Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Terrible crab mentality that rules the Kamba people

If there is one single thing that rules the Kamba most and everything they do including in politics, then it has to be the crab mentality. What is the crab mentality?

If you have caught crabs then you know that once you have caught at least two then you needn’t worry about them escaping. This is because they will always prevent each other from getting out first. Wikipedia puts it very well thus;

“Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither should you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Singly, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise. The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of jealousy or competitive feelings.
This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life", but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success…”

Historically Kamba leaders have always been extremely jealous of each other and have gone to great lengths to finish each other, using all kinds of ploys and even witchcraft. Any half intelligent observer would wonder why the community has never realized that supporting each other would be much more beneficial to all.

Paul Ngei a prominent politician from Ukambani in his day was arch rivals with Mulu Mutisya another prominent politician in the area at around the same time. The differences between the two got so serious that they physically fought on several occasions. Today the rivalry between Charity Ngilu and Kalonzo Musyoka is legendary and all efforts to unite the two have come to naught. Interestingly both were in the YES camp in the recently concluded referendum and yet clearly the two were extremely uncomfortable in each others company during the major rallies and meetings where they had to share the same platform. I am willing to bet you any amount that the two never share a seat close to each other during cabinet meetings.

This inexplicable rivalry and crab mentality spreads well beyond politics into the business world. I have been in numerous situations where things have changed dramatically with another Kamba immediately they realize that I too have some Kamba blood in me.

Indeed this is one of the reasons why Machakos town (the first inland capital of the British protectorate that became Kenya) has remained very much behind in development. Kambas would rather an outsider comes into the city and prospers in business rather than one of their own. In fact there are numerous cases where many have gone to great lengths to ensure that one of their own does not prosper.

This is very sad and something that the Kamba community needs to find a way of facing and eradicting if they are to benefit from the coming political dispensdation and the numerous opportunities that will come with it.

Read this bizarre Kumekucha post about Witchcraft and C-files episode In Kenyan President's Office that further illustrates the Kamba way of doing things.

This Weekend special continues next weekend. Until then I will welcome ideas, suggestions criticisms etc. anything to improve my earth-shattering conclusion of this series.

Previous articles in this series:

Part 1: What future for sleepy Kenyan community?

Part 2: What is the true origin of all the suffering?

Part 3: Dangerous votes from Ukambani

Part 4: Terrible crab mentality that rules the Kamba

Part 5: Kamba athleticism and other deadly talents

Part 6: Kamba constituency that is very different from the rest

Part 7: Predictions of a coming Kamba president?


  1. Kumekucha is trying to delete comments that do not exhalt Chris bigotry and stupidity.

    Like all tribalists, Chris has decided to lump together a whole community of over 2 million people and abuse, insult and ridicule them and their only sin is their adamant refusal to support Chris's political master, that sickly octogenarian thief recuperating in a medical hospital in Italy.

    Chris seems to borrow his tribal venom from makau mutua who has also made it a weekly sport to abuse some communities in Kenya, an action that seems to have been sanctioned by the new Nation Editor who hails from luoland.

    Those who still think that by deriding and insulting communities opposed to the manipulation of chris masters will beat them into supporting the ailing master are morons and can continue smocking whatever they have been smoking.

  2. After Kenyatta had died, Moi who was then VP tried to do a runner into the bushes and ravines of Baringo. He believed some people wanted him dead so that he could not succeed the Mzee.

    "It was now about 11.15 a.m. and Mathenge had flown past Nakuru. He immediately went into search and rescue mode. He knew that Mr Moi was in a convoy of vehicles. It was not even necessary to make a low-flying reconnaissance flight when he sighted Mr Moi’s group somewhere in the Baringo bushes. He saw abandoned vehicles and a party of people going up a ravine."

    Chris, how comes you never came across the above info in your book?

  3. anon 11:13,

    You expect too much from this fellow. He sent me a free copy of his book and the last time I saw it was when I was relieving myself in my mothers pit latrine. It's cheap recycled papers made a good tissue substitute coz that was the only use I could get from it. Since sending Chris that book subscription via email, I have received many nigerian type con emails and I am considering closing my account. What a cost.

  4. David Rudisha breaks the 800M world record and not suprising Chris finds tribal stories more catching than this patriotic achievement.
    Hongera Rudisha and may you break more records.

  5. Chris, I like your BRUTAL HONESTY. I have read your Kamba secrets series and I must say that you are spot on and very accurate.

    Now, of course, not all people - as I have been reading from the various "acidic" opinions in the comments area - will be happy with this truth because the truth HURTS.


    President Kibaki said the passage of the new constitution was Kenyans big reward for the country’s first President Jomo Kenyatta.

    A man who was the chief plunderer and avid tribalist who killed people left , right and centre who opposed his theft, all of a sudden is being rewarded with the second liberation. How can you reward somebody who did anything possible to suffocate the population .... Give us a break. You might just as well give Ruto a trophy for supporting the new katiba ....and Jacksson Angaine( remember him ) Kenyattas sidekick for writting the new katiba.... jameni thats the problem with senile "leaders" without any ideas. He adviced the youth to read about The great Kenyatta. I would advice them to read NOT YET UHURU , and give credit to not only the person who saved him from sure death but deserves the real credit.

    The mouse is in the corner and it aint going anywhere, slezy PR will not help - Kazi ianze

  7. A country of 10 billioners and 45million beggers

    - to fasttrack the mutilated and murdered Josiah Mwangi Kariukis vivid description of Kenyattas modus operandi. Is that what we want to peg our second liberation to ? Me think NOT, Unless Kibaki is using code to thank him on behalf of his community for setting the stage for the robery and tribalism which he continued to preside over during his first term until he was stripped off power and tried to forcefully steal it without success.

    The common denominator between the two are masive death of citizens, mega scums was the order of the day during thier tenure, On your face tribalism - Security and finace where reserved for thier. tribe and henchmen. I hope the current lot from his tribe in the security forces will be sacked and removed to purge these tribal goons disguised as government officials.

    Wanataifa should watch out regarding the budget for the katiba festivities as these people dont miss any apportunity to STEAL.
    And this is thier last chance.

    Truth and reconcilaition - Where did that committee go.

  8. The money laudering bill shoúld be made into law as fast as possible.

    We cannot wait for stashed stolen cash abroad to be returned to Kenya.

  9. The Committee of Experts has dedicated the Yes victory to all Kenyans who lost their lives or were maimed in the search of a new Constitution for Kenya. --- ENOUGH SAID , who maimed them ? and who were part of that status quo currently taking credit for the second liberation.

    If you have been forced to change you dont expect to be rewarded with bringing about the change.

    “The Yes vote is a priceless honour of Kenyan heroes who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for a new constitutional order,” said commission chairman Nzamba Gitonga Thursday.

  10. It's not only the Kambas who believe in Witchcraft. And if you think Machakos is under-developed go to Western Kenya, you will see for yourself- including your other half-Bukusu sub-tribe.
    I cannot help to wonder Chris' mentality if he is a combination of Kamba and Bukusu??

  11. Chris has joined his fellow tribesman, Makau Mutua, in displaying the most pathetic self-hate. How does a supposedly educated man spend time narrating the most uncouth stereotypes of his people? This is the most undiluted gutter talk in Kumekusha so far. It is simply sad.

  12. Chris mentality

    Crab+Snail+Snake+tortoise+cockroach= Chris Kapila aka Kumekucha

  13. I can see that the TRUTH that Chris has written has really HURT some people around here in the comments sections. Mezeni wembe haraka sana.

    Chris, continue spilling the beans. The TRUTH and only the TRUTH will set people free.

  14. @Chris,
    Pad you cheeks and skin, won't you. You must have seen it coming, OLE WAKO. If you need pain killers just ask a PENSIONER. And you thought we have changed. Well we live coloured national lies.

    PS: Dream in colour, make 3D mental pictures but please don't frame them.

  15. Taabu tries so hard to sound learned smart...poor teacher!!! Even Moi was a teacher...bwa ha ha ha haaaaaa

  16. ViKiI wOz Ere?

    Wow! he/she/it doesn't take it kindly when his/her/it's community is under "attack" and that's why all the 10,000 words that took 3 days to write were dismissed with just 3 words in 3 seconds. I thought uchawi was long dead in Kenya until I got reminded otherwise, silly me! I'm not flirting with any Kao chick who has a camera phone, period! By the way Vikii, how is Kaloozer strategizing for the inevitable? Sorry but I heard you are now a pen-pusher in his office. Tell you the sad truth, he can win a hundred beauty contests, but the ultimate battle for the big house on the hill? You're 'avin a laugh mate! He should first shave the hideous mousatche. Show me any 'sensible' head of state who still thinks moustache is fashionable in this day and age. Hitler died with it kitanbo. Poor thingie! "NKT!!!"

  17. M.Pesa,

    Why dont you take your vomit to that haunted and desrted bure kabisa dumpsite that you call a blog...oops, the moron actually thought calling a blog useless is a smart move.

    And you wonder why these people always wait for handouts, its damn so obvious they are so lame!!!

  18. M.Pesa,

    VIKII was here as himself not as one of his anon-RAO hating handles. MAN you guys have a hell of a job re-branding kaloozer. Forget abt the 6% and stay focussed.... good luck

  19. Kenyans NKT..!!Even the best sex story degenerates into politics!How I wish one person in our much overated military could fire a T72 round into the dais while the two buggers are busy waving..!

  20. Exactly why are jaluos so scared of Kalonzo wa Musyoka? Why would they spend all their times checking on someone who can only manage 6% votes nationwide?
    I need to know please...

    Kumekucha Princess

  21. fool at 12:14,
    exactly where did you conduct the research and come up with the hypothesis ati luos(it's not jaluos idiot)! fear kaloozer.
    kwanza, the pretender to the throne
    was wildly cheered at the kisumu YES rally after being booed all over including by his own kamba kin.You RAO haters think with your rear instead of your brains? Luos are not of your class you tribalistic neanderthal. Unlike you, we evolved kitambo!-NEED I ADD.....THAT IS THE REASON RAO IS THE NEXT PREZO...WHETHER YOU KITHNI OR NDEKNI.

  22. @ Kumekucha Princess!..... Now where did you get that notion that Luos! Fear Mr. 6% the man is simply a looser we don't fear that looser. The man cant' play in RAO's league and that's a fact, so please spare us your 'mke nyumbani' hoopla.

    RAO is the next prezzo! Thieth gweno!

  23. Luoz need a rite of passage.woii!!adolescent behaviour,fanaticism and mudslinging.i hope "your" dictator gets the power he has for so long maimed,attempted coups and killed people that you all see him for what he really is.a master manipulator.kenya will see no peace till he gets his me a hater,please.

  24. RaiLa is our only hope.look at how he has transformed Luo-Nyanza.Look at how he dictates who we'll have as MP's.he's simply the best.ata Tuju wasn't doin anything for us.look at's th biggest slum in th that a true record of a president??look at how he controls the media,kisses the feet of the thats my kinda leader.RAILA 4 RULE.lmao.

  25. Chris,
    Now we have a new constitution without parliamentary democracy and majimbo ya ukabila. The Bomas Draft will never ever see the light of day or have a decent burial. The DOMO DOMO people and their Messiah can go drown themselves in the Indian Ocean. Or if they are men as they keep saying, let them go uproot the railway. Bastards, they wanted power throught the back door.

  26. The Big House of Mumbi has decided that after Kibaki, the presidency will go to the Akambas. And it is not negotiable, period.

  27. Uh, yeah!

    For a moment I thought my community's "crab mentality" was being aired in public, only to realize that another community suffers from a malady similar to our community's self inflicted malady from chuo kikuu cha wivu, masimango, chuki na uhasama.

    Talk of maisha ya kukatana visigino na kuvizia maendeleo ala carte among my people (name withheld).

    Our people suffer from a vifutu-msitu-mentality that is far worse than crap mentality of our distant neighbours. This particular disease is more prevalent among the so called "educated villagers" and "quasi-enlightened lot" who reside in far away places such as in "the big cities" of Kenya, Europe, Canada, United States, Australia, Bostwana, South Africa and the Middle East.

    One of our greatest passtime in life, is the addictive desire to always return to our ancestral villages and the backward little towns every so often for those who can afford the annual luxury, or evrey other year, or once in a blue moon for many salaried plantation workers.

    We love to be viewed as "Kings of the Hill" or "Queens in the Marketplace" and we never hesitate to lash out irrationally or even strike at the ankle bones of our perceived competition whenever we feel threatened or outshined by their wonderful progress in life, or survivability quotient.

    We hate ourselves more than we hate our fellow villagers to the point where one will find at any given moment, twenty or thirty members of our immediate community would rather educating their children in schools such as Makini, Braeburn, Brookhouse, Hillcrest, Peponi, Strathmore, St. Mary's, RVA, ISK,et al.

    While the 1948 rundown primary school and 1980 mixed haramabee secondary school continue to scream for a real makeover.

    As a matter of fact, the more wretchedness we see among our fellow villagers the better we feel about ourselves, harder we thump our chests, the louder we count our blesses and the more we glorify our hyms of personal successes in life under the chapter "Look At How Far We Have Come" fashioned on the Amzaing Grace tune.

    Yet in the end, it is the very same village people we left behind decades ago who normally volunteer to gather around our stuffed remains bloating in "imported pine boxes" whenever our expiry dates have occurred, in order to offer their very last respects to one time native daughters and sons they hardly knew beyond what usually written on the obituary page.

    Our distant Kamba neighbours have some competition to contend with for a long time to come.

    LOL! I have yet to cross check my expiry date.

  28. anon 6:40,

    What an apt definition of Luhya's.

    I am waiting for the next Herd of Sheep mentality analysis that has been been owned and patented by the lakeside butaa community.

    The head sheep has always hailed from the same family and whenever he goes, the rest of the herd follow follows from the oldest to the smallest....unfortunately, the lead sheep is now old and sickly. We all pity the herd.

  29. Chris is not half anything. He is a luo. But I cant believe someone from the most backward tribe would write things about other tribes. The reason why you luos like marrying from other tribes is becuase you know your genes are inferior. You seek to improve them by breeding with women from other tribes.

  30. Chris is writing about kambas because he knows they can take it. Let him write about his jaluos and he will be stoned to death.

  31. I assume the point of these posts is to get us to vote for the godman so that we can get development. We have seen the kind of development he has given his people and we DONT WANT IT.

  32. If crab mentality ails Kambas then what ails Wakalenjins? Despite 24 years rule this community still remains in the stoneage, so backwards that this community knows nothing other than hunting/ killing the perceived enemies and cattle rustling.
    Go to Mogotio and you will see for yourself.

  33. And I know a major community that thinks it's cool to make love to a dead body. They also bath in the same pond they draw water from. That's where chris comes from.

  34. I work with this Cambodians at JKIA,cargo village. They are so many here. But come every Friday, most of them hit the road to Shags to charge. I dont know what they mean to charge. The saddest thing is most ofthis guys who go to charge, are all very educated. Chris is not lying and if they can shift from these ancient practises then watapata maendeleo. Wakubali ukweli, wafunze vijana wao utamaduni njema na waepuke mienendo inayowasukuma nyuma. Hivyo basi hata mungu atawabariki vilivyo.

  35. Wahenga walinena pia, wano sikio wasikie na watii. Wanaokalamu na mafikara ya kitaalamu pia waandike matusi kumdhulumu mwenye amechukua nafasi yake kuwakejeli ili warehekebishe makosa yao. Nasi pia twaongeza ukweli ikidhihirika (read Chris) uongo itajitenga kimasomaso.

  36. And jangos have so much maendeleo they always top wealth surveys.

  37. Yeah.jang'os are super wealthy and healthy.Their god should be president ndio atusambazie pia sisi!!LMFAO

  38. Chris for #1 Raila propagandaist!!oh,wait.he's a kamba(kabila adui).lol.

  39. Anon 7:31 PM.

    Nipe Mji. Try again because the "vifutu-msitu mentality" is being cultivated in an area that is hundreds of miles from maghreb, what some of you like to refer as "Ingo" in western Kenya.

    The second clue therein is a big giver away.

  40. Any day I would rather go for people with crab mentality than that tribe who from professors,doctors,lawyers,pilots,engineers,journalists,yaani people who should know better,to the village idlers in Bondo,all act according to the whims of a power hungry and reckless leader who is now having a hole in the head.I bet you if he had said the katiba was bad,I can bet my arse off Luoland would have exceeded even the Kalenjin in toto rejection..!

  41. Chris,

    You are the chief crab. You pull down Kalonzo everyday in exchange for a few shillings from DOMO DOMO people.

    You are a shame to your Akamba ancestors.

  42. Was it a case of terrible crab mentality that cursed Machakos (Masaku) the one time capital city of the British Colony in East Africa into becoming barren since 1899?

    Or was it a case of severe superstitious associations that still continues to plunge the one time capital into the abyss of underdevelopment?

    Machakos - 64 kilometers southeast of Nairobi, established in 1887, ten years before Nairobi.

    Mwingi town was considered as the last major replenishment station for any British expenditions and canvoys heading out into the Northern Frontier District during the 1900s.

    There was even an era when Mwingi was infamously known as "Bagamoyo" by traders, travellers, civil servants and security personnel from the adminstration police, regular police, GSU, ASTU (anti stock theft unit) and the military due to the one time Shifta menace.

    What happened to these two towns that once saw a lot of action during the early 1900s British East Africa?

    Whose is to blame? The elders of the medicine councils, the unforgiving harsh climate, the British, the post colonial governments, latter day political chiefs, the people themselves or the tempting and providential proximity to metropolitan area of Nairobi?

    One would assume that an early exposure to the wazungu ways of advanced life, adminstration, business, education, religion, medicine, transportation, etc would have catapulted the whole region into a new era.

    What went wrong? What happened? What became of those who made the initial contact with the Arabs, Europeans, Indians and other outsiders who may passed through region?

  43. True JC was the most DEVISIVE figure in biblical history. Any parallels to our politics?

    Some people must be sucked into Kenyan siasa even when not mentioned. Honestly, Chris sio Mjaluo and the post is about Kaos so where is the diversion to Rao and my Luo neighbours?

    Behind the vitroil lurks the FEAR and love for jengs but the tribal pride will not let people say it.

  44. When all is said and done, let's not forget to give the Akamba some credit for having provided our country with such a beautiful name that is still in use today, which is Kenya, originally coined from Kiinyaa.

    Akamba hawana papara bali wana subira hadi Mulungu atawapa Muthoki when the land of Kiinyaa is ripe and ready to embrace real changes as prescribed in the new constitution.

  45. I find kaos "calm", but chris wants to "civilise" them by herding them to vote as a block for the godman. Most tribes in kenya are still extremely "wild" in the western sense. So i would commend kaos for being "calm". May be that's why you call them cowards. Ironic, isnt it!

  46. Let's see, chris says he is a kamba (of course he is not but let's assume he is). Then he has crab mentality, just like "his people". Going by his logic he should look for a mkamba to support instead of that "outsider". Do as I say but not as I do? The african mind does indeed work in mysterious ways.

  47. Is the jaluo Messiah still resting in Italy or where has he disappeared to? I hope he is not having his head drilled a second time. He should come back quickly before his people start behaving like headless chicken.

  48. Those partying could be a threat to survival of new laws

    By Billow Kerrow

    August 27 will be a party, big time, for the big-wigs of the nation. For majority however, it will be an opportunity to witness another pledge to pull this nation forward as envisioned in Vision 2030.

    It is a vision that those living a squalid life in our slums would want fulfilled. A dream that more than half our people, who live in abject poverty, would wish to realise before their sunset years. But we are not out of the woods yet. Anti-reformists continue to scheme big, and will use everything in their arsenal to torpedo the full crystallisation of this constitution.

    The courts are just one of the several options at their disposal. The Church, reeling in ignominy, is another disgruntled party to enlist. However, the key group to watch is the political class. The recent announcement of a Cabinet committee to oversee enactment of the laws required in the new constitutional is unnecessary, and conflicts with the provisions of the constitution, to say the least.

    It would be the wrong party to draft Bills that will shift or limit their powers and functions. For instance, the Treasury has openly expressed its discomfort with various provisions that whittle down their powers, or create new institutions that will take away their present responsibilities. Office of the President, Local Government and Judiciary would equally find it unpalatable to internalise some radical changes in the Constitution.

    Consequently, there is growing discomfort that these institutions will attempt to maintain the status quo through circumventions in the laws to be drafted. Section 261of the new Constitution elaborately outlines the responsibility for enactment of the laws. It requires that the Attorney General in consultation with the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) to draft the bills for tabling in Parliament, with the help of the Kenya Law Reform Commission.

    It is then the task of the Parliamentary Implementation Oversight Committee to oversee the process in every sense. MPs may, by a two-thirds majority, extend or delay enactment of a particular legislation up to a maximum period of one year but must otherwise enact them in the given timeframe.

    If they fail to do so, pursuant to a citizen’s petition, the courts may advise the President to dissolve the National Assembly, and he is obliged to act on such an order. It would be a tragedy if what was gained through the ballot is subsequently lost through the pen of crafty technocrats and wily politicians.

    It will be blatant impunity and deceitful pretence as usual by those in the know. We all know there is a lot at stake for many in the Government who reluctantly waded along in the vote merely for fear of public backlash.

    The call to Kenyans to be vigilant during this critical time may be laudable but vigilance is hardly enough to keep anti-reformists at bay. The same Parliament tried to introduce more than 150 amendments to the draft before the vote, which is a pointer to the competing interests ahead.

    Others even attempted to mutilate it at the Government Printer. These anti-reformists are keenly waiting to dilute provisions of various sections of the constitution or significantly alter the meaning, riding on the false maxim that a law can have various interpretations. Whilst some may argue the provisions of the Constitution are explicit and cannot be diluted or altered at will, it is a known fact the drafters can attach different meaning to the spirit of these provisions and draft laws accordingly.

    So, just remember that while the big guys are partying its launch, they will also be scheming to snuff the life out of it.

  49. Those partying could be a threat to survival of new laws
    By Billow Kerrow
    August 27 will be a party, big time, for the big-wigs of the nation. For majority however, it will be an opportunity to witness another pledge to pull this nation forward as envisioned in Vision 2030.

    It is a vision that those living a squalid life in our slums would want fulfilled. A dream that more than half our people, who live in abject poverty, would wish to realise before their sunset years. But we are not out of the woods yet. Anti-reformists continue to scheme big, and will use everything in their arsenal to torpedo the full crystallisation of this constitution.

    The courts are just one of the several options at their disposal. The Church, reeling in ignominy, is another disgruntled party to enlist. However, the key group to watch is the political class. The recent announcement of a Cabinet committee to oversee enactment of the laws required in the new constitutional is unnecessary, and conflicts with the provisions of the constitution, to say the least.

    It would be the wrong party to draft Bills that will shift or limit their powers and functions. For instance, the Treasury has openly expressed its discomfort with various provisions that whittle down their powers, or create new institutions that will take away their present responsibilities. Office of the President, Local Government and Judiciary would equally find it unpalatable to internalise some radical changes in the Constitution.

    Consequently, there is growing discomfort that these institutions will attempt to maintain the status quo through circumventions in the laws to be drafted. Section 261of the new Constitution elaborately outlines the responsibility for enactment of the laws. It requires that the Attorney General in consultation with the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) to draft the bills for tabling in Parliament, with the help of the Kenya Law Reform Commission.

    It is then the task of the Parliamentary Implementation Oversight Committee to oversee the process in every sense. MPs may, by a two-thirds majority, extend or delay enactment of a particular legislation up to a maximum period of one year but must otherwise enact them in the given timeframe.

    If they fail to do so, pursuant to a citizen’s petition, the courts may advise the President to dissolve the National Assembly, and he is obliged to act on such an order. It would be a tragedy if what was gained through the ballot is subsequently lost through the pen of crafty technocrats and wily politicians.

    It will be blatant impunity and deceitful pretence as usual by those in the know. We all know there is a lot at stake for many in the Government who reluctantly waded along in the vote merely for fear of public backlash.

    The call to Kenyans to be vigilant during this critical time may be laudable but vigilance is hardly enough to keep anti-reformists at bay. The same Parliament tried to introduce more than 150 amendments to the draft before the vote, which is a pointer to the competing interests ahead.

    Others even attempted to mutilate it at the Government Printer. These anti-reformists are keenly waiting to dilute provisions of various sections of the constitution or significantly alter the meaning, riding on the false maxim that a law can have various interpretations. Whilst some may argue the provisions of the Constitution are explicit and cannot be diluted or altered at will, it is a known fact the drafters can attach different meaning to the spirit of these provisions and draft laws accordingly.
    So, just remember that while the big guys are partying its launch, they will also be scheming to snuff the life out of it.

  50. Those partying could be a threat to survival of new laws
    By Billow Kerrow
    August 27 will be a party, big time, for the big-wigs of the nation. For majority however, it will be an opportunity to witness another pledge to pull this nation forward as envisioned in Vision 2030.

    It is a vision that those living a squalid life in our slums would want fulfilled. A dream that more than half our people, who live in abject poverty, would wish to realise before their sunset years. But we are not out of the woods yet. Anti-reformists continue to scheme big, and will use everything in their arsenal to torpedo the full crystallisation of this constitution.

    The courts are just one of the several options at their disposal. The Church, reeling in ignominy, is another disgruntled party to enlist. However, the key group to watch is the political class. The recent announcement of a Cabinet committee to oversee enactment of the laws required in the new constitutional is unnecessary, and conflicts with the provisions of the constitution, to say the least.

    It would be the wrong party to draft Bills that will shift or limit their powers and functions. For instance, the Treasury has openly expressed its discomfort with various provisions that whittle down their powers, or create new institutions that will take away their present responsibilities. Office of the President, Local Government and Judiciary would equally find it unpalatable to internalise some radical changes in the Constitution.

    Consequently, there is growing discomfort that these institutions will attempt to maintain the status quo through circumventions in the laws to be drafted. Section 261of the new Constitution elaborately outlines the responsibility for enactment of the laws. It requires that the Attorney General in consultation with the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) to draft the bills for tabling in Parliament, with the help of the Kenya Law Reform Commission.

  51. It is then the task of the Parliamentary Implementation Oversight Committee to oversee the process in every sense. MPs may, by a two-thirds majority, extend or delay enactment of a particular legislation up to a maximum period of one year but must otherwise enact them in the given timeframe.

    If they fail to do so, pursuant to a citizen’s petition, the courts may advise the President to dissolve the National Assembly, and he is obliged to act on such an order. It would be a tragedy if what was gained through the ballot is subsequently lost through the pen of crafty technocrats and wily politicians.

    It will be blatant impunity and deceitful pretence as usual by those in the know. We all know there is a lot at stake for many in the Government who reluctantly waded along in the vote merely for fear of public backlash.

    The call to Kenyans to be vigilant during this critical time may be laudable but vigilance is hardly enough to keep anti-reformists at bay. The same Parliament tried to introduce more than 150 amendments to the draft before the vote, which is a pointer to the competing interests ahead.

    Others even attempted to mutilate it at the Government Printer. These anti-reformists are keenly waiting to dilute provisions of various sections of the constitution or significantly alter the meaning, riding on the false maxim that a law can have various interpretations. Whilst some may argue the provisions of the Constitution are explicit and cannot be diluted or altered at will, it is a known fact the drafters can attach different meaning to the spirit of these provisions and draft laws accordingly.
    So, just remember that while the big guys are partying its launch, they will also be scheming to snuff the life out of it.

  52. Luos need to become "softer" to be able to win support from kambas and kalenjins. The 2nd round of the presidential election is likely to still be a luo-kikuyu affair (raila v.uhuru). In that scenario kambas and kalemjins will decide the outcome. I still think the kalenjin vote is not irretriavably lost for raila. He needs to go down on his knees and promise them big jobs in the next gava. A large chunk of kambas can be won over on the basis that the centro guys have had too much to eat. Luos need to cease their criticism of kalanzo and ruto. raila needs to repackage himself and get rid of disagreeable fellows like nyongo and miguna. He also needs to show he is influencing appointments of non luos in big positions. The feeling right now is that his half loaf only goes to luos. There is a kikuyu called mutahi ngunyi who used tell him the truth in Nation. He needs such people. Just my two cents.

  53. We have had enough of this "terrible Crab mentality of Kamba people". Can we move on to something else? This post stinks now... since Sunday come one....!!!

  54. Mutahi Ngunyi - thats the guy who was claiming kenya will explode during the referendum. The fake pundit and prophet of doom.

    Bert has a sharper interlect, I wonder how he conned his way to write a column. If this is an attempt to rehabilitate him, pole sana he has no place post-katiba

    He has currently gone underground hoping to surface later with wired theories when people have forgotten. He let himself be bought very cheaply and now he is dumped.

    Just google - Mutahi Ngunyi and read his "fantastic" - he can put Harry Porter to shame - stories, wonder were the chap got his ideas. I put it to you he was a stooge and we all know how stooges end.

  55. Anon 7:18 AM

    Mutahi Ngunyi is Mutahi Ngunyi, and he was right on the mark when he predicted at one time that Kenya would go up in flames during or after the referendum.

    Fortunately, it never came to pass due to the fact that Kenya still has some individuals who are very wise, patriotic and seasoned political leaders who have always put the nation's best interests above all else.

    These individuals did not waste their whole energies on fighting tooth and nail for what was agreed upon before, during and immediately after the "Naivasha Accord".

    Otherwise, Mutahi Ngunyi's gloomy predictions would have materialized to our shocking surprise had these leaders failed to figure out the numerous snares that were placed along the path that brought the country to the August 4th referendum without any wanton destruction of life and property in all regions of Kenya.

    In brief, some goons in "Camp XAK" were bent foiling the constitution process and they went out of their way to set up the leaders in "Camp BXK" for frustration and consequent failures.

    Luckily, the peace loving leaders in "Camp BXK" saw the ploys in advance and pursued their plan B that had been developed just in case the outcome of the "Naivasha Accord" ended up contrary to what had been agreed upon earlier on.

    So, the goons in "Camp XAK" had no more dirty tricks, ... cards, or underhanded alternatives to provoke the patriotic minds of "Camp BXK", but to agree to what they had not expected in the first place.

    The rest as we say, was epilogued with the voices, choices and actions of many Kenyans on August 4th, 2010.

  56. So many of us have been bought for a very cheap price at one time or another.

    So many of us have been used, abused and wasted by the powers that be, by various institutions and by many nations in one way, shape or form.

    So many of us have allowed ourselves to be molded into stooges in order to gain some academic, financial, political, religious or social advantage, or reward of some kind.

    Are we aware of how many immigrants are willing and ready to mold themselves into sychophants in order to achieve some kind of permanent residency or gain honorary citizenship by way of "naturalization"?

    Mutahi Ngunyi is no exception to what on goes on in our midst.

    He may have been waiting in the shadows for the opportune moment to tell Kenyans that "I told you so" but the historic out of August 4th, trampled all of his fears and edited versions of premonitions of doom.

    BOOK - 'Upheavals After The Referendum' By Tahi Guny, coming soon to a book store near you.

  57. Is former Kenyan President,Daniel arap Moi a dignitary like former Ghanaian president John Kufuor on Friday?

  58. Museveni should be heckled by Kenyans on Friday
    What do you think about his role in last General elections in Kenya? Upepo mbaya ashindwe

  59. Daniel arap Moi aka "arap Kunyuku" is a has been and a hanger-on whose time is long gone. He is a relic of the 'Cold War' paternalistic support system.

    Kenya is now a free country and he is free to come and go as he wishes, he can associate with any groups, individuals and institutions of his choice.

    An opportunity he denied so many Kenyans during his August, 1978 - December, 2002 era of brutality.

    Kenya has survived as a country and it will continue to thrive, thanks to August 4th, 2010 and the type of new democratic approach that will be taken by majority of its citizens.
    President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, should be accorded all the respect, extra security and red carpet welcome that befits any head of state and as dictated by protocol.

    There is no shred of any tangible evidence whatsover President Yoweri Museveni (of neighbouring Uganda) played an underhanded role in the last general elections.

    We (Kenyans) are the ones to blame for what happened before, during and after the general elections.

    The ugly PEV buck stops with us, Kenyans, and there is no benefit in trying to deflect the one time national blight and shame.

    Let's learn from Rwanda's past as we try to forge a better future for ourselves and the next four generations.

  60. The future of Kenya lies in Kenyans seeking domestic solutions to dometsic problems. Only Kenyans know what ails them and can come together to eradicate these. As happened by the passing of the constitution we need lead even as outsiders try to derail or take credit for our work.


  62. Anon 7:22,Jaluos exhibit KONDOO mentality,they have no capacity for independent thought..!They thus follow the dominant sheep wherever it wanders..!

  63. @Anon 10.04 p.m

    The reason why Luos marry from different tribes is because they are open minded and not tribal bigots.

    The percieved enemy 'kikuyu' especially attracts Luo men to hunt from them. But the truth of the matter is that 'House of Mumbi' men dont actually know how to please nor take care of a woman, and just look at the villages in Central, young men are wasting their lives away through cheap liquor, Mungiki menace has made parents from the region to take their daughters elsewhere to avoid forced marriages and ofcourse the 'Mtoto ni wa mama' mentality of Kikuyu men

    Truth be told the Majority of parking boys, single mothers and hardcore criminals languishing in jail hail from the house of mumbi.

    And finally House of Mumbi men simply carry manhoods the size of 'toothpicks' as compared to Luos and Luhyas Lol!, so please forgive us for taking your women away, as you go about drinking your and blinding your future generation.

  64. I would rather have a small dick but be able to use my brain rather than have a big uncut one that does the thinking for some people...!Kikuyus are the most populus,so the small jembe does its work effectively after all..!

  65. ah, the size of the **** a man doth make! If that's the best you can do, then you're forever doomed to flying toilets, AIDS, serfdom and whatever maladies that ail you today and tomorrow. The worst would be that they're all very well deserved.

  66. Lol! Ati 'Toothpicks' Bwa ha ha ha

  67. Lol! Ati 'Toothpicks' Bwa ha ha ha

  68. A man has never been described by a foreskin but by his ability to provide for and take care of his family.

    Please check the National Aids Statistics for Kenyans Under 45 Years and the Latest Insurance Statistics - Kikuyus have the highest cases of HIV and atleast now we have ARV's.... So know the statistics of late 90's and early 2000 in Luo Nyanza have turned to the enemy huh!

    Thieves, Useless Men ( we have your women), Mungiki!

  69. Bwa ha ha ha 'Toothpicks'...Lol! For an african man must be seen to carry 'Anacondas' with them.

    I would rather have a HUGE! uncut manhood rather than a 'Toothpick' because I can always have the procedure done surgically and voila! A HUGE! Anaconda that bites your women like craizee!

    Your doomed with your 'Toothpick' forever...bwa ha ha ha!

  70. Everyone knows that Kikuyu men are super useless... In the villages its their women who toil and sweat and ensure there children go to school.

    As the men! Drink their lives away, and cant 'perform'. Only to create a lazy cabal...Mungiki that kills their own.

    Prisoners, parking boys, conmen, power hungry barons, murderers, land grabbers... KENYA IS IN THIS MESS, BECAUSE OF KIKUYU'S

  71. House of Mumbi! Has the most tribalists of the 21st Century.


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