Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Real Power Of Kumekucha And The Internet


Before you move on to today’s juicy post about Kanu’s secret presidential candidate, I have something very important to say.

I will not bore you with the details but one of the major realizations by top thinkers about the web is that the real untapped power of the Internet is in getting thousands or even tens of thousands of people to work on the same project at the same time, giving in their input. So instead of having one person doing all the thinking you get thousands of intelligent experts working on the same thing.

Many people do not realize it, but that is exactly what we have been able to achieve here in Kumekucha. Although I have some sort of track record in political analysis as some of you readers claim, the truth is that I am NO authority. However when you get dozens (and the number is rapidly rising daily) of different contributions from other “experts” out there, a keen reader is able to read through it all and arrive at a very accurate analysis of politics in Kenya. Naturally this sort of thing cannot be done on a newspaper page.

If you look through recent posts you will see many instances where the really valuable information has come in through comments from our regular readers rather than the main post.

We as Kenyans are at a very dangerous cross roads in our history. But this time we have something going for us. In the past, it has been impossible to read between the lines and see what our leaders are really up to. But thanks to the web, that will change this time round.

It is my hope that this strategy will be enhanced here especially as we enter the discussion in the next post which I believe is an area where the next president of Kenya will be decided.

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  1. Hello Chris, I have bn away for a while. Anyway, I note with great concern the way these ODM hawks are plying their trade as if Kenya belongs to them. Sometime back, I advised Raila and Kalonzo supporters to tread carefully as to when and how they criticize each other. They should never forget they have one common enemy. My fear is that by the time they face Kibaki, they will be worn out and the bad blood may not be pleasant. All the same Chris, how did it go with the NMG saga. You seemed so interested in the thing that I am left to wonder what transpired in between. Ama wao pia waliongeleshwa vizuri. You know what I mean, right? Please tell the (I know you know them) that they are just a bunch of idiots who were seeking cheap publicity. And also, have you thought of including the dates and time for the comments posted on this blog. The times you have posted there are unrealistic. We are in Kenya my friend. No one can post a comment at 3 AM! I'm waiting for your take on this!

  2. Spot on Chris. Anon is also right, you need to adjust your clock and insert dates on comments. There are so many promises posted here and it is important we monitor the period by which they will be responded to. Accountability and transparency must be the hallmarks of Kumekucha and also our very own political leadership.

  3. Hi guys,

    Thanks for reading Kumekucha and most of all thank you so much for being so constructive in your hard but fair criticism, I am learning a LOT.

    Now the clock thing may be a bit tricky. The clock for the blog is based on the location where the blog was first launched. Then there is the problem that Kumekucha readers and guys posting comments are from all over the world. I have a hit counter that shows ip addresses and countries and I can tell you that people are reading this blog even from countries I have never heard of.

    Tha majority of readers are however from Kenya, United States and Britain.

    Then there is the fact that this blogger is constantly changing location (in fact I am about to do so again). That is one of the great perks of doing all your business online.

    So what time do you suiggest we base it on?

    About the Nation saga, I don't manufacture news. I report and analyze facts as theyare revealed to me. I have noticed that since the arrest of ex-Nation crime Editor, Muiruri, the "Nation sex scandal investigators" have been lying lower than Ole Ntimama's envelope.

    Of course I do not know them. They have chosen to post a lot of their dossiers here and I have analyzed some of them based on my media insider information and contacts. I can tell you that most of what they wrote was factual.

    I am sure they are reading this and will see that public confidence in them is rapidly waning as a result of their sudden and announced sabbatical.


  4. My humble opinion is that in view of the fact that our brothers are scattered in every corner of the planet, the dates should suffice.

    What do you guys think?

  5. hi chris. am now a regular reader of your blog. i think that Raila should just be given the presidential nomination of ODM-K without much fuss. people are scared that if he comes to power, heis going to avenge (avenge what, i dont know).

    lets get him in and see what he can do because out of all the presidential aspirants, Kibaki included, he is the only one who has ever been detained because of his stand on democracy!

    otherwise keep up the good updates, they do make very interesting read!

  6. Chris, I posted the first comment. Sorry I did not include my name. Anyway, since this is a Kenyan blog (that is, it talks mostly about Kenya), don't u think it would just be proper to use the Kenyan time? Or if u don't want Kenyan time, please state what time you are using. Reason why I'm saying this is because at times I feel like responding to some previous posts but I always back out thinking that maybe my comments might have been overtaken by events. If you post the dates and time, probably we can tell whether the topic is still under discussion.

    About Raila and ODM, I have always insisted that Kalonzo cannot be more popular than Raila. Kalonzo is Raila's creation and Raila can easily bring him down. Look at Steadman polls. (By the way, Kalonzo was previously refered to as Steadman. Has this changed, now that his popularity is on the wane?). Previously wen these polls were released, it showed thatKalonzo was more popular than Raila, even in Nyanza. Steadman, on realizing that this is practically impossible, would always say that theirs is based on the assumption that Raila would back Kalonzo. Personally, whether it's the delegates system, consensus or open poll, I stand by my words; Kalonzo cannot beat Raila. Unless of course NAKA Kenya (Read Kibaki) influences the polls. I do hope Kalonzo will gracefully back Raila because Raila will definitely be the ODM Presidential candidate.

    And Chris, have you considered the possibility that Kibaki will not contest? The guy has not openly declared he is in the race. However, NAKA Kenya hawks seem to be thumping their chests that they already have a presidential candidate. If Kibaki reads the Intelligence report and realises he will lose the poll, I don't think the guy will even attempt. He cannot stand life on the backbench.

    It could be interesting to see how Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo and Ruto go after each other's necks in case Kibaki bows out. What do you think Chris??

    Always, Dan.

  7. Raila is being supported by the government on the assumption that he is weeek. This may turn against the very same government because people may be changing the way they view him. About being supported by the government, believe you me it is true and the link between him and govt is charity Ngilu. That is why he is turning the tables against KM


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