Friday, June 22, 2007

Countdown Elections 2007: It Is The Season Of The Political Entrepreneurs


Did you know that Kenya boasts of professional campaigners. Yes, people who lie low and quite and then emerge every 5 years to earn some fabulous incomes helping barely electable people get elected.

I am reliably informed that we even have International players who completely took advantage of a certain prominent presidential candidate. The guy who was telling me this story exaggerated it a little and added much spices (what would life be without a little spice) that made me laugh.

He says that this presidential candidate almost swooned when he saw “mzungus” sweating on his behalf in a room full of TV sets tuned to different TV stations and people trying hard to “look busy” making print outs of so-called political and voter analysis. He was overheard telling an impressed parliamentary colleague; “this is my think tank,” (pointing to the mzungus

Sadly after 4 years of this think tank where this candidate must have spent a fortune of hi later father's money, what does the candidate have to show for it? Zilch in my opinion.

The problem of course is that mzungus don’t understand Kenyan politics that is why one wrote in the Financial Times of London that Kibaki will easily be re-elected. These are the times I feel like borrowing words from some of the most abusive commentators in this blog.

I would prefer a local think tank any time.

Incidentally I know a guy who was member of the legendary Moi think tank. He was as local as they get and that team (paid peanuts) did some amazing work getting Moi elected in 1992 and 1997. Of course they also played dirty and did many crazy things inluding the famous Kanu briefs where they dug up dirt about certain key challengers and published it in that newspaper. Dirt sells and the Kenya Times, I am told had sales surging. And I believe the candidate in question lost credibility because they ended up third, after Kenneth Matiba in 1992.

But they also got it wrong in a way. Because that time they concentrated on attacking Mwai Kibaki only for the upstart maverick Kenneth Matiba to energe from nowhere to be the major challenger. There are those who believe (including this blogger) that Kennneth Matiba won the presidential elections in 1992.

Well, let all those professional campaigners and think tank consultants emerge out of the woodwork and make their money. Although it will be much harder this time round with an electorate that has wisened up considerably.

Father and son seduced by the same woman called "death."

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Vote for a fellow Kenyan today because when he wins, Kenya wins


  1. Very true Chris we have professonal campaigners. But on the claim that they are not upto the task maybe abit overplayed. Giving credit where it is due, the last four years has seen our top dons competently comment on topical and poltical issues withouut looking over their shoulders.

    Take a look at the so-called secretariats of the present bunch of 'pretenders'. Who populates them apart from 'volunteers' coming in the shade of dons. Make no mistake, the Wanyagees of Kenya are as good as Shivji of Dar or any McDonald from Havard. The only obstacle is that these chaps are never given the freedo to run ther show professionally.

    In short we embrace modern poltical practices with a traditional hidsight. We celebrate leaps in mental growth but shamelessly fall back to ethinic chauvinism at the slightest provocation.

    Taken a step further, Kenya is moving fast into accepting elite form of political operations. At least they have mastered the basic paradigm that information is power and trying to appreciate those who weild knoweledge. The only downside is that once the scoundrels are safe at the coast they understand better the Kenya language of 'respect directly proportional to wealth'.

    True that majority of these professional campaigners are conmen on hire. But honestly there are people who UNDERSTAND Kenyan and African poltics. President Madam Shirliff, the only and first woman president in Africa, attests to this. She hired a US don who understood Africa and Liberia in particular, gave him the freedom and the result is there for all to see. Mark you when the guys came, ?Madam President came a distant second to 'illiterate' Weah. He did his thing, racked his brains and in under one month he made history in providing Africa's first lad president. Forget the tired line that it was Liberians who voted. Shirliff was packaged, told what to say which was sensitive, practical and palatable.

    So there you have it bro, Africa is becoming of age and Kenya is not left behind. Even the village analyst has his audience. Look no further than the crowd next to Ambasadaur every evening who sound village professors after only reading the opening paragraghof a screaming headline. I hope this reflection is not miscontrued as offensive to many. Have a great weekend countrymen and women.

  2. Taabu and Chris, I will not agree with you any more than that. you must have realised the change of tone in the East African Standard. Since the Artur saga and the threat to withdraw all advertisemnet, have you read between the lines.
    So much so, that this week, the PPS had to reply to a letter to the editor. An Opinion! Things have changed and you need not look at things further than the whipping that has been taking place of late.
    Afterall, Standard Editorial Director Kwendo Opanga knows the game better. You just spoke of the YK92 briefs and ask yourself what made him leave the Daily Nation after admitting the same.
    In 1997, the Standard can be remembered of showing Kenya Times like support to Moi and Kanu. It was the worst ever.
    On the Financial Times story, have you noticed that it is only the Standard that carried it.
    Anyway, someone has to think of his bread and butter and ethics have to be thrown out. Good analysis Chris and even better from Taabu

  3. Damn Right!! There’s been an influx of ODM-K/Narc singly-run-basement-located branch offices cropping up all over the world (no offence but do you remember the mathematical problem - Miguna squared?). It boils down to the aspirations of fame by association in most cases. If there’s money to be made, I will reiterate; political/election handouts are simply tax returns. You are entitled…indulge.
    About these wazungu chaps with laptop bags; these jamaas know squat about the wants of the Kenyan voter. The Financial Times, short of an endorsement, have no basis, or business for that matter, projecting the Kenyan election. That is unless they carried out a fully fledged poll of likely voters. Talking of polls, does any chap know the criteria the Steadman group uses in its selection of poll respondents? It’s my prayer that they diligently select individuals from a pool of truly registered ‘likely voters’ who have voted in the past, maintain party affiliation and can and will actually make it to the polls, come rain or shine. A meaningful poll must have in its pool, only Kenyans with the spirit of a South African voting for the first time ….. and for Mandela. Anything short of the aforementioned is pure rubbish.
    Which brings me to Gumo and the leaky list. Though I admit that ODM-K was once sophisticated, now with less funding, I cannot imagine they spent millions on that analysis…. that put Raila at third place. At one of those meetings, one old man must have shouted, “ Ruto will get 40% at the Coast!”, the other said, “No he will get 30% “ and so they settled for 35%. On the basis of this shenanigan, they now want Raila to back down. Do you see how injurious poor and shabby polling and analysis can be on a young democracy?

    For those who’ve forgotten what Kenyans want and have fought for, check out this chap at you tube:

    Now tell me, who among Kalonzo, RAILA and Kibaki can deliver?

  4. Not Raila, and definitely not Kalonzo. I have my reservation. If and If, Raila Amolo Odinga was to run as a single (Tosha) candidate yes, but still beating Emilio would be harder that jogging the length of Nebraska in one day.
    If consensus meant that that Raila is to carry the ODM ticket, then I am sure that we would be talking about the new president. Now, they want to go to polls within the amorphous ODM and that is where our fragile tribal links will crack big time. Kalamari, as for Miguna Miguna, I believe that all he has praised Raila Odinga for is in vain. He was I think, warming up for a slot in his home area, and as we know, 'his' word goes, Miguna could have captured a seat comfortably. I dont know how much he has to pay, because there is word that they pay, or you have to be related to Nyanza1 or his family. But why, should one say that Raila should be elected because he was detained. Is it a criteria, Miguna should be sharper than that. That is Why my man for presidency will remain Kenneth Stanley Njindo Matiba. Juga Na Gwika!!!

  5. Matiba is in a league of his own Derek. But I have news for you------He is not running. I thought you knew this.

  6. Thanks guys for fanning the heat. For your information Kalamari + Derek the chap going by the name MM was warming himself for Nyando seat as if the incumbent 'Eng' is dead and out already. Smacks off the PATRONIZING nature of Luo Nyanza politics - my choice of word here is singularly for political correctedness.

    Unfortunately the whole wardrobe is a flame and MM will have no coat tail to hang on. But at least he has his law office in Toronto to continue fleecing immigrants. The guys has not only danced himself lame before the main dance but he has exhausted himself with copyrights as the origin melody beckons. Typical primitive politics Kenyan style. He may have been a bright law student in the generation of Ms Karua but he has his annoiting oil evaporated.

    The 'grudge' Miguna harbours after being hounded following the failed 'coup' is misplaced and the less said the better. So thete you get your fill gentlemen about the loud mouthed MM. Let him together with his sidekick Ochieng Oloo continue with their daily commuting from Hamilton to Toronto. You get the drift and picture of the type of people I am talking about, don't you guys?

  7. Taabu, I fault you for buying that cazy hat for MM.
    But i digress. I was at a cook out last weekend and I met this guy whose only political comment was, repeatedly, “raia (read common man; not to be mistaken for a misspell of Raila) will decide”. You see what Heineken can do to a man.
    Anyway, thoughts later I started wondering how many likely voters are really as politically aware as the chaps on this blog. In my poor estimation; about 10%. It therefore means that 90% of the voters are emotional voters.
    The next question is ‘what does raia want?’ The answer to this is CHANGE. If you so far agree, take a close look at the three people most likely to run: Raila, Kibaki and Kalonzo. With no consideration of real facts such as who didn’t vote at Bomas etc, whom of the three do you think has the capacity to effect change? By change, I mean a total revolution.
    I think the answer is clear. Unless you believe that Kibaki has changed the status quo or that Kalonzo has the kahones to twist arms.

  8. Change, Just like everything else, my little frens can be positive or negative

  9. MM was entangled in a childish tiff with Macharia Gaitho while praising Raila's Hummer and the cost some time ago.
    A solicitor in Toronto made so much about the uniqueness of the car that I was pushed aback when I read the comments that someone who has gone through school was saying.
    He is standing in Nyando. Best of luck anyway.
    On the KSN Matiba thing, I did not say that he is standing, i just praised his style, though i rue the fact that he was 'robbed' if i were to quote one Raila Odinga in 2002. Kalamari, I cant get to that link. One of those nights that raving makes you stay awake the whole night.

  10. Derek, go to and search for Martin Ngatia. Take it by stride though. Mostly, my thing is the passion this chap has for Kenya.

  11. This message is for Kalamari and Derek. For further info, please go to This one is by Otieno Karan former MP

    otieno karan Says:

    May 1st, 2007 at 11:00 am
    Nyando constituency is not ready for pretenders to the throne such as Miguna Miguna. Such pretenders do not have real or imagined development records inspite of their many years in the diaspora, or their so called successful and established businesses abroad. what has Miguna ever really done to promote development in Nyando constituency? Such is the record that he should be running on and not his close association to Raila, publications on various fori, or an imagined history of persecution in the hands of a former regime. Unlike some who ran away to exile during the struggle for the second liberation, real heros remained in Kenya and fought alongside and bled with the common mwananchi to bring about true political change.

  12. I am back boys and gals. i have missed kumekucha more than I have missed white pussy for the two months I was away.

    This is a very interesting article coz there is this jamaa in Macha (Where I have spent one of the two months i was in kenya) who kept telling me that i should not leave kenya because campaign money was at the corner. I asked him how he honestly expected me to spend all my evenings at market centres waiting for Kshs 100 and he told me I am the same mulwaa of the 90's,very naive.This guy, popularly known in Tusker quarters as steve biko,has taught me a few things. In kenya I used to work for the kenya commercial Bank and they paid me Kshs 32000 before tax. In 2002, he asked me to avail myself at Transcom house at 10.00 am this one Tuesday. transcom was the Vice President's office at the time and i thought Steve biko, who happens to be close to George Khaniri and by extension musalia, was trying to securte me a good paying job. He is the type who dont like working and his last job was a kshs 60000 job at Alexander Forbes insurance brokers. This was in early 2002.
    When we went to the VP's office (Me,Biko and some two SONU officials) were given a Kshs 160000 cheque. I was introduced to the VP as a very influential person among the university boys, having been a house rep of hall 11. Never mind i was never a student of the UoN. I didnt quite get the machinations but after we left the VP's office I was asked to call Biko after 3 days. When we linked up, I was handed 28000 shillings. Everybody got approximately that much and the remaindrer was used for what Musalia wanted the whole amount to be used on.

    Now Steve Biko is at it again doing what he knows best. He is a darling of Water minister Mutua Katuku and he was telling me of how he needs to cough 3M out of the rich dude by the time the campaigns are over. He kept talking about 'when he buys his third mat' at the end of the year and mark you, the money will come from an unsuspecting minister or is it the government?

    Very promising business if you ask me. I asked him about contacting musalia since he was running for president and he told me they are not in talking terms. Hawa wasee wa ODM wamesota. Ule boi ana dough ni Raila nayo kupenya kwake ni mezesha. UK ana pesa lakini after kusanyiwa na kina Gachoka '02, saa hii ni mkileva. Target ya mine saa hii ni kipruto na Katuku. Tunawaita latter day sonkos. Acha tuone.

    I support all that coz after all this is tax payers money and when brother Biko gets the cash, i am sure he does give back to the community

  13. You guys are just plain odm supportges spreading propaganda with all this guesses of sweet nothings... no third force and no raila being president... simple... whoever is backing u or paying u should stop wasting money and typing timing since this is all rubbish...! when raila says economy hasnt grown but u try selling an IPO to kenyans, they all rush to buy and refunds are many billions of shillings like the recent access kenya ipo, this is plain a jaluo thinking! silly guys with silly opinions!

  14. I will not give this "silly guys with silly opinions" anonymous idiot with the message just before this one the attention or honour of deleting his comment. I just love it when guys display their stupidity in writing for all to see, because people get to realize that the candidates they are supporting are most probably like-minded.



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