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Monday, June 06, 2011

What Caused Kirinyaga Road Explosion?

24 hours after a mysterious blast that rocked downtown Nairobi at Kirinyaga Road, Kenyans have more questions than answers on their minds.

Was it a terrorist attack? And if so why set off the bomb on a lazy Sunday morning when the casualties are bound to be minimal? Police have confirmed that 42 people are still admitted in various hospitals around Nairobi, six of them in critical condition.

It is not lost on close observers that the area where the huge explosion occurred has the largest concentration of illegal immigrants outside Eastleigh. Interestingly the immigrants here are mainly from Asian countries like Pakistan (coincidentally Pakistan is the country where long time terror fugitive Osama Bin Laden was finally killed.) An interesting aside here is that most of the immigrants in this district are lured to Kenya by the easy money to be made using trading skills that have been developed in highly competitive markets like India and Pakistan where the typical profit margin is a mere 5% and quite often even less than that. Traders here frequently get clean away with 50 to 100% margins and the result has been numerous cases of individuals who arrive in Nairobi paupers but turn into millionaires in a matter of months.

So is there a link between the explosion and the large population of illegal immigrants in this area? That is one of the many puzzling questions the Kenyan security forces will have to answer.

One of the alarming aspects of the explosion that is being followed up with urgency this morning is the possibility that a missile of sorts was used. Some eye witnesses claim that they saw something flying through the air moments before the explosion. Sources tell me that it is highly unlikely that a missile was used in this case but it is important that evidence is obtained quickly to rule out this.

Although no terrorist group has claimed responsibility yet, the most obvious suspicion in this case is that this is a terrorist attack and top on the list of suspects are the Al Shabab in neighbouring troubled Somalia. This bunch of unruly youngsters who have no qualms about laying down their lives have continued to gain strength in the region with successful attacks in Uganda and even on Kenyan soil with the Kampala coach bus bombing last year.

Nairobians are deeply disturbed by this recent development which may be a demonstration of just how vulnerable Kenyans are to acts of terrorism. Not surprising when every immigrant from Somalia knows that all one needs to get into Kenya is enough cash to bribe officials. Contrast this to neighbouring Tanzania where fear of radical Somalis has caused the Tanzanians to closely guard their borders against them. Indeed it is very difficult for Somali nationals (even thgose of goodwill) to gain entry into Tanzania through the Namanga border and other entry points into Tanzania through Kenya. Clearly Tanzanians have something that Kenyans don’t have. Namely the kind of patriotism that rises above the personal selfish needs of an individual to make a quick buck not caring what the consequences may be.

Because the truth is that if indeed the explosion was deliberately caused by a bpomber, chances are high that the person was a foreigner and that that they gained entry into the country by bribing an immigration official and policemen at roadblocks all the way to Nairobi.

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