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Monday, June 01, 2009

Celebrating Madaraka Without Mamlaka

Another Madaraka day is here with us folks. Predictably Kenyans will be reminded they have been independent for 46 years albeit on paper without commensurate POWER and RESPONSIBILITY. It was 46 years ago and remains so today that Madarak was an event that merely replaced white colonialists with an indigenous brute albeit black.

All the fossilized leadership has to parade during the ceremony is nothing but nostalgia galore. Look around you and all you see is a painful dearth of any home-grown tangible contribution to define and distinguish Kenya from any institutions inherited from the colonialists.

These past and present scoundrels only sought power for its raw sake. And they are busy perpetuating its divisive traits over a smoldering Kenya. The many Kenyans disenchanted with the status quo and who are brave enough to shout will be promptly locked up, thanks to the suffocating colonial legal relics of yore which are being cleverly guarded.

Inverted priorities
The present leadership thrives on parallel truths that they shamelessly package as truth. Today’s celebration offers them yet another opportunity to gloat over their strangulation prowess over us. Forget basic priorities like security and settling the IDPs but expect superlative enumeration of phantom progress that only resides within the circumference of their fraudulent heads.

What is more, topology associate professor Kiarie has gone further and called Prof Philip Alston bluff and reminded him he is not worth the lofty title. Reason, poor Alston dared question the rogue policemen who went on extra-judicial killings spree on Saitoti’s watch.

We collectively hate the ugly face of truth, don’t we? Just ask new political boy on the judicial block, one Mutula Kilonzo. We may choose to conveniently repeat all the lies to ourselves till the lips crack, but the world and Geneva knows better that we are only expanding our egos.

Prof Alston touched raw nerves and our own smiling Wako is ready to defend himself. Meanwhile police boss Ali has offered to donate the Kenyan standards of investigation reminding him that one month isn’t enough to probe even chicken theft. The phrase verifiable facts can be reflected on Kenyan mirror to give a very different meaning.

Happy Madaraka day wherever you are folks.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mocking God: Preying on Kenya's Insecurities

We have taken spiritual matters to another level. The so-called Kenya’s National Breakfast Prayers has been turned into another annual ritual to mock God. And God will surely and promptly pay us the dues.

The cheap gimmick of hosting Kagame must be banished for what it is. It is the same hosts who are busy watering the seeds of ethnic hatred and chauvinism while shamelessly pretending to offer empty sermons against the same.

The more things change the more they remain the same. We are stuck with the same old political script abbeit executed by different faces. Kagame’s presence at the BIG BREAKFAST reminds you of Moi’s cheap shot of airing footage of Rwanda’s genocide pictures to warn Kenyans against multipartism.

In one breathe we are shedding crocodile tears appealing for God’s guidance to reclaim what we trashed ourselves and with the other we are having police annihilate Kenyans in their thousands.

And what do we do when reprimanded by one Prof Alston?

Graduated deceit
Well, we have no shame in addressing sideshows by condemning the messenger while conveniently scuttling the bloody message. So what if Prof Alston exceeded his mandate? Splitting hairs is an art perfected by scoundrels.

Trust Wako’s toxic smile to come in handy in his plastic defense of extra judicial killing during his watch. Forget about the basic tenets of conflict of interest owing to the fact that he is among the key people accused of complicity in the massacres.

Waxing plastically patriotic and mouthing all those sovereignty balderdash won’t wash. We are our own enemies and now we have even graduated with the temerity to MOCK GOD. Ole wetu.