Thursday, March 14, 2024

Dirty political tricks used to stop Raila at all costs: Will they be used again when the servers are opened?

Dirty political tricks used to stop Raila at all costs: Will they be used again when the servers are opened?

In the high-stakes world of politics, dirty tricks are often deployed to achieve victory. In the case of Raila Odinga, these underhanded tactics have been used time and again to thwart his bids for the presidency. From false accusations to fabricated scandals, the opponents of Odinga have shown a willingness to go to any lengths necessary to stop him from attaining power.

Today we dive deep into the dirty political tricks that have been employed to hinder Odinga's political career. We will examine the strategies utilized by his adversaries, highlighting the deceit, manipulation, and propaganda that have been directed at him. Through an exploration of these tactics, readers will gain insight into the murky world of political campaigning and the lengths some will go to in order to maintain control. Despite facing numerous obstacles along the way, Raila Odinga has remained a force to be reckoned with.


Historical Examples of Dirty Political Tricks

In the realm of politics, the use of underhanded tactics is not a new phenomenon. Leaders and political aspirants have been known to resort to such methods to gain an upper hand in the race for power. In the case of Raila Odinga, these tactics have been rampant, persistent and relentless with many instances characterizing his political journey.


One such instance was during the 2007 elections, where Odinga was pitted against Mwai Kibaki. Accusations were rife that Kibaki's administration misused state resources to fund his campaign, a clear violation of electoral laws. In addition, there were widespread allegations of vote-rigging, with the electoral commission accused of favoring Kibaki.


Another example is the 2013 elections, where Odinga was accused of orchestrating the 2007-2008 post-election violence. This was a strategy designed to tarnish his reputation and diminish his chances of winning the election. The accusations were later proven to be baseless, but they had already achieved their intended purpose: to cast doubt on Odinga's leadership abilities.


The Impact of Dirty Political Tricks on Democracy

Dirty political tricks significantly undermine the principles of democracy. They distort the will of the people, making it impossible for them to make informed choices about their leaders. In Odinga's case, these tactics have played a significant role in shaping the political landscape.


The use of state resources to fund campaigns, for instance, creates an uneven playing field. This gives the incumbent an unfair advantage, making it almost impossible for opposition candidates to compete effectively. Consequently, the electorate is denied the opportunity to choose their leaders freely and fairly.


Similarly, the propagation of false accusations against Odinga has had a significant impact on his electoral fortunes. This tactic has been used to sway public opinion against him, thereby influencing the outcome of elections. It is a clear violation of democratic principles, as it deprives voters of their right to make informed decisions.


The Use of Negative Campaigning

Negative campaigning is another dirty political trick that has been used against Odinga. This tactic involves the use of negative information to tarnish an opponent's image, thereby influencing the electorate's perception of them.


During the 2013 elections, for instance, Odinga was portrayed as a violent leader who was incapable of maintaining peace. This narrative was created to make him unattractive to the electorate, especially in the wake of the 2007-2008 post-election violence.


Negative campaigning, however, does more harm than good. It fosters animosity and division among the populace, making it difficult for leaders to unite the country once the elections are over. It also distracts from the real issues, with candidates focusing more on mudslinging than on articulating their policies and development agendas.


Voter Suppression Tactics

Voter suppression is a tactic commonly used in politics to influence the outcome of an election. It involves the use of various methods to prevent certain groups of people from voting. In Odinga's case, this tactic has been employed to deny him votes, especially in his strongholds.


In the 2007 elections, for example, there were widespread reports of voter intimidation in parts of the country considered to be Odinga's strongholds. This was aimed at discouraging his supporters from turning out to vote. In addition, there were allegations of vote-rigging, with Odinga's votes allegedly being reduced in favor of his opponent.


Voter suppression is a clear violation of democratic principles. It denies citizens their right to participate in the electoral process and choose their leaders. It also undermines the credibility of elections, leading to disputes and potential conflict.


Spreading False Information and Propaganda

The spread of false information and propaganda is a common tactic in politics. It is used to manipulate public opinion and influence the outcome of elections. In Odinga's case, this tactic has been used to tarnish his image and diminish his chances of winning elections.


For instance, during the 2013 elections, false information was circulated alleging that Odinga was planning to introduce sharia law in Kenya. This was a clear attempt to scare away Christian voters, who form a significant portion of the Kenyan electorate. This false information was propagated despite Odinga's repeated assurances that he had no such plans.


False information and propaganda not only distort the truth but also create divisions among the populace. They breed mistrust and animosity, making it difficult for leaders to unite the country after the elections.


Manipulating the Media and Public Opinion

Manipulation of the media and public opinion is another dirty trick used in politics. It involves the use of various tactics to control the narrative and sway public opinion in favor of a particular candidate. In Odinga's case, his opponents have used this tactic to portray him in a negative light.


The media, being a powerful tool in shaping public opinion, has been used to propagate negative narratives about Odinga. For instance, during the 2013 elections, some media houses were accused of biased reporting, with their coverage favoring Odinga's opponents.


Manipulating public opinion, on the other hand, involves the use of tactics such as fear-mongering and propaganda. These tactics are used to create a perception of a candidate that may not necessarily be true. They are designed to influence voters' choices, thereby altering the outcome of an election.


The Role of Social Media in Political Dirty Tricks

In the modern era, social media has become a powerful tool in politics. It provides a platform for candidates to reach a wide audience and communicate their messages directly. However, it has also been used as a tool for dirty political tricks.


In Odinga's case, social media has been used to propagate false information and negative narratives about him. During the 2017 elections, for instance, a fake news story was circulated on social media alleging that Odinga had conceded defeat. This was a clear attempt to discourage his supporters and suppress voter turnout.


While social media has the potential to enhance democracy by providing a platform for robust debate and exchange of ideas, it can also be used to undermine it. The spread of false information and propaganda on social media can influence voters' choices, thereby altering the outcome of an election.


Consequences of Political Dirty Tricks

Dirty political tricks have far-reaching consequences. They undermine the principles of democracy, distort the will of the people, and breed mistrust among the populace.


In Odinga's case, these tactics have affected his electoral fortunes, with his opponents using them to diminish his chances of winning elections. They have also fueled division and animosity among the populace, making it difficult for him to unite his supporters after the elections.


Furthermore, these tricks have undermined the credibility of Kenya's electoral process. The allegations of vote-rigging and misuse of state resources have raised questions about the fairness and integrity of elections, leading to disputes and potential conflict.

Understanding Kenya election politics

After my recent video explaining what may unfold shortly in Kenya if and when the server is opened to reveal the real election results of 2022 (part of the NADCO report agreement that is due to sail through Parliament shortly), I realized that most of us do not understand Kenyan election politics.

And yet believe it or not Kenyan election politics is very simple it can be summarized in one short sentence and that sentence is STOP RAILA. That's it.

Now I know that sounds crazy, but don't worry about it, I have compelling evidence. But first let me clarify the reason why this is so relevant right now. Kenyan election politics is very relevant because I have good reason to believe that if and when the server is opened, the same strategy or similar tricks will be used to deny Kenyans justice. And of course in keeping with the mantra stop Raila at all costs.

And so here are the four tricks that have been used to stop Raila in the past;

Evil trick number one; I believe I introduced this in my video on the subject recently, but let me take this opportunity to give it more depth. You see before 2010, under the old Constitution there were so many loopholes that could be used by the state and powerful people to stop the rightful winner of an election from taking office the list was very long for example in 2007 the election.

For instance in those days, the election did not end at the polling station. What that meant is that the election ended when the returning officer made “corrections” before announcing the results. Now hang on a minute! What “corrections” can you possibly make to number of votes? And that's the point, and so what it means is that if Chris kumekucha polls only 5,000 votes against Odinga’s 4 million the returning officer can very easily add three zeros to my votes in his “corrections” and declare me the winner with 5 million votes. That's what I mean.

And in 2007 there was another complication. Very stubborn Kaki believed that he was capable of genuinely winning those elections and therefore he resisted any interference until the very last minute. Which ended up being tragic because when you interfere at the last minute it is much less believable and it becomes obvious you stole the votes.

But one very smart thing was done in 2007 to manage the aftermath. Because you know even after an election you have to take into account the possibility that somebody will come afterwards and scrutinize the votes. And I believe this point is very relevant right now for the possible opening of the servers.

This is what was done in 2007. Those who rigged for Kibaki also rigged for Raila. Let me explain.

They rigged for Kibaki to make sure he won by a small margin of about 200,000 votes and then they also fiddled with Raila votes in his strongholds in Nyanza and the Rift valley so that a forensic audit afterwards would show that although Kibaki stole votes, Raila also stole votes. Ingenious, in my opinion because when both sides stole, it becomes much more difficult to determine who really won. And that is how they robbed Raila.

2013 Rigging

In 2013 the people who were doing this biashara of stealing votes were prepared well in advance and it is very clear they knew who was going to win those elections. So the Mantra of stop Raila kicked in.

Their first move was a media blackout. And they had the perfect most believable excuse. They said the country was still very sensitive after the 2007 clashes that took place after the election results were announced and therefore they had to be cautious.

Effectively what that did was to make it impossible for anybody to gauge how the election was going, making it easier for the public to accept any results thrown at them at the end of the polls.

But there was still another obstacle in stopping Raila. Due to the 2010 Constitution and the stringent rules in the constitution associated with the elections a way had to be found around it and in the end the solution looked so simple but it worked and has worked to date it even worked in 2022.

The trick was to have several servers. So that when the Supreme Court inevitably ordered for the servers to be opened, all the IEBC does is to open one of the servers, obviously not the one with the correct result.

2017 election drama

Those who followed the presidential elections in 2017 will remember NASA's effort to counter this many servers issue. They announced that they would have a tallying center of their own. What that meant is that this NASA tallying Center would collect results from each and every polling station over 60,000 of them countrywide and then do the sums on their own. And if there was any dodgy dodgy business with any polling station, it would be very easy to detect it and therefore that would be evidence against anybody who wanted to interfere the elections.

Now of course this is a logistical nightmare but NASA tried and tried very hard But the Intelligence Community went out of their way to frustrate them at every turn. They even had equipment seized somewhere in Westlands in a raid that the government denied ever happened.

But then chief justice David Maraga surprised everybody by making use of the 2010 Constitution and introducing something that was brand new to everybody. He said at the Supreme court that elections are a process and if the process is broken the results are also broken irreparably.

That is precisely how the 2017 presidential elections were nullified.

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