Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kumekucha's Many Enemies And Abusive Comments In This Blog


Confirmation That Very Violent General Elections Are Coming

This blogger has watched with alarm as the level of debate in this site has degenerated to abuses and accusations in recent days. It is discouraging when regular readers of this site know how long and hard I have worked over the years to create a platform of sober debate here, unlike what we see at other popular discussion forums on Kenyan politics.
Also published today

John Gothongo's blog provides clear proof that this site and others on Kenya are increasingly being polluted by paid hands with an agenda

President Kibaki was against opposition uniting in 2002

Confidential dossier indicates that it was Gideon Moi calling the shots towards the end of Moi's rule

Quip of the day:
Yesterday somebody quickly scanned through our lead article and then left a comment that clearly displayed his or her ignorance and prejudice because the article actually painted Langata MP Raila Odinga in negative light. They just didn't bother to read it before commenting. That is precisely the tragedy of political debate in Kenya today. The fact that prejudice rather that reason, ideas and consideration for one another rule. That is the Moi/Kibaki legacy to Kenyans
Let me remind everybody who cares to study history that the Greeks became a world super power because of one main attribute; they showed the world for the first time that it was possible to debate issues thoroughly without somebody wanting to roll up their sleeves and settle issues physically. Anybody who slips back to the old barbaric way of doing things is clearly saying that they do not have the intellect or mental ability to debate an issue.

One of the reasons why I am still happily married to my Kikuyu beauty 20 years later and counting (na wengi wazuri na wachanga wamenijaribu, but have failed) is because we have a policy of letting things cool down and then debating them without emotion, no matter how sensitive they are. I would be lying if I told you it always works. But the truth is that it works enough times to keep as the envy of many other married couples.

I have often been criticized for not moderating the comments in this blog and allowing abusive language and comments from either side of the political divide. My main reason for doing so will be found at the very heart of the political system we all claim to adhere to. Democracy is allowing another point of view, no matter how ill-informed and ridiculous it is, that is different from your own.

Secondly I have allowed it as a way of gauging the political mood thinking of various groupings and interests in the country. The idea was to be able to come to this blog and gauge the mood easily from the comments. Sadly this has never been achieved because too many paid hands and propagandists whose main agenda has been to ensure that they discredit this blog as much as possible have invaded this blog. Their main aim has been to reduce its' influence and traffic and many have openly threatened to ensure that they stop others from visiting this site.

I have some bad news for this group. Their strategy will have minimal impact because they are yet to understand the Internet and blogs as a whole. Close to 90 per cent of the traffic that this site receives comes directly from search engines. That is somebody searching for information keying in keywords and ending up here. This is not by accident. This blogger is a world recognized search engine optimization (SEO) expert handling clients mostly based in the US and there is a lot of SEO work that goes into this site. So despite the best efforts of some, our traffic continues to climb steeply every month.

It would be very easy for me to delete most undesirable comments here and thus keep this blog neatly in conformity with everything that I have to say. But that would defeat the whole purpose and my objective in launching this blog, which was to use this powerful new media for the good of the Kenyan people, especially the voiceless and underprivileged.

I take this opportunity to thank all my genuine critics out there who never lose an opportunity to point out errors of fact and to sharply criticize me when I am wrong. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. I value you very much because I know you would not criticize if you did not care. Please keep on doing what you are doing.

So my fight will continue using the truth and the tools and skills that the Almighty has placed in my hands.

One good thing that has come out of the recent crisis here of name calling and abusive language is that my thesis that the forthcoming general elections will be the most violent in history has been proved beyond doubt. If privileged Kenyans mainly in the diaspora can be reduced to abuses and name calling, what do you think will happen to the ordinary mwananchi down there, hungry and desperate and exposed to the same critical issues facing Kenya today that I have raised here which have provoked so much emotion?

Wife cuts off husband's penis flashes it down the toilet.

The surprising real reason why more and more Kenyans are having steamy extra-marital affairs

Woman Murders Her Best Friend To Steal Her Husband As Science Proves That It Is Deadly For Women To Have Casual Sex

How Kenyans can now easily start a lucrative Internet business from any remote part of Kenya for only Kshs 100/-


  1. Take heart Chris and continue doing what you know best, stirring the hornet's nest with bare hands and no holds barred. Thanks for exposing our soft belly of political belligerence. We are a disgrace to our ouurselves and Kenya as a whole to say the least in terms of seasoned arguments.

    Mention a Kenyan politician's name and can bet your last penny that your audience and readers minds take an ethnic turn. In our collective conscience latently lurks this tribal virus that mutates virulently whenever on of our tribal chiefs and theives is mentioned in a light we don't approve. And there lies the beginning of our eventful journey to self destruction couched in denial and coated in pseudo academic epithets that pass for informed comments.

    Make no mistake. Kenyans are generally a very intelligent lot but we run on empty in the face of cheap tribal propaganda. Look no further but at the quality of some of these posts and the fake bylines which are unwittingly intended to portray fidelity and love with our roots. What a shame to parade your ignorance to the world by bandying words whose semantics you can hardly pronouce?

    You don't have to an atheist to swear by Jesus name, or do you? You add no value to your graceful persona by embracing inherited jingoism that is ellusively pacaked as facts.

    Acknowleding a weakness is one leg into the sphere of wisdom and anytime you develop a thin fragile skin to criticism you only end up racing in the inner track to your grave. Well, good riddance to such Kenyans and all we can promise is that we will try resal hard to miss them but unfortunately we won't succeed.

    Kenya is just big enough for all of us and too small for few of us. Whether you treat it as a geographical accident to belong is nether here nor there. We only owe it one favour: leave it better than we found it and rid its beautiful surface of scoundrelss passing as politicians who have hired us for free to keep their gates safe as they sip the loot from our sweat. It pains me to seeintelligent Kenyans spewing balderdash protecting fools who have morgated us for more than four decades.

    Thank God for small mercies. Chris and his ilk are the few Kenyan offering us opportubnity to breathe a whiff of fresh air amidst the prevailing chocking filth. We owe it to you brother and as the swahili won't to say 'tenda wema nenda zako'. Faint hearts never won any decisive battle leave alone war. Kenya ni yetu and nobody can take that away from us, brinkmanship notwistanding. I rest my case. God bless Kenya.

  2. Your forecast for a violent election is clearly correct going by the tribal / land clashes that are flarring up country wide. The threat to change of government is another.

    Your concerns for abusive bloggers is overdue. If the head of state himself has taken up the habit of insulting his opponents (and occassionally those who voted for him) each time they have his government at a corner, it is obvious his supporters will follow the same behavior. What a pity.

    The ruling elite never imagined that 2007 would come so fast and their desparation is there for everyone to see.

    But Chris, unless those in positions of leadership and power recognise the need for equality in wealth distribution and devolution of executive power, I dont foresee peace for as long as the status quo persists.These are, in my opinion, the main reasons for the discontented society called Kenya.

  3. Hi Chris
    As I mentioned before in one of your previous posts, i was home both pre and post referendum, and to me it was ugly and that bitter taste has never left my mouth-

    If you're right about what portends come December, i for one don't want to it again

  4. hey guys u cant comment on kenyan issues from the so called diaspora!!!!! kenya is peaceful n no matter wat propaganda or doom prophecies u r going to fail!!! karibuni kenya hakuna matata!!!

  5. continue with the good work that you are doing. all reactions show that people are touched, either in a good way or in the reverse. it is up to people to decide to have sober minds when leaving comments. much has been said about Raila including lots of abuses from all corners but let us remember that one will know the truth and the truth will set them free.

    it is true that Raila amongst other slain luo leaders are the presidents Kenya never had.

    given to me, Raila should steer this country into greater heights in 2008. he is the only leader who has ever been detained for long periods for fighting repressive regimes. which Kiuk has been detained over such good work? name them for me and i will shut up.

    chris, wewe endelea na moyo huo huo.

  6. Chris, you have to understand that in every market, there exists a mad man. And this is no exception. Empty debes make the loudest noise, but the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.
    I watch with dismay what some guys write here. Chris I'll attest to you that most of these guys are just idiots. Take a hypothetical situation; if these are NARC K (or DP-Si NARC K ni DP?) supporters and they think Raila is the weakest candidate in ODM, wouldn't they be happy to have him face Kibaki?
    That's why I believe these are narrow-minded and selfish ODM supporters who think that it has to be their man or nothing.
    My dear brothers let me give you my unsolicited advice; You need each other to win any battle. To Kalonzo supporters, keep in mind that you will want Raila's supporters to back your man if he is the ODM candidate. These are the same people you have been abusing and calling names in this blog. And to Raila's supporters, don't think you can make it alone. When two dogs fight over food, it's always the hens who benefit!! YOU NEED EACH OTHER.

  7. Ooops!My comment was on the wrong section, so here I go again....... Feel free to delete it if you can't take it like a gentleman.FYI I'm a Kikuyu woman originally from Nyeri.

    Quip of the day: The best way to change Kenya is to change yourself.

    I couldn't get any version of an English dictionary around so I typed this on Google "define: debate". This is what I came up with from one source:
    # argue with one another; "We debated the question of abortion"; "John debated Mary"
    # consider: think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
    # argument: a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal; "the argument over foreign aid goes on and on"
    # discuss the pros and cons of an issue
    # the formal presentation of and opposition to a stated proposition (usually followed by a vote)
    # argue: have an argument about something

    This blog is full of some truth, distortion of the truth to suit your political viewpoint, some half-truths, a bunch of lies, but mostly crap. However, that people are reading it and actually commenting on it is meant to be good news, only you can't stomach opposing views.That people are expressing themselves as they feel in a way that does not harm anyone is my definition of freedom of expression. I thought this is all you were about since I started reading your blog. But alas, I was mistaken! Your cry-baby claim that alternative views are insults simply doesn't hold water. This does not astonish me - you are always asking the public to feel sorry for your favorite characters and its only natural for you to try and get some of the action for yourself if things don't go your way. Poor guy, now he is hurting, lets all agree with him.
    About yesterday's entry, hiding some negative comments in a Raila ad doesn't mean you are not heavily campaigning for him on the internet. And your observation that there are paid hands commenting on here is another cool observation you've made since I started reading your posts. Haven't I asked before if you are paid yourself? You never comment on that. Notwithstanding the amount of time you put into this despite the other fat claim that you are in Kenya (the time zone factor says suggests something different), coupled with your heavy pro-Raila posts and your posting ads for sponsors in America. That says tons more than you will ever write here.
    If this is pure debate, why the heck are you opposed to Moi, Kibaki, Uhuru, even Kalonzo who at the moment is in Raila's camp? Even a whole media house. Anyone or anything who poses a threat to Raila's thirst for statehouse occupancy.And you expect us to shut up? Forget it.
    Why every time someone differs from you do you call them tribalists? I think you are as tribalistic as they come, if not worse, with your claims that you have Kikuyu blood in you, and are married to one.
    Why will Taabu and your myriad other supporters post insults (quote....depends on what is between your ears..) that are not actually insults, as far as you are concerned? What you are doing in effect is discrediting your blog as a place for you and others to openly express their opinions.
    I will always oppose you if I differ with your opinion. Maybe then Kenya will be come a world superpower like Greece, and then we can hold the Olympics in the Nyayo stadium!
    I'm one of these people who will never have an opinion, or a candidate pushed my way.
    Now,let me go study for my final exams. I will be back to express my opinion HERE like I understand it.
    Kwa heri ya kuonana.

  8. Chris, if you know anyone willing to pay me to disrepute what you say, I'm broke!I could even start a blog.Its obvious you know everyone in the political circles in Kenya, opposition, govt, and national unity-even non existent! Want my email address?


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.