Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Best president for Kenya: This man who will solve ALL our political problems

He has fanatical support in Nyanza and equally enthusiastic support right across several province which in one neat move eliminates tribalism from our presidential elections. Sadly candidate Raibaki does not exist.

Still it is not bad to daydream once in a while and fantasize of what can never happen... Not in Kenya. Or can it?

Midiwo's Dishonest Suggestion on More/Less MPs

By KK Blogger

Co-Government chief whip Jakoyo Midiwo is one politician known for his loose talk and character worshipping. But his suggestion against many MPs over the weekend made very interesting argument.

Midiwo knows the next generation of MPs will not be as powerful as the present one give the presence of senators and governors. But only politically selected few can fill these grand posts.

So was Midiwo simply being nostalgic about the impendining loss of political power or he was genuinely engaging in substantive national debate?

Well, there is no price for guessing. Politicians the world over are the most selfish species among us. Midiwo may be right to compare number of representatives in US and the population with ours but he connivently avoided comparing the pay. And there in lies the nauseating dishonesty in his suggestion.

Some would readily say because we are who we are and we have always remained who we were, without any intention of ever changing ourselves, communities and a once beautiful country - Kenya, I suppose - for the better or for the next seven generations.

Think about it for a second; 435 representatives and 100 senators serving (as opposed to being served, honoured, and worshipped by) 311 million people in country - United States of America - with a land mass of 3,718,710 square miles.

Versus the usual revenue guzzling payload of 349 MPigs (potential lords of impunity) and 67 senators [whose only mandate is to demand honour, adoration and daily worship at public rallies], for a population of very unfortunate 38 million impoverished Kenya confined on a land mass of 30.2 million km2 (11.7 million square miles).

And for what? Why the wastage as usual? So that the political elite may continue to eat together for another five to ten years in the ever willing company of political-cum-tribal lords, double-faced aid agencies, and cold hearted foreign economic hitmen and women?