Monday, October 02, 2006

Interview With Raila Odinga

(note: This interview with Raila Odinga never took place. It is a creation of Kumekucha based on recent and past utterances of Raila Odinga as well as intensive research into some of the behind the scenes strategic plans for ODM Kenya engineered by this politician who causes great big waves on the Kenyan political scene.)

Kumekucha: The big question some of your ardent supporters are asking is why you have joined hands with crooks in ODM Kenya. Could you not have gone it alone? I mean names like Gideon "Goldenberg" Moi and many others with very tainted pasts are a bit much. I am not flattering you but you come out like some angel in the company you keep in ODM Kenya.

Raila: Politics is about reality. The reality on the ground is that we have a government in power that is determined to do anything to stay in power. The people of Kenya would like this government removed. I prefer to chase away the foxes and warn the chickens about straying later.

Kumekucha Are you saying that you would not stand any chance if you were to go it alone?

Raila: What I am saying is that Kenyans are still voting along tribal lines and they will probably continue to do so for many years to come. I am above all things a realist.

Kumekucha In other words you are scared of the massive Kikuyu vote.

Raila: You are putting words into my mouth, Kumekucha, I said no such thing. Raila Odinga is not scared of anything.

Kumekucha You are famous for your "Kibaki tosha" speech which put Mwai Kibaki into State House. Was it a spur of the moment thing, because you apparently upset Simoen Nyachae because moments before you had all agreed amongst yourselves to give the Rainbow Coalition Presidential nomination thing a bit more time.

Raila: I don't know where you are getting your facts young man, but most of them are wrong, twisted and half-truths. It was clear to everybody including Raila Odinga that by having a Kikuyu candidate to counter Kanu's Kikuyu candidate we would de-tribalize the elections and diffuse a lot of tribal tensions. I did it in good faith and for the good of the nation. Whatever people say, I have always been a nationalist. I have no regrets even after all that happened. It is now time to move on.

Kumekucha So what will it be this time? Kalonzo Tosha or Raila Tosha?

Raila (laughing) There will be no Tosha business this time. We are going to have a nomination process for our presidential candidate.

Kumekucha And that is the big worry amongst your supporters, whether there will be any ODM Kenya left after the presidential nominations.

Raila So Kumekucha is one of the prophets of doom. We will prove all of you wrong. ODM Kenya will remain strong and united whether the presidential candidate is Raila Odinga or Kalonzo Musyoka.

Kumekucha But it is rumoured that some big names already have their plans B in place, incase they lose the presidential nomination. Kalonzo Musyoka supporters are said to have a party ready for him to stand for the presidency on.

Raila Raila Odinga does not answer to rumours.

Kumekucha If ODM Kenya wins the general elections, will you prosecute corruption cases or will you offer blanket amnesty to those who return what they have stolen as the government is suggesting?

Raila The Important thing is for public funds that have been looted to be recovered and for us to make sure that this stealing never happens again in the history of this nation. We in ODM Kenya have long recognized that the only way of preventing some of these things ever happening again is for us to pass a new constitution, something that the current government has been very much against. However the people of Kenya are now tired of empty promises and nobody can stop the tsunami for a new constitutional order in Kenya.

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