Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dead Economies Like Kenya's Are The Golden Era of Great Fortunes: The Paradox of Hard Times

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In the realm of business and investing, there exists an intriguing paradox: the most challenging economic times often spawn the most significant fortunes. The wisdom of renowned industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and J. Paul Getty, along with the strategies of modern self-made millionaires, points to the truth that hard times are often the breeding ground for astounding financial growth.

The History of Wealth Creation in Hard Times

Andrew Carnegie, a prominent industrialist, once remarked that "problems are only opportunities in work clothes." Similarly, J. Paul Getty, the wealthiest American during the 1950s and 1960s, believed that economic downturns were prime times for acquisitions and refining business operations. These successful individuals saw economic collapse not as a catastrophe but as a bedrock for building fortunes.

The Hard Times Advantage

During periods of economic distress, distractions are few, and values are lower, making the fundamentals of business easier to enact. These challenging times strip away unrealistic expectations and flawed economic assumptions, allowing wise investors to focus on solid business principles.

The Perils of Prosperity

Ironically, prosperous times can make it more difficult for sensible investors. During these periods, cap rates may be lower than interest rates, and buyers can be lured into flawed deals due to a misguided mindset that a rising tide raises all ships. However, this mindset often leads to reckless buying and lending, pushing values far beyond what rents and income can justify.

The Opportunity in Economic Decline

Economic decline ushers in a period of significant buying opportunity. Most people invest with a herd mentality, following what everyone else is doing. In hard times, the wise investor ventures where others retreat. As Sam Zell, the largest owner of mobile home parks in the U.S., advises, "When everyone is looking left, look right."

The Importance of Expertise

To capitalize on opportunities during hard times, investors must know what they're doing. Confidence in making investments when the media is prophesying doom requires belief in oneself and a solid understanding of what constitutes a good deal. Knowing how to break down any deal into subcategories of infrastructure, density, economics, age of homes, and location (the I-D-E-A-L system) can enable fast and correct decisions.

The Need for a Financing Plan

Apart from expertise, having a source of financing is crucial for buying during economic recessions. Luckily, certain industries, like mobile home park investing, have not seen lenders retreat. Options like seller financing, bank financing, and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac agency debt remain viable.

The Sam Zell Way

Sam Zell, known as the "grave dancer" for his knack of buying aggressively during recessions, is the largest owner of mobile home parks in the U.S. with over 160,000 lots in his ELS portfolio. Following the 2007 Great Recession, he was one of America's most aggressive buyers of mobile home parks. His strategy shows the historical precedent of buying during bad times and in industries that are not on the public's radar screen.

The Strategies of Self-Made Millionaires

Self-made millionaires share many common strategies during challenging times. These strategies include:

1) Seeking Opportunities: They believe in abundance and are open to finding opportunities even in hard times.

2) Identifying and Solving Problems: They pivot and adapt to find solutions to prevalent problems.

3) Negotiating Everything: They understand the importance of asking for what they want.

4) Taking Stock of Assets: They keep track of their assets and spending, and know what could be sold and how much it could be worth.

5) Leveraging Networks: They abide by the principle, "Your network is your net worth."

6) Preparing for the Turnaround: They reinvest in their businesses and stay informed about the steps and investments other successful individuals are making.

7) Learning about Money: They are always willing to learn more about investing and building wealth.


Economic downturns,  might seem like the worst time for investment. However, history and the strategies of successful individuals tell a different story. It might be the perfect opportunity to consider investments that offer high rates of return with a product that's virtually recession-proof.

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