Sunday, April 15, 2007

CIA Activities In Kenya: What Most Are Unaware Of And Uninterested In

The biggest problem with many Kenyans is that they already know it all. Common sense tells you immediately that a person who thinks they know too much actually knows very little.

For instance many of our readers downplay foreign influence in Kenya and are convinced that it is of no consequence in the forthcoming elections and that Kenyans themselves will decide the destiny of their nation, unhindered and free of any external forces or influence. How naïve can a person get? Or maybe we should just say that the American good-guy-propaganda has been extremely effective in Kenya. Incidentally one of the roles of the CIA is to disseminate propaganda (see my other post).
Also published in Kumekucha Daily Today

CIA activities in Kenya revealed by African Confidential and The Observer in London

What you don't know about the CIA

Sunday Smile: Wapi Kibaki?

Quip for the day;
Ask the youth, they know everything
Old Chinese proverb
A new book published this month (that every African should read) reveals for the first time in great detail covert methods used by the dreaded American government intelligence unit (the CIA) to control and alter the course of things in third world and African countries. The book is written by Larry Devlin, the CIA's chief of station in mineral rich Congo in the 60s and most of the 70s. The book is titled Chief of Station, Congo—fighting The Cold War in a Hot Zone.

But even more revealing is a series of leaked emails that were first published by the respected African Confidential that seem to confirm current CIA illegal mercenary operations in East Africa. One of the places frequently mentioned as the hub of activities is Nairobi, Kenya. Another article talking about the leaked emails was also published in the London-based The Observer on Sunday September 10, 2006.

Let me try and simplify this for you. We all know that after 9/11 the chief concern of the United States government has bee terrorism and the Al-Qaeda. The United States government has openly stated that it will prevent any country becoming a free haven for terrorists although it refuses to comment on Somalia. Already we have seen Ethiopian troops invade that country to oust the Islamic courts government that had started thriving there, which was followed by bombings of targets within Somalia by American planes.

I am well aware that foreign affairs bores most people, more so Kenyans, but please bear with me a moment so that I drive my very important point home.

There is a lot of CIA activity on the ground in Somalia at this very moment. Guess where all of it is being operated and co-coordinated from? Hint; not Kampala and not Dar-es-salaam.

Now obviously American interests in the region are that the next president of Kenya and the government plays ball, so that the only remaining super power in the world can take care of its' national security issues in the region. Kenya is currently playing ball and has already started reaping the fruits and benefits of doing so.

If you have been reading and listening to the news recently, you will know that all of a sudden the America-based IMF has given Kenya a clean bill of health and released large chunks of previously held donor funds. Why the sudden change of heart?

One thing you must also know is that even leading opposition figures and especially presidential candidates, are frightened to comment about this CIA and American influence in the country because it will jeopardize their chances of ascending to the presidency. These are powerful international forces that only a fool will ignore.

In 1997, doe instance, the Americans were very determined to get Moi out of power. Kenyans will remember those general elections as the elections that saw vast amounts of money expended by a party known as SDP (Social Democratic Party). The presidential candidate was Charity Ngilu who looked like the ideal compromise candidate to unite the opposition. Most of the cash for this party was being expended by one Prof Anyang Nyong'o. But where did those funds come from?

Maybe there is a clue in a strange statement that then Kanu general secretary Joseph Kamotho made at the time. He warned some unnamed persons that Kenya was not the Philippines where leaders could be imposed. Was he referring to the way Corazon Aquino had won elections in that country in a campaign that was said to have been heavily funded by the Americans? Was he suggesting that somebody was trying to use the same tactics here in Kenya?

Nobody likes terrorists and like it or not, this is a problem that Kenyans have experienced for themselves, not once but on two separate terrorist bombings, one of which claimed hundreds of innocent Kenyan lives. Indeed the Americans are doing an excellent job in waking up our government of sleepy grandpas to the reality on the ground, especially in relation to the rapid spread of Islamic fundamentalism fueled by Somalia nationals who have flooded into the country in recent times.

However the problem is that American interests contradict interests of the ordinary Kenyan desperate for change in that they would naturally oppose and frustrate a populist candidate determined to address the problems of ordinary wananchi. They would naturally favor the safe guy they are already doing deals with.

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