Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ocampo 4: A Flawed Defense Strategy

by Mwarang'ethe
Up to now, we have refrained from commenting too much on the on going ICC case of the Ocampo six who have been reduced to four.  We have done so because, we hold this Kangaroo Court in utter contempt for it is being used to throw dust into the eyes of the long suffering African people. First, we acknowledge that, serious crimes were committed in Kenya in 2007/8. Secondly, we also, acknowledge, the need for justice for the victims.

Having conceded that, serious crimes were committed, and there is need for justice, we hold a very well considered opinion that, the best justice we can give to the victims of that senseless violence is to devote our attention to a careful reformation of the system which produce such senseless disorder in Africa. Regrettably, instead of devoting ourselves to this noble cause, we have cried for vengeance. The problem is that vengeance shall not remove the real causes of the rampant social disorder in Africa. This being the case, we risk being colonised by stealth in the name of justice.

Those who are ignorant of African history may find the above assertion far fetched. However, all one has to remember is this. In 1526, Nzinga Mbemba of Kingdom of Kongo, a.k.a. Alfonso I wrote the following plea to the King of Portugal:

We cannot reckon how great the damage is, since the merchants daily seize our subjects, sons of the land and sons of our noblemen, vassals and relatives ... and cause them to be sold; and so great, Sir, is their corruption and licentiousness that our country is being utterly depopulated.

The question is, did the Portuguese help in any way? They not only encouraged slave trade, but, ended up colonising Africa. Does any believe this time is different? If so, how and why?

Having noted the above, we would advise the Ocampo four to “pause” their frantic defence, change their defence strategy and take on Ocampo first. The problem we find with their defence is that, they have entrusted their fate to mainstream lawyers who will not challenge this body like Milosevic did until they killed him by refusing him medical attention. The truth is that, by taking his own defence, Milsoveic proved a serious challenge to the corrupt international justice system. For instance, his trial was supposed to be broadcast, but, since Milosevic was prepared, all this was dropped.

Thus, we propose, in terms of military art, they need to switch to an offensive strategy and forget their passive defense which their lawyers are pursuing. In fact, we would argue that, their defensive strategy amounts to letting  a long and unbroken line of troops move for so long which must be avoided completely if one is to win any war. As a matter of fact, their strategy amounts to fortification in the age of aerial warfare. As such, they need to abandon their fortifications and launch the greatest weapon of offensive warfare i.e. a surprise and ferocious attack.

This being the case, it is our considered view that, the best option at this moment is to mount a serious attack on the prosecutor and the ICC at large on account of partiality. As an example, they can argue that, the ICC prosecutor and the judges are in clear violation of Article 45 of the Rome Statute entitled: Solemn Undertaking which provides that:

“Before taking up their respective duties under this Statute, the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar shall each make a solemn undertaking in open court to exercise his or he respective functions impartially and conscientiously.”

The argument would be like this:

(a) We do not fear to defend ourselves for the alleged crimes.

(b) However, before we stand trial, it is just and proper that, be it ascertained whether we can receive fair trial at the ICC.

Flowing from the above then, to the extent that, the ICC prosecutor and the judges, can be shown not to have not acted in accordance with Rome Statute and especially Article 45, they disqualify themselves from taking “up their respective duties” under the Statute against the four.

We content ourselves at this stage by citing just one example that can be cited and argued forcefully to demonstrate the partiality of this Court and therefore, demonstrate it's utter incapacity to offer a fair trial. In the recent war of aggression against Libya, Ocampo moved very swiftly to indict Gaddafi on fabricated charges.

However, at the same time, in clear evidence of the Court's partiality contrary to Article 45 of the Rome Statute, it did not, and has not acted on violations of international law by the NATO forces. To cite one plain example. The UN Charter, Chapter VII Article 46, provides that:

Plans for the application of armed force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee.

To the best of our recollection, there was no Military Staff committee which was involved in the Libyan war. Clearly, this being irrefutable, this is a a clear violation of the international law of war for the NATO leaders, and many of them are party to the Rome Statute have committed serious crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC. Why would Ocampo be in a rush to indict Gaddafi on fabricated charges while ignoring clear violations of the international law? If this is not partiality, what is it?

It can be argued that, to the extent the ICC has not seen it fit to investigate such blatant violation of international laws of war, is a confirmation of breach of the Rome Statute Article 42 which provides that, the Office of the Prosecutor “shall not seek or act on instructions from any external source.” If he has not received or sought such instructions, where does his partiality emanate from? From incompetence? If it is incompetence, how can he try the Kenyan case then?

As a matter of fact, the ICC prosecutor is on record saying that, he will ask the UN Security Council member states on the way forward for the Libyan case. How can those who have violated the international laws of war with impunity be the ones to give direction to the ICC prosecutor? What kind of justice is this?

The ultimate question which the ICC judges would be forced to answer in this novel approach is this: If the ICC is receiving instructions contrary to Article 42 of the Rome Statute, how can its impartiality as demanded by Article 45 of the Rome Statute be met?

By adopting this defence strategy instead of the usual one, the Ocampo four would force the ICC either:

(a) to live up to the lofty claims and especially Article 45. Definitely, were it to do this, it would be killed by those who seek to use it as a means of colonialism.

(b) to brush brush aside a well researched attack on its partiality which would lead to loss legitimacy which it has gained by propaganda.

In other words, the Ocampo four should force the ICC to live up to its lofty claims or close shop and scatter those lawyers wasting time there to look for other means of earning their living.


  1. No comment at all!

  2. Forget the ICC and the culpability of the Ocampo 4 for just a day. The bitter truth of the whole matter is still the white-green elephant in our midst: 12,000 families (IDPs) wallowing in various IDP camps around the country. That's where attention needs to be focused rarther on political goons from the PNU and ODM cesspool.

  3. I am not a lawyer but this seems to be a veiled advise to Obako to stop cooperating with the ICC

  4. Ati "we have done so because, we hold this Kangaroo Court in utter contempt for being used to throw dust into the eyes of the long suffering African people."

    What a joke from this fellow. There will always be tunnel vision, ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS, CHILDISH ILLUSIONS and constant fear of the imaginary eternal colonial beast with the kind of STUPID ENVY LEAGUE OF FOOLS posts and sterile observations years after the ICC is done with the Ocampo 4 of Kenya, Janjaweed of Durfur, Sudan, and the former Interahamwe of Rwanda.

    Emancipate yourself from modern day mental slavery none but ourselves can free our minds full of ENVY LEAGUE OF FOOLS ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS, and CHILDISH ILLUSIONS.

    How long shall you continue to delude yourself with pseudo intellectualism and devotion to self-serving "noble causes"?

  5. It’s easy to see ICC double standards pointed out here, but then is ICC the cause of 2007/8 PEV? The answer is NO and therefore there is need to address the real problem here.

    In my view, the 2007/8 had everything to do with unresolved land issues which were triggered by a series of events. Kibaki and company bungled the elections, RAO who had rightly won in the ‘opium taking session’ called for mass action which it turn triggered simmering hatred some communities had long harbored against one major community.

    Because of selfish interests and sheer ineptitude, Kenya’s leadership was totally unable to resolve chaos that ensued. In fact, were it not for one Annan sent by imperialists you love to hate, things could have been elephant. Needless to say, even after the war, our USELESS and CORRUPT courts could not be trusted to bring justice to the victims. The two other arms of the Govt were equally ineffective. In other words, Kenya was fast plunging into a ‘failed state’ status.

    Now, it is a good thing for a country to manage its own affairs but unfortunately some are not able; The reason I find it unjustified to point a finger at ICC.

  6. Hi Mwarangethe, hope you good my brother. What if indeed the Ocampo four, kina Ruto and Uhuru actually committed the crimes they are facing? Yep, what if???

    Let's not forget that we were given all the time in the world by the ICC to set up our own local (mechanism) tribunal to our own self inflicted problems and we screwed up as usual.

    I recall Martha Karua pleading passionately with the greedy Mpigs in Bunge to set up local tribunals, but the male chauvinists shouted her down and said "Don't be vague, let's go to The Hague!"

    Then after some months, Imanyara again came with similar motion, but it was Ruto who led the rebellion in Bunge and boasted it would take 99 years before ICC completed investigations (that clip is available somewhere on youtube!)

    Then the "evil", "nasty", "bad" "colonial" court stepped in after Koffi Anan handed the envelope (never mind we voluntarily signed to be a member of this court without being forced!)

    And what did Ocampo do? He used evidence from us Kenyans! From our very own NSIS, from our own KNHCR, From Our Oscar Foundation (and that caused the assassinations of their two officials) and from our own citizens (witnesses) who are now safely abroad.

    ICC just corroborated what these groups of sources said and came up with a credible picture. Was it not NSIS (led by a Nyerian Mr Gichangi) that first alluded about Mungiki meetings in statehouse?

    So the big four will be fried at The Hague as it goes but we still have thousands of others living free who did the actual rapes and murders.

    What has our Govt done about them four years on? I hope you will write next to the IDPs still languishing in camps on how they can get justice in your next article.

  7. It’s easy to see ICC double standards pointed out here, but then is ICC the cause of 2007/8 PEV? The answer is NO and therefore there is need to address the real problem here.


    So, is demanding the ICC to follow the laws under which it is established a problem?

    In other words, it is fine for you for the ICC to break its own laws.

    If it so, then, it is a FAILED INSTITUTION. If so, we inquire, how can a FAILED INSTITUTION, be of any help to a FAILED STATE?


    "Now, it is a good thing for a country to manage its own affairs but unfortunately some are not able; The reason I find it unjustified to point a finger at ICC."


    It is true, Kenya is nothing, but, a failed state.

    However, we have asked countless times, WHY is it that Africa has so many failed states? Why Africa and not Europe?

    And, if we may ask, what has the ICC done to prevent Kenya/African states from failing in 10, 15, 20 year's time?

    Or, since we SHALL fail again, will it keep on coming until it establishes itself on our soil like the WB and the IMF?

    NB: Since you have not realized, Africa lost its economic independence in the 1990's.

    NB: Now, they are encroaching on the criminal justice.


    "Needless to say, even after the war, our USELESS and CORRUPT courts could not be trusted to bring justice to the victims."


    We ask, why is this?


    The two other arms of the Govt were equally ineffective. In other words, Kenya was fast plunging into a ‘failed state’ status.


    So how is the ICC the long term solution?


    We leave thee with a quote from a GREAT African Thinker, Du Bois:

    "I believe in the Devil and his angels, who wantonly work to NARROW
    the opportunity of struggling human beings, especially if they
    be BLACK; who spit in the FACES of the FALLEN, strike them that cannot
    strike again, BELIEVE THE WORST AND WORK TO PROVE IT , hating the image
    which their Maker stamped on a brother’s soul."

    In simple words, the ICC is an example of BELIEVING THE WORST ABOUT AFRICANS, AND WORKING TO PROVE IT.

    We have noted before that, the ICC is based on this assumption:

    (a) Africans are VIOLENT, INCAPABLE, CORRUPT and such bad stuff.

    This is nothing, but, spitting on the face of the fallen.

    Very unfortunately, they are doing a very good job in making Africans swallow this vomit.

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

    Lord, we are still HERE:


  8. Mutula to Wiper: There’s no shortage of parties

    Posted by WAMBUI NDONGA on January 31, 2012- Capital fm

    NAIROBI, Kenya, Jan 31 – Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Mutula Kilonzo has now dared the Wiper Democratic Movement to kick him out, saying that there is no shortage of political parties.

    Kilonzo told Capital News on Tuesday that he would not go back on his stance calling for the resignation of Uhuru Kenyatta as Deputy Prime Minister nor support his presidential bid alongside that of Eldoret North MP William Ruto.

    He maintained that he was prepared to defend his position adding that he would not be cowed into embracing principles that went against the spirit of the new Constitution disclosing that he had already been enticed by 21 political parties for his bold stand.

  9. @Anon 1/31/12 5:27 AM
    Very well put and thank you so much. Reminds me of one voice of reason @1/20/12 5:54 PM.

    The sociopolitical failures and interethnic conflicts did not happen all at once but rather occurred through a gradual sequence of neglect on the part of the Kibaki government that came to power in 2002 with the claims, promises and assurances that it would address, fix and even undo most of the wrongs inflicted upon the citizenry by the Moi and Kenyatta adminstrations.

    However, the Kibaki government never held its end of the December 2002 nationwide bargain that brought it to power in the first place and with the help of the overwhelming majority.

    And that's what led to rapidly occuring incidents of political and ethnic disaster in almost every corner of the country and the consequent blowout - post-election violence - in December of 2007 and early 2008.

    There is no way that such an adminstration can police itself, let alone prosecute its favourite power brokers, key movers and shakers, Kibaki's henchmen and popular regional politicains.

    The fact that Moi's adminstration was involved in a million of unjust and dishonest political, economic and social activities, was no justification for Kibaki's adminstration to act in similar way.

    In the past people could pass the blame, but now the buck - post-election violence - stops on Kibaki as the leader who failed to rise to the occasion when the nation was on the brink of a total blowout.

    Why are we blaming the ICC in the same way we have always blamed the rest of the international community and other so-called hidden entities - with their malicious agendas - for our very own self-inflicted political disasters and unnecessary perennial interethnic crisis?

  10. So the big four will be fried at The Hague as it goes but we still have thousands of others living free who did the actual rapes and murders.

    What has our Govt done about them four years on? I hope you will write next to the IDPs still languishing in camps on how they can get justice in your next article.

    1/31/12 6:46 AM


    Once again, like many Kenyans, you are missing the MAIN point.

    It does not matter how many years you give the Kenyan government. It CANNOT and SHALL not prosecute those responsible.

    Also, as concerns the IDP's the Kenyan government SHALL not be able to do anything about it.

    So, we start by acknowledging all these weaknesses.

    Having conceded those weaknesses, we ask. There are thousands of small INJUSTICES committed around Kenya every day.

    For instance, how shall the small man get justice in the case of police harassment somewhere in Mwea? Shall we call the ICC or, what shall we do then?

    How shall the small man injured in an accident along Uhuru Highway get justice? Shall we call the ICC?

    How shall the employee sacked ovyo ovyo get justice? Shall we also, call the ICC?

    In other words, the question is not whether the GOK has failed. It has.

    The REAL question is:

    (a)what makes a state functional and responsive to its citizens?

    (b) how shall we reform the Kenyan State to make it functional and responsive to the needs of the Kenyan people?

    Prosecuting Uhuru or Kibaki does not amount to reforms. For instance, the Romans killed Caesar for allegedly destroying their Republic.

    If Caesar was the problem, why didn't they restore that Republic of theirs once he was dead?

    The fact that, they were unable to restore their oligarchic republic after killing Caesar, proves one major point which is that, Caesar was just an agent of the forces of destruction which had been working for hundreds of years.

    In other words, you may remove Caesar, Bush, Obama, Moi, Kibaki, Mubarak, Assad and whoever you fancy to hate, but, the FORCES of DISORDER shall continue to work to disorganize the society.

    NB: Didn't you chase wako and bring in a Professor of Law? What have you gained?

    Anyway, since you guys are focused on REVENGE and not an understanding as to why states fail, enjoy your ICC moment.

    However, when you meet the police in the evening and they clobber you, and there is nothing you shall be able to do, you shall wake and realize that, Ocampo's justice is a mirage.

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    It a Guh Dread


  11. After getting a superb Mzungu education, you claim they are colonizing you. You use a mzung telephone, internet,computer and write in kizungu.

    You claim a mzungu can not bring justice to crime done by Uhuru Mungiki. He is above law in Kenya but not in the world.

    What is written by Mwarangethe is sh...

  12. After getting a superb Mzungu education, you claim they are colonizing you. You use a mzung telephone, internet,computer and write in kizungu.

    You claim a mzungu can not bring justice to crime done by Uhuru Mungiki. He is above law in Kenya but not in the world.

    What is written by Mwarangethe is sh...

  13. Mwara,
    "Emancipate yourself from modern day mental slavery none but ourselves can free our minds full of ENVY LEAGUE OF FOOLS ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS, and CHILDISH ILLUSIONS"
    Enough Said.

  14. In Mwarang'ethes head only he can solve both Africa and the Western Worlds problems using African history and Western Economics which he learned from growing up in Kenya and living in the Western Foreign Capitals

    one can only wonder why both the Western nations and Africa as a whole refuse to listen and heed this unique eclectic advice

  15. one can only wonder why both the Western nations and Africa as a whole refuse to listen and heed this unique eclectic advice

    1/31/12 8:43 AM


    "There are two natural propensities... the LOVE OF PLEASURE and the LOVE OF ACTION.

    The love of action is a principle of a much stronger and more doubtful nature. It often leads to:

    -anger [Kenyans], to ambition [Kibaki's], and to REVENGE [Kenyans];

    BUT, when it is guided by the sense of propriety and benevolence, it becomes the parent of every VIRTUE, and if those VIRTUES are accompanied with equal ABILITIES,

    - a family,
    - a state, or
    - an EMPIRE

    may be indebted for their SAFETY and PROSPERITY to the undaunted COURAGE of a SINGLE MAN."


  16. Mwarang'ethe said

    ...the best justice we can give to the victims of that senseless violence is to devote our attention to a careful reformation of the system which produce such senseless disorder in Africa...

    Ever heard of the TEMPORALITY in cause-effect dictum? Following your prescription I guess we are better born OLD and grow to end up in an orgasm.

    Seeing imperialism lurking behind all our problems is akin to intellectual escapism at best and dishonesty at worst. Time waits for no tunel vision when confronted by a challenge. Kenyans killed their own and refused to measure up. So somebody took responsibility and here we are praying to degenerate into orgasm.

    By the way history is ONLY one realm of knowledge and it is not exclussive nor exhaustive. Contextualized, the subject can greaty illuminate. On the contrary, suffocating in tones of dead men's quotes is to refuse to leave gear zero.

    While at it please diversify your musical taste. But again you don't miss what you don't know, ama?

  17. Seeing imperialism lurking behind all our problems is akin to intellectual escapism at best and dishonesty at worst. Time waits for no tunel vision when confronted by a challenge. Kenyans killed their own and refused to measure up. So somebody took responsibility and here we are praying to degenerate into orgasm.


    We would RELISH the opportunity to debate with bwana Taabu and others like thee. If you want, you can come with your god Ocampo.

    And, let us be a bit logical in our debate so those who read, can follow us.

    Now, the global population is about 7 billion.

    Out of this 7 billion people, less than 15% of this global population controls over 80% of the global wealth and resources including those located in the South.

    Now, you must agree with us that, for 15% of the population to control over 80% of the global wealth is extraordinary.

    Assuming you agree with us up to that point, we ask thee:

    (a) how did that share of global wealth accrue to the 15%? And, how do you learn that?

    (b) What name do you give to such an arrangement?

    (c) do you have any evidence you can share with us that, the 15% have any plans to change these arrangements?

    As we wait for your answer, we leave to enjoy:

    Pay Day


  18. if ICC is kangaroo court, what would we call Nairobi Chief Magistrate Aggrey Mutembei's court?

    Swali tu

  19. Published on 06/04/2011


    Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP Minister William Ruto had opposed the formation of a local tribunal to try poll chaos suspects.

    They were in the forefront in marshalling allies in Cabinet and Parliament to reject a local justice mechanism.

    The two had on two occasions ganged up in the House and marshalled allies to reject efforts to set up a tribunal with choruses of "dont be vague lets go to The Hague."

    The Waki Commission had recommended the establishment of a special tribunal to try suspected masterminds of the chaos.

    Proponents of the Local Tribunal Bill were President Kibaki, Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo, his predecessor Martha Karua and Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara.

    Even House Speaker Kenneth Marende made frantic efforts to convince MPs that the way to go was a local tribunal but in vain.

    In February 2009, MPs rejected the Bill to establish the tribunal despite intense lobbying by Kibaki and Raila.

    Karua, who was then the Justice minister, had introduced the Bill.

    At the time, Chief mediator Kofi Annan had granted the country a two-month extension that had lapsed to set up the tribunal as he held on to the "Waki envelope" which named suspected perpetrators of the post-election violence.

    The second attempt to establish a local tribunal was again rejected in June 2009 after MPs threw out the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill that sought to anchor it in law.

    This time round, Mutula had introduced the Bill.

    The envelope

    At the time, Annan had been holding on to the famous envelope, with the hope that Parliament would agree to the formation of local tribunal that meets international standards.

    But after the second attempt was thrown out and with the deadline gone, Kibaki and Raila convinced Annan to give the Government more time to establish the tribunal.

    Annan, who brokered a power-sharing deal, then gave Kenya until August last year to set up the tribunal failure to which he would make public the Waki envelope and hand it over to The Hague.

    Uhuru, Ruto and their allies rejected any move to introduce the Bill for a local tribunal, arguing they had no faith in Kenyas justice system.

    Ruto, who was then the Agriculture Minister, defied Kibaki and Raila Odinga on the matter.

    He was reported saying beneficiaries of the violence were in office with big vehicles yet the Government wanted to jail small men who had fought for them.

    And after the country failed to set the local tribunal, Annan had no option but to forward the Waki envelope to the International Criminal Court in July 2009.

    The Government, through a delegation consisting of Mutula, Attorney General Amos Wako, Lands Minister James Orengo, among others, signed an agreement with Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo in July last year.

    The agreement was another effort to establish a local tribunal.

    However, these efforts collapsed as the Government failed and Moreno-Ocampo initiated investigations and got approval from the Pre Trial chamber II judges.

    And on December 15, Ocampo made good his threat and named the six as bearing the greatest responsibility in the violence.

  20. Mwarang'ethe, please tell me that you have a phd in some useful field and not political science! Because you urgue so shallowly yet you claim to be educated!
    How can you acknowledge that Kibaki governement won't help us, ie IDP and PEV victims and at the same time tell us that ICC should not charge anyone?
    I think you are brain washed and just writes because you want to be seen to know something. Get real.

    If the accused why say Odinga and Nyongo you would be celebrating with clothes over your head. You tribalst par excellence.

  21. How can you acknowledge that Kibaki governement won't help us, ie IDP and PEV victims and at the same time tell us that ICC should not charge anyone?


    "Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas."

  22. Anon 10:44 AM
    Someone forgot to remind the duo 'to be careful what they were wishing for' at the time, because their wishes have boomeranged only to hit them hard when and where they least expected it. What goes around comes around in matter time.

  23. Prof. Emeritus,
    Gone are the days when Latin phrases were quoted out of context and thrown around to impress first year students at LSE and UoShe (fielded it).

    Well, how about 'Fere libenter homines id quid volunt credunt' (men like you generally believe what they want to regardless of the consequences or evidence at hand).

    And why have they continued to do so since the fateful days of Julius Caesar?

    Because 'people's beliefs are shaped largely by their short term desires' and that's why the more things change the more they remain the same.

  24. Dear Moi
    January 31 2012 at 8:52 PM Anonymous Coward

    we miss you.Your word was law,but when you voluntarily left in 2002 against advise from your generals as captured in "her Excellenycy book"(available at amzn.com) ,we stood back and thought. "what a democrat and a statesman"

    What we are seeing Kenya could never have happened under your watch
    More important,you were fair. For example,Goldenberg was eaten by everybody.Who didn't touch a "jirongo" all the way down to my local chief
    The main problem since you left the house on the hill is that a few see more than a jirongo. not more that % of the population see it.I hear that they see a "kimunya" and that jirongo is now a judged bankrupt.

    Please come back Moi-tell us who is good for usif you can't.we are suffering for lack of a "decisive leader"

    You warned us that Saitoti,though your friend could not lead.You also told us that Kibaki couldn't,for you thought he was a tribalist who only thinks about Nyeri

    You were RIGHT on this.Kenya is more tribal than before.Corruption is also unsurpassed.

    You tried to give us Uhuru. But your method was not right.That is why this good boy will never be our leader.Besides the ICC,he has that baggage of being a project. I want to report that he is still a project.he was your project.Today he is Kibaki's project.

    You must have been right to stay at the house on the hill for 24 yrs!.if not,why would Kibaki follow your Nyayo and think the boy is what is right for Kenya?
    can you do something to convoke ICC that the project is what is good for Kenya. You canI sincerely fear that ONE,for if,and God forbid he takes over,urinals will be an issue.

    I saw it in January 208.we had to be told that "serikali anakojoa".it was not a joke.

  25. @Anonymous Coward said
    "Please come back Moi-tell us who is good for usif you can't.we are suffering for lack of a "decisive leader"
    This is taking matters TOO FAR. CALM DOWN and stop TALKING CRAZY

  26. 1978-1982 Moi's golden era!!
    does any one have news clips/kenya newsreel of that era?

  27. at least Moi kept the peace for 99% of the population

  28. one should not accept impunity

    kenyans can choose against impunity at the ballot boz.....will the ballots be properly counted??;

  29. Kenya, as a nation is 49 yrs old. The European nations are all at hundreds of years old. Boundaries may have changed over time but they've had decades of wars and leaders/dictators developing and managing their nations economically, socially and culturally. E.g. Norway was a colony of Sweden from 1814 to 1910 because it was considered 'too primitive" to rule itself. Most countries in South America are at least 100 yrs old. Asian nations have developed from ancient large kingdoms (before the industrial revolution Turkey and China were the richest most developed countries in the world). Pretty much every developed country today has paid for its success in years of blood and many wars and eventually getting things right.

    I'm amazed Kenya has, as a nation leap frogged over, the development cycles that took today's developed countries into complete ruin. I am proud of Kenya for that. That's not to say though that the PEV was not deplorable - right now we need the ICC because its forcing the leadership to grow in a positive way - whether or not those guys are guilty (they probably are)

    Most of Kenyan leadership were not born Kenyans. The concept of "Kenyan" is unfortunately not real to many people. I have hope though, because from looking at the way things are going, we'll realize soon enough that IDPs and Ocampo four (and pretty much all Kenyans) need to band together because the competition is not each other - it's the rest of the world. China is not building Thika road for Kenya - they are doing it for China; they need better roads so as to increase their business with us. USAID exists for the soft power benefit to USA and less Kenyan poverty = more customers for US products (foods ,entertainment, technology, etc)

    Kenyans need to band together or follow the paths of the developed nations path to success. What did USA look like at 50 yrs old?

    "Good judgement comes from experience ... most experience comes from bad judgement"

  30. As much as we want to bash Mwarangethe, I think some issues he raises make a lot of sense. Instead of calling him names why not answer some of the important and hard questions he asks, among others:-

    -So, is demanding the ICC to follow the laws under which it is established a problem?

    -However, we have asked countless times, WHY is it that Africa has so many failed states? Why Africa and not Europe?

    -And, if we may ask, what has the ICC done to prevent Kenya/African states from failing in 10, 15, 20 year's time?

    -For instance, how shall the small man get justice in the case of police harassment somewhere in Mwea? Shall we call the ICC or, what shall we do then?

    -NB: Didn't you chase wako and bring in a Professor of Law? What have you gained?

  31. Water drawn from a pond always has silt. The good part is that the silt will settle down on the bottom leaving the water clear. Let the heat cool down and as events unfold, the truth will come out.

  32. right now we need the ICC because its forcing the leadership to grow in a positive way - whether or not those guys are guilty (they probably are)


    We tell you a TRUE story.

    When the Athenian Empire run into ECONOMIC PROBLEMS, a number of measures were taken to avoid mass unemployment in Athens.

    One of the measures was this:

    - firstly, from 451 B.C., they started paying jury men as a means of providing employment.

    Having made this change, Athens, then, COMPELLED its "allies" to bring all their SUITS to the Athenian Courts.

    Why did they do this? They did it for two/three reasons:

    (a) there was the ECONOMIC one of bringing MORE PAY into the Athenian jurymen's pockets.

    (b) POLITICALLY, this move gave Athens the opportunities for PENALIZING the WELL - T0 - D0 - citizens of the allied States who were apt to be anti - Athenian because of the TRIBUTE came out of their pockets,

    (c) POLITICALLY, this carried favor with the MASSES/SHEEPLE who had nothing to lose and much to gain by their country's alliance with the Athenian "democracy," or, so, they DELUDED themselves.

    So, when you talk of the ICC and you are ignorant of such stuff as people like Taabu are, you are bound to make CHILDISH arguments on things one does not understand.


    There is also, the real issue.

    We have the:

    (a) moral world of man and

    (b) physical world of man.

    Now, according to the ICC, the West and the SHEEPLE like Taabu, they are coming to change the moral world of the Africans while not doing anything about the physical world of the Africans.

    However, the LABORATORY RESULTS tell a different story.

    There IS NO EVIDENCE in HISTORY of man (the ONLY human lab we have) where the moral world has ever been changed without changing the physical world.

    In other words, things are being TURNED UPSIDE down in Africa and Taabu's of this world are cheering IGNORANTLY and asking us to join. No, we know better than this.

    However, since Africans like Taabu are like KIDS in DIAPERS when it comes to human mind, they jump up and down DELUDING themselves they know what they are saying just because they can type word orgasm on their lab top. Bure kabisa!

    And, if men like Taabu have any evidence to back their CHILDISH FOOLISH DELUSIONS, we are glad to hear that evidence.

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    STIFF NECKED fools who think they are cool for typing words like orgasm in a blog:


  33. legal scholar gibson kamau kuria addresses mwarangethe's fantasies:

    "There is no reason to believe the ICC judges will not treat the Ocampo Four as their brothers during the trial.

    The claim that Kenyan judges are superior lacks merit.

    The second reason is that there is the principle of universal jurisdiction to try persons charged with crimes against humanity.

    That principle assumes that every nation is able to punish those who commit crimes against humanity.

    It was first applied at Nuremberg where judges from different countries tried those who committed crimes against Jews.

    This principle was accepted by the final appellate court in England which in 1999 was prepared in principle to have former President Pinochet of Chile extradited to Spain to face charges of crimes against humanity"

    Were it not for his medical condition, he would have been extradited to face charges in respect of offences he was accused of having committed when he was president.

    If he had been found guilty, Pinochet would have been punished by the Spanish courts for crimes committed in Chile.

    The world does not believe that there is a nation which lacks the capacity to try persons charged with such offences.

    The third reason is that the political leadership in Kenya has not, since 1991, manifested the statesmanship which democracy requires to enforce the rule of law.

    The standards for statesmanship were established by Abraham Lincoln when he used force between 1861 and 1865 to uphold the constitution, asserting that the constitution did not envisage self-destruction.

    It was also manifested by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta who declared war against the Shifta in October 1963.

    The Shifta had challenged the territorial integrity of the nation of Kenya. Like Lincoln, he made available the entire might of the state to defend the constitution."

  34. contd:

    "The fourth reason is that the Kenyan leadership has since 1992 lacked the spirit of brotherhood.

    Despite the documentation by the select parliamentary committee of 1992 headed by Kennedy Kiliku which investigated ethnic clashes in western Kenya, and by the Akiwumi Commission on those who instigated violence between 1991 and 1998, the Executive failed to prosecute.

    That documentation is to be found in:

    1. The Report of the Select Committee to investigate ethnic clashes in western and other parts of Kenya published in September 1992 chaired by Mr Kennedy Kiliku.

    2. The report of the Judicial Commission appointed to inquire into tribal clashes in 1999 published in 2002 after a victim of the ethnic violence got an order to compel the Attorney-General to release it.

    3. The report of the Commission of Inquiry into Post-Election Violence chaired by Mr Justice Philip Waki.

    The Attorney-General and the directors of Public Prosecutions have not shown any interest in prosecuting those who killed and maimed Kenyans, displaced others and destroyed their property during that period.

    The coalition government has not charged those who killed and maimed Kenyans, displaced others and destroyed their property after the December 2007 elections."

    Until and unless there is demonstrated political will to prosecute offenders, the call for a trial in Kenya is a call for the perpetuation of impunity.

    There is no reason why prosecutions should not have taken place since the coalition government was formed in early 2008.

    Since the crimes were committed, the country has not been in need of a special tribunal to prosecute the offences.

    The request that the Ocampo Four be tried in Kenya is a request that they return to a country which pays lip-service to the rule of law.

    The implementation of the new Constitution, when complete, will result in new and better institutions than the ones the country has had.

    However, that process is not complete. Besides, even when complete, the political will to prosecute offenders which the country has required since 1991 when political violence first broke out is lacking.

    Few Kenyans believe that prosecution will take place if it was decided the trial will take place here.

    Of course it can take place when the country has a political leadership with the political will to enforce the law the way it ought to be enforced in all democracies"

  35. According to Kamau Kuria, the legal IVY LEAGUE scholar, we should accept the nonsense from the ICC because, among other things,

    “That principle assumes that every nation is able to punish those who commit crimes against humanity. It was first applied at Nuremberg where judges from different countries tried those who committed crimes against Jews.”

    The first question we would ask, why was there no Nuremberg for crimes against the Africans? After all, millions of Africans had died in the previous Centuries up to 1945 as a result of the European crimes against Africans.

    Leaving that issue above, as well as the question of to HOW TO REFORM men's MORALS and MANNERS, which Kamau seem totally ignorant of, we would like to meet him in the legal arena for now.

    Now, Kamau, seeks to make us believe that the Nuremberg trials were the epitome of justice when evidence contradicts this well constructed myth.

    If Kamau were a great scholar of law as he want to make us to believe, he would have told us about some salient features of the Nuremberg trials which are conveniently left out of discussion and which produced unfair trials or just results.

    When the Allies gathered in London in June, 1945 to hammer out the details of these trials, Justice Jackson who had been appointed the Chief United States in May, in his interim report which was highly influential, noted that:

    “[t]he legal position which … will maintain … is relatively simple and non – technical.” Accordingly to him, “... the procedure of these hearings may properly bar obstructive and dilatory tactics resorted to by defendants in our ordinary criminal trials.”

    In other words, the USA wanted and GOT Nuremberg trials which were designed to deny the defendants charged with war crimes trials with the advantages of the Anglo – American evidentiary and procedural rules.

    In simple words, the Nuremberg trials were a replica of the military commissions of 1942 which had been used in the trial of the Nazi saboteurs, otherwise known as Quirin Commission.

    That is why for instance, the evidentiary rules was stated this way:

    “The tribunals shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. They shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which they deem to have probative value. ...” By so distorting evidentiary rule, they ensured it was impossible to question any evidence the Tribunal could find useful to nail the suspects.

    We do not seek to burden readers with technical issues of law, but, should Kamau Kuria be interested in the truth and not legal propaganda, he can read for instance the In Yamashita case where Justice Rutledge noted that:

    “... So far as the admissibility and probative value of evidence was concerned, the directive made the commission a law unto itself.”

    He continued:

    “It acted accordingly. As against insistent and persistent objection to the reception of all kinds of 'evidence,' oral, documentary and photographic, for nearly every kind of defect under any of the usual prevailing standards for admissibility and probative value, the commission not only consistently ruled against the defense, but repeatedly stated it was bound by the directive to receive the kinds of evidence it specified, reprimanded counsel for continuing to make objection, declined to hear further objections, and in more than one instance during the course of the proceedings reversed its rulings favorable to the defense, where initially it had declined to receive what the prosecution offered. EVERY conceivable kind of statement, RUMOR, report, at first, second, third or further hand, written, printed, or oral, and one 'propaganda' film were allowed to come in.”

    Just check with the ICC and you will see the same manner of operating.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. If ICC option is wrong means through which we seek justice, then what is the other option?

    We need to accept that we are divided as Africans and ICC is better than doing nothing.

    I would not wish us to head Somalia's way just because we don't want any external intervention.

    Yes, I agree, that ICC won't solve all our problems, but then if we don't want to come together to bring a solution to our problems it becomes necessary that an external intervention is introduced, maybe that's the reason when we don't agree with our spouse we seek counsel from marriage counselors.

    The support that Uhuru and Ruto are receiving, the acrimony still existing in some parts of Rift Valley where IDPs haven't returned to their former land, is enough to show that we are not yet ready to come up with a proper solution. Maybe when we are ready then can we tell ICC off, but since we aren't then their help, though not perfect and exhaustive, can be important.

    Further I have seen a lioness that feeds on oryx protecting an oryx. I've also seen an immoral priest offering good advice to couples. Does it mean that since the priest is immoral then his advice is useless? I don't think so.

  38. If ICC option is wrong means through which we seek justice, then what is the other option?

    We need to accept that we are divided as Africans and ICC is better than doing nothing.


    Africans are asking the wrong questions, or, are having the wrong assumptions.

    In their ILLUSIONS and DELUSION fostered by the IVY LEAGUE of FOOLS, they think the "ADVISERS" from the rest of the world (ICC, WB, IMF, TI, etc etc) are interested in ending African mess.

    We have news for you.

    They are not interested in a PROSPEROUS Africa and therefore, a PEACEFUL Africa.

    It is for this reason they are giving Africans WRONG IDEAS and you are swallowing them like IDIOTS and turn around and abuse those who tell you the truth.

    The real question is this:

    - does the chaos in Africa serve some interest somewhere?

    The answer is YES.

    Where do we get such a weird idea?

    "Nothing is MORE MENACING to WORLD SECURITY [know the meaning of world as used here], than to have the LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, comprising MORE THAN HALF OF THE POPULATION of the world, RANGED in ECONOMIC BATTLE against the LESS POPULOUS but INDUSTRIALLY more advanced nations of the West."

    TESTIFIED the USA Secretary of TREASURY, Henry Morgenthau at the SENATE in its 1945 hearings on the WORLD BANK.

    If you have missed the point by now, we make it simple:

    A peaceful Africa is a MENACE to WORLD SECURITY.

    Or, CHAOTIC Africa is the means to WORLD SECURITY.

    Do you fu££44 get it??????


    News from Zimbabwe:

    PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has blasted the African Union as a “toothless bulldog” for failing to stop the NATO-led campaign which led to the fall of Libyan strongman, Colonel Muammar Gadaffi.

    Addressing the AU summit in Addis Ababa, Mugabe said: "We should have said no, no to NATO.“We fought imperialism and colonialism and forced them out of

    Africa . . . Our founding fathers did not have the means, but they stood up and said ‘no' but here we are absolutely silent.”

    Last year NATO launched a bombing campaign to back Libyan rebels in a nine-month uprising which led to the fall of Gadaffi who was later killed after being captured while trying to escape.

    Mugabe said the AU should have stood up to the West and opposed the bombing campaign adding the continental body was also wrong to recognise the NTC without
    investigating Gadaffi’s murder.

    "Gadaffi was killed in broad daylight, his children hunted like animals and then we rush to recognise the NTC," he said.
    "Well, well that was Libya. Who will be next? Let us take care, all of us. It has not just happened to Gadaffi.”

    Mugabe said the West had now realised that "we are toothless bulldogs" and warned that Africa faced a new wave of colonialism as the West battles a deepening economic crisis."They have an economic crisis in Europe, they have exhausted their resources,” he said."Africa still has plenty of them. We are discovering more oil, more minerals, gold more diamonds.“We still have our natural resources, natural gas, so another recolonisation might take place.”

    "I saw a picture yesterday of Gadaffi shaking hands with Sarkozy in France after they invited him there, but those hands that Gadaffi was shaking were the hands that were going to kill him a few months later."How far then do we go in associating with such people?”


  40. Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta
    has dared Justice and
    Constitutional Affairs Minister
    Mutula Kilonzo to file a Motion
    of no-confidence in Parliament to
    strip him of the post.
    Responding to Kilonzo’s
    insistence that he should step
    down from the position, Kenyatta
    maintained that he would only
    do so if Parliament voted him
    “There is no need for the Justice
    Minister to sound like a stuck
    record,” the DPM countered
    through a close aide.

    The Constitutional Affairs
    Minister who is among those who
    piled pressure on Kenyatta to
    quit as Finance Minister alongside
    Francis Muthaura as Civil Service
    chief, has maintained that he
    would not be cowed into
    embracing principles that went
    against the spirit of the new
    He went ahead to declare that
    he was not worried about being
    kicked out of the Wiper
    Democratic Movement headed
    by Vice president Kalonzo
    Musyoka saying that he had
    already been enticed by 21
    political parties for his bold
    Section 4(4) of the National
    Accord and Reconciliation Act
    states the office of the DPM shall
    become vacant if the holder dies,
    resigns or, or ceases to be a
    member of the National
    Assembly before the dissolution
    of Parliament.
    The post can also cease to exist if
    the Grand Coalition Government
    is dissolved.
    The National Accord says the
    DPM is a member of the Cabinet
    and may perform any of the co-
    ordination responsibilities
    assigned to him by the PM as
    well as to deputise for him.
    It is not odd for a member of the
    Cabinet to use a backbencher to
    file such a Motion in the House.
    For instance in 2009, some
    political commentators and
    supporters of then Agriculture
    Minister William Ruto claimed
    that a fellow minister was behind
    a censure Motion against Ruto
    following the maize scandal.
    Ikolomani MP Boni Khalwale
    argued that middlemen were
    allowed to make a killing by
    selling maize at Sh2,500 for a
    90kg bag while farmers were
    earning Sh1,750, with the extra
    cost being borne by the
    consumer. He also raised the
    question of 6,500 tonnes of
    maize held at the port and the
    alleged allocation of maize to
    favoured millers creating a
    conflict of interest.
    The MP had wanted Ruto to step
    aside to allow for investigations
    by an audit team set up by the
    Prime Minister.
    The Cabinet was split with then
    Justice and Constitutional Affairs
    Minister Martha Karua
    challenging Ruto to take political
    responsibility for the questions
    raised by MPs and the House in
    relation to the maize controversy.

  41. Jesus is coming back very SOON!

  42. Mwarangethe

    We have the imperialist, then we have our leaders who are equally as evil as them, with the same mission.

    There is a possibility that when all these imperialists are exterminated then our leaders will easily move from their front seats to the throne.

    I feel that's the connection you have TERRIBLY FAILED to fathom. Because in your case all our problems are caused by imperialists, so that when they cease to exist, then our problems will also end.

  43. You must have heard that painful comparison that the white colonialist was far better than the indigenous/black ruler. Come to think of it, SA is far 'developed' than the rest of the sub-saharan Africa becoz kaburu stayed longer-fitting infrastructure (as they raped too).

    Move north to Kenya. The Brits left almost 50 years ago and we haven't added even a single inch of rail to the rusty one they left behind. What is more, add to that the ONLY 18 national schools and see what delusion we swin in seeing imperialist shadows lurking everywhere.

    Granted, acknowledging a problem is the beginning of solving it. Escapism is beautiful and often takes long tangents packged in winded tunnel vision. But the truth is reality is no respeter of lofty theories. Putting a mirror to every issue only leaves you addressing its image.

    Look, here we are typing on the 'white' man's PC/laptop, sitted on his chair, driving his car on his road and kept warm in his room/office and what do we shout, IMPERIALISM. That is not to worship him but a true observation.

    Simple question, what has the African race INVENTED as a contribution to modern life. I know that will invite unsolicited lectures on modernity and all those pre-historic epochs. Advocating barter trade now is pure fantasy for lack of better word.

    Bottomline is we are our own worst enemies. Our so-called leaders only envied the kaburu they were salivating to replace. Once there thay are doing great in impoverizing their own black lot.

  44. taabu, google neuclear plants in africa. or in gabon. then go back and scratch your brains. then listen to


    to know Africans have nothing to hide rather these days africans have been brainwashed by western knowledge that wanatharau mama yao

  45. while ther Taabu check the pyramid of giza nad trell us how many formulars show up on your logarithim table.

    Kuinvent haimanishi umeunda toothbrush au ndege. Africans live with their enviromnet sambasamba. walami wako after chapaa tu.

  46. Taabu,
    Una shida gani bana! Kwani have you forgotten the fact that sisi kwa sisi invented ukabila mambo leo and then went on to upgrade it to higher levels that are at par with the infamous Interahamwe aka habaze halanza (toko pamoja) or 'those who eat together' or 'gatherers of a common purpose'?

  47. @Taabu said
    Simple question, what has the African race INVENTED as a contribution to modern life.
    I couldn't have put it better myself. There is a tendency for the exported diaspora African to become "more African" than their relative still living in their respective locations and sub-locations, villages, districts and now of course Counties

    But the theory will always fall short of practical reality because the problem has never been ignorance/knowledge/education but implementation. we don't do half of what we say. if only we did! that alone would raise the level of discourse here would be raised

    We are educated beyond our level of understanding and Safely typing text book hypotheses behind western keyboard only leaves us with the feeling of looking smart without actually contributing anything new or different from what is already known in public

  48. Poor news - Syria's 'mutilation mystery' deepens...

  49. What Kenyans need to be more afraid is people like this spewing right-wing propaganda about Kenya around the world.

    Please watch the whole video


    ...and send the idiot on the video your complaint.


  50. We are not underdeveloped for lack of knowledge or smart plans/policies. Far from it, our main undoing is being obsessed with lofty ideas lifted from books without an attempt to discipher the same.

    Most Kenyans are still enslaved to the old theory that big-sounding ideas or words or serial quotes from dead men is what makes you stand out as a thinker. Well thinking and internalizing the same are two different things.

    The worst victim deluded in this folly are mostly the Diaspora who still extrapolate village genious as a universal smartness. To them all others are like the village vagabonds they used to defeat in class (remember mafi ya kuku/kumbaff?).

    There are 3 types of Kenyans (Diaspora) who depressingly assign and supplicate to 3 political leanings. They see everything through very narrow lenses and blame anything and everything including weather on one of three foes:

    1) Former regimes of Presidents Kenyatta and Moi. True that lot messed up Kenya but do we die crying over dinosaurs?

    2) Present political class: PNU/ODM axis and the eating chiefs. Granted Kibaki and his ilk betrayed Kenyans but dwelling in the past only succeeds in exhaustion.

    3) Cheap intellectualism that sees imperialists shadows lurking everywhere as Africa gets screwed by her own indeginous sons (sorry no women yet). no need to re-invent the whell that Nkurumas tried last millennium and failed - cheap pan-Africanism.

    Most Diaspora are nothing but the usual rent-a-mob crowd packaged in pre-historic quotes of dead men. Pointing fingers is an exercise of the fore limbs, period.

  51. Anon 7:41 AM aka 10:34 AM
    Tit someone koli you a fileji fakapont? Or dindi thamwan ngoli you a mbilenji mbagambondi? Hmm!Talking about yourself or speaking for yourself? What exactly are you trying to say in a nutshell? Why the ad hominem knee-jerk preaching to the converted? What you've uttered in not new by means whatsover.

  52. 2/2/12 10:34 AM

    Oh, for the sake of it, why don't you just prove Mwarang'ethe ("Ocampo 4: A Flawed Defense Strategy") wrong with a logical or rather an educated rebuttal instead of sneezing at the Diaspora with a tirade of lectures?

    *From a concerned village extrapolator.

  53. Philip said...

    We have the imperialist, then we have our leaders who are equally as evil as them, with the same mission.


    Thanks man.

    We shall be back soon.


    Meanwhile, on this post, we inquired this:

    "For instance, how shall the small man get justice in the case of police harassment somewhere in Mwea? Shall we call the ICC or, what shall we do then?"

    "However, when you meet the police in the evening and they clobber you, and there is nothing you shall be able to do, you shall wake and realize that, Ocampo's justice is a mirage."

    Now, even before the "ink" has "dried" we are reading this:

    "Riots in Isiolo over killing."

    "Street riots engulfed Isiolo Town on Thursday following the killing of a 33-year-old man by police officers on patrol."

    Source: http://is.gd/RFcIKP

    With that, we leave to enjoy:

    Sauti ya Mnyonge


  54. @Anon 11:55 AM aka Anon@12:32 PM
    Personal Virtual Cheering squad, why don't you imitate Mwarange'the and ignore his critics?
    if anyone can give you the "logical or rather an educated rebuttal " you seek its none other than the Virtural African Teacher him not the sheeple.

  55. Apologies, Moyen. I still think that you are quite well read, fairly intellectual for a Kumekuchan and you have a thick skin to withstand any little remark that's intended to rub you the wrong way. Further, when someone begins to criticize you, ask this question, "Do you think I need a critic now?" Or when you find yourself being a critic, ask the person in your company if s/he wants to hear your criticism, and if so, why? This will help you to move from the critic to the doer column of humanity.

  56. Hi vultures and hyenas,
    Seems your sadistic excitement on the predisposition of the ICC-4 has waned and this week you have not posted anything. Let me throw a bone your way. Why not write on the desperate attempts by the luo elders, their leaders and raila to get a TOSHA from mzee Kibaki?
    It was embarassing for guys who had weeks earlier chest thumped and celebrated what they assumed was a sure accession to the throne of their perennial septuagenarian presidential candidate after the ICC ruling.
    Now they even made mzee Kibaki is a luo elder, and gave him responsibilities of mediating their community affair..what a joke in 2012!!!

    The Oracle has Spoken

  57. Yenyewe akina Chris, Phil and Taabu have not posted anything this week and the way they posted almost hourly last week. This is quite telling.

  58. What to do if you have recalled birth control pills

    With news spreading of Pfizer’s recent recall of 1 million birth control pills, Boston physicians have been dealing with a flood of phone calls from patients worried that they might be facing an unplanned pregnancy. A manufacturing glitch led to some pills being distributed out of order in pill packs, with placebos mixed in with active pills in packets of Lo/Ovral-28 and its generic equivalent, ethinyl estradiol and norgestrel.

    While placebos are usually a different color from active pills, it’s pretty easy to continue down the row of pills without even noticing the color difference, said Dr. Lynne Goltra, obstetrician-gynecologist at Massachusetts General Hospital. “We’ve had multiple phone calls yesterday and today from patients expressing concerns.”

    Source: http://articles.boston.com/2012-02-03/health-wellness/31016121_1_pills-placebos-effectiveness-rate

  59. There is very little that the educated and uneducated African people (women and men) can do about those so-called placebo pills that are better known as 'TWCCP' (Third World Countries Consumer Products), whose prevalence have been so common since the late 1970s.

    Case in point, do some of us ever wonder why a tube of Colgate or any other brand of toothpaste tastes very different from the other original brands sold elsewhere, such as in well established outlets and stores? Same with other products such as soap, oils, creams, perfumes, detergents, washing soap, sanitary pads, shaving products, etc.?

    Well, compare and contrast your favourite products next time around, look at the tell tale signs of how the inferior products (TWCCP) are packaged (quality of the packaging), prints, expiry dates, logos and other manufacturers marks.

    That's one of the many reasons why majority of the uninformed, unsuspecting, wealthy as well as poor people of Africa have no clue when it comes to the hidden dangers and availability of fake medications imported from China, Russian, former Eastern bloc countries, India, Middle East, and Nigeria.

    Nigeria has been the number one culprit, followed by India and although China seems to be dominating the death - black -markets for dumping placebo and many other counterfeit phamaceutical products in the East African region.

    As a consequence, lot of health complications and consequences have resulted from women taking those fake pills made from contaminated maize, cassava, yam and potato flour.

    Ever wonder why some malaria medications never seems to help or even prevent infection as was thee case in previous times?

    Well, the easiet explanation by those 'in-the-know-how'has always been, "the mosquitoes et al have developed resistance to certain types of medications," or "the strains have mutated" blah blah blah blah!

    Yet many have remained silence when it comes to the deadly issue of counterfeit medicinal products that continue to floods the markets and hospitals in Africa.

    What alternatives are there for the African? NONE AT ALL, for we shall continue to remain our own worst enemies for a long time to come.

    As government officials collude with various merchants of death and deadly pharmaceuticals who can offer them 50% to 60% kick-backs that are always paid to their foreigns accounts.

  60. Anon 9:31 PM
    What's the latest with you besides the usual divination and ominous updates about the scanty adventures of your intimate vultures and trusted hyenas. Watch out or else you will reduce yourself to a scarecrow on Kumekucha.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.