Sunday, October 11, 2009

Congratulations Nobel Laureate Barack Obama

Nobody saw it coming. Even the bookies’ radar had no faintest signal of him. Well, the world listened, surprised and DELIVERED. Barack Hussein Obama is the winner of 2009 Nobel Peace prize for global diplomacy. There could have been no other better way to bait a leader to do great good with his immense power.

That makes 3 Nobel Laureates with more than a passing interest in Kenya’s political problems. Our own Wangari Maathai, Kofi Annan and now Obama are all determined to see Kenyans freed from the suffocating evil grip of impunity.

We must have seen it first by being the only country to declare Obama day last year. We are on the right side of history besides banishing the old adage that a prophet is never revered at home.

And who doesn’t want to be associated with the winner. President Kibaki has performed the necessary rituals claiming it was BEFITTING. Well, maybe that is smart recanting of the protest note last week. It is bad manners to rain on a global party.

So was Obama a worthy winner? True, there were other weighty contenders but Obama's resolve and determination to use his powers for the wider good must have won the votes from the five-member committee. Obama's strength can be captured in the single word INSPIRE. Think dialogue with Iran, N. Korea and Russia and you get the wider picture of international diplomacy at its best.

The Nobel peace prize committee has debunked the enduring myth that the prize is only about accomplishment. Actually the prize was created as much to supply momentum for peace as to celebrate it and they said as much in awarding it to Obama in support of his plans to make the world a better place.

Global diplomacy
The other 204 nominations for this year's peace prize including Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Chinese dissident Hu Jia may have been unfortunate to run against a PHENOMENON. As the Norwegian selection committee aptly said, it is very rare to have a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.

Put simply Obama has created a new climate in international politics. Predictably Obama's award will invite detractors with equal zeal. Those conversant with American politics, will see Republicans ask why it is Obama after Carter and Al Gore. Well, you don't rig honours, do you?

Obama’s winning the Nobel prize is testimony of what the rare humanity resident in a few can achieve. It may not be the results but the gesture and the will to fight and inspire the world is a priceless asset.

It is one thing to lead but quite another to encapsulate the leadership concept towards steering the world on the premise of values and attitudes that are universally shared. Congratulations Obama.


  1. Obama do not deserve the Nobel "peace" award! For what? His country is still at war with Iraq and Afganistan!
    There are others more deserving like Morgan Tsangarai.

  2. We have our own Wangari Muta Maathai.

  3. Oh, Taabu, you almost had it.
    The 4th paragraph ruined what would have been a surprising whine free post from you.

  4. this is just smearing him with vaseli baby jell.
    Anon 5:45, his fathers land is still at war with himself.
    may be this was to kufunga his hand so that he d'snt nuke iran and south korea

  5. Where is Mwarangethe to quote another Mzungu book supporting the NEVER SEEN BEFORE PERSONAL SACRIFICE AND UNPRECEDENTED PEACEFUL EFFORTS OF OBAMA that has made him bag the nobel price.

  6. Maybe Taabu should have added some intelligence in his post by listing 5 nobel things that Obama has done to befit such an award other than being the US president.
    Taabu, sometimes it is wise to digest information before starting another praise chorus and of course as usual squeeze your evil reincarnate Kibaki somewhere.

  7. ...ficheni ujinga wenu nyinyi hapo mbele...can you even emagine what bringing Noth Korea and Iran to the table of negtiation has meant?...Do you understand what negotiating with Russia on the dismantled missile defence system Bush was building in E. Europe...what abt bringing Israel and Palestine to talk...i cud go on and tension has reduced directly coz of Obama...someni magazeti watu..

  8. The Europeans are trying to help obama with his dropping polls. Might backfire because americans do not like european opinions.

  9. Morgan Tsvangarai? Wow!

  10. Well, this could be a a perfect case of reverse engineering, only that the Nobel committee will be disappointed five years down the line. American will be forever be at war with some other nation because that's how corporate America makes its money.

    Taabu will be forever like the Americans, he has an axe to grind with someone and this season it is his agemate Mwai Kibaki!

  11. And just how good can a good thing be. Obama is well deserving of this award. By the time he is trough with his presidency, I predict a total of 3 Nobel Prizes if they do not limit the number of time one is eligible.

  12. I don't care what other people might say all I know is that getting the award isn't a joke. It needs hardworking.

    Many of us cannot achieve what the guy has achieved therefore I don't see any reason to criticize the guy.

  13. Huh? Barrack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize 2009! Good for him and all that but it might be a bit too soon.

  14. Mai ma Nguku10/9/09, 8:13 AM

    The award should have gone to President Kibaki for agreeing to share power with Raila for the sake of peace in Kenya.

    Kibaki Viva!!

  15. Luos you have out done yourselves, both locally in championing justice and equality within the Kenyan borders. A dream that is yet to be realized. And by proxy, through Obama globally, being the first black U.S Pres and now Nobel Laureate. It is something in the Luo genes.

    Aluta Continua!

  16. "it is an award that speaks to the promise of president obama's message of hope." - archbishop desmond tutu.

    syk jeneza

  17. i think General Ali deserve a nobel award for raining in murderous kelenjin and mungiki in 2007/08

  18. hehehe anon above

    you make a very interesting typo that turns around the meaning of your statement

    so you say that gen. ali "rained in" mungiki and kalenjin warriors,

    i agree and therefore he should be tried at the hague

    hehehehe good one

  19. ...anon @10:53...aliwanyeshea kweli...with bullets...apelekwe hague

  20. Another headache for PNU. Forces Mutua to rephrase his Obama attacks. Congrats to Obama though.

  21. They should make Michele Miss Universe for her sense of dressing.
    They should also make the couples daughters ambassadeurs of peace since they are always trotting the globe on peace missions with their daddy.

    Surely, who needs comedians when the nobel committee has become a comic centre.

  22. if obama was white

  23. They can give Obama countless nobel peace prizes, all I know is that my neighbour is arming and I am not waiting for him like previous election cycles. This time, it is armed peace or no peace.

  24. A man who seeks dialogue with the whole world

    A man who dislikes arroganz of the First World

    A man who wants to phase out nuclear weapons from the world

    A man who wants to kick the asses of corrupt and thieving African leaders from the US

    A man who has decided to distanciert himself from the politics of cowboys

    A man who wants give the US health insurance (which is available even in the tiny Austria).........

    is qualified to be honoured with the Nobel peace price.

    ---Obama is Noble---

  25. .....a man who refused to be drawn into purported 'cousinship' to further the political agenda of one Bondo bumpkin!I can have a beer for that anytime and toast...Cheers Obama!!!!

  26. Kudos to Obama.
    He should acknowledge the honor and then go ahead to decline it. That way he will maintain his own personal integrity and that of the Nobel Peace prize process. For how do you accept to win a prize for which the justitication is sorely lacking? How do you sit on the roster of life-time achievers when your so-called achievement lacks an empirical basis?
    Do right Obama!

  27. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! he he he he he he he he he he!

    the shadow of obama senior keeps haunting mortals on every world stage imaginable.

    his son (b.h. obama) graduated from harvard law school, he became a member of the us senate, then elected president of the united states of america at the age of fourty-seven years, and he has become a nobel laureate because of his ability to inspire hope in people from all walks of life, as well as inspire change in many nations of the civilized world.

    the rabid anti-obama critics and hate-brigades under the leadership of generals like "rash-limbo" will continue to haul with in pain, anger and utter disbelief for the next several months.

  28. Hey wheres the post on kalonzo n tribal alliances. I logg3d h3r3 very confident i must find somtin. Kumekucha mmelala. Change ya name 2 kumelalwa.B....

  29. Kalonzo overtakes both Kibaki and Raila in popularity:-South consulting group:-How about that???

  30. so what?Nobel Laureate ni nini?does he have a phD like President Kibaki and Supervisor Raila?

  31. An idiot claimed:
    bringing Noth Korea and Iran to the table of negtiation has meant?...Do you understand what negotiating with Russia on the dismantled missile defence system Bush was building in E. Europe...what abt bringing Israel and Palestine to talk...

    Do you know how many presidents have brought nations on the table? Clinton did far much more than this you idiot!

  32. Watching cnn, bbc and aljazeera over the weekend, the general consensus among analysts is that the award was undeserved. I was surprised arabs feel this way very strongly. I think the awarding committee wanted to urge action to a certain direction and to tie obama to the promises he has been making. This is not a science award and anything which is not science can be used for anything. Look at previous awardees, including our own maathai. Did they really deserve it as per alred nobel. I think in the case of maathai, powerful NGOs thought she needed the money and so they lobied for her.

  33. Anon 10/10/09 6:47 AM says Obama is "One who wants, dislikes, seeks, has decided" and therefore "is qualified to be honoured with the Nobel peace price"
    CAN YOU LISTEN TO YOURSELF? ARE YOU MAD? Nobel peace prize is awarded to those who have achieved not those who aspire to achieve

  34. An anon in a futile attempt to justify award to POTUS says "as well as inspire change in many nations of the civilized world....." What Nation has Obama inspired change? Just tell me ONE
    What hope has Obama inspired? To whom? We surely admire and adore him. But people dont get awards for that otherwise i think Michael Jackson would be more deserving, post humously

  35. Obama may succeed in US domestic front but i can promise you he will FAIL MISERABLY in Iraq, Afganistan, Somaila, Israel-palestine, North Korea, Iran, Russia etc. Here is why. You cannot deny a fellow human being what you have, it is immoral. It nagates the human conscience and human nature is to always fight oppression, infairness, injustice in all forms, shades and colours. Many in the world history have tried and failed. Obama is also trying and unlike others has already been awarded for making attempts and not succeeding (very unfair to Bill Clinton)

    All the best Obama

  36. Am I dreaming or did I hear Raila call kibaki a reformer?

    Flip flop flip flop. Here we go again.

    hahahahhahahahhahahahhaha. Votes za central hapati! Pole sana Agwambo.

    Kalonzo was given a rousing welcome in Kangema. Thats the guy who stood with us in our time of need.

    Kura kwa Kalonzo Musyoka.

  37. Why not Tony Bliar? He achieved so much in Britian and has been unfairly judged for one 'incident' for backing Bush in Iraq. This is wrong given that Wangari Mathai had claimed that wazungus manufactured HIV/ AIDs to control africans and still won the nobel prize. This is madness!

  38. The Nobel Committee must resign for making the coveted prize a BIG LIE & JOKE. There are more deserving global citizens who have even given their lives for humanity and noble causes

  39. Obama is rewarded for winning the US presidency and being admired by the world, period. Congratulations Hussein

  40. Listen to this by the Nobel Committee: President Obama is awarded "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
    Now mark the word 'extra'ordinary. The word, according to any dictionary, means exceeding the common degree, beyond ordinary measure or condition hence, remarkable; uncommon, rare
    Now lets see:
    Is calling for peace in middle east rare?
    is bringing iran to negotiations (which they dismissed) beyond ordinary?
    Is telling North korea to stop their Nuke facilities uncommon?
    Is telling Kibaki, Mugabe et al to implement reforms remarkable?
    Is increasing troops in Afganistan extraordinary?
    Is asking for dialogue between Israel and Palestine exceeding a common degree? what about the call to dismatle the taliban & alqaeda?
    Is negotiating with Russia 'rare'?
    Think deeply and answer these questions.

  41. This is my take. Wazungus are setting up Obama for failure by fixing him with the Nobel peace prize and placing on his shoulder a heavy title of expectations, which he would have to be Jesus to achieve. The red heads have put him on the radar. Any trippin on anything is sure to be an embarasment for him everyday. This means Obama will most likely never make a critical/ tough decision as he has to continue being a flawless 'god'

  42. Alfred Nobel turned in his grave

  43. Obama would have to be killed now so that the legend lives. We cannot afford to have such an extraordinary man make mistakes in the future; coz he surely will

  44. Am sure Obama is crying. He has surely been fixed. He still has a chance to redeem himself by rejecting the award

  45. Imagine this. Getting the gold medal before winning a marathon, getting a salary before earning it; getting a degree without going through school; Wow, all this just by dreaming

  46. 10 Real extraordinary achivements by Kibaki:

    1. Defeat of the dictatoral Regime of Moi. Dismantling of the Nyayo torture chambers;
    2. Made the fist real attempt to a new costitution, only failing at the referendum
    3. Achieving peace in the longest running conflict in Afirca ie S. Sudan
    4. A Transitional Govt in Somalia that brought a govt in a country that had never had ambassadors for 15 years;
    5. Hosting the largest refugee concentration in the world, purely on a humanitarian basis;
    6. Providing free universial basic education, the first north of limpopo and south of the sahara;
    7. Achieving the best turnaround growth rate in Africa;
    8. The only president in Africa to accept and embrace freedom of speech;
    9. Agreeing to share power after being declared election winner, a first in Africa;
    11. Dismatling and restructuring the ECK after disputed polls, something that has made Raila describe him as a reformer;
    12. Spirited efforts to save our water towers;
    13. Major police reforms;
    14. Listening to and respect for parliament on all issues of disagreement with executive;
    15. Resettling of IDPs in a record 2 weeks;

    Against all these, tell me ONE thing the yapping Obama has achieved leave alone 'extraordinarily'

  47. Wow anon 10/12/09 12:01 AM! HE Kibaki our handsome, great economist should have won the peace prize. Who would become friends with the likes of Moi and Raila in such a short span? This is true peace. If Obama is that peaceful why hasnt he done the same with Bush? Chuki mingi
    Kibaki hoiyeeeee !!!!!

  48. Obama and his intelligent supporters are also embarrased by the award. But I dont think you can turn it down. He has called it "a call to action", meaning he knows he is getting the certicate before passing the exams. Means he has to work extra hard.

    The committee also said they were recognising "his vision" for a world without nuclear arms. This can be tied to Alfred Nobel's wish that the award be given to someone who has done the most to eliminate the world's standing armies. Of course there is a difference between "vision" and "doing the most".

    However my interest here is how is a world without nucler arms to be achieved? All the nuclear powers have to destroy their arsenals at the same time, I mean the same minute or whatever. Can it be done? May be someone can enlighten me.

  49. After winning the NPP now poor Obama is trying to please everyone, even homosexuals:
    Another pledge in the growing list......

  50. He offered no timetable or specifics as usual. Talk, talk, talk then win a peace prize by just talking eishhhhh

  51. Yes the award is a 'call to action'
    what action has Obama taken upto now? what steps has he taken to create a nuclear free world? we all know US own half of the world nuke arsenal therefore before 'talking with N Korea and Iran, maybe start leading us by example?

  52. shetani ni mwongo

  53. There are some people who have done so much to bring peace to the tribes of northern kenya. But they are not famous handsome mulatos who can speak well.

  54. Obama should protect his integrity by rejecting the NPP. By accepting it, Obama appears like an 'extraordinary' exam cheat who doesnt hide his cheating but the university goes ahead and awards him a first class

  55. It is an anti-bush award but europeans have to understand that white americans cannot disown bush for trying to steal middle eastern countries. The US of A itself was stollen from its real owners!

  56. A Nobel prize for three things:
    Sleeping, dreaming then talking

  57. we/he/they coulda/woulda/shoulda

    every kenyan has so many solutions and great ideas for those other guys over there and nothing to show on the homefront

    i wonder how many of these woulda/shoulda/coulda guys can even make an appointment to the nobel prize commissions

    fellas create your own awards and give them to and deny those you see fit, we didn't come up with the nobel awards and participation is totally voluntary

  58. Obama thinks GCG will implement reforms by banning a few guys from visiting US. Is this guy silly? These are battle hardened, hardcore crooks, war mongers and worriors who have cut scalps, spilt and drank blood.
    Ignorant diplomacy indeed

  59. Kibaki, Raila et al are drought and battle hardened theives playing around with the naive Obama. Raila supports the 'letters' as kibaki 'protests'. They then both meet in Nairobi and give each other an A on reforms before Kofi Annan. They then pledge to help Okampo, in the mean time, everyone is pacified
    Who has been played????? Obama

  60. Obama is a naive little boy who knowns nothing about how the world operates

  61. Some of our MPs can easily survive in mogadishu and make al shabaab childs play, so you can go ahead and ban them from visiting US hoping they will bring reforms

  62. Obama rewarded to smite Bush

  63. Obama the child we like to see to remind us what innocence looks like everytime we take a brake from our battles

  64. What has obama done in the 10 months since taking over the oval office?

  65. shame on the nobel committee!

  66. They started defending his nomination before they announced it. Well, an award for hope? Kibaki has been hoping for a new constitution, its been 7 years and counting

  67. Kibaki has the greatest hope, how come he hasnt won even an africa award?

  68. Can someone list for me the extraordinary achivements of POTUS to date?

  69. Islamic Hamas leaders say Obama doesn’t deserve the Nobel because he failed to give Palestinian people their legitimate right as he had promised.
    Well Hamas, you are one of the many disappointed groups who placed reliance on a dreamer. Remmember the song "dont fall in love with a dreamer"

  70. This is the FIRST time in history that Israelis and Palestinians have agreed. Obama has achived nothing and doesnt deserve the NPP

  71. Even the british and americans agree

  72. Last year they awarded it to a former president of Finland, who helped to create a country called Kosovo from Serbia. It is always politics, or, as some one calls it, politricks. This one is a clear attempt to influence US politics, but I fear it will harden the Coservatives and the Independents in their opposition to the president.


    We have a right, like other people around the world, to comment. We were born to a world were a Nobel prize was held up as big. We only thought it is given after the fact. I believe the science ones have already been awarded? Otherwise I should not be surprised if one of them goes to obama?

  73. Okay lets say the whole world agrees that Obama doesnt ever ever ever deserve this award, except a few pockets of fanatics in chicago and Nyanza

  74. "There is a further irony in offering a peace prize to a president whose principal preoccupation at the moment is when and how to expand the war in Afghanistan"

  75. HOW DARE Obama mount the podium in Oslo to accept a prize that once went to Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa who gave their lives for humanity. This is the epitome of absurdity given that it will follow his decision to send up to 40,000 more US troops to Afghanistan

  76. peace is hardly compatible with an escalation in hostilities, which is what Obama is doing in afghanistan, killing innocent women and children

  77. It is certainly true that his energy and aspirations have dazzled many of his supporters. Sadly, it seems they have so bedazzled the Norwegians that they can no longer separate hopes from achievement. The achievements of all previous winners have been diminished.

  78. Obama is Nobel himself. Lets face the fact

  79. Password
    a fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can be checked and confirmed. Please provide evidence supporting your opinionated sentence

  80. Obama only want to talk and not get his hands dirty

  81. One thing is certain -- President Obama won't be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.

  82. Thank God we don't sit on the NPP commiittee-we could have been very rich.

  83. Taabu, you are such an idiot. The nobel prize is just $1.4 million. The fat cats of kenya have kulad much more than this.

  84. Nobel Price should go to one and only Dr. Alfred Mutua for standing against Western influence in Kenya!

  85. When Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace prize I was suprised, what has planting of trees have to do with peace? Kenya is not even one of the most forrested countries owing to her efforts, but then again F. W. DeClark got one along with Mandela, we all agree that mandela is a great man, but what did De Clark do? Accepted that he had been leading a band of deranged white racists? You get a peace prize for that.....? The examples are countless these Nobel committee has agendas they push for, and guess what? its up to the to do whatever they like its chilax stop hating. Just organise for kibaki a potato award.

    Sir Alex

  86. Sir Alex,

    And the bumpkin award goes to ....

    You guessed right, Molasses Raila "Kabila Adui" Odinga!!!!!

  87. An idiot calling himself 'sir alex' said "....but then again F. W. DeClark got one along with Mandela,.... but what did De Clark do? Accepted that he had been leading a band of deranged white racists?"
    Stop displaying your ignorance. If it wasnt for De Clark, SA would still be under apartheid. Its not mandela or ANC who dismantled apartheid. That BOLD decision and subsequent actions that ended the worst form of discrimination in the world and brought democracy and equal rights in Africas superpower is what earned him the award. Now what BOLD decision/ action has Obama made to earn anything? Mathaai has a long history of human rights struggle in Kenya and has made many outstanding academic & social achievements, see here for details You were still suckling when she was standing up to the Kanu machinery on various occasions. What has Obama achieved? Talk, talk, action. Why is it our business? Obama spends most of the time lecturing us and the rest of the world abt what to do and has himself done NOTHING! ZERO! MAYAI! SUFURI! BURE KABISA! ALWAYS CRYING ON MICHELLES ARMS EVERY NIGHT!

  88. Someone asked what mathaai has done? here goes:
    Give us also what Obama has achieved from the time he was elected senator to date.
    FYI It didnt take mathaai the presidency, parliament or any other public position to achieve this.

  89. obama amekunia

  90. Anon 7:40

    Many of us thought Maathai, Koigi, Kiraitu, Karua were fighting injustices of KANU but we have since learnt that is was a struggle to get one of their own into power period.


  91. Congratulation sto the Obama.
    The hate mongers and myopic guys can mop in the darkness.
    Kenyans and tribalism!!!!!

  92. Another apt opportunity for those who NEVER imagined Obama as POTUS to dust up their moulding barbs that never flew prior to 20/11/2007. Typical Kenyan .....

  93. yeah i wonder what the reaction of many of these fellows would be if say kibaki awards "morass of the burnt homes" MBC or some other ABC to e.g wanjiru and then we have some guys from e.g somalia giving us their two pence on why not and who shoulda

  94. how old these guys who are complaining bitterly about the nobel peace ward being given to one obama at the age of 48 yrs?

    25 - 29 yrs
    30 - 34 yrs
    35 - 39 yrs
    40 - 44 yrs
    45 - 50 yrs
    50 - 54 yrs
    55 - 59 yrs
    60 - 64 yrs
    65 - 69 yrs
    70 - 74 yrs


    we can work for peace in our immediate communities or continue to keep on complaining like wet snkunkns on very stormy afternoon.

    someone wake me up in 2029 and remind me of the current complaining politicla and social snkukns.

  95. Taabu, you always disappoint. whether i wanted obama to be president or not is irrelevant. he is the president. So you are saying i should not criticise him so am not seen like i didnt want him to be president? i didnt want him to be president. i favoured hillary and it is my right. obama won the presidency but he never won the democratic nomination. the media stole it for him from hillary. I can now understand what hillary was complaining about: the guy gets a free pass all the time. The media never wanted him to be subjected to any hard questioning that would expose his emptiness. Now they give him another free pass with the nobel and am just supposed to cheer because his father was a luo?!

  96. ... Kibaki has always gotten a free pass... So Kibaki steals the precidency and i am supposed to chear for him because he is Kikuyu?...

    Just had to take your statement and view it in another context. Sorry couldnt help itr. Very funny.


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