Saturday, April 14, 2007

Who Will Inspire Us?

I love a lot of things about this job at Kumekucha. However one of the things I really loathe is having to listen to Kenyan politicians attempt to make speeches. Virtually the whole lot are extremely boring.

Founding father Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was an exception. The man had charm with a capital “C”. You would hang on his every word and feel a little disappointed when it was suddenly over. It must have rubbed off a little on the man who took over from him. I once listened to Moi make a speech somewhere deep in Kiambu in 1995 where he started by announcing the exact paltry number of presidential votes he had gotten from the area in 1992. He then went on to hold the crowd spellbound telling them of his commitment to their specific problems which he listed one by one. You don’
T catch such stuff on TV but I was utterly amazed and wondered whether this was really the man whom we had all determined had to go for there to be a better Kenya.

The current president, well, let me tone down my true opinion and just say that he is hopeless. No sense of humour, no inspiration, nothing.

Not that Raila Odinga is any better. This football match thing he keeps on repeating tends to get tiresome and boring, at the end of the day one cannot help asking themselves, what has the man really said.

Kalonzo Musyoka? (Heavy sigh from me). L:et me just say that if Kenya had a jury system like the Unityed States, Musyoka would never have managed to convince any jury of anything, whether or not he had the facts and evidence. That’s how uninspiring the guy’s high-pitched voice is.

Even Kamukunji parliamentary hopeful Patrick Lumumba is know for hiw wide vocabulary and catchy phrases but can hardly be described as an inspiring speaker.

Kumekucha hopes that the new emerging candidates who will show their faces in the forthcoming general elections will be the inspiring type and that the next president of Kenya will be an orator as well as a man of action. Kenyans badly need a nelson Mandela to inspire them to a new beginning and to help lead them to the Promised Land we all crave.

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  1. Chris, I must say this for Raila, he has mastered Moi's style, then bettered it. I have never understood how he manages to hold audiences with his drunk-ish, inaudible voice.

    Watching him this evening on NTV at 9pm in Isiolo, I realised this guy doesn't talk to you and me, or to the TV cameras, he talks directly to the crowd (wananchi) in front of him, and the love it! The football and animal folklore symbols are food to them.

    Next to my house there is an annoying construction going on (apartments to feed Kenyan's large appetite i think). The annoying thing about the construction, apart from the fact that it will block my view of the Nairobi arboretum, is the loud discussions from the casual workers daily (they work daily, they were here over Easter!). Anyway, I digress. The only thing these guys talk about is politics, and the only politics they remember from last night's news is what Raila said, to the last word! Whether Jaramogi's son can convert this to votes is another story.

  2. As of now there is no inspiring political speaker in kenya. That usd to be wamalwa's thing. Lumumba tries but his sounds more like a crammed poem than anything else. Raila Odinga's stuff is food for the folks who have never been to a classroom. As far as I am concerned he never says a thing. I would rather listen to Jill Boyt or Frank Sener on DSTV than listen to an old fashioned dude who only knows kadenge in the football world.
    kibaki is a more intellectually gifted guy but is at the same time the most boring.
    As of now, Lumumba is trying to keep the fire burning.


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