Thursday, June 07, 2007

Is President Kibaki Fit To Rule?


Some of my dear beloved readers have made fun of what I have always said here in the past calling President Kibaki “sick.” But I would like you to soberly consider the situation in the country at the moment very carefully. Please let us leave party and tribal politics out of this, this is a matter of national security.

And after you have done that ask yourself just one simple question; who is incharge?

It saddens me that after decades of excellent service in public life Mwai Kibaki’s political career is going to end in such a sad way. I say this because I have admired the president for many years. One word has always stood on my mind to describe him; Brilliant. It is also true that many others have always seen him as the constant fence-seater, doing everything to avoid making a decision. But them one probably has to take into account the fact that Kenyan politics for such a brilliant mind is quite a challenge and the fact that he survived at all is quite an achievement.

But now after at least one stroke suffered after the road accident that almost took his life in the run up to the elections in 2002, (rumours has it that the strokes have been more than one) we are now faced with a Mwai Kibaki who is a stranger to those who know the real Mwai Kibaki.

Most recently the president told us that Kenya has the best roads in the world. I need not comment further on that except to say that Kenya is the only country in the world where the car driving in front of you completely disappears and then suddenly appears miraculously from a deep hole. And this happens in the capital city of Nairobi.

But of all incidents that have happened during the Kibaki administration, the one that will never leave my mind is the time the president used abusive language on his own driver in full view of the public and with TV cameras rolling. His driver's crime? Well, moving the president’s vehicle and parking it elsewhere. What does it concern his Excellency where his vehicle is parked? That should have clearly told Kenyans that there was something very wrong somewhere and that the man speaking was some imposter and not the Mawi Kibaki we have known for years. The most successful finance minister Kenya has ever had, the first African to score 6 points in his O-levels.

Now just because a few “thieves” want to steal for 5 more years, they are very determined that Kibaki should remain in office for another 5 long years. At what cost to his own health? At what cost to the people of Kenya? Folks can you imagine what will happen in 5 years after seeing what has happened in the last 5 short months?

Are those Kenyans pushing for the re-election of this man into office for another 5 years serious? Probably not. Those who are calling for Kibaki’s re-election and who are not known thieves have also probably had a stroke. Maybe we have a stroke epidemic in Kenya current albeit concentrated mostly around Central province. Probably the cold, or is it the jiggers?

As we speak there is a blood bath going on in the country. Of course the authorities are making all the right noises. Sample this;

We are on the ground.
We have stepped up our campaign and soon this Mungiki will be a thing of the past
We know them, it is just a matter of time…
We are winning the war
We appeal to Kenyans to remain calm (even as they lose their heads, literally)

As this rhetoric continues the statistics speak a different story. Two days ago 22 people were killed by the police in Mathare in an operation designed to smoke out members of the sect (don’t be too sure that they were all Mungiki).

Did you also know that the number of Mungiki who have been arrested so far are in excess of 2,500? Just think about that number? It clearly tells you that the country has already been overwhelmed. This is cause enough to call in the army.

But instead our leaders are quiet. As Taabu says, their silence is deafening.

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  1. Chris you have no choice brother but to engage in self dialogue. Ms Karua is not alone, 'everybody' is in the drifting boat and dare you talk lest your torso and head are made separate enntities. It is theatre of the absur and the more things change the more they remain the same.

    Leave madam Martha alone - in the face this masacre its back to the primitive heard mentality. She is only mortal and has a life with two kids to save lest she faces the matchet.

    Remember the early 1970s when some few crooks connived to rape Kenya while Jomo was a human vegetable? Well, don't need to go that far. We are back there man and at least the Janjaweeds have 'mercy' by only torching houses and enganing in mass mating (rape). Trauma is a treatable medical but not when there is no head (literally) to absorb the counselling.

  2. I believe the president is fully responsible for the insecurity the country finds itself in today. He is mandated by the majority of kenyans to be the chief custodian of among other things their security. When he fails in that regard, he deserves condemnation and not only that he owes the people of this great republic an apology for looking on as their loved ones get slaughtered. There is no compromise on that particular one.

    Having said that, I am persuaded to challenge Chris to not only retract his words but also apologize to the supporters of Kibaki for the insults he's directing to them. We must stop this intolerance. Where is the world getting to if you are calling people mentally unstable just because they dont see any good in the person you think he so much deserves to be president. I mean they can also hit back with real evidence that you and your candidate are actually the ones suffering from strokes. Granted, the president is not the razor sharp we used to know but does that mean those who support him are actually without a reason of doing so? Definitely not, and if anyone is honest he will admit that the president also has a good side. He has made some visible strides in making life better for kenyans. We have not realised the highest growth possible and I am sure we dont have the best president but it is important to occassionally give credit where it is due. Let us not be the typical ODM whinners.

    James Orengo after having been named the most active legislator in parliament in 2001, he said that he was not overjoyed (This award has been consistently won by Jimmy Angweny who is the dumbest person i know. It basically requires you to be loud mouthed). He said his dream was to lift the quality of his debate to the level of Kibaki's (Who was named the best quality debator). The same cannot be said of him today but take it from me i find Kibaki more intelligent (Yes even today) than more than 200 people in the current parliament. He is a pale shadow of the likes of Kituyi and Kilemi Mwiria but surely that doesnt call for insults.

    One thing people should know is that the more of a fence sitter you are in politics the better. Those who are quick to make decisions for the sake of it are the well known tested political failures. They go making enemies left,right and centre and at the end of the day they are no more than cheerleaders, forever playing second fiddle.

    The Mungiki menace is reason enough to send Kibai home though.

  3. Chris, am one of those people who support kibaki, probably because of the cold or the jiggers in my mind. I have my reasons for supporting Kibaki, and not because he is kikuyu like me. For one I can see roads being constructed, people know some projects done by the CDF, kenyan asians are paying tax for once and others but most importantly, we have moved from reliance on begging and the humiliating conditions set by donors. Chris, if a guy who isnt sick like you can peddle this kind of crap then i would rather have a mwai kibaki who is on his death-bed. You are virulently anti-kikuyu but i have news for you, kikuyus are here to stay. Your articles are unreasearched opinions, sometimes i wonder why you bother posting this shit. Instead of being a real man who suggests solutions, you just go on and on without telling us who your preffered candidate is, probably because you know your candidate will be torn apart in this forum. However, you have been cosistent in fighting for only one person in your blog- Briner. To tell you the truth, your "articles" stink. I think kikuyus are your worst nightmare but know this, kikuyus are the most accomodating people in kenya, otherwise why would a kikuyu woman marry someone like you?

  4. Chris, I'll confess to you that you am a Kikuyu and I wholly agree with you in all that you have written. I'm proud to be a Kikuyu. My name is Peter Kiarie Njoroge from Limuru, Kiambu.

    Now that a Kikuyu is in power, a majority of my tribesmen and women have thrown out reasoning out of the window. So long as their man is in power, they don't care what happens to our country.

    Kikuyus and all the mainstream media (which are headed and under the firm control of Kikuyus) were so critical of any crime (no matter how small) committed during Moi's rules. Today, it's hear no evil, see no evil. Our man is in power! That's the attitude with most of my Kikuyu folks today. They are so contented with the current status quo as long as their man is in State House. Moi got a lost of bashing for real and imagined crimes. Kibaki will not be made to account puerly because the Kikuyus and the media (who were vocal during Moi's rule) cant see any evil today.

    It's under the Kibaki rule that for the first time in Kenya's history, police flushed out an estimated 40 innocent people from a slum and executed them in cold blood to avenge the killing of their two colleagues. If that happened under Moi, the entire Kenya would be on fire. All of us would be shouting Moi is killing our people. What happened to human rights issues when Kibaki is concerned? Where are the Maina Kiai's of these world? Kiai was so vocal when suspected gangster Matheri was killed and when Moi was in power but he has taken cover when innocent people are being killed by police, women and children being brutalised by police for crimes committed by other people.

    None of the Kikuyus raised a voice during the slaughter of innocent people in Mt Elgon area and in Trans Nzoia. Yet Kikuyus were shouting from loof-tops during tribal clashes during Moi's rule. Why the double standards? The same with the Constitution. The whole business of giving Kenya a new Constitution was rocked by Kikuyus when our man entered State House. But the song of a new Constitution was more deafening in Central Kenya during Moi's rule than in any other part of the country.

    My advice to my Kikuyu brothers is simple: Kenya is bigger than our community. Siku moja, mjinga (other tribes) ataelevuka na mwelevu atakuwa mashakani. The status quo will not remain. One day, the tables will turn and another person from another tribe will occupy State House. Hope you will not start crying foul. The injustices that we are trying to cover because one of our own is in State House will haunt us one day. And we ill pay dearly for it. Kibaki will not be there to cry with us. Kenya is bigger than Central province.

    I know my comments will attract a backlash from my fellow Kikuyus but I'm aware that the truth is painful.

    On my conclusion, my advice to you Chris is that you should watch out. You are trending on a very dangerous ground when you start discussing the health of the President in the internet. These guys can stop at nothing to drill a bullet in your head. Please watch out.

  5. Its amazing how in this day and age pple are still tribalist! Its a shame that even this kikuyu proud guy from Limuru can agree with does not take any rocket scientist to show Kenyans that life has improved for the Kenyan, things have changed, pple are owning property now and many on their way to realise their dreams!! I am scared of imagining had someone like uhuru taken power...where would we be...for one the forests would all be gone by now!! Anyway my point is...face it Chris life has improved for the common man whether u like it or not!! I am a Kenyan and I know it!! Lets not get tribal on the real issues of the day....Najivunia kuwa MKenya!!! ask anyone who was in Cameroon post KQ507(ur journalist friends!)....u will appreciate where Kenya is today!!

  6. To answer your question Chris, I do not think he is fit to rule for many reasons. I believe this is about the person and not the tribe.

    There have been a succession of cock-ups that have made Kenyans a laughingstock of the international media.

    The goodwill Kibaki was elected under in 2002 was thrown out of the window a long time ago. It was a betrayal to millions of voters. I dont need to elaborate on this, it is an open secret to anyone who follows Kenya's politics what he has done to kill the Rainbow Coalation. To make matters worse, he's on record as having insulted voters as pumbavu and mavi ya kuku. During those days, nobody imagined 2007 elections would be upon us that fast, so the language has suddenly been toned down.

    Secondly, a man who holds a high profile public office like he does and yet desperately fails to effectively control his unelected wife's public conduct and utterances is clearly a man who cannot be entrusted to effectively control matters of state. In addition Chris, instead of having PPS publishing statements to reiterate the bonafide members of the first family, would you not rather quietly and firmly silence the other party masquerading as members of the first family. PPS is a tax payers funded organisation.

    My considered opinion is that if one fails to deliver a large percentage of pre-election pledges and rather than own -up, go ahead and insult the same people who elected you to that position, the honourable thing is to resign. Infact Kibaki has taken full advantage of constitutional shortcomings to sustain himself in office. If this was another part of the world, Kenyans would have had to go for general elections immediately after the 2005 referendum debacle or soon after explosive revelations on the Anglo-Leasing scam. The same people who cost the government a referendum loss and were also implicated (on tape) in these scams are still in cabinet offices enjoying all the benefits at tax payer's expense. The government has continuously lost all its credibility and by the very nature of our constitution, the presidency is the government and as such the there's plenty of reasons to have a Kibaki make way for younger generation leaders to be elected in.

    Kenyans will remember the man himself has skipped numerous regional and international presidential conferences including AU meetings. Although he is not obligated to attend all meetings in person, it certainly concerns me as a Kenyan when we see presidents of other African countries attending these meetings and he doesnt. If the government spokesman continues to publish Ukweli wa Mambo and does not see it fit to tell kenyans why Kibaki failed to attend an important AU or UN meeting this will certainly make the people to speculate. What is the agenda of this government on foreign affairs and international policy? Why hasnt our government made an effort to attend any of the G8 meetings yet we are supposedly a leading African democracy and economy?

    I live in Kenya and am on the ground on a daily basis. I brush shoulders with other Kenyans on the ground everyday. The improved standards of living are alien to us. Free primary education is also alien to us - we still pay approved levy to these public schools. It was a pleasure to drive from Nairobi to Western during Moi's days. The roads were smooth, and fuel was cheaper - actually half price of what it is today. Not anymore. Please show us where this economic growth is!

    To have a Kibaki re-election for another 5 years will be a disaster.

  7. Well said sir. I'm also a concerned kiuk who has no time for Kibaki and his apologists. Granted, the guy has jump-started the economy and injected some sense of seriousness in government...though many times this has been questionable over the last three years.

    What galls me though is the arrogant chauvinistic chest thumping by his most loyal lieutenants. They are just making the other tribes more antagonistic towards kiuks and this may punish Kibaki at the end of the year elections. ODM just needs to rally behind a non-kiuk candidate and they'll easily convince the country that kiuk leadership is bad.

    The other stuff that makes me despise Kibaki is the deliberate decision not to pursue the past looters of the economy. Also the deliberate decision not to punish and deter high level corruption. The message to young people of Kenya is that corruption pays. That’s why many Kenyans envy the corrupt rich because they remain untouchable, thanks to Kibaki.

    A retired civil servant recently confessed to me that he regrets never having stolen during his days in senior positions! Why? Because as he languishes in retirement with a measly pension, his former colleagues are gleefully playing golf as they chat with their kids in the USA , the UK and other exotic destinations. His kids are struggling like many other Kenyans in Nairobi to pay fees in our Universities, and then later tarmac in frustration as they look for employment.

    But whom do we replace Kibaki with...Raila? Remember Raila was recently endorsed by known past looters of the economy at his vision launch, people who massively benefited from the corrupt KANU regime. It’s like Obama being endorsed by the corrupt Worldcom or Enron chiefs. Can you believe these guys? What a huge shame for Kenyans!

    The Mungiki phenomena is the legacy bestowed on us by this culture of impunity/corruption which was sowed by Kenyatta, perpetuated by Moi and now its been swept under the carpet without redress by Kibaki. The chickens are coming home to roost after 44 years of exploiting the masses through land grabbing and massive corruption. Shame on these African leaders!

    We scoffed when Karume said we negotiate with Mungiki. With hind-site, ODM realises he was on the right track. These guys have thousands of followers driven to it by abject poverty and frustrations because society injustices are deliberately not being addressed. Killing a few will not deter others who are willing to join.

    The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen even as the government shouts from the roof tops that the economy is growing. Picture this: a parastatal makes 300% profit over the last 4 years due to good management– we cheer loudly forgetting that the salaries of the employees have not changed much despite basic commodities getting more expensive. So who is benefiting from the massive profits?

    What we are seeing now with the Mungikis could be the start of a class war in Kenya. Far fetched as that may sound, it’s a real possibility considering that the corruption lords of Kenya and their kids are now thumbing their noses at the desperately poor masses, thanks again to Kibaki's refusal to address the past kleptocracy.

    Time is now ripe for men and women of integrity in this country to rise up and start a 3rd wave of liberation (not the same thing Chris was talking about) that will clean up the dirty stables of this country even if takes three elections to do so.

    Let’s not be conned that there are only two options to vote for...Narc/Narc-K or the ODM. They've boxed us into thinking we can only choose between the two devils. These two parties (for lack of a better word)...are just two sides of the same coin...the coin of corruption and self-enrichment.

    Lets vote for individuals in our midst even if they belong to small/fringe parties, who espouse integrity and a selfless passion to achieve real change in our nation

    To all discerning Kenyans of good will, lets rise beyond our tribal cacoons and face up to the reality that Kenya has only two major tribes, the “wabenzi” and the “walahoi”. The late JM got it so right when he said that Kenya was becoming "A country of 10 millionaires (now Billionaires) and 10 million paupers!"

  8. Congrats! Proud Kikuyu from Limuru for being sincere.

    The truth is bitter thats why people like anonymous cannot swallow the points you raised. It high time we stop being tribalist and especially most of our Kikuyu brothers and sisters when they call others kihii, mjinga like Njoroge has mentioned and many other names they call other tribes. No one chose their tribes its God who decides so my appeal to all tribalists who think they are more superior STOP JUDGING!

    Anonymous says "Chris life has improved for the common man whether u like it or not!!

    Let me tell you am a common man leaving on Kikuyu road, some reason's I cant vote back this govt are:

    The road is worse than what it was 5 years ago (looks like a shamba), they are pretending to repair this year may be they will do it one month to election (to fool who). Due to this Citi hopper and KBS dont ply this route, you can imagine a route dominated by matatu, they charge high fare and sometimes dont even reach town because of jam on Ngong road. At least during Kanu President Moi would visit most parts of the country especially schools like Alliance in this area and the road where well mentained then. Buses also stopped after implimenting Public transport laws by Michuki, yes law has to be mentained but measures have to be put in place first to curb cases of uneployment like what happened after this. Very many lost jobs and cases of insecurity increased in the area.

    Since Nairobi Water Company took over from City council, water is supplied to most parts of this area on Wednesdays, sometimes they even skip a week even a month and most landlords are forced to dig bore hole (imagine we are in Nairobi not upcountry), yet in some parts of Nairobi (where "important citizens" leave) they get water everyday. Does this mean in this country there are 3rd world citizens who should not get services like others?

    Am sure other parts of the country has suffered because of poor road,lack of water, unemployment and loss of jobs amongst many other problems. So you cannot conclude that life has improved for common man. Do more research.

  9. This fellow Peter Kiarie Njoroge could be very a Mungiki follower,its unbelievable that somebody would actually sympathise with this gang.

  10. I am a Tanzanian writer and activist. I believe that the only way to have concrete change in policy and the way Africans live is through the mobilisation of the masses, through free expression. I am truly impressed and in awe of what kumekucha has been able to accomplish in the sense of creating a buzz around real issues. I have recently tried to venture into the world of blogging myself and would love if you guys could show your support. Together we shall overcome.

    I am quite new to blogging, so I would also appreciate any tips you could give me.

    Peace and love

  11. Are any of you aware that Mungiki has dropped leaflets in Umoja, Buru, Kayole and other eastland areas advising people from western Kenya to willfully make available the soft parts of the necks for chopping in the near future? If you think the current Kikuyu leadership is silent, wait until coffin laden buses en-route to Kisumu and Kakamega start causing traffic jams on Uhuru highway. Only then will you understand that they are not only vocally challenged but deaf as well.

  12. Alot of similarity between your blog and this one almost imagine the two blogs are authoured by the same person.Y

  13. Of course things have been improved since Kibaki got into power, but that is not the question. The question is KIBAKI FIT TO RULE! I agree with Chris on this one, the once brilliant mind from Othaya has been replaced by a mere shell of the man. All those who blindly support him are doing so for purely selfish interests. The politicians who support him are aware that they have great control over him and can influence the succession battle in 2012(sadly, it looks like he will win this year).

    I shudder to think what he normally says when meeting international dignitaries. Hopefully those around him care enough to make sure he represents us well.

  14. I disagree with Chris, ITS 2500 MUNGIKI SUSPECTS not 2500 MUNGIKI! Get the facts right.

  15. Face it! life has improved whether you like it or not!! If you are not working hard you will be left out! Shauri yako! As for Mungiki...people its time to pray there is no time like the present, even in the days of the old testament there were battles worse than what we see but people turned to God..its time we all looked to God and cried out to Him, talking to each other about the situation will not help...but we need to call out to God who created you and I!!

  16. To anon and friends blowing a windless trumpet, what specifically has changed????? Please pronounce the achievement of this your brother Kibaki. Is there less crime? Are you making more money? Are the roads better? Are primary schools offering a higher level of educative standards? Are government appointments less tribal? Is beer cheaper? How about healthcare? Are there fewer bodies at the city mortuary? Do you find it easier to get a job…unless you are Kikuyu? Is HIV less prevalent?

    Seriously and soberly, what has Kibaki done? CDF? and Vikii you are becoming a master of fence sitting.

  17. Life has improved - HOGWASH. Sheer sycophancy at its best!

  18. Poleni sna if ur all life has improved and I aint from mt. Kenya either!

  19. Put integrity and trust back into leadership-without that who can really believe what the Government says, whether its on the economy or the roads or free primary education-i want to be able to trust you, and that should have nothing to do with whether you are my tribe kinsman or not. trust will follow logic

    I don't want you(read Govt) to claim you are working for my common good and yet i don't believe you have my best interests at heart-in-fact, maybe i'm just a pumbavu who looks to you like another anglo-leasing sitting duck-follow me once about General Mathenge-shame on you. Fool me twice about Margayan and Mungiki shame on me! get me to trust you by showing integrity!

    For those who think integrity and politics don't mix i guess you must agree then with the philosophy that's currently blowing in the winds in Kenya i.e. "you are poor because you don't work-the economy is growing, why aren't you?Anything goes, so long as you can post a big profit and pay your taxes"(-sic-)

    So I guess if Mungiki agreed to pay taxes it would make up for everything-afterall, what are a few severed heads and headless torsos compared to money paid so that a road(which is here today then gone tomorrow) can be built?

    It's integrity, not the economy, you proponents of pesa kwanza mambo badaye!

  20. mr. not from mt. kenya. Again how or what is better????????????????????????????????????????????????

  21. kenya now has two tribes: improving kikuyus and pumbavus/mavi ya kuku.

  22. I have to say, my life has improved drastically since Kibaki got into power. You see, I am a robber by profession. Nowadays, I rob with impunity and now I will never get caught. Life couldn't be better for me

  23. Thank you guys for the concerted efforts to upp the level of debate.

    My plea to you guys is to stop this tribal thing. When you blame a whole community when they are the hardest hit by this mediocrity is hard to understand. I attack Kikuyu bashing with vigour and for those few who dont believe that anyone cannot defend these guys when he is not one of them, then you are in for a big shock. I am a kamba (With 0% kikuyu blood). I have beeen steadfast in questioning doublespeak and am prepared to go the whole hog doing the same. We have been told how propaganda is the only reason some communities have not been able to assume the presidency by the loudest blokes when it comes to this kikuyu bashing. What is so criminal in attacking the luos and at the same time so commendable attacking the kiuks. I refuse to fall in that category and no amount of name calling is gonna change the way i see it. I will call you a good guy, if u r one, whether u kiuk, kao or jeng. It doesnt matter to me. I will also tell a dog when i see one regardless of where it hails from.

    To the annonymous who says i am becoming a fence sitter. Well, your small little opinion is noted. For the record i will say i only voted for Kibaki coz he was the only one on offer, realistically speaking. I need a leader who can inspire me (but it has to be with sense). Kibaki is not that leader. I will not be voting for him in Decembr unless i am once again forced to do so.When i defend him here, it is because of the motive of the criticism. directed to him. There is a deliberate attempt by a clique here to paint everybody but one in bad light. They are ionvesting a lot of propaganda in people's mind with the hope that the end result is...Ok atleast so and so is better. That is what i will never buy.
    It is an open secret that my preferred presidential candidate is,one,Kalonzo and two Uhuru. I am prepared to take positive criticism on these guys. They are not angels and it is the rights of kenyans to demand the highest level of integrity from their leaders. I wont therefore mind their bad sie exposed. On the same note, Raila Odinga also has a good side. I am not blind to his good side. So mr Anonymous i hope u will respect the difference between me and you. I am willing to read ten vices of Kibaki, ten of raila,ten of Kalonzo, Uhuru etc. You should not accept me to read ten marvellous things about raila and 10 malpractices by everybody else. I also have a mind and i will tell you, u know what bro? I also know the opposite sides of these dudes. This David guy has talked about stupid chauvinistic chest thumping and if you have followed my posts, that is all i detest. I refuse to die. I have been accused of insulting people but u see democracy is what u understand it to mean. I guess i would be a good boy if i became a cheerleader.

    Special mention to Phil. I am in total agreement with him that Kibaki is not the best thing to happen to Kenya. He is backing his argument with real and not imagined reasons on why we should replace the ole man yesterday. What he gives are real concrete reasons and not some standard like propaganda. It is only by telling the truth that we will know who is the best person to leave the fate of the country to. Congrats bro.

    When anyone tries to twist the truth to coax people, well we always tell them we went to the same schools they went.

  24. Why dont all of you who seem to have the whole political scene figured out go out in public and get voted into parliament and bring the change instead of hiding behind this blog!Its such a shame that we still see each other as from a certain tribe and yet many of you have good relationships from the taboo tribe...shame on us all!!

  25. After the referendum in 2005, many of you believed that President Kibaki was on his way out. Mungiki problem was not caused by Kibaki but by successive regimes including some sitting members of parliament (both in govt and opposition) The problem will not end in a day. Operation Kosovo was necessary. Its just the beginning and I believe Kibaki will clear the mess of insecurity once and for all. Good thing he is picking up lessons from UG's Operation Wembly. When the Commander in Chief warns you that you days are numbered you better heed or else! (There is intelligence at work, and just because you don't see things happening, then that doesn't mean they are asleep.) For those of you who know anything about intelligence would bear me witness. Finally Kibaki's stars are lining up, there is now goodwill to clear this mess once and for all.

  26. vikii. from your second digest, you not only confirm your fence sitting credentials; As a matter of fact, your determination to sit at the apex of the wall of china is clear.

  27. Ofcourse I am the biggest fence sitter alive. So what? That, my little friend will not change me,not an inch. U gotta learn to live with me the way I am. I wish you luck in your decisiveness though.

  28. Vikii we need your energies modelled in your contributions instead of benefitting a diatribe with a response. A faceless somebody is 'cleverly' pulling your leg brother and you seem to be falling for the bait. Come on you can do better than be engaged in at that level of intellectual intercourse.

  29. Vikii thank you. i have been looking for words to describe what is happening in this blog but you got it. I am a kikuyu and my best friend is a luo. I have had very many kalenjin friends and am actively looking for a masai. they all teach me alot of things and i find especially kalenjins very warm people. This i leieve is how it should be. But for people to post nonsense on this blog insulting ALL kikuyus here is unacceptable. Chris is becoming more and more intolerant to the kikuyus. in another post he blames us for not intermarrying with other tribes! and this time round the kikuyus have jiggers in their minds! Now if you sound like you support kibaki hackles are raised all round. the president has many negatives but lets not pretend that the government has scored zero. we need to demonstrate we are more mature than these old politicians we are trying to send home. As it is now Chris is sounding not much unlike Ntimama and his war-cries.


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