Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Raila’s Popularity in Central: Fact or Fiction?

Why is the proposed PM’s working trip to Central province creating an uproar? Why is the DPM suddenly eager to meet councillors from Central and parts of Rift Valley in an all-expenses-paid trip to Thika?

The ground in most parts of the country has moved. Old order politicians are slowly being edged out.

We saw it happen in Rift Valley in 2007, and it is now officially happening in Central Province. Up to four million votes, and upwards of 50 parliamentary seats, will be up for grabs in former PNU strongholds. The Central Kenya voter is already making his/her surprise choice known.

The amazing political goings on in Central Province have even been vindicated by the latest Synovate (Steadman) opinion poll. In their report released just last month, Synovate places the PM at 17% against DPM’s 15% in Central Province in terms of preferred presidential candidates. Even as political focus moves from Mau Water Tower in Rift Valley where a plot to paint the PM as an aggressor aborted, an interesting battle is shaping up in Central especially since it emerged the PM has identified the vote rich Muranga District as a launch pad for action oriented development and political forays into Central Province.

No one individual can currently be said to have total political grip on any province when it comes to elections. The most apparent of all is Central Province which is surprisingly emerging as the province that will make or break the next president of Kenya.

To add insult to injury, the DPM continues to hang on by a thread to an imaginary front run of the Central Province political leadership; a thread mostly held out by the likes of Simon Mbugua and Jamleck Kamau. Meanwhile, no scientific evidence has ever been tabled that the DPM is the automatic political leader of Central Province and neither are there any guarantees that Central Kenya will fall for the usual ethnic driven and short sighted politics.

In the meantime, the prime minister appears to be overwhelmed to accommodate tens of Central Province grassrooters, professionals and business leaders who are itching to pay courtesy calls and place invitations to visit them back home. Some of them believe he is the only leader who cares to resolve problems affecting the common man. The grapevine has it the PM has convinced influential Agikuyu elders and is now working on building a corruption free team of pointmen that includes individuals like Peter Kenneth and John Githongo. An endorsement is also expected from Nobel Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai.

Interestingly, a petty cold war is being fought at Treasury Building where both the PM and one his DPM’s share the same office block. When Central Kenya delegations are visiting the PM in droves, one cannot help imagine a situation where these delegations from the DPM’s supposed stronghold meet with the DPM in the lifts, which then passes the KANU Chairman’s office to be ushered into PM’s conference room higher up. The same thing repeats itself on their way out. Boy! If only we could move the entire Treasury to some other place!

The latest development paints a remarkable turnaround of fortunes for the Prime Minister who in 2007 only managed a paltry 1.9% of the presidential vote against the incumbent’s 97%. During the same polls the Vice President managed a face-saving 0.7%.

Clearly, the Overton window has shifted and voter will no longer be used like sufurias that are only remembered when hunger sets in.

Although many had predicted the demise of certain causes following the 2007 disputed polls, most Kenyans appear to be ready to vote without regard to ethnic origins or ethnic alliances.


  1. Kweli this phil is obsessed with Raira!
    Have we ever seen Phil post anything here apart from Raira O-jinga?

  2. Phil,
    Did you read Chris' priceless reminder that opinion polls don't win elections? Remember once trashed, numerously cowed. The music may be great, the lyrics thrillig but true dancers don't dance themselves lame before the belter, ama?

  3. Uhuru kenyatta is obsessed with revenge, it still paining him that he never won the 2002 election coz of Rao. He's so blinded that he cant realize that the likes of Peter Kenneth are rising up to embrace democracy to suite the current changes.

  4. Kumekucha Princess2/4/10, 8:56 AM

    Lets just pray Raila will not revert to his old tactics of "Kabila adui yetu" when his current attempts to woo the central people don't yield fruit.
    We know he is desperate for votes especially after Kalenjins ditched him, but lets us we (andu a nyumba) never be fooled by some empty gestures from this ailing power-hungry dictator.
    Ati visit Muranga? Why doesn't he go and visit the IDPs in the camps?!!

    Phil's mistress

  5. Phil's mistress/Taabu's mistress/Kumekucha prefect and now Kumekucha princess. Well that hole must have entertained shafts of all diameters. And you want to be taken serious? What a slut.

  6. Oh come now, same ole Phil.

    First of all, Raila Odinga is going to be fucked really hard and rough by Central Kenya voters. There seems to be a new phenomenon christened by Phil 'development oriented politics' but which in essence is a pluck from the "Triangulation and Poll-drivenism" chapter in Dick Morris's political handbook. It's a good movie, so can someone grab me the popcorn bag?

    Do I outrightly support the quarantine against Raila Odinga from Central Kenya? The answer to that would be NO. In fact I said here in 2007 while repudiating him and his obviously backward politics of intimidation that we should never ever take the campaign for the highest office in the land down the lowest road. I am tempted to stand by that, but wait a minute; Can UK, VP Kalonzo or any of those leaders rabidly anti-Raila Odinga socialize freely in Luo-Nyanza? Can UK as a minister of government just like Raila Odinga, inspect projects his ministry has funded in Homabay without hooligans and political hirelings stoning and heckling him? Can Vice President Kalonzo really have a good time in Siaya without being politially victimized? Go ahead and guess. In my opinion, Raila Odinga has no idea of the concept of respect and neither should his opponents, at least not towards him.

    Respect is a two way traffic. If we want to conduct mature issue-based political interractions, we have to be ready to at least listen and accomodate those with whom we differ.Whether Phil likes it or not, UK is the undisputed political leader of Central Province just like Raila Odinga is of Luo-Nyanza. The latter should have a free hand to campaign or even idle in Central. But similarly, UK should have the exact same right to do whatever he pleases in Luo-Nyanza. Otherwise if I were Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, I would not only oppose Raila's meeting, I would scuttle it. Literally!

  7. @Vikii,
    Come on tell and accept the truth for once. VP Kalonzo was in Siaya two weeks ago, ama?

  8. He was there on a harambee mission of which he had to divulge his invitation and solicitation of Raila Odinga's contribution to the press. That now is euphemism for seeking permission from him and appeasing his unreasonable bunch of supporters. Maybe Raila odinga should use the same medium to buy UK's cooperation.

  9. I don't think Central will be hoodwinked that easily. People know what happened in 07/08. He can tour but he wont get votes...

  10. @Vikii,
    At least you have accepted the truth. Now to the wider picture, people and politicians must grow up and avoid all forms of barbarism. Let the playing field be level and all candidates play fair. That is not asking for too much, ama?


    Take your time to understand the Kikuyus. Kikuyus are not driven by emotions, but by interests. Never forget that, ever. They will welcome Raila as long as he brings development, but if he brings his year-round politics of Nyanza, he will meet a cultural shock. Kikuyus will welcome even the devil as long as he is bringing development. Remember Moi and his mammoth rallies all over Central - did they translate into votes come elections time?

    If you are coming along with Raila, please leave your highschool-boy excitement in Luo-Nyanza or Kibera.

  12. Raila is welcome even to marry a second wife from Murang'a, lakini kula zina wenyewe.

  13. Kumekucha Princess2/4/10, 11:06 AM

    Anon 9:05 AM

    Point of correction. And please don't u ever make this mistake again:-

    Phil's Mistress is NOT Taabu's mistress or Kumekucha Prefect. Got that?

    Phil's Mistress= Kumekucha Princess= WOMAN. yes a twenty something yrs old woman! And no.1 Raila's harshest critic.

    As of being taken seriously, I am not here for that.

  14. If Raila wants really to beat everybody else to the priceless Kikuyu vote, let him champion the resettlement of the IDPs - after all he contributed significantly to their dislocation by terming them KABILA ADUI. But coming to open a tea factory and wagging the tail about it is nonsense; even a councillor can do that!!!!

  15. When Raila comes to Murang'a and opens the factory at the foot hills of Aberdares mountains, he will be standing on the famed central theater of the war of liberation whose soil soaked alot of MAU MAU blood. He should weigh his words very carefully. This could mark the beginning of his ascent into the presidency or his descent into mandazi-selling retirement in Kibera. When it comes to Murang'a and Meru, they are the hallowed grounds of Mt. Kenya politics. The ordinary folks there are lead and the politicians follow. That is the cardinal rule.

  16. Phil,

    Honestly, Kikuyus have nothing to gain by coorperating with Luos. They have nothing to offer - no power or land to offer. At least, Kalenjins have the land and they are neighbors - that is why Kikuyus will seek accommondation with them before the next elections, upende usipende.

  17. Kikuyus have seen how Raila has betrayed the Kalenjins and their leaders. That is why Kikuyus will dance disco dance with Raila but never slow dance. Yeye ni msaliti.

  18. Anon 10:15 AM
    Level the playing field when he has been playing rough all along and thus post election violence? Hakuna! Give him a test of his own medicine.

  19. Very correctly put:

    .........Kikuyus will welcome even the devil as long as he is bringing MBECA (forget devpt).

    No wonder the tale on how to confirm a dead one by dropping a coin.

  20. The real Msaliti is RAO... He will see what kind of votes wasaliti get - normally around 10% (from his stronghold). He will go down with the worst embarassment and shut up for good. For now he can continue to Pay Synovate and call the tune. Does he think no one knows?

  21. Political popularity is a disordered flower of the day or season. It doesn't hold much capital in many other variations.

    Best of luck to the politicians who think or believe that they hold the popularity card up their regional political sleeves.

  22. Okay, if he is not popular, why are you all getting worked up about? Amekula mbuzi ya nani

  23. Raila is up to something sinister--2012 will be worse than 2007 in terms of bloodshed. This time around it will be Kikuyu killing Kikuyu--remember he even told them that when he went for the burial of people killed by Mungiki in Mathira/Kirinyaga?
    What Raila is doing right now is not courting central kenya votes. He is setting the stage for the intimidation and slaughter of those that do not vote for him. He has cultivated good relationships with the Mungiki--remember he exchanged gifts with their leader and remember when Raila was being sworn in as PM he pleaded with the them to speak to him?
    The likely scenario in central kenya in 2012 is as follows: one, very low voter turn outs due to intimidation and two, the outright slaughter of those with viewpoints opposed to Raila and his Mungiki foot soldiers. You will see something in central Kenya that you never ever imagined you would. Stay tuned.

  24. @Scare monger,
    Now tafuta Omo with powerfoam and clean your foul mouth. You cheap conspiracy theory won't fly. RAO maybe upto something but it cannot be that cheap, leta ingine.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Raila is up to something sinister--2012 will be worse than 2007 in terms of bloodshed. This time around it will be Kikuyu killing Kikuyu--remember he even told them that when he went for the burial of people killed by Mungiki in Mathira/Kirinyaga?


    Africans should understand that exploitation of tribal fears is meant to deflect the attention away from STRUCTURAL CAUSES ECONOMIC DISTRESS.

    For instance, if you listen to Gema people, they are always complaining that there is no money in coffe and tea these days. Now, instead of calmly analysing the cause/s, they retort, or, are detracted to engage in silly blame games.

    If their stupid leaders, and their followers were be a bit intelligent, for instance, they would find that, for the last 4 decades, the WB/IMF and Western States have heavily promoted coffee and tea farming in Kenya for export. Unfortunately, the same promotion is done in Rwanda, TZ, Uganda, Ethiopia etc.

    The natural consequence of these "promotions of exports" so as to pay debts, is low price of these commodities for the Western consumer in the international markets. Obviously, low prices for coffee is good news for an American, but, a disaster for a Gema farmer.

    We think these are the kind of analysis we need and not stoking imaginary tribal fears as instructed by masters in the West so as to blind poor people.

    If poor people in Murang'a are made aware of these forces that are the cause of their poverty and the resultant violence, they would demand a new way of doing things. This would mean electing leaders willing to safeguard the interests of the people and not interests of foreigners.

    However, without this kind of analysis, we will keep on electing leaders to "bring development."

    But, these "developments" will remain an illusion as long as the export earnings are going down due to WB, IMF etc policies which we never question.

    Finally, we ask, why is it impossible to conduct such kind of politics in Kenya with all the education and exposure we have? Pathetic.

  26. Mwarangethe, kindly refrain from herding a whole tribe together like sheep and insulting them. The good thing is that we know where your stand it and your hatred for Kikuyu's ia well exposed now

    In your 'intelligence' that seems owned and patented by only Mwarangethe you have said this:

    For instance, if you listen to Gema people, they are always complaining that there is no money in coffe and tea these days. Now, instead of calmly analysing the cause/s, they retort, or, are detracted to engage in silly blame games.

    If their stupid leaders, and their followers were be a bit intelligent,

    You can fool everyone sometimes but you cannot fool everyone all the time!!!


  27. I wonder why these kikuyu delegations are suddenly all jostling for RAO - Haters, BTW RAO never went out of his way to ask to be the guest at the unveiling of some village projects. Of course this is work that can be done by the village headman, do etc. The kikuyus are sending a message by inviting RAO for these symbolic functions.
    The likes of Vikii can choke as they hope for a KALONZO invite....teheeeheee. I rolled on the floor laughing when he (kalonzo)rushed to the muranga quarry that caved in last week. Love him or hate him RAO creates news out of any situation. copy cat kalonzo, Ruto etc try the same but sadly no one even notices.

  28. Raila's strategy is to render the central vote irrelevant by splitting the vote with Uhuru and using the mungiki to coerse people into voting for raila. Raila has proven adept at using violence as a vote getting tool and this time he intends to use to effectively silence the gema vote.

    However he is not taking to account that the gema vote is not easily swayed, Moi's central province development group tried in 1997 and failed, they literally poured money in CP, during the campaigns they were welcomed with song and dance, more people turned up for Uhuru's KANU nomination, then the people who actually voted for him in the elections.
    Wacha raila atembee but never forget the blood shed by the guys in RV for being kabila adui.

  29. "@Scare monger,
    Now tafuta Omo with powerfoam and clean your foul mouth. You cheap conspiracy theory won't fly. RAO maybe upto something but it cannot be that cheap, leta ingine"

    Idiot. My scenario is plausible given your god's past adventures. What's your scenario? That all from the squalid slums of kibera, to the hyacinth-infested lake and the mountains of central will mindlessly hail the messiah in 2012? Stay stuffed in the place where the sun never shines.

  30. Raila's 17% popularity in central is nothing to be proud of. That does not amount to widespread endorsement. With the post election violence still fresh in the minds of many, Raila is going to be a hard sell to the region. However, he will still be able to move around freely as most people in the region are not particularly obsessed with politics.

  31. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our lives, and I am fairly certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about every once in a while.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]nintendo dsi r4i[/url] DS HomeBrow)

  32. "However, he will still be able to move around freely as most people in the region are not particularly obsessed with politics."

    Wish they'd turn out to stone and heckle him, uproot railways, burn houses and so on--yes, and that there is a pink elephant.

  33. After the 2012 elections, Luos will be the most isolated tribe in Kenya if they insist on fielding Raila for the presidency.

  34. Kikuyu's in Muranga will be busy in their vast tea nad coffee plantations to care much about Raila's visit unlike the Luo brothers who worship this 65 hair dyeing man and wait for handouts.

    The counsellors should even organise a harambee after the factory opening so that at least Raila can donate some of the money he collects from the molasses and malindi squatters land.


  35. Anonymous said...
    Mwarangethe, kindly refrain from herding a whole tribe together like sheep and insulting them. The good thing is that we know where your stand it and your hatred for Kikuyu's ia well exposed now


    Well, let facts speak for themselves. During the Moi regime, the Gema people collectively blamed Moi for the coffee and tea woes. No doubt, Moi had his failings, but, were hyped to blind the masses.

    Moi went in 2002 and we have had a Gema president since then. Has the situation changed?

    Well, listen to the Murang'a councillors lamenting today that farming in central, i.e. coffee, milk and tea sector is in dissary @

    Thus, if the problems the Gema blamed Moi for are still there, and even worse, is not time to analyse these matters in a different way? Thats all we are asking instead of stupid tribal blame games we see around.

    Lets face it. Blaming other tribes is what anyone can do, for it is easy, but, it will offer no solution to our problems.

    Let us focus on the real causes of economic distress and not delusions.

  36. The great people of Mt Kenya are very accommodating when it comes to the fluid game of politics. That's why they will welcome Raila and listen to him before making any decisions. As a matter of fact in Central you will find elected MPs and Councillors from diverse parties like Safina, Kanu, Ford Asili, Sisi Kwa Sisi, Narc and even PNU. That's unlike in Nyanza where everyone is an ODmoron because Raila says so. In fact, Orengo had been defeated in the ODM nominations by a young fella called Steve Mwanga who was then rigged out by Raila's henchmen.

    Contrast that with Mukurwe-ini where Kibaki even campaigned for Mutahi Kagwe, who was out rightly rejected by the people in favour of Kabando wa Kabando who belongs to an obscure party like Safina. All this happened in Kibaki's own backyard and there's absolutely nothing he could do. Yep, it can only happen in Central.

    Uhuru issued a statement yesterday thru his PA Njee Muturi backing Raila's visit to central. This is because he can't object and herd Kikuyus like goats into what they should do, otherwise he would be deeply disappointed! Looks like he surely does understand "his" people!

    Now Phil should go ahead and answer whether political rallies by PNU allied politicians would be welcomed in Luo- Nyanza or the politicians would be chased away with stones normally hidden in briefcases!

  37. Contd from above:

    If Uhuru want the big influence in Central that he craves for, he should consider donating lots of land the Kenyattas own to the IDPs. It's called writing the wrongs! They own thousands of hectares and it won't make a dent in their huge fortunes, most illegally gained through the back of innocent Kenyans!

  38. "the Gema people collectively blamed Moi for the coffee and tea woes."

    Hmmmm. Interesting. Collectively? In a meeting this did this? Hmmmm?

  39. Anonymous said...
    "the Gema people collectively blamed Moi for the coffee and tea woes."

    Hmmmm. Interesting. Collectively? In a meeting this did this? Hmmmm?

    2/4/10 11:56 PM


    This fact was evident in their voting patterns in 1992 and 1997. Any other question?

  40. Ah, their voting patterns. A causal relation.
    OK, I'll take this as I do religion-- with blind faith.
    No, no more questions.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Phil,

    Am surprised today you even pour accolades on Wangari Maathai.

    This is what you said on 13/10/2007 on this post

    "....Wangari Maathai is the most colourless nobel peace price laureate I have ever seen. She has completely failed to effectively use her prestigious status to bring about any meaningful changes. Her billion tree campaign is far behind target and quite impractical in my opinion.

    Vikii, mine is not blind loyalty, rather it is passionate support for a political party with the right ideologies.

    But I wouldnt hesitate to nominate you for the Kumekucha True Political Heartbreak Award..without monetary value....joint nominees with Derek who cannot just imagine staring at a Raila presidency in two months time."

    What a hypocrite.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Ah, their voting patterns. A causal relation.
    OK, I'll take this as I do religion-- with blind faith.
    No, no more questions.

    2/5/10 12:44 AM


    Let us get to the real issues. Many anonymous commentators keep on reminding us that, Kikuyu's/Gema "only vote in accordance with their interests."

    Now, we all know that a thriving coffee and tea sector is in the interest of Gema people.

    If the above fact is accepted, the question is, if they voted to protect these interests in 2002 and 2007, why is this sector still in a mess as the councillors are telling us today?

  44. The person who masters how to handle the press wins .... vitu zingine zote ni uivu. Who among Nyundo , Wipper , Ruto , Uhush not to mention General Kaguoya would meet the press with confidence when a crisis explodes - without them trying as much to manupulate the circumstances - and come out looking good and with a catchy slogan that revabrates nationaly to boot ?

    The stakes are high - some have gone as far as buying media outlets becouse they cannot be real and win - thats how bad this propaganda war is.

    btw just a thought should it be in the Constitution/ Act of Parliament or Presidents appointment contract that he has a obligation to explain/address events to the public personally LIVE at least once every month - after all he is directly elected so he should directly report to wenya inchi - what I mean is he should be made to take questions ( Press Conference ) to explain events from the horses mouth. A simple question like " Mr President do you have unshakable confidence in the minister and PS in the ministry of education " would put to rest this pretence on summons and pulpit declarations without action. At least wana inch will know where he stands about corruption and the poor kids who cannot have a decent education compared to " hardworking silver spoon " - family and relatives and hangers on.

    The country should have bench marks of how to judge the Presidents especially during re-election. Promises should not be a factor but history and records. These fora should be a mechanism to hold him to account on his words for re-election. Road side district proclamations should not be a reason for re-election.

    The talent the country looses becouse of these bonzos is amazing.

    If the President must be elected directly by the people it follows the people should be entitled through community Q&As to hear the presidents thinking on issues directly affecting them.

    I propose provincial or jimbo Q&As to avoid a doctored crowd with soft questions. Each province once a year - in any case he will get to travel and meet the grassroots. He/She cannot say that his calender is full as air travel would put him in any part of the country in two hours tops and back to statehouse for lunch and after all the Wenye Inchi are his first priority.

    Time should not be an issues as he can still work "in the air" like some of us are forced to do "on the road" in matatus and route 11 due to jams and strikes.

  45. Anon 12:44 AM, You are going nowhere with your mischief.... You might think that you are being "smart" - in the pumbavu Kenyan sense of the word - but I can assure you that you look more like a fool.

    Just admit it that Mwarangethe has hit you 10 - nil. And this is just after 5 minutes of the "match."

    If you go on with your pumbavu mischief and the "match" lasts the full 90 minutes, Mwarangethe might just deluge your "goal mouth" with a further FLOOD of 1000 goals.

    Anon 12:44 AM, a word of advice: do not attempt or begn to fight pumbavu battles which you have already lost before they have even began

  46. Mwarang'ethe,

    You seem not to understand Kikuyu's at all. Let me educate you for free. They unlike other tribes do not wait for politicians to bring handouts. They have used 'Harambee spirit' in Women chama, Rural electrification, Land buying societies, cooperatives...the list is endless to become self reliant and the other tribes have to try keep pace. You can hate them and abuse them but just like the jews, they support the economy of the country in all aspects. That does not however mean that we do not have poor Kikuyu's in the same way we have american poor who have to rely on food stamps.

    And please stick to Raila and stop draggung Kikuyu's who you seem to hate into this. They are still successful without your version of 'intelligence' that you alluded before.

  47. Blogger JEFF said...


    Am surprised today you even pour accolades on Wangari Maathai.

    You need to get your reading glasses Jeff. This is what I published:

    An endorsement is also expected from Nobel Laureate Prof. Wangari Maathai.

    How does this even remotely amount to "pouring accolades?"

    FYI - I still stand by my remarks in 2007 as regards Wangari Maathai.

    I notice you conveniently avoid the contents of the main post and dwell on a minor, irrelevant, non issue.

    Will you be joining us in Muran'ga?

  48. Thank you. Were were told that Raila does not need the Kikuyu vote. That Wangari Mathai's Nobel Prize is lowly rated among others from that prestigious Norwegian hotel.

    How things change??? I hope the Kikuyu Elder Coronation takes place. Next time, let Kabando wa Kabando hold a political rally in Nyatike or Rongo.

    While on that, remember the hate that confronted Stanley Livondo for announcing his candidature in Langata.

    I will not suffer a heartbreak anyway. He will not be elected. Like Father, Like Son

  49. Rao has lost the kalenjins votes and political pundits are advising him to woo central province if he want to be president come 2012.Pole the honurable thing he should do is to retire in active politics.

  50. Rao is a real betrayer and his tricks is now well known

  51. Kumekucha Princess2/5/10, 2:54 AM

    Come on Mwangarethe and fellow ODMorons, do you really really expect Agikuyu people to accept Raila with open hearts given what he did to them pre- and post 2007 election? Others may, but for me, the words KABILA ADUI YETU will continue to linger in my memories and of those of my generations to come.
    he went on to call for boycott of any Kikuyu owned business in kenya, and now he want their vote? The wonders of this world never cease to amaze me!

    You don't call people your enemies and then seek to sleep with them. PERIOD
    Btw, I noticed your man Raira is now a Sikh??

    I wonder how many more things this man is going to do to get votes.

  52. Anonymous said...

    You seem not to understand Kikuyu's at all. Let me educate you for free. They unlike other tribes do not wait for politicians to bring handouts. They have used 'Harambee spirit' in Women chama, Rural electrification, Land buying societies, cooperatives...


    Ati educating Mwarang'ethe about Kikuyus. Come on.

    When Kibaki became the president, didn't he give coffee farmers debt waiver? What do you call that Sir? And, who paid for these waiver if not the Maasai who never got any assistance?

    Here is the reference Sir. It is entitled: "Government gives debt waiver to coffee farmers," dated 16th Sept. 2004.

    U can read and educate yourself here Sir:


    NB: Harambees and such jazz cannot be used to develop a nation for your information.

  53. Kumekucha Princess said...
    Come on Mwangarethe and fellow ODMorons, do you really really expect Agikuyu people to accept Raila with open hearts given what he did to them pre- and post 2007 election?


    It is not about accepting RO with open hearts. It is a question of asking, given where we stand, who can address in a more forthright manner the economic problems of the nation. Thats all.

    If you ask that question and look at the past in an honest manner, the answer is clear.

  54. Kumekucha Princess2/5/10, 3:23 AM

    Haha! Mwangarethe, Allow me to introduce myself to you; being a LSE graduate, I can tell you whole lot about economics my friend.
    And I can tell you right now, neither Raila, nor Uhuru, Ruto or any current crop in the govt is capable of spearheading our country Kenya into a prosperous state economically. That's a topic for another day.

    Do u wonder why the western countries did not support Raila even after alleged rigging? Well, let me tell you what they said behind the closed doors "we know all the corruptions that has being going on in Kibaki Administration, however, we cannot trust Raila Odinga to lead East Africa's most stable country, Mr. Odinga policies are likely to put Kenya into trouble economically" that was said by EU officials before 2007 election.

  55. chirau ali mwakwere has lost his matuga seat in a petition. looks like the good judge has done what kibaki could not do, sack the worst minister in kenya's history. kamata kamata! mwakwere can now concentrate on singing lingala on tv interviews! goodbye and good riddance to this under performing and arrogant minister!

  56. Kumekucha Princess said...
    Haha! Mwangarethe, Allow me to introduce myself to you; being a LSE graduate, I can tell you whole lot about economics my friend.
    And I can tell you right now, neither Raila, nor Uhuru, Ruto or any current crop in the govt is capable of spearheading our country Kenya into a prosperous state economically. That's a topic for another day.


    We concur fully. Things are very difficult not only for Africans, but, for the whole humanity. But, thats a topic for another day as u said.

    For instance, if you look at the American worker, his real income in 2010, is at the 1970 level. Thats a tragedy for we are globalizing poverty.

    Having said that, the question is, given this difficult situation we are in, who can do or try to do something tangible in Kenya?

    Thats the question we face. And, when u face these ugly facts, and then u look at those who wan to become president, the choice is clear.

  57. As Chirau is outsted, Bishop Margaret Wanjiru is next. watch this space.

  58. Good riddance now he can go home and concentrate on his lingala collection and matatu biz, in the mean time let a competent person go ahead with the business of the transprtaion that is a nightmare.

    He should now move out of the transport ministry with immediate effect no handover is required as he has been missing in action anyway

    His thiefing buddy Muhoho should get the message and leave ASAP.


    Mr Odinga has asked the President " the resignation of the Minister and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Pros Sam Ongeri and Prof Karega Mutahi respectively over the loss of funds meant for free primary education " - Daily Nation

    Lets see what Kaguoya does. The beggining of the end of IMPUNITY or business as usual.

    RAO leads others follow

  60. Phil,

    You are mistaken.

    If Raila were to decide to visit my village, there will be some euphoria, some 'interest' in him. Just like if i were to announce that during my forthcoming harambee, one Phil from Kibera will accompany me. Of course the villagers will want to know who Phil is, and they will turn up in big numbers. But, does this passing one-day interest translate into popularity? I am lost.

    Reminder: I am still waiting for your take on the PSC draft constitution.

  61. Reminder: I am still waiting for your take on the PSC draft constitution

    That was a FRAUD, a SHAM and a huge BETRAYAL by the PSC. Forget about the 'endorsement' seemingly given by RAO. He is playing in a different league from us the foot soldiers. Let's wait for the real thing from the CoE. I am sure it will shock those of you who are applauding akina tawfiq. It will be a huge shift from the PSC proposal and it certainly will be more feasible and more likely to end up as our referendum draft.

    Of course the villagers will want to know who Phil is, and they will turn up in big numbers. But, does this passing one-day interest translate into popularity? I am lost.

    Notwithstanding the controversy arising from daily courtesy call to the PMs office, the reverberations of the proposed visit are being heard as far as Naivasha, Nyahururu and even Ngong all the way from Muranga. And the date is a month away. One wonders what will happen eventually when the visit takes place!

  62. The problem with these jaruos is they want us to worship Raila Odinga like they do.
    They are trying to spoon-feed us RAO deep into our throats without a care of our liberty and human rights.
    It's against humanity to coerce anyone into believing something they don't want. Phil, stop violating our human rights by preaching Raila's gospel to us NOW.

  63. Kumekucha Princess @ 2/5/10 3:23 AM

    I also agree with you -”Mr. Odinga policies are likely to put Kenya into trouble economically”

    As an LSE graduate as you proudly announce, am surprised that you take that statement at face value without question. Please don’t mix up THEIR interests and OUR interests.

    THE EU gives Kenya handouts to sustain us while they rob you in broad daylight. I guess you are familiar with social security syndrome you studied in UK for Christ sake you should know. Maybe life support syndrome would ring a bell.

    In a language you can understand - yes RAOs policies will”put Kenya into trouble economically” - read will put their economic gains in Kenya in trouble because he is a Nationalist and very pragmatic , any economic gains should be transferred to Kenyans not foreigners. Unlike the current stooges who don’t have a clue what’s going on.

    It does not mean Kenya’s economy will not grow. The statement actually means policies will be put in place that spurs economic growth but the gains will remain WITHIN KENYA with a corresponding decrease in their influence. The motto will be TRADE NOT AID without a corresponding 100 fold theft of our resources.

    I gather you are the same school of thought of the 7.5 % economic growth that was yapped about during election.

    Since you are the LSE graduate and poverty eradication is one of the fundamental indicators of economic gains - Can you by any chance chart for us laymen the poverty trends and economic growth/gains that your fellow LSE graduates in the EU are talking about. Just interpolate for us the last few years - you should have it on your finger tips unless - as I suspect - you know the EU figures more than the Kenyan ones.

    Am not surprised your interest lie with foreigners, once upon a time home guards and brut force were used to guard their gains, nowadays brainwashing serves an even more potent and effective tool - you are either with a Kenyan renaissance and economic empowerment or against the mother land. And I mean all of it from Central, Nyanza; Coast, Eastern, Northern - and eventually East Africa and Greater AFRICA.

    Don’t let this LSE bullshit get in your head. You were not given a brain just to carry it around... THINK !

    Be aware of " Home grown foreigners”

  64. Mwarangethe, stop "hitting on" the fake LSE graduate calling herself Kumekucha princess (never mind her horrible grammer!) For heaven's sake she's just a naive 21 years old kid causing lots of nuisance on grown folks forum. "Tune" someone above 28 if you must!

  65. if 17 % support him in central then it means 81% dont like him so where is the popularity

  66. MWAKWERE IS OUT! What pleasant news. The best I've heard this year.

    This cartoon was very lazy, arrogant and incompetent.

    All Mwakwere was obsessed about was demonizing Raila and calling him and evil man. Good Riddance.

  67. Sorry Jeff....Naivasha deal was just a big HOAX!

  68. In a language you can understand - yes RAOs policies will”put Kenya into trouble economically” - read will put their economic gains in Kenya in trouble because he is a Nationalist and very pragmatic , any economic gains should be transferred to Kenyans not foreigners. Unlike the current stooges who don’t have a clue what’s going on.


    Shortly after Kennedy came to power, he established a Latin American commission to review the affairs of that continent. It was headed by historian Arthur Schlesinger.

    As concerns Cuba, the commission told the president that, the problem in Cuba is:

    "the spread of Castro idea of taking matters into one's hands."

    He added that this idea has great appeal in Latin America where:

    "the distribution of land and other forms of national wealth greatly favours the propertied classes ...[and] the poor and under privileged, stimulated by the example of the Cuban revolution, are now demanding opportunities for a decent living."

    Ah, asking for a decent living is the virus that has to be contained in violation of international law.

    NB: Please do not talk about communism cos we have mentioned Cuba.

    The fact is that Western powers do not want reforms that will change the existing social/economic arrangements that benefit the West, but, produce poverty and conflict for Africans.

    It is from this perspective RO presidency is/was viewed as dangerous by the West and their puppets (mostly lawyers and economists) in Kenya/Africa.

  69. 68 comments - salalaaaaaaa - what passions RAOs name brings - thats what we want in Kenya a leader that galvanizes the electorate - not counting the nincompoops within.

    Mezeni wembe ! Nyundo juu

  70. Hehehe. Dream on about Raila getting Kikuyu votes. This is hilarious! Atazungushwa the way Moi was by those guys in 1997 called the Kikuyu development support group of whom Peter Kenneth was a member. So what else is new? Same cast, different time, but the same script headed for failure.
    When will naive Luos like Phil ever get it? Kikuyus are first of all very suspicious of outsiders, more so those with untrustworthy and dubious records like Raila. In this regard, never forget that they have very long memories, and as far as Raila is concerned, they will not forget that he was the architect and instigator of the incendiary and relentless 2 year stridently anti-Kikuyu campaign he christened 41 AGAINST 1, and that became a popular Anthem of the ODM campaign. This 41 AGAINST 1 campaign was what energised the ODM rank and file to the extent that it was the catalyst that, like aviation fuel, ignited the PEV that caused the deaths of so many Kikuyu. Now, unless Raila (and also Phil and those waiting with bated breath for the Kikuyu vote to propel Raila into office) thinks Kikuyus have the attention span of a warthog, HE MUST FIRST ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND OWN 41 AGAINST 1, EXPRESS REMORSE, AND THEN ASK FOR FORGIVENESS for campaigning on a platform of ethnic hate. Anything else is a truckload of evil smelling bull.s.hit. Uhuru's anti-Raila campaign will revolve around this theme, and Raila had better have convincing answers or he will be whitewashed, take that to the Bank and cash it. I have given you fair warning Phil, and you underestimate it at your peril.


  72. Once the shackles of tribal fear and kihii propaganda have been dismantled - the ground work has been layed and its working like a charm with amazing speed - its an open playing field.

    The diehards just cant believe the figures , we know what happened to Dinosaurus.

    IT IS WIDE OPEN - Ukipenda usipende na nimesema

  73. Interesting stuff:

    Hehheeeeeee......! Raila is on a verge of losing his Langata seat!!!

    PM Raila Odinga wants a petition challenging his election as Lang'ata MP dismissed.

    We saw what happened with Chirau Mwakere, Raila YOU are next.....

  74. @Kumekucha princess,
    LSE graduate you are in good company with Kibs. And BTW your grammar really measures to LSE. So after peddling your fake LSE CV, sorry to disappoint you that KK is no employment bureau more so for airheads like you.


  75. Taabu @ anon 7:57 AM, Another one of your jealousy fit! Oops, you forget we can tell your writing style! Grow up man and stop behaving like a small-dicked man! Ouch!

  76. Ati RAO is a nationalist?? Dont make me laugh! An mzungu asslicker! A man whose everything has to be foreign, from football coach to ECK boss, to eye specialist in Germany, to South African witchdoctors and now is a nationalist. Mungu moja!

  77. Taabu, you may wish to know John Terry has been stripped off his captaincy because of having a mistress.
    This should apply to Kenyan men as well; anyone caught with a mistress should lose his job/earnings!

  78. heheheheee...ati RAO to lose his langata seat to another pnu illiterate mp? lakini wana pnu, can't you guys try even in the city where there are some educated ones among your lot. a city/town mp needs to be well schooled jameni.

  79. @ mwarang'ethe

    You may be a good political theorist but you certainly have zero or limited knowledge of tea and coffee production in CP and the politics involved.
    The coffee sector was totally ruined when moi was in power, the coffee board was a wealth tranfer mechanism where the cbk looted coffee farmers hard earned income and directed it to politically correct individuals in the Moi government, even CBK messengers made more than the small scale farmers. Most coffee farmers neglected their crop or uprooted it all together if they could get away with it, a prime example is runda estate which was a coffee farm.

    Today coffee tea and milk prices have gone up compared to the moi days. Tea and coffee farmers are now actively cultivating the crop, If they complain of problems they simply want even greater improvement in the handling of the finished produce.

  80. Kenya will always be backward because they run after wrong types of leaders like Livondo, Y92 and go srow, miracle politicians, fuata nyayo.

    They will always reject true reformists.

  81. If raila is a reformist, can somebody tell me what he reformed during his tenure as Energy Minister?
    Energy sector still remain one of the most corrupted, incomptent, unreliable public service in kenya.

  82. My friends Jaduongs, don't get excited by possibility of Kikuyus voting for Ojinga, he might have a rude shock come the elections, kikuyus are not like the luos who raila can tell to drown themselves and they smile all the way to lake victoria. Peter kenneth and co should know that kenya has not changed a bit for them to try nationalists. Tuju tried it and failed miserably. Ojinga should try mending up with the kalenjins otherwise he is in for a rude shock.

  83. MBAKA NDUNGU2/8/10, 9:33 AM

    You can continue with your pipe dream,walk all over with a hard on,as the thoughts of your demi-god RAO finally making it to statehouse cloud your brain but come 2012,you will once again be left seething with frustration as your man again bites the dust and maybe for the last and final time as age is definitely taking its toll.Noo,Kikuyus are not that naive to be taken the Kalenjin way and their collective memeories are not that short as to forget in a single season that it was Raila`s raw greed for power that saw hundreds of their kinsmen murdered and ejected from the Rift Valley en-masse.Mr.Philo,some scars dont just heal that easily!


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