Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, April 20, 2007

Michuki Finally Visits Mount Elgon, But Only After Lucy Kibaki Has Been There


First lady Lucy Kibaki visited the clash-torn area to console victims about a week before Internal security minister John Michuki finally made it to the place.

Presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi tried to make a joke out of it by asking what it is that Michuki feared in Mount Elgon so much that he could only gather courage to visit after the first Lady had visited the area.

But the clashes are no joking matter. Tens of thousands of Kenyans have been displaced and are effectively refugees in their own country, while scores have lost their lives.

It would appear that the President's handlers are planning to use the first lady as a key campaigner for the president's re-election and since the president himself cannot visit ordinary Kenyans to console them, it must have been felt that the next best thing would be to send First Lady Lucy herself to Mount Elgon. A colleague tells me that the reason why the president has never been seen in any slum area or with any ordinary down and out Kenyans is because he would have nothing to say to them. They don't play golf and they did not go to Makerere and telling them that the economy grew by 5.8 per cent last year may endanger the president's security in such areas where Kenyans are so desperate. I find that comment funny, but the worrying thing is that it sounds too close to the truth.

Kenyan voters are at the moment being urged to vote back the same government for another 5 year term. That decision is up to the people, but let them bear in mind that if they vote back this government that has caused rapid economic growth in the backdrop of rising poverty, desperation and insecurity, then they should prepare themselves for more of these land clashes nonsense sometime in 2011 in the run up to the 2012 general elections. I am no war monger just acrefully examine the history of land clashes since 1991 when the section 2a amendment was repelled. You will find that they ocurr right on schedule like clockwork. 1991/2, 1996/7, 2001/2 and now 2006/7. Twice may have been a coincidence and maybe even three times to really stretch it. But four times in a row!!!

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