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Monday, July 06, 2009

The Hague Express: One More Year of Impunity

ICC prosecutor Moreno Ocampo would faint from massive bear hugs from our politicians were he to visit Nairobi. Now that he has given them 12 months to politically exhale, they will engage top gear in plotting to defeat the same justice ICC has instructed them to institute. Welcome to coloured impunity made and practiced in Kenya.

The mayhem and near-Armageddon of last year sounds so far removed that the predictable apocalypse awaiting us in 2012 will make it look like a walk in the park. Make no mistake, a new constitution as shouted by all and sundry is no panacea to our bandit politics. Just drop any saint into the soup of Kenyan politics and s/he will emerge evil than Lucifer.

Our problem is not archaic laws but IMPUNITY from our rulers. To them Kenya has been and continues to be their estate and we owe them rent. They will rape and milk her till the last drop of blood. We are led by zombies who hide under delegation to as a disguise to give free hand to tribal looters.

All the cheap rants of hiding behind hollow sovereignty only succeeds in giving the rulers free pass to score all forms of fraudulent goals at our collective expense. We deride ICC as synonymous to neo-colonialism demanding equal treatment from US who are not signatories to Rome convention. At least they have working institutions and even the POTUS’ actions are limited to senate’s approval unlike our personalized RULERSHIP.

Chopping block
The bottom line is that we are paying the ultimate prize of democracy bastardized. The international community saved us from the last gunshots by the scoundrels. Only the ICC can guarantee objective blind application the law no matter how long it takes. Otherwise the 2007 rehearsal will produce unrivalled quality theatre of bloodbath come 2012.

Only in Kenya do we entertain fallacies of opposition rigging election. To us the shamelessness of security in deceptive numbers is superlative logic. We are victims of greed and the chronic lack of political is the beast waiting to consume us all. To the political hyenas, Kenyans are simply the collective collateral their carnivorous lifestyle.

Ocampo must better advised to prepare for massive disappointment. The kings of impunity will not foolishly place their heads on the chopping block. The faster the 12 months run out the better. Hague Express must leave the station soonest filled with the deserved passengers.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Could The Hague Be God's Answer To The Cry Of Kenyans?

I've been thinking about the Hague lately.

I'm one of those folks who my friend Mutahi Ngunyi has berated as hiding behind sovereignty when the nation is under the scrutinizing spotlight of the international community. Of course I've always resented the hypocritical stance of foreign institutions that have one set of riles for Africa and another for the West. As it were, nobody can tell me to date why Ocampo has not gone after the murderous neo-cons in the States while coming after our own murderers. Such double standards are why I support Africa's drive to hold the ICC accountable for how it does business. Indeed, if it can't handle its affairs impartially, Africa might as well walk away from it. We won't miss it.

That said, I hope that the ICC can get its act together and start coming after all world leaders who commit atrocities against their people. Starting with Bush and Rumsfeld, Mugabe and henchmen and on to our own folks here, it would send a powerful message if the world's only court of this importance is seen to act decisively against powerful individuals around the globe.

Coming to Kenya, it seems to me that the Hague may well turn out to be God's answer to the cry of Kenyans. For years Kenyans have been burdened by the unending rule of a few families. Indeed, the Kenyattas, Mois, Kibakis and a few others have made sure that only those who agree with their brand of politics can ever make it in this country. Land and property is owned by those who are in their with them on just about everything. This is wrong.

So how is the Hague God's answer?

You will ask me how I know this, but that I won't answer now. What I'll tell you for sure is that I know Uhuru, Saitoti, Ruto, Ali and a few other folks have their names in the Waki list. I also know for a fact that if this thing was pursued to its logical conclusion, it would romp in Kibaki and Raila. What I'm not clear about is to what extent the ICC is willing to gamble of Kenya's security by coming after the big two. Time will tell.

So my point is simple. By charging and successfully prosecuting Uhuru, Saitoti, Ali and then coming after the big two, God will have used the Hague to cleanse this land. He'll have given us a chance to begin afresh.

But do we believe in Him?