Saturday, March 16, 2024

Decoding Uhuru's Silence on Raila's AU Job: Hidden Messages Revealed

Decoding Uhuru's Silence on Raila's AU Job: Hidden Messages Revealed

Silence can sometimes speak louder than words. This is precisely the case when it comes to President Uhuru Kenyatta's approach to Raila Odinga's bid for the African Union (AU) job. As pundits, politicians, and citizens alike wonder why the former president has chosen to remain tight-lipped, speculation is rife, and conspiracy theories abound.

Some argue that his silence is a strategic move, others speculate that Uhuru's silence could be a sign of underlying tensions between him and Odinga. Although their political partnership has been hailed as a significant turning point, it's possible that the partnership may not be as solid as it appears. What exactly is Uhuru telling us?

All through this very emotional drama of Raila Odinga and the African union job that he is going for, there is something that has not gone unnoticed. The Silence of the fourth President of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Muigai Kenyata.

Dear Uhuru please say something about this AU job manenos, so that we understand. So that we're able to analyze. So that we're able to start getting an idea of what is really going on here.

Because there are problems in Kenya. There are many things Agwambo is supposed to fix in Kenya and now you're telling us he's going out of the country to take up a job at the African Union? Seriously!! That is the feeling of Kenyans.

You know silence is a very powerful political weapon. Oh yes! And it has been used by many leaders all over the world to achieve a lot. And to reach certain political objectives and indeed to achieve a lot politically.

I believe the fourth President of the Republic of Kenya Mr Kenyatta, is very skillful in using this mega weapon called silence.

But before we discuss what I think dear Uhuru is telling us with this deafening silence on Raila's AU job, allow me to remind you of a time in the past that Uhuru has used this same weapon very successfully and with devastating effect.

When Uhuru fell out with Ruto, and the 2022 presidential elections were rapidly approaching and yet the decision of the Jubilee party as to who would be the presidential candidate for that party in 2022 had yet to be made public. As all that was unfolding Uhuru used the weapon of silence and he said nothing on the matter.

To cut a very long story short, do you know what Ruto's reaction was to that silence?

He just couldn't bear it. So much so that he decided to break away from the play acting (you know the two gentlemen were doing a Hollywood movie for us at the time, pretending that everything was okay). Do you remember that time when the two were pretending that things were still okay between them?

If you don't believe me go back and review the news items, but this is what happened. It was Ruto who started the animosity against President Uhuru Kenyatta, his boss. Why? Because he could not bear the silence anymore.

Granted Ruto already knew that Uhuru was not going to back him, but his strategy initially was for Uhuru to come out and say clearly that he no longer support Ruto for the presidency. That is what he was waiting for and he was going to gain a lot politically if and when that happened.

Now, I want you to cast your mind back to all that drama of the time. The truth is that Ruto looked like the victim here, isn't that correct? But explain to me why Ruto did not enjoy the widespread support and sympathy support that a victim is usually guaranteed to get? It was because of Uhuru's very smart strategy which was hinged on silence, not saying anything. Even as everybody waited for him to talk about it, he said nothing. He talked about the weather and everything else except this particular issue.

In my analysis, that single move Ruto made of being the first to throw barbs at his boss, lost him tons of support that he would otherwise have enjoyed. Had he just waited it out and kept on pretending, he would have won BIG.

So that Uhuru would have finally had no option but to announce that he was NOT going to support his deputy but was in fact going to back Raila. And then the sympathy wave of emotions and support would have come out like a flood for Ruto.

So... why is Uhuru silent about this AU job saga? And right there is, in my opinion the most compelling piece of evidence that there's something wrong. His persistent continuous silence.

Because if all was well Uhuru would have said something like; "I support my brother Raila. He is very capable and I will talk to my network, I will talk to my contacts to ensure that he has enough support to win this new job."

But to this day Uhuru has remained with sealed lips he has said nothing. In my opinion Uhuru's silence confirms all the crazy, crazy stories you have heard about Raila and this job. Like the one that it is being forced upon him by some very powerful forces for obvious reasons. Which is to get him out of the way politically.

It is crystal clear that Uhuru's silence is telling us a lot.

You know those who started following Baba yesterday cannot understand because according to them he will always speak from his heart. Now, hold on a minute isn't that political suicide? When you're in politics there are many times when you should never speak from your heart for political reasons. And so these Kenyans get very confused when Agwambo comes out and tells us he is campaigning very hard for this job. That he is going to be traveling all over Africa to convince heads of state. "I'm working very hard towards getting this job.."

And that leaves Kenyans gaping. What is Raila saying? The house called Kenya is burning and this man is talking about a job somewhere else? This is exactly how so many Kenyans who don't understand politics are thinking. Kenyans who don't understand the extraordinary times in which we live. Which by the way was predicted a long time ago. What we're going through will not surprise those who have been following Bible prophecy closely and that is the truth.
Now I can hear somebody saying; Chris we don't understand what are you talking about. How does religion come into this? I know, I know. So I'll not go any further but I have said it and it is the truth and it will remain the truth.

You realize that the truth cannot go away just because you have rubbished it, don't you? Even if you bury the truth very deep (as many criminals have found out) one day it'll come out. Burying the truth is like throwing a seed somewhere or even burying it very deep in the ground so that it disappears vanishes never to be seen again. And things happen, because people are always developing the land, and one day somebody digs down 20 ft and in the course of that development somebody shovels that seed in a pile of soil to the side. And later a truck comes up and picks that soil and goes to discard it somewhere else.

====Relevant Fun fact====
Many species of plants have seeds that delay germination for many months or years, and some seeds can remain in the soil seed bank for more than 50 years before germination. Seed dormancy is especially adaptive in fire-prone ecosystems.

Then rain comes but initially it is not enough to revive that seed and then the third rains after that arrive and that seed germinates and it shoots out of the ground.

The truth that you buried for dead, it shoots out for everybody to see in all its clear greenness. That is the nature of this life.

But there is another very important burning question many Kenyans have and it is the following; Are Uhuru and Raila still friends? Are they still working together?

Well the answer to that question believe it or not is a very firm YES. Yes they're still working together and nothing has changed.

And I know that may may be very hard to believe.

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