t h e
    p e r c e p t i o n
    h a s p e r v a d e d f o r s o m e
    t i m e n o w t h a t t h e
    A t t o r n e y - G e n e r a l
    c a n n o t a c t e f f e c t i v e l y
    o r a t a l l t o d e a l w i t h
    s u c h
    p e r p e t r a t o r s a n d t h i s ,
    i n o u r v i e w , h a s
    p r o m o t e d t h e s e n s e o f
    i m p u n i t y a n d
    e m b o l d e n e d t h o s e w h o
    p e d d l e t h e i r t r a d e o f
    v i o l e n c e d u r i n g t h e
    e l e c t i o n p e r i o d s , t o
    c o n t i n u e d o i n g s o . 8

  72. Mwarangethe,

    You have made some of us aware of your love for popcorn, your favourite drink and a choice of a ringside seat whenever there is a main event taking place in jamuhuri.

    Get yourself ready for an upcoming four round boxing bouts between Ocampo's camp and the next gang of passengers bound for The Hague Express.

    Moreno Ocampo is not yet done, but he has just touched the tip of the iceberg, and he still has four more selctions to announce.

    Some people wish that they knew then what they know now. If they did they would be sporting a big signature smile like that of Mzee Mwai Kibaki with a smirk on their faces screaming "I told you so."

    The individual who was heard congratulating himself and celebrating all over Nairobi, is in for a rude awakening.

    "Thank God, my name is not the list! I am so happy, I feel so free and now I can start planing for a come back of my political career."

  73. I can't wait for Ocampo to strike again and then find out the names used to ice the cake. I am sure more high profile political primadonas will be added to the list of six.

  74. There is Northern Sudan, Southern Sudan and Darfur (Eastern Sudan).

    Some are alleging that Moreno Ocampo did not include Kibaki and Raila on the list because of his (unfounding) fears of not wanted to turn Kenya into another Sudan.

    How so? How does Central region, Nyanza and Western Rift Valley (exclude Southern Rift Valley and Northern Rift Valley from the equation) translate into a Sudanese type of civil war?

    Are the inhabitants of these regions capable of fighting protracted wars for the thirty to fifty years? Do they have the stomach for a Sudanese type of civil war?

    How would they fund their wars? With what natural resources if any?

    Secession would be a better excuse as opposed for engaging in the fight for the state house and for the ever golden political opportunity for "Our Time to Eat")?

  75. The phrase that struck me in the embassy cable above was on how they report that the Waki Commission "investigated the violence perpetrated on the Kenyan people". Not the Kikuyu tribe or the Luo tribe, but the Kenyan people. Love or hate US foreign policy you have admire the way the protect their national interest at all costs. Whether it's the peddling of Eveready batteries or the distribution of GM cars they will do whatever it takes to ensure their market in the region is not fiddled with.

    Until we as Kenyans can progress to a point where we can say it is our turn to serve one another as a nation, as opposed to our usual it is our turn to eat as a tribe, the bitter lesson of PEV '08 will never be learned.

  76. Nobody can save Ruto!
    By Vincent Bartoo

    Eldoret North MP William Ruto has sought the High Court's intervention following the revocation of a title to his home in Eldoret.

    The MP, through his lawyer Katwa Kigen, wrote a protest letter to Eldoret High Court judge, Justice Philomena Mwilu, over the move taken by Lands Minister James Orengo.

    The property is among 14 parcels of developed land the minister revoked, saying their acquisitions were "illegal and unconstitutional".

    Katwa said the cancellation of the title issued to his client would hamper the MP from proceeding with the case, in which he is accused of fraudulently acquiring the property.

    He asked the court to issue an injunction barring the Ministry of Lands from issuing a new title for the parcel in the upmarket Elgon View estate, Eldoret.

  77. NB: Not relevant to the post, but, important to people like Chris.

    As we noted a few days ago, Wikileaks is just an excuse to censor the internet.

    Please see this:

  78. Mythof Uhuru's popularity among the Kikuyu:
    This dudde is only popular in kiambu (minus Thika as we have severally seen) and the kikuyu diaspora in RV.
    Elsewhere,Kikuyu's loath the Kenyatta's for taking their land.Those in RV are there because of Kenyatta.
    so,it is not right to claim that he has a following in Nyeri,Nyandarua,Muranga and Kirinyaga.
    Meru's might support him for lack any susbstance political figure and the fact that Kibaki;s regime has really rewrded them.But now when Muthatura joins that Ocapo list,the ball is widely shot!
    watchout how Karua and Peter Keneth defines the Kikuyu vote in 2012.

  79. @3:24 AM

    You don't have to be liked by all "Kikuyus" in order to get elected to the highest office in the land.

    The lesser a "tribally controlled" a candidate, politician, leader is seen or comes across, and hated (disliked) at the same time by his people, the more national appeal and extra consideration s/he gets.

    BTW, why do we always blame some Kenyan sons and daughters for the sins of their fathers?

    Some of these grievious sins were committed way back (when) before the Kenyatta, Odingas, Mathenges, Leakeys, Jack-wrights and Khadalalwas of presnt day Kenya ever knew how to read and write.

    FYI, the homeguards who were solely responsible for the betrayal, displacement, detention, rapes, maiming and deaths of "thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands" their fellow "Kikuyu" people are hundred times more evil than the land grabbers of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

    So, should the sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren be held repsonsible for the sins of their fathers, mothers, grandparants and great-grandparents?

    Of course, "two evils don't make it right." Be the judge and jury.

    Kenyatta and other "wise" Gikuyu did not take the poor man's land, they took, bought and at times grabbed the huge European farms and ranches.

    A lot of the land taken by the Europeans had been uninhabitated and lying idle for decades.

    Kenyatta did not touch the poor man's land in places like Nyeri, Murang'a, Kirinyaga and what have you.

    It's men like Mwai Kibaki and his ilk who managed to amass more land in and around Nyeri.

    The Catholic Church is another one of those institutions from the colonial period that still owns very huge tracks of lands that once belonged to the local Nyerians.

    The Kenya police is another entity that owns huge tracks of large land, some of which have been hived off over the last five decades and given to senior government officials, well connected politicians and their families.

    Similar questionable (unethical, illegal) land acquisition deals have taken places in and around Nyanyuki area.

    The Samburu have been and are still the most affected Kenyans who fallen victims to losing their ancestral land to the cunning, greedy and cruel European settlers, colonial government, and worst of all, to their fellow Kenyans.

  80. @3:24 AM

    You don't have to be liked by all "Kikuyus" in order to get elected to the highest office in the land.

    The lesser a "tribally controlled" a candidate, politician, leader is seen or comes across, and hated (disliked) at the same time by his people, the more national appeal and extra consideration s/he gets.

    BTW, why do we always blame some Kenyan sons and daughters for the sins of their fathers?

    Some of these grievious sins were committed way back (when) before the Kenyatta, Odingas, Mathenges, Leakeys, Jack-wrights and Khadalalwas of presnt day Kenya ever knew how to read and write.

    FYI, the homeguards who were solely responsible for the betrayal, displacement, detention, rapes, maiming and deaths of "thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands" their fellow "Kikuyu" people are hundred times more evil than the land grabbers of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

    So, should the sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren be held repsonsible for the sins of their fathers, mothers, grandparants and great-grandparents?

    Of course, "two evils don't make it right." Be the judge and jury.

    Kenyatta and other "wise" Gikuyu did not take the poor man's land, they took, bought and at times grabbed the huge European farms and ranches.

    A lot of the land taken by the Europeans had been uninhabitated and lying idle for decades.

    Kenyatta did not touch the poor man's land in places like Nyeri, Murang'a, Kirinyaga and what have you.

    It's men like Mwai Kibaki and his ilk who managed to amass more land in and around Nyeri.

    The Catholic Church is another one of those institutions from the colonial period that still owns very huge tracks of lands that once belonged to the local Nyerians.

    The Kenya police is another entity that owns huge tracks of large land, some of which have been hived off over the last five decades and given to senior government officials, well connected politicians and their families.

    Similar questionable (unethical, illegal) land acquisition deals have taken places in and around Nyanyuki area.

    The Samburu have been and are still the most affected Kenyans who fallen victims to losing their ancestral land to the cunning, greedy and cruel European settlers, colonial government, and worst of all, to their fellow Kenyans.

  81. Moreno Ocampo did release another slavo across the region. This time it was aimed at one of Africa's billionaire named Al Bashir, who has stashed away some $7 billion dollars, a tenth of Sudan's [...] oil revenue.

  82. Ocampo should be made aware that in Kenya we only arrest chicken thieves and those who bluntantly refuse to part with Kitu-kidogo are whisked away in lighting speed to cells for some lessons on how not to defy Afande!

    He better be told to go back home in Argentina and make use of the high grade beef cattle, we choma everything beef here. Is he MENTAL?, does he think that Prince Uhuru can spend between 30-50years at the Hague?

    When Tom Cholmondeley shot some Antelope thief, it was just game hunting for him, and he surely enjoyed his stay at kamiti, the Wardens house provided all the comforts including conjugal rights.

    when Mzee Kenyatta gave his son the initials UK (United Kingdom) it was for prosperity, so now the queen at buckingham palace better put her grandsons wedding plans on hold, and attend to UK(Uhuru Kenyatta) matters or else we pull a mugabe on all matters UK here.

  83. And Chris, you better use your "contacts" and get the Queen to read KK, we need her to influence the ICC, our reasons

    1) How dare Ocampo NOT issue a regionally balanced list? And even went further and omitted the other gender.

    2) We need more judges like that German (I can't remember his name) appointed to the ICC bench, MARA MOJA, who says how dare they say that 1,200 lives can be compared to Hitlers slaughter house

    3) His inclusion of Muthaura in the list is "Manifest Nonsense", thats why we Kenyans who love impunity allowed to use the Government seal in his Ad.

    4) Uhuru has reformed from his Fag ways in Campus back at the states, and now only issues "blankets and food"

    5) why do they keep on referring to Ruto as the warrior and yet we all know that he studied Botany ( and not military science)in campus,he was the head of Christian Union, even Koffi Annan knows that Ruto prayed for them during serena talks

    6) Ocampo should read out the Waki list of 11, so that we compare, and he tells us who helped him to "edit"

  84. it looks like muikamba is going to sit in the statehouse come 2012.
    it's all squaring up for one kalonzo wa musyoka. as kikuyus cannot vote for raila and already he has lost kalenjin votes, that leave mundu wa musyoka to ascend to the highest post in kenya.
    kudos kalonzo

  85. Kaluza Musyoka wa Kalonzo will become president of Kenya, repeat, president of Kenya when when zebras learn to talk like humans and dress like retired race horses.

  86. some said that kumekucha is dead, yet so many articles in various kenyan newspapers and what have you are beginning to regurgitate posts and comments that have appeared on kumekucha in the last couple of months. mmmmmm. it's very difficult to fool the public all the time.

  87. Anon@ 4:14

    You are right on target!!!! Those who have been repeatedly proclaiming the death of Kumekucha at the very same blog they continue to visit so regularly to leave such comments want this blog dead and they want it bad.

    You do not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out why. Just read through the blog posts over the years;

    a) Kumekucha has been against inpunity from since 2005 and has revealed countless scandals, political murders etc that were allowed to stand because of impunity. As you read this impunity is badly wounded and although he fights back, his chances of survival are clearly slim.

    b) Kumekucha fought for a new constitution and revealed those who were against it and why. Today we have a new constitutrion that is under implimentation.

    c) What you see in Kumekucha today you will see in newspapers one month or even 3 months down the road. Kumekucha dares to publish what no other media house or popular forum would dare publish. It is our very own Wikileaks that has informed public opinion more than many will ever realize.

    d) Kumekucha seems to be extremely influential to those who matter.

    Now if you were in the ruling political class, why would you not want Kumekucha dead?

    Kudos Chris, one day somebody will recognize your phenomenal contribution to this final liberation that will make Kenya great. Hang in there bro!!!!

  88. why cant they heed Opanga's advise and stop digging the hole?

    Ruto still,on one side saying he will cooperate with Ocampo and on the other side:

    "......He says Ocampo disregarded his exonerating evidence that some of the witnesses were allegedly coached, induced and compromised yet he was obliged by the law to investigate it. Ocampo has, however, maintained that he will be relying on evidence from independent witnesses.

    Sources revealed that some of the other suspects were also planning a similar counter attack. They too, claim Ocampo never informed them formerly why they were suspects.

    Ocampo works with "EVIDENCE"

    thats evidence!

    statehouse is not a Kiosk and this will definitely affect even residents of this hse no. 1 in Kenya.

    Kunaa sana

  89. All indications are that Kenyans and Mps had and still have the confidence in the ICC. The few MPs making a lot of noice should be ignored. Let the Ocampo 6 go through the process in memory of those we lost over PEV.

    This is a great opportunity to end impunity and uphold the rule of law. If all or any of the 6 are found guilty, at that stage is when we can plead for leniency or compassion.

  90. WHATS special with Kikuyus from Kiambu?

  91. Of mirrors and smoke screens.

    The question of stopping the ICC is not what it appears to be, you don’t need a lawyer (which some of the loudest are) to tell you that we legalized ICC intervention when we passed the katiba. , we also went ahead and invited the ICC in by proclaiming “don’t be vague” and thirdly even if a miracle happens and withdrawal comes to pass it will not affect the current cases. Considering all of the above the big question is – What’s all this emotional hullabaloo all about.

    In my opinion the hullabaloo is damage control. The strategy is to make those about to come forward be very afraid, very afraid indeed. Never before has a “kitchen cabinet” been held to account for its actions during its reign in power. The expose´ of how command and political control is executed will open a Pandora box that will be hard to contain.

    Power politics in Kenya is all about controlling and manipulating the custodians of lethal force, when they turn against you, count your days - the strategy here is to indirectly make everybody who has something to say think twice by insinuating very very loudly that nobody is going anywhere so its in your interest to keep quite. Some of the actors have jumped on the bandwagon out of fear and some have joined to save their skin. What is the next milestone? The impending testimony of the security personnel is key to what you see going on.

    I wish somebody sets up a MPESA account for donations to the genuine IDPs still out there instead of donations to fat cats - some who don’t even have a clue how much they earn from both their legal and illegal activities per day. Ironical and tasteless? – judge for yourself, but don’t feign ignorance!

    The expression “look what the cat dragged in” has found a new meaning. The smart thing to do right now is to wait and watch - the high decibel is not sustainable.

  92. So now the bloody bondo bumpkin wants a local tribunal set up. What changed? Is he not the one that said that no justice can be served in Kenyan courts? Can someone educate the bumpkin and let him know that the presidency will never be his. The writing is on the wall! Besides being a family heirloom, being in the opposition is good for democracy too.

  93. It looks like raila will do anything to be president. Ati stooping that low to compaign for museveni. But i doubt museveni can accept a raila presidency, given ug luos form the core of museveni's opponents.

  94. @1:08 AM
    The days when some writers, journalists, regional commentators, political scientists, social activists, clergy, armchair politicians, pseudo intellectuals and macadamia nuts from the world of acadamia loved to cannibalize, plagiarize and personilize other people's body of works, views and comments are over in this day and age of 24/7 news cycle.

    That why there so many times when some articles and talks will leave the readers or listeners with a heavy taste of deja vu.

    Ever been left wondering why piece of writing sounds so familiar, or where you first come across it?

    @4:37 PM
    The writing may never be scrimbled on the ever crumbling walls of Kenya politics and ethnic alliances, but being in the opposition may end up as family heirloom for some generations to come.

    I just hate Monday morning, especially when the day is still trying to crawl out @9:00 AM.

    Rain in your eyes and ears on Laurent Gbagbo, as in what happens to him next.

    The word on the coast is that dissent has been brewing in an ivory pot and many coastal drinkers are getting ready to utilize their political calabashes for change once the French men throw their weight in the desired direction.


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