Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, April 20, 2007

VP Awori's Strange Letters To A Magistrate


As I have said many times in this blog, this is the year of exposes. There is the sordid Nation media group sex for promotion scandal and then now it seems that this is the year when Kenyans will also get to the bottom of the Artur brothers saga. Those are just two examples amongst many but I can assure you, mambo bado.

Now it has emerged that Vice President Moody Awori seemed to have tried to influence the outcome of a murder trial involving three of his constituents. A copy of a letter he sent to a magistrate asking for an update on the trial has been unearthed and tabled in parliament.

On the surface a letter asking for an update on a case may seem innocent enough, except that when you think about it a little deeper, you will quickly realize that there is plenty of mischief in that word "update". How do you ask a magistrate who is still trying to determine a case, for an update? There are a lot of other places where one can get this kind of information on ongoing court cases, if all the VP was interested in were the details.

The magistrate in question, Busia Principal Magistrate, Walter Nyarima seems to agree with this assessment and wrote back to the VP protesting. A copy of the same letter was sent to the chief justice.

To make matters worse, Mr Nyamira was transferred shortly after his letter of protest and before concluding the case in question. He was transferred from Busia to Kericho. The whole issue has now become very explosive and has already attracted the attention of many civil groups. What is even more alarming is that Nyamira says in his letter that the VPs intervention in court cases in the area has been “frequent.”

If there is one thing the Vice President will be remembered for then it is his work amongst jailed convicts and prisoners in the country. He has almost single-handedly overhauled the entire Kenyan prison service, which has seen the most far-reaching changes and improvements in the history of the country.

Now with this latest development, Kenyans are bound to ask if there is a link between his pet project and what appears to be an attempt to influence the due process of law. Not to mention the fact that it was just last year when the Vice President weathered a major storm and resisted intense pressure to have him resign after being mentioned adversely in connection to the still unresolved Anglo Leasing scandal.

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  1. Chris,

    These fellows who are the constituents of Moody were arrested in 2005. To-date their case is not yet concluded and being charged under a capital offence, they are languishing in remand for the second year.

    What is wrong with a representative enquiring with the court why the matter is taking so long to resolve?

    If the people were represented by some other MP, the question would have been raised in parliament and the same answer that the magistrate gave to Moody.

    What is unfortunate, the magistrate decides to play politics and adding other non-issues, then passing on the correspondence to other persons to complain on his behalf. Perhaps it is the transfer that generated all this, but I still find it unfortunate that a magistrate could behave this way.

    One thing is clear, and we can sit and moralise about it on these blogs, you never enter into competition with government - you can never win!

  2. I can't believe that you're trying to demonise the margistrate in this case. I read it twice hoping/wishing that you were writing tongue-in-cheek/irony and sarcasm.

    Your last point, that you can never compete with govt. Is that the same as saying let govt. do whatever it pleases?

    When the VP is acting as an MP, he could then table the request in Bunge and get a response from the ministry concerned.


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