Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

PM Zenawi Dead as Sister Death Visits Ethiopia

By Anonymous KK Blogger

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenewi is dead. After treatment abroad for the last two months, doctors at a Belgian hospital could not keep the benevolent dictator alive.

Zenawi's death leaves Ethiopia in a politically precarious state. A whole generation knew him as the only leader having ruled for more than two decades. To put it in perspective Ethiopia has been synonymous with Zenawi as Somali been to chaos since the ouster of Said Bare in 1991.

Meles' reign also saw secession of Eritria whose strongman Affewoki always spoilt for a fight including over the barren Badme. So another hitherto West's blue eye boy bites the dust. His death leaves Paul and Kaguta breathing from that lot.


So there goes annther African president bites the dust on European soil while seeking specialized medical treatment and care in a foreign hospital facility.

The departed Zenawi was a north-eastern African leader who had be granted twenty years to improve the lot of his people, including the basic infrastructure, health facilities throughout the country, the economy for all to benfit, agriculture, security, education, etc.

Yet very little has changed since the year Ironman Mengistu Haile Mariam was forced out of Addis Ababa, taking three plane loads of all the country's gold reserves and foreign currency with him into a a self-style luxurious exile.

One of the very tempting reasons why Comrade Robert Mugabe could not afford to ignore nor refuse to lay out a red acrpet welcome for such a rare quest flying in from north-eastern Africa.

Anyway, what a year 2012 has been in terms of its coperation with Sister Death and at times Mother Nature, in terms removing, withdrawing, or recalling prominent African politicians from office.

The year 2012 is not yet over but the death toll has kept rising all the way from Malawi, Ghana, Ethiopia, and who knows where the next recall will be sanctioned.

Sister death, natural equalizer

Sister Death with the permission of Mother Nature, may head out and pay an overdue late night private visit to Robert Mugabe and one of his very wealthy resident comrade, Mengistu Haile Mariam.

Another quick pit-stop for Sister Death should be palatial residence of a man, Blaise Compaore, who lack's the heart of 'men with integrity', given the fact that he was in one way or another implicated in the death of Thomas Sankara.

By the way, hass anyone out there heard any whispers about the intended timely vists to the Democratic of The Congo, Uganda, Swaziland and South Africa, including our very own backyard where people cling onto power until Sister Death comes calling as the last resort?

May the presidential death toll continue to take its cause in African countries where democracy has become a sham and elections are a scam.

And where the powers that be have created the illusion that "the people" control the government, not the elite, to such a degree that any credible resistance movements and strong political opposition has been neutralized.

Thanks to Sister Death, Mother Nature and her paternal celestial cousin Moirai.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Come Baby Democracy, Come

"...if hypocrisy were a commodity that we could export and earn money from, then Kenya would today be richer than China and the Arab world put together."

The return into the country of the man whose second name is also his first is akin to a bad dream  that has come back to haunt the Raila camp. Yep Miguna Miguna is back.

But let us be brutally honest, something the vast majority of Kenyans just don't like.

Democrat Miguna Miguna whose democratic eyes were opened by a sacking from the most democratic political party in democratic Kenya.
The truth is that if hypocrisy were a commodity that we could export and earn money from, then Kenya would today be richer than China and the Arab world put together.

Take this democracy thing as an example. Raila is known to be the leading democrat in the country. In fact he and his supporters are so democratic that they have openly told Miguna Miguna that he is no longer welcome to Luo Nyanza. And those who know the passionately democratic supporters of the PM will know that they are serious, so serious that Miguna would not be safe in Kibera today, let alone far off Luo Nyanza.

Miguna Miguna himself is a leading democrat. He is so democratic that he did not get the idea for Peeling Back The Mask until he was fired by the PM. That firing opened his democratic eyes.

Indeed Kenya is full of die hard democrats starting with the president himself who is so democratic that for the good of the country he could not bear to hand over the presidency to Raila and chose instead to democratically steal the election. President Kibaki's democratic credentials are further confirmed by the fact that no other president in the history of Kenya has introduced so many bills in parliament seeking to control the press. And no other president has raided a daily newspaper and disabled their presses. And don't forget the name of the party that Kibaki founded with the late Njenga Karume is DP (Democratic party of Kenya). In fact if it was up to some of the diehard Kikuyu supremacy democrats within the party the name of the party would have actually been Democratic party of Kenya Democracy.

Kenyans are so lucky because we have had a long string of democratic presidents right from Jomo Kenyatta who was so democratic that he never changed the law about having competing political parties but instead murdered those who even tried to think of doing such an undemocratic thing as starting an opposition party.

Did you know that the "T" in former President Daniel T arap Moi's name stands for tolerance of a true democrat. So tolerant was Baba Moi to those who had opposing views to his that all he did was to have their private parts squeezed by a pair of pliers in the infamous Nyayo torture chambers. He was a true tolerant democrat because unlike Kenyatta before him, he did not murder his opponents (take careful note of the fact that Robert Ouko was not Moi's political opponent).

The vast majority of Kenyan voters are so democratic that they will democratically vote for the most democratic tribe (the one they belong to) before they can begin to vote for any issues or even a member of the other undemocratic tribes.

Have a most democratic weekend will you.