Friday, April 13, 2007

Is President Kibaki’s Daughter About To Marry One Of The Artur Brothers?

It was another shocker for Kenyans when the government revealed that they would not make public the findings of the Artur brothers’ affair claiming that to do so would be a threat to the security of the state.

This was after millions of shillings in public funds were spent on an inquiry into the affairs of Artur Magaryan and Artur Sargasyan, the Armenian duo who wrecked havoc in the country by bullying all and sundry and culminated in the two drawing guns at a restricted area at the Jomo Kenyatta airport which finally resulted in their long overdue deportation.

However, maverick Langata MP Raila Odinga who exposed the Armenians in the first place says they are back in the country and are still enjoying state protection as one of them has president Kibaki's daughter (by a second wife) as a fiancé and the couple are about to get married here in Nairobi.

Winfred Wangui , the daughter of Kibaki's second wife, Mary Wambui appeared on television two days ago defending her Armenian lover to the chagrin of the government. Was this to prepare the Kenyan public for the alleged wedding?

The foreigners who arrived in the country under the guise of being foreign investors turned out to be international criminals dealing in drugs and arms as it is relaiably reported that they showed immense interest in the Sh 6 billion cocaine haul seized by the government and stored at the GSU unit headquarters.

They were also implicated in the infamous raid on the Standard newspapers newsroom where hooded policemen terrified journalists and other employees in the mid night raid that minister John Michuki later admitted the government was behind. The two foreigners were found to have been issued with police identity cards with a very high rank.

Eight government officials were suspended over the affair including the president's illegitimate daughter who was at the time a senior official in the ministry of foreign affairs and is said to have arranged for V.I.P treatment for the two when they arrived in the country.

Also implicated was a senior state house official Stanley Murage who is said to have introduced the thugs to the president as foreign investors. Murage who is in charge of policy analysis and strategy at State House happens to be very close to the president and therefore remained untouched over the fiasco.

It is obvious that the government does not want to release the report for the simple reason that it will show the world what sacks of money and the right connections can do for foreigners in Kenya.

Among those said to have been in the payroll of the gangsters are senior government officials including cabinet ministers, top police officers, state house operatives and even journalists who received Sh 10,000 bribes each on attending the famous parties they threw in their Runda residence on weekends.

These smooth talking criminals managed to infiltrate sensitive departments of the government and even used government vehicles not to mention the security accorded to them by the crack general service unit (GSU).

It was as a result of this that opposition politicians said the two were hit men brought in by government operatives to carry out assassinations on popular opposition politicians. This claim turned out to be more plausible when it was discovered that the duo had served in the military in their home country and in particularly, in crack special forces.

What Kenyans are waiting for now is the wedding of the decade between Wangui and Artur Magaryan which will confirm that the duo are not only back in the country but will have increased their influence immensely by marrying the president's daughter who has already caused enough heartache and embarrassment to the first family.

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  1. The sole person to blame in this fiasco is WANGUI.
    What kind of person entertains or courts one who deals in firearms and drugs?
    Does she understand the type of world and lifestyle she's about to get herself into?

    In-love my foot!! The likes of Artur have no respect for human life and what makes her think that Artur will make her an exception. All i can say if she decides to live the life of drugs and firearms then she should be prepared to die that way... coz the Artur's of this world are greedy, self and will go to great lengths to get what they want.

    Anyhoo... i met Wangui during a trip to London and all i can say that woman is not the sharpest tool in the shed... the girl is not bright at ALL!!!

    That's my 2 pennies!

  2. That lady is not Kibaki's daughter and your assertion that she is Kibaki's daughter is sadly emblematic of dearth of mature discourse and reporting in a section of kenyan media. Please do not let kumekucha blog get to that level.

  3. Infact, Kumekucha is not the first media house to say Winnie is Kibaki's daugher. The same reports have prompted no less than three terse press statements denying any relationships with Winnie or her mother. It is not against African customs to be polygamous. It is actually encouraged in some communities to stem infidelity! There are wazee's who presided over a traditional kikuyu marriage ceremony many years back - they know who was involved and how much dowry was paid. Some of these eye witnesses are still alive today somewhere in Central province. The same circus has since cost one state house comptroller his job.

    Now tell me, how do you explain how Winnie's mother enjoys state benefits,cars, etc complete with chase cars and armed body guards from GSU recce company. Her residence is under 24h guard by GSU who were originally in full uniform but are now in plain clothes ever since the denials were made public.. She doesnt hold any official government position yet she enjoys these benefits at the expense of the tax payer. One doeasnt need to be a rocket scientist to figure out whats going on.

    Back to your question Chris: I dont see anything wrong - this is a girl in love, and this is a guy who knows a jackpot when he sees one. Which bachelor in their right minds, kwa Kenya ya sasa, would turn down an opportunity to marry Winnie? Very few? none at all?

  4. Chris never surprises. I am happy to read that u saw the girl on TV. Why am i happy? Because u now know that she is the plainest-looking woman in this earth. I read earlier articles done by Chris all refering to Wangui as the strikingly beautiful president's daughter. As usual u write about things u have no clue about. Did u say Wangui worked in the ministry of foreign affairs? I beg to differ sir.

  5. Wonder if Artur will pay 50 goats, and the rest in a lifetime; just like one Fidel Castro; ..... sorry I couldnt resist it.

    And yes Vikii, She was once a civil servant at the Foreign Affairs ministry.

  6. The issue of Wangui’s upcoming marriage, rendezvous, relationships or parentage should not bother Kenyans. As a matter of fact, Wangui is just another individual trying to make ends meet. She’s at liberty to pursue happiness as she sees it, no matter how warped.
    What should pain Kenyans is the manner which our national security has been compromised. We have been essentially raped in the ‘you know what’. The impotence of the Kenyan security apparatus has been exposed for the world to scrutinize. If these two individuals were indeed criminals, how come no one was waiting with handcuffs on the other end of their first class flight out of Kenya? To this date, no regular Kenyan has an idea of what they brought into the country on the day they drew their weapons. Conventional wisdom dictates that whatever it was, the two brothers will be coming back for it. As we foolishly continue to search sensational headlines and colorful pictures of Armenians bejeweled in gold, nobody is looking for the real culprits who are laying low like envelopes.

  7. Enough is enough!

    Vikii, you are trying to deny me my rights as a man. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And I have a right to appreciate it in somebody without you insisting all the time that my taste is flawed.

    Hoping that my wife never gets to read this, I find the girl VERY beautiful. If I was younger, and not already married... even if she was not the president's daughter... I would have happily married Wangui. About her smartness, I'm not one of those guys who prefer rocket scientists for a wife (although my wife's IQ is extremely HIGH.)

    Vikii I think you do not have enough experience with women. There are some certain things which can tell you a lot before you even get to a 5-feet radius. But alas, those are lessons I will probably never get to teach.

    Wangui is VERY beautiful... in my eyes.


  8. By the way do you know what it means when a woman has a gap in her front teeth?

    Pole, I will not reveal, if you don't know.


  9. Pole Chris. I will contact u so u could give me some tips. Cheers man. It really lies in the eyes of the beholder.

  10. Now now, Chris and Vikii are engaged in a vicious tuff war figting on what is beauty. Well, both of you chaps are right and wrong in the same measure. Chris has inadvertently fallen for well-laid Vikii's trap and he is neck deep discussing a side show oblivious of the original cast.

    Leave Winnie alone guys and let her do with her Chinese would tell you a good girl must be a nun in the kitchen and a tiger in bed. And on both fronts we have no clue unless Artur sheds some light in soon-to-be-release X-files.

    We all have 12 holes defining the beautiful edifice that is our bodies, seven above the neck and five below. Whatever you chose to do with any of your orifices none of our business until let those thugs sampling the juicest of them intefere with our national security.

    The song everything goes (remember the gays and lesbians anthem?) wouldn't have been more apt in capturing Kibaki's regime to have both limbs stuck neatly in the mouth. This administration lives shameless lies and in serial denial. It goofs large scale anytime Alfred Mutua opens his mouth to shout platitudes in defense.

    Our security has been mortgaged and none of our prides seems priced high enough for any scoundrel. We can onlt trivialize the Artur saga at our natioanl peril. The consequenses may not be immediate but believe you me we will pay through the nose now and forever.

    Whom do we believe now? The government that protected international crooks and even went to the extent of denying they were thugs only to be left with permanent scars of eggs on their face? Winnie is just a cog in the our national wheel of cheap and flambouyant lives. Hers is symptomatic of our propensity and readiness to sup with the devil provided sce t of wealth lurks underneath.God save Kenya from herself.

  11. Wangui is Wambui`s daughter. Wambui is Kibaki`s second wife. Wangui is not Kibaki`s daughter. She was already born by the time Kibaki started linking up with Wambui. Those who know Wambui for some time will tell you.

  12. Hey Chris, Wangui was just across the road from good old Lenana School! She was in Precious Blood, Riruta - which was also a 'sister' school at some time. How did she escape you...pole sana.

    Anyway, to me this issue does not add up. Wangui, ex-Civil servant and daughter to someone close to the president, is dating someone who is trying to embarass and bring to bad light some elements in the president's govt. If he enjoys/ed state protection, why would he call The Standard Group daily with headlines about how some people in govt. are corrupt? Has there been some major falling out somewhere? Is Narc-Activist Mary Wambui about to declare why she prefers Raila to Kibaki?

    I treat all this with the importance I pay to a match betweeen Togo and Cape Verde, a netball match at that.

  13. Some goodc thinking Charlie. I like the netball line. keep it up


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