Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kibaki Prepares For Re-election: And The Sacrificial Lambs Will Be…

All indications are that finally, we are going to see some big names in court over corruption in high places. Anglo Leasing, Goldenberg, other shady deals, the works. Notice that I have said they are going to appear in court. Nobody has said anything about conviction and jail.

You see court cases in Kenya can drag on and on, endlessly. How long has Goldenberg been in the courts. A Kenyan who was conceived the year Kamlesh Pattni first burst into the limelight over this mega scandal will be eligible to vote in about 3 years time.

One thing is for sure, the Narc Kenya think tank handling the President's re-election is one mean formidable machine that barring the unexpected, will get their man back to that address along State House road that is the envy of any Kenyan politician.

Already they have effectively chopped the legs of ODM Kenya from under them. Hon Raila Odinga is about o find himself with some extremely excessive baggage when the tempo of the campaigns really picks up in the coming months. Not to mention the fact that most major players in that camp are shaking in their boots over the rapid developments taking over at Hon Martha Karua's justice ministry.

The significant thing to note here is that most of those who will be charged will be non-starters in the coming general elections. It matters little what they may think themselves.

It is clear that the prosecution list is extremely selective and is goig to be a major political weapon for the incumbent. Some ODM leading lights will soon be faced with two simple options. Either ditch ODM Kenya for Narc Kenya, or go to jail. The choice here is extremely easy and obvious.

So where does that leave the people of Kenya? What happens after the excitement of seeing a big fish in court wears off?

I can smell the re-birth and re-energizing of Kanu. But don't take my word for it, let us just wait and see shall we? One thing is for sure, the next couple of months are going to be the stuff that you would expect from a good Robert Ludlum thriller. Twists, turns, the unexpected, everything that keeps you turning the pages and causes you to call in sick to work the next day, because you'd rather get fired than put down that damn page turner…

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