Friday, October 25, 2024

Raila positions in Ruto cabinet about to dramatically increase... or els...

There is intense pressure on Ruto from Raila Odinga and ODM for more cabinet slots (as a reward for helping stabilize the Ruto regime and help in impeaching Rigathi Gachagua). But keen observers are wondering of anybody has looked a little closer at the possible political fallout and dire consequences on the Ruto presidency.

Asking the right questions on the current political situation in Kenya just now is critical for anybody who wants to really grasp what is going down. And the first very important question is; has something major changed with the recent DP Rigathi Gachagwa impeachment? The answer is yes and opens a loaded political can of worms. Something very major has changed and speaks to the immediate political future.

The most dramatic 48 hours in Kenyan politics ever. From the Rigathi Gachagua ongoing drama to very strange things happening in Kwale during the Mashujaa day celebrations. To the judiciary refusing to swear in Kithure Kindiki as the new Deputy president despite tremendous pressure from State house. All analyzed and ending with a nail-biting conclusion of what Kenyans must brace themselves for next.

It is certainly not business as usual as courts halt the new Deputy president from taking office. But it gets even more concerning when we dig into the real reason why we are here. You may want to sit down to take in this information.

The very first impeachment of a member of the executive in Kenya springs up all kinds of surprises, twists and turns. What went wrong with the impeachment plan in the first place? The answer is a minor detail that has had major consequences.

We do indeed live in extra-ordinary times... which means that what worked before during the normal times will now not work anymore. And so ready or not, Kenyans must now brace themselves for what is coming.

Doubts continue to emerge as to whether those who plotted and planned the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua really thought through their moves, anticipating possible unexpected outcomes. Especially in view of the rising tensions in the Mt Kenya region with several incidences involving Ruto's men and women suggesting that even if the impeachment vote goes through, it will certainly NOT be business as usual. A very revealing Kumekucha video.

Most Kenyans cannot believe that the words in defense of Adani proceeded from Raila Odinga's mouth. And then Kalonzo Musyoka's man claims that there is a link between Raila and Adani that played out during the 2013 presidential elections.

Raila and Ruto's dirty backroom deals

Why Kenyans need to very worried about the Mt. Kenya mood over Ruto

The Ruto, Gachagua, Raila, Uhuru drama is getting very intense. And just as former President Bill Clinton described in his biography how deals between politicians in making laws is as filthy and messy a business as manually making sausages, the secret deals between the top politicians in the country seem to be bursting out in leaks. If exposed, long suffering Kenyans will definitely not like what they will hear about secret agreements behind closed doors that led to the mysterious "handshake" between President Ruto and Raila Odinga that saw the latter's top lieutenants join the cabinet.

Something very strange happened before the Gachagua impeachment vote


Kenya parliament house of cash transactions: Gachagua file

Who guarded impeach MPs night before the vote?

Secret reason Ruto is so desperate to impeach Rigathi Gachagua.

Remaining obstacles to Gachagua impeachment that now terrify Ruto

Even as the DP Gachagua drama was unfolding in parliament, behind the scenes there was even a more tense "movie" unfolding with developments that may not be easy for some Kenyans to wrap their minds around.

As Kenyans focus on the drama and side-shows linked to the ongoing impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, some critical political things are happening that will no doubt have very far-reaching consequences going forward. And they will definitely over-shadow the impeachment irrespective of the outcome. Like the link between the impeachment and the top-secret Raila Ruto deal.

Some very strange, unexpected and even bizarre moves from the political class in recent days should have sent a very clear message to Kenyans. And that is, even our favourite politicians do not seem to prioritize the interests of the people. And so we are basically on our own now. For instance Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka re-appoints Ruto's man Farah Maalim as deputy party leader. And then emerging evidence seems to point to Nairobi ODM politicians being behind the attack on Morara Kebaso at Bomas.

In all the unfolding political mess what happens next? What happens in the near future? A very revealing Kumekucha video that points to where the country is hurtling towards and why Kenyans need to prepare themselves for the unprecedented.

If Ruto allies thought that impeaching DP Rigathi Gachagua would be a walk in the park, then they made a serious miscalculation. And the fallout has not even began properly. Kenyans need to brace themselves for...

Morara Kebaso cell drama: State house man made a terrible mistake | Kenya politics. People under intense pressure tend to make a lot of mistakes.

Why Ruto has entered dangerous waters impeaching Gachagua | Kenya politics

The Morara Kebaso drama behind the scenes, from the minute he was picked up is most fascinating and so instructive that it takes us deep into the Ruto administration and leaves us with no doubt as to how the most unpopular government in the history of the country really operates.

The Ruto camp seems to be moving with speed towards the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. And yet there are clearly numerous political pitfalls and bobby traps (even history bears this witness) that could easily bring a very different and unexpected result from this drama.

There is high wire drama behind the scenes as both President Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua pull out all stops in a desperate last-ditch bid for survival. And that is why there is this very BIG thing simmering and cooking in Kenya politics.

Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and DP Rigathi Gachagua were together in Nyeri and the duo made it crystal clear that they are now together politically with the first battle bound to be the planned impeachment of Gachagua. Actually the political implications here are much larger than one would imagine.

The responses of President Ruto to questions in a CNN interview shocks and angers many Kenyans. Especially those in the diaspora. Here's why and what it means politically going forward.

Information is power and armed with the info in this video, you will fully understand why the Adani deals will NOT go away any time soon and also why all the confusing drama unfolding in our politics will not cease as long as William Ruto remains president.

Side hustle success secrets Easier than you think.

President Ruto's allies have said it and they have also hinted it, without revealing how it gives political newbie Rigathi Gachagua such a devastatingly huge advantage. This Kumekucha video goes deep to give you a very clear albeit terrifying picture of this reality even as the censure motion against DP Gachagua is officially filed at the senate.

A major rally at Gikomba market in Nairobi followed by a live interview on Citizen TV that attracted millions of viewers. What is DP Gachagua really after? Is it self defense or a political scheme that will leave Kenyans breathless, when he is done?

The latest development on the Kitengela 3 controversy has exposed much more than it was ever imagined by those behind the mischief of government sponsored disappearances. And going forward they will have much more damage control to handle than they can possibly handle. Here's why...

Betrayal against Ruto rapidly gathers momentum

Everything is about money. Follow the money, they say, and you will solve many previously unsolvable mysteries. So it seems that DP Gachagua may have some secret backers whose identity you will NOT want to believe. Meanwhile Morara Kebaso is moving his political game to the next level and forming a political party. Historically in Kenya, the financing of political parties is often an issue shrouded in mystery and false official statements. Not to mention the real financiers behind Adani with tell tale signs of the very same strategy that Ruto used in 2022 to capture key, powerful government institutions that enabled him to pull off the moves that very unexpectedly made him president.

Kenyan cops gory warning to govt unit to stop investigating their corruption .................... Watch full movie titled; How Kenya Police "jambazi" tactics have always floored the judiciary | Kenya news

Adani deal secrets and the link to key Azimio leaders

Even as the judiciary versus Kenya Police Service intensifies, there are a few critical issues that have still not come to the attention of most Kenyans. They are important as is the inside info of what is really going down behind the scenes and away from public view.

The Ruto presidency continues to limp from one controversy to another, and sometimes a crisis. DP Gachagua's war against his boss escalates out of control as he misses a major function in his home town attended by President Ruto. Then the Germans issue a statement dismissing remarks President Ruto made about Kenyans getting jobs in Germany. Not to forget the senate grilling of Roads and transport CS David Chirchir which ended up being very revealing. When will all this end? And how exactly will it end?

The Adani airport deal has left many Kenyans angry and wondering how the government would ever have considered such an arrangement for a valued national asset. But the stranger than fiction whispers that are emerging about the real motivation behind it all neatly explains a lot of things and is about to make patriots even more livid. And then there is the other very strange and sad tale linked to the Nyeri school tragedy. Clearly we are in a season where Kenyans need serious "shock absorbers" to take in (let alone digest) the real murky stories behind the screaming headlines.

Judgement of the House of Mumbi ongoing: Here's why

State house has issued a statement refuting that ODM politicians in Nairobi were ever invited to State house. But the facts do not agree. From the actual SMS sent out to the drama that followed, this Kumekucha video lays bear exactly what happened and what the game-changing political implications are.

The naive Kenyan VP who got his best friend assassinated. Mind-blowing spine chilling story from Kenyan politics.

Nothing but chaos in Kenya. Trouble after trouble. What next? What is really going on here... especially spiritually??

Crafty DP Gachagua: Hot info leak against Ruto?

Whether it was accidental or deliberate, DP Rigathi Gachagua in a statement makes a major revelation about the state abductions that are ongoing and the people being used to execute them. Could DP Gachagua be up to something more sinister than anybody imagined, against his boss?

What is the real impact of all these exposés on the high and mighty in Kenya (which is unprecedented in our history?). Are you ready for the inevitable that will surely unfold shortly?

There is no doubt that Kenya is in a very scary season. The carnage on the roads has been something else. And then there is the very tragic event that unfolded at Hillside Endarasha Academy, Kieni in Nyeri...

Why is the acting police IG Gilbert Masengeli dodging court orders to appear in court to explain Subaru boys actions, and especially the abductions? The answer to that question is nothing close to your wildest imagination.

Even as most Kenyans imagine that things are moving too slowly, the reality is that the country is experiencing the biggest and most significant political shift in her history. It will soon be very obvious...

You may find it difficult to believe where most of Raila Odinga's support base in Luo Nyanza and the rest of the country has shifted to. Very bad news for all those political heavyweights in ODM fighting to inherit Raila's massive following.

Some very strange things are happening in Kenya that are difficult to explain. And yet they all seem to have a common denominator... they are linked to State house. What does this mean?

There is something that is coming for sure. It is the next political shocker that will hit the country called Kenya. And just like the Gen Z revolution it will catch everybody completely by surprise.

Is it true that in Kenyan politics things are not what they seem? Prepare for some surprises in this Kumekucha video.

Reading between the lines, it is clear that leading ODM politicians are certain that they will be in government after 2027. But what do they know that the rest of us do not know? Why are too many of them talking about William Ruto (a founding member of ODM) rejoining the party? And why are they all blind to the fact that the masses will not support their strange plans?

The very warm reception President William Ruto received in Kisumu took most Kenyans by complete surprise and left many very puzzled. But digging into it just a little deeper reveals a lot and also explains a lot. And it all tells us that this will not end well, politically.

Recent developments in Kenyan politics appear surreal to most. Raila working with Ruto right inside State house. Raila allies campaigning for Ruto in Nyanza? How did we get here... and so suddenly at that? What should we expect going forward? Can Kalonzo Musyoka step into the shoes of Raila as opposition kingpin? A revealing Kumekucha video.


A super fascinating character in the Muge assassination story was a man called Peter Okondo, then a cabinet minister. He threatened Bishop Muge with death and two days later Muge was dead. Okondo was a politician who spoke whatever came to his mind and dealt with the consequences later. He once ordered his goons to throw journalists into Lake Victoria because he felt they were giving him poor coverage. Okondo's life took a nose dive after Muge's death and he never recovered until his death in 1996 from cancer.

Kumekucha's new evidence on the Muge assassination is beyond shocking...


Trouble looming for Ruto, serious trouble looming for Kenyans... and just like the Gen Z saga, it is from the most unexpected place nobody would have imagined.

Where are we politically in Kenyan politics? That is a question that just brings confusion when posed in the current environment. Until you step back to see the real looming and simmering danger that most are very unware of.

After Raila Odinga's closest allies joined Ruto's cabinet, the Gen Z push cooled off significantly. And these ODM fellows in government have immediately started sounding exactly like William Ruto and behaving in the same manner with contradictory pronouncements. For instance CS Finance John Mbadi's interview on Citizen TV brought out this very clearly. But why did Raila save Ruto? And will it work? This in-depth Kumekucha analysis reveals that what is coming in season two of the maandamanos will make the first season seem like child's play. Here's why. --- UP NEXT: Jimmi Wanjigi drama behind the scenes before he was released | Kenya news Female CS very accidentally exposes Ruto | Kenya news DON'T MISS Bishop Muge bombshell; Bishop Alexander Muge "accident" assassination mystery solved

Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3. Shell shocking. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction Also watch; Part 1; Bishop Alexander Muge death: Shocking new info on the who and why Part 2; Role of foreigners in Alexander Muge murder: Shocking discovery Part 2


What really happened to Bishop Alexander Muge? Kenyans have for decades suspected that the grisly road accident that ended his life at the tender age of 44 (on August 14, 1990) was staged. But few will be prepared for the details of what really happened. And especially the motive and the real killers of this great son of Kenya...

The officer in charge of arresting Jimmi Wanjigi was seen on camera being tough on the billionaire (see screen-grab) as he arrived to honour the summons. The officer's name is Michael Sang and he is the director of operations at DCI. They had a script ready and you knew exactly what they were going to do. Jimmi Wanjigi also knew what was coming for him. So... what was it really all about? 

The juicy and very instructive inside story of the Jimmi Wanjigi arrest followed by 16 hours in the most notorious cells in the country at Kamukunji police station and then the release by the court....

Role of foreigners in Alexander Muge murder Shocking discovery Part 2.

What just happened concerning the Jimmi Wanjigi drama at the DCI? It ended with a court releasing the billionaire party leader of Safina. But seriously, what was it about and what was the whole objective with Michael Sang leading the "welcome" and then arrest of Jimmi Wanjigi? A deeper look reveals some mind blowing behind-the-scenes drama.

Bishop Alexander Muge death: Shocking new info on the who and why
Vocal ACK Bishop of Eldoret Diocese Alexander Muge passed on in a grisly road accident that occurred through very suspicious circumstances near Kipkaren river along Webuye -Eldoret highway.

At the time, the late Muge was a fierce government critic and was among prominent religious leaders who had joined forces with a section of politicians, academics, lawyers and other civil society groups, in agitating for a return to multiparty politics in the country. His death was largely seen as a political assassination as Kenya grappled with one of the darkest periods of its post-independence history.


The very messy Maverick Aoko saga just got messier. And it all happened as a result of bad decisions perhaps provoked by emotions and people wanting to exercise their power "muscles".

Somebody left the following remarks about Maverick in the comments for the video I did on this topic;

CK, by the way my professional training tells me that Maverick has a problem that requires urgent attention. We out here can judge her harshly for the manner in which she addresses issues plus the language she uses.

Maverick may be suffering from some childhood trauma or a mental health condition that makes her do things the way she does.

Maverick, you might not know what is befalling you but please try to see a therapist. Visiting psychologist does not necessarily mean you are sick but it is for your self-awareness and mental wellness. We have so many pro bono services out there if your problem is finances. Trust me, 10 sessions can make you come out a totally different person-self-care and mental wellness.

Maverick Aoko made the big mistake of touching Ruto's Tuya. As this video was finalized Maverick Aoko was released. But the damage has already been done as detailed in this video.

This high wire drama involving the cabinet CS for defence, president Ruto's political police and a very controversial blogger called Maverick Aoko is turning out (accidentally) to be an exposure of the inner workings of the Ruto regime.

There is one single thing that has done the most damage to William Samoei Ruto. So much so that when historians write about this period in our history they will have to take note of the fact that Ruto ultimately was NOT brought down by a big politician like Raila. NO!!! Instead he was done in by a bunch of kids (the Gen Z's). That is the way it had to be when you consider what this one thing that is finishing the Ruto presidency is...

What is the state of the nation called Kenya? Which direction Kenya politics now that the Gen Z push seems to have cooled off. Is it over? Some rather surprising answers to these questions currently nagging politics in Kenya.

Political "games" that Ruto has resumed with a vengeance | Kenya news. Welcome to the latest Kenya news, Kenya politics and more analyzed by veteran Kumekucha Chris for the real inside story; Somebody went back to the old KANU archives and retrieved some very old political scripts in an attempt to implement them in a very different Kenya. The big danger for President William Ruto and his UDA is that Kenyans can now see through the old political trickery. Surely the end is nigh.

Jimmi Wanjigi says elections are around the corner and has invited himself in advance for an interview with Citizen to discuss it as it unfolds... ayayayayayayayaya


Billionaire Safina leader Jimmi Wanjigi's interview on Citizen TV with Yvonne Okwara was quite a sizzler and one of the most revealing in recent times. And the deeper story exposed in this Kumekucha video is even more fascinating.

Ruto's political police (Subaru boys) are killers who are operating above the law. Kenyans are now NOT allowed to think or imagine that there is a Ruto alternative...


Nobody has been as consistent as the "Subaru boys" since the Gen Z led protests against the government of President Ruto started. They seem to operate above the law and with impunity. Some of their secrets will make you gasp for breath.
A Kumekucha poll reveals that almost 70% of Kenyans do not believe that the Ruto regime will survive despite the brand new broad-based cabinet. 4 solid reasons why the masses could be absolutely right about this.
The Jimmi Wanjigi saga is deep, complex and very revealing. The billionaire entrepreneur frustrated state machinery with a bunker and the tons of secrets that he has on everybody who matters most in Kenya. Quite a political story from Kenya politics.
The deeper story of what really went down behind the scenes during the recent nane nane protests on 8th August 2024, is most fascinating. And it points clearly in the direction we are going as a country and thus predicts what will end up happening.
Nane nane, 8th of August 2024 explodes into the Kenyan liberation history books. But understanding the how and the why can prove to be quite a challenge. Not to mention that the process of birthing a brand new Kenya desired by a vast majority of the people (young and old) will most likely get even messier.
As Kenya hurtles towards nane nane (8th August 2024) and as tensions build up relentlessly, the Ruto administration is behaving very strangely indeed.
Most leading analysts of Kenyan politics seem to agree that the fate of the Ruto administration in the coming weeks and months is very predictable. Whichever way one wants to look at it. Shocking but true.

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