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Friday, January 06, 2012

Nancy Barasa Update: Why Nose Pinching Says Something About 2012

Observe the signs carefully and you will know the future, we are told by those who predict stuff. We are also informed that the gate of anything is very important, observe carefully what happened at the “entrance to 2012” and you will know the future.

This is gibberish to most of us but if for a minute we humour this mumbo jumbo then the incident at the village market last Saturday and more importantly the repercussions which are still unfolding could mean that we have entered the year of the under dog.
See earlier post on this subject: Why Nancy Barasa must resign
This will be the year when humble Davids will fell Goliaths. Who knew Rebecca Kerubo Morara before Saturday? And before her nose was allegedly pinched. A nobody security guard stationed at the Village market to frisk all lady’s (albeit the less violent and non-serial nose pinchers) entering the up market mall. As you read this the Deputy Chief Justice’s job hangs on the balance and even if she remains in office the rest of her term is bound to be extremely shaky. All because of a small nobody security guard called Rebecca Kerubo Morara.

This could just be a sign of things to come. Great news for the long suffering down-trodden Kenyan. It could mean that if indeed elections are going to be held this year then we will see nobodies elected, probably up to the highest office in the land. The mood on the ground certainly supports this theory.

Meanwhile the chief justice and JSC have already received at least one private petition to sack Nancy Barasa from a Mr Peter Gichira Solomon. He says in his petition;

“My petition for the removal of the Deputy Chief Justice from office is informed by my worry that, on one hand, public dissatisfaction with the way this issue is dealt with may strike a fatal to confidence on the Judiciary and the rule of law at the very inception from the New Constitution,

On the other hand, if the law is given the highest priority and justice is done, then a reputation for the Judiciary and the new dispensation will forever have been established.”

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Why Nancy Barasa Must Resign

…Opium sessions have to end

What happened at the Village Market last Saturday is the big problem we have with our leaders past and present. And it is a problem that we must correct NOW if we are to change the destiny of our dear beloved nation.
Impeccable sources close to the late Mulu Mutisya assured me several times that there was nothing that used to jazz the King of Ukambani more than the kind of attention his entrance anywhere elicited. I was once in an office when Bwana Mutisya walked in and everybody stood up to attention and those who were wearing hats removed them. He arrogantly waved his hands and walked into his office. A man who never saw the inside walls of a classroom causing such ripples used to give Mutisya the kind of “high” that was well above what one can expect from opium or cocaine. And so it is safe to assume that he must have had a shattering and memorable orgasm the day a very well educated man and learned friend called Kalonzo Musyoka knelt down before him in seeking a career in politics. And there is evidence to prove that the kneeling was super effective in achieving its’ objectives because there were no general elections in site but a couple of weeks later Musyoka was seated inside parliament. The MP he replaced in Mwingi was shot dead by a crazed administration policeman in an incident that has never been fully explained to this day and in the hurried by-election that followed Wiper was in Bunge. Just like that!! But that is a story for another day.
How did Miguna Miguna's financial problems vanish so suddenly?
Our leaders have these opium sessions from being called mheshimiwa and from making grand entrances in public places where business comes to a stand still because of them. Like the time shortly after the President of the Republic of Kenya went on national TV to talk matters of national importance in the form of telling Kenyans lies to the effect that he had only one wife called Lucy and that anybody else claiming otherwise was an imposter. About two days later “the Imposter” Mary wa Munene (better known as Mary Wambui) made a grand entrance at a supermarket at the Sarit Centre allegedly to do some shopping accompanied by some heavy GSU protection.

I am persuaded that a poor security guard called Ms Kerubo tried to interfere with one of these opium sessions last Saturday and that was the crux of the problem and the real reason why all hell broke loose. She claims at one point she was on her knees begging for her life to be spared gun pointed at her. What really terrified her was the fact that her late father who was also a security guard had lost his life identical circumstances.

While confusion surrounds the allegation that the deputy CJ fetched a gun from her car which she used to threaten the guard (because CCTV footage does not capture this) it is clear that the deputy CJ threatened the guard and she also refused to be frisked.

People who refuse to be frisked in public places amaze me and I tend to doubt their intelligence because after all for whose benefit is the frisking being done? Is it not to protect you? And so by refusing to be frisked you are actually saying you do not want to be protected from possible terror threats which are very real in Kenya just now, especially in public places like shopping malls.

In the minds of a vast majority of the folks seeking political office this year the furthest thing on their minds is serving the people. Instead they are ejaculating just thinking of all the wonderful opium sessions they are going to enjoy once in office. In presidential motorcades, governors’ motorcades etc. The people’s agenda is a distant third on their to-do-list. No prizes for guessing what number two (or number one on some lists) is. It is getting rich.

Now is a good time to rudely interrupt these ongoing opium sessions by asking Ms Barasa to resign immediately. You can be sure that it will not stop this human vanity nonsense, but at least it will be a wake up call and we must start somewhere.

My dear fellow Kenyans, let us call for the immediate resignation of the deputy CJ. No stories, no excuses, no delay.

For the record the deputy chief justice and vice president of the Supreme Court of the current banana republic of Kenya hails from a place that is not far away from the village of my late mother and my relatives over there are very proud of her and her achievements. Naturally they will not take kindly to this post. The Bukusu are much more violent than the cowardly Akamba and I am sure if I went ahead with my planned visit there soon I am bound to find myself in a situation where something much more lethal than a beer bottle will be flying in my direction. But alas I love my country more.

Breaking News: Chief Justice Mutunga Calls Emergency JSC Meeting To Discuss Barasa