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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Explosive Esther Passaris Tell-All-Name-All Expose in Kumekucha Raw Notes

Kumekucha's popular Raw notes are now FREE

Issue of 4th January 2017
Esther Passaris: The Untold Story

Shocking, shocking never-published-before details of a woman seeking public office using a “tricky” strategy

Esther Passaris has given Kenyans the impression that she wants to replace Evans Kidero as governor of Nairobi. Political analysts are saying that that is a dream for the next lifetime… and still with a big MAYBE. Those who know her well are scratching their heads wondering what the hell she is really up to because Ms Passaris is many things but she is certainly not naïve enough to believe that she can floor the likes of Mike Sonko and the other long list of political heavyweights currently impatiently knocking at Evans’ Kidero’s door with the intention of moving into his rather exaggeratedly plush office before the end of this year.
Okay it is rather obvious that mama Supuu (as she is often referred to by Nairobians) loves to be in the limelight. But there are many other ways of remaining in the limelight without setting oneself up for a spectacular flop in the ruthless no-mercy Nairobi political arena...(Download/read online the entire issue of Kumekucha's raw notes for FREE NOW and read on)

* Find out what Nairobi men think and feel every time they see Esther Passaris.

* Ms Passaris is on record for saying that Uhuru Kenyatta vigorously fought her attempt to get into politics. Find out the truth of what was really happening behind the scenes.

* One Nairobi blogger described Esther Passaris thus; She is a toxic mixture of beauty and brains. Is this true? The answer comes from those who know her well and it will make your eyes pop out.

* Did Passaris go into politics because of what happened with the multi-million shilling minting Adopt-a-light contract signed with the then Nairobi City Council in 2012?

* Find out how this woman is no coward. She stood up to the "Muthaiga gang" and kept coming back at them even as she lost, sometimes very dirty political schemes being employed against her.

* Read it all in Kumekucha's raw notes. Now free to download and read online or in your smart phone. Albeit while taking the following warning from Kumekucha very seriously; 
"... Anyway here is the Esther Passaris story that you have never heard. Brace yourself and try not to widen your eyes so much so that they pop completely out of their sockets and land with a thud on the ground."

Get your free copy of Kumekucha's raw notes NOW. No email required, no registration.