Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kumekucha Weekend Special: What If The Bridesmaids And Maid of Honour Turned Up Like This For Your Wedding?

No you have not arrived at the wrong blog. This is indeed the one and only Kumekucha. Just decided to take the weekend off from hard ball politics to try and discover what other Kenyans are up to?

Kenyans are indeed a creative lot and if you catch Citizen TVs' The Wedding Show you will know exactly what I mean. Although I find it rather odd that every man seems to propose when they are on one knee. (hizi ma-soaps zimezidi na influence on our people!!!!)

But these lasses were more than just creative at a recent Nairobi wedding. "Daring" is what I call it. A female friend calls it "njungu ya bridegroom", whatever that means.

I guess it is okay to be in denial but this is the new breed of Kenyans like them or hate them.


  1. WaaH!!!

    What is this in Kumekucha?

    You have gone too far this time Chris, na hizi picha za bedroom. kwani what kind of weekend are you having?

  2. These shows are just silly and completely help ruin relationships.
    People who watch these shows end up thinking that a massive "look-at-how-much-we've-spent" wedding is all there is to marriage, whereas it is only one frigging day! After comes life with a partner and if one is not prepared, things begin going haywire mighty fast.
    Ever wonder why the divorce rates are constantly going up? This is one of the main reasons along with Hollywood's BS and Harlequin romance novels etc. Everyone takes the saying "happily married forever after" too literally, not knowing how much work goes into it.
    Good luck to all who want to emulate this nonsense. At least our parents and grand parents knew better.

  3. Well, yes. If you have it flaunt it, and why not? There is no offense at all in strutting any assets of high quality that Mother Nature may have bequeathed to some members in our greater community.

    Hmmmmmm. But I know what some of you're already thinking about the so-called honour that may end up being brought to your next wedding, or a wedding of an unfortunate sibling, close family members, extended relatives, friends, or neighbours.

    Kumekucha is a secular place (blog). Don't want to intrude on people's hard earned rights to wear whatever they want, whenever and wherever if they they so choose.

    However, with all due respect to Kumekucha, the guardians of gender parity in designer wedding clothes, those concerned, usual rebuttal - rattle - snakes, ever vigilant agents of FIDA, silent watchdogs, and hypersensitive cyber moral police out there.

    Please, bear with me and at the same time excuse my scumbling the maid of honour portrait as presented by Kumekucha, with the following remark that's plastered on all the front pages of major newspapers in almost every urban area located within a eight hundred mile radius of a major city located in one of the most well known civilized nation (name withheld) of the world.

    With what type of scumble? I hate to scumble the portrait by reiterating a remark that will obviously be viewed as an outright insult or an unforgivable offense to the maids of honour as seen in that portrait and large segments of population of very decent women in general, talking of women who really know how to dress and accessorize, and are so much accustomed to presenting themselves with class and dignity at all times.

    Anyway, in my warped opinion with regard to that particular self portrayal by the maids of honour in question, the following is a scumble that may somehow caption it all because it just reeks of tastelessness, cheapness and the type of dress code well suited for unsavoury characters that auction themselves off at a low-down in situations or night spots such as Mad House, Koinage Street in mid-town Nairobi, or in any other twilight - red light - districts of East Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa, et al.

    I challenge you to distinguish a naked 'kahaba' from any other naked 'fulani'. - Henri Lecleric, (lawyer for former IMF chief Dominique Strause Kahn, after Strause Kahn was questioned by French police for allegedly being linked to an interntional prostitution ring that organized sex parties).

  4. Eti njungu ya bridesgroom. Hahahahahahahahaha.

    Why didn't she just say Viagra ya bridesgroom?

    Chris Kumekucha, you have very interesting female friends. :-)

  5. Jameni, miguu hawana, magoti sawa na yale ngamia, vitovu vyao ni vuguvugu, umbile halina urembo wowote ule wa kawaida au ambao unaonekana pamoja na kupatikana popote nchini. Kwa kweli ya dunia mengi. No wonder most guys have to drink themselves silly in order to maintain whatever that's left of their quasi-sanity.

  6. Hawo fulani wanajulika kama mabridemaidzillas huko ughaibuni. Hapa kwetu nchini, njugu ni njugu. Iwe njugu karanga ya bwalo la ndogo-ndogo, ngonga-ngonga, au njugu mawe ya mpango wa kando-kando. Funja mifupa kwenye zoezi maalum la kutafuna mnofu na kuimarishi mishipa. Bali tu usikose kinga ya kizengemunenge au safura kuu.

  7. The poor ladies should have been offered free air tickets to Swaziland to view the reed dance from the sidelines.

  8. The bridesmaids are who they seem to be, or the type of people they can be mistaken to be at times. At least they know who they really are in their regular normal lives.

    Unlike a shallow individual who still thinks that he can move or go abroad just to play a violin for a living, as if millions of high school kids in some of the developed nations are not talented enough to fill the few available violin slots.

    One can only make it by playing a violin in places like Europe, Australia or North America, if s/he's an extremely talented violinist, a highly accomplished musician, and dazzingly skilled in their particular genre or field of interest.

    The world is an oyster for the taking, let the those with big dreams go for it, the sky is the only limit.

  9. When a bull gored or killed a member of a homestead, village, or clan, a guest, stranger or an outsider in transit, that bull or cow was put to rest and all of it's meat distributed before sunset.

    So, what's going on in Aldai? Who are the individuals who stand to benefit from the ongoing mayhem and murderous rampage?

    When will the seasoned idiotic politicians and ignorant resident fools ever learn that wanton destruction of life and property will never solve their local economic, social, political, ethnic, educational, health and other myriad of personal problems?

    Sadly, the repeat of cyclical pre-election violence and post-election violence seems to be well underway with orchestrated aid from well known politicians from the regions.

    These are the very same old political idiots and usual gang of suspects who got away with the forceful removal and extermination (murder) of their fellow long term neighbours (Kenyans) for the sake of greed, blind hatred and political expediency.

    How I wish that the late Njoroge Michuki had built twenty more modern maximum prisons that are hundred-times larger and sophisticated than the ancient Kamiti, Naivasha, King'ong'o, Manyani and Shimo-la-Tewa prisons, where many of the murderers, political thugs and ethnic nazi militia should be locked up for a period extending from ten, twenty, thirty, fifty years, and in some cases for life plus very hard labour.

    It's so sad and unfortunate to be realising the ugly fact that some of us still have a mindset that dates back to the cavemen's era in this day and age.

    The time has come where specially trained rapid response teams or units from the KDF and GSU should be deployed in these areas whenever the merchants and purveyors of mayhem rare their ugly death masks and evil heads for whatever evil reasons.

    The marauding ethnic nazi militia will become more meancing and dangerous than the former Mungiki and current Al-Shabab terrorists in Somalia, if they are not reeled in and contained.

    When they came for our fellow Kenyans in the early-mid-late 80s and early 1990s, we said nothing.

    When they came for our fellow Kenyans in Molo, Eldoret, Naivasha, Nairobi, Kibera, Dandora, Mathare, Thika, Roysambu, Moyale, Turkana, Mandera, Wajir, Tana River et al during the post-election violence, we said nothing, we did nothing on their behalf, and never bothered to come to their rescue.

    And unfortunately, the same will soon be the fate for some of us when certain ethnic nazi militia come for us at time when no one will be willing to risk speaking out for us, act on our behalf, or even come to our immediate rescue.

    Enough is enough. Ethnic violence must be stopped in its evil nazi tracks by any means necessary, if even the only alternative demands the immediate use of unproportional force by the specially trained government forces, so be it, a lesser evil as it maybe.





  10. When will the seasoned idiotic politicians and ignorant resident fools ever learn that wanton destruction of life and property will never solve their local economic, social, political, ethnic, educational, health and other myriad of personal problems?


    When will YOU realise that it is not by PREACHING morals you reform men?


    Sadly, the repeat of cyclical pre-election violence and post-election violence seems to be well underway with orchestrated aid from well known politicians from the regions.


    It SHALL be so because, it is the NATURE OF THINGS given OUR social and economic environment.


    How I wish that the late Njoroge Michuki had built twenty more modern maximum prisons that are hundred-times larger and sophisticated than the ancient Kamiti, Naivasha, King'ong'o, Manyani and Shimo-la-Tewa prisons, where many of the murderers, political thugs


    Why not go FURTHER and demand a NORTH KOREA so that YOU can have so much desired peace?

    In other words, which STUPID TEACHER taught you such nonsense that, peace is maintained by prison system?


    It's so sad and unfortunate to be realising the ugly fact that some of us still have a mindset that dates back to the cavemen's era in this day and age.


    YOU are on to something here.

    Develop the ideas further and you shall come to the reality as opposed to ABOVE delusions of prisons and N. Korean systems.

    NB: We give thee an idea. Man, in his early age, was a HUNTER and GATHERER. As such, he had PREDATORY tendencies.

    NB: To say that he had PREDATORY tendencies, does not mean he was stupid.


    The time has come where specially trained rapid response teams or units from the KDF and GSU should be deployed in these areas whenever the merchants and purveyors of mayhem rare their ugly death masks and evil heads for whatever evil reasons.


    mmmmmm, where shall the wealth for maintaining all these IDLE guys come from?

    Do you any ideas?

    Or, have you REFLECTED on such ideas or you just throw them because you had them in your delusions?


    The marauding ethnic nazi militia will become more meancing and dangerous than the former Mungiki and current Al-Shabab terrorists in Somalia, if they are not reeled in and contained.


    Yes Sir, but how shall we do it?

    And, do not come with INSANE ideas like prisons and N. Korea.


    Enough is enough. Ethnic violence must be stopped in its evil nazi tracks by any means necessary, if even the only alternative demands the immediate use of unproportional force by the specially trained government forces, so be it, a lesser evil as it maybe.


    Why not propose FINAL SOLUTION instead?


    And, by the way:

    (a) Wasn't you new constitution supposed to end this?

    (b) isn't YOUR white god, Ocampo not supposed to have ENDED all this?

    Since it is not working, what is the next LOGICAL step?

    Invite the white god to rule you??????

    You try all these INSANE ideas, but, you shall come back to the teachings of the WISE African Teachers.

    Unfortunately, by the time you realise, MILLIONS would have died.

    Anyway, we leave to enjoy:

    Do not let them SCHOOL nonsense,
    They LIE!

  11. PIG,

    Does a WISE African Teacher do his trade under TREE? Swali tu. Please no I-told-u-so bravado with Ocampo na katiba.

  12. Does a WISE African Teacher do his trade under TREE? Swali tu. Please no I-told-u-so bravado with Ocampo na katiba.



    He/they start/s by UPROOTING the Upas tree.

    Thereafter, he/they plant/s the Sycamore Tree.

    Then, under the Sycamore tree, the African Teacher does TEACH some wisdom as opposed to illusions and delusions.

  13. @2/27/12 7:49 AM
    Why do you always latch onto other people's comments with a barrage of regurgitations smeared with yuor usual one liners? No further comments. FULL STOP.

  14. Anonymous said...
    @2/27/12 7:49 AM
    Why do you always latch onto other people's comments with a barrage of regurgitations smeared with yuor usual one liners? No further comments. FULL STOP.

    2/27/12 10:40 AM


    Because, DELUSIONS, ILLUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES need to be exposed when they are aired in public.

    We EQUALLY invite thee to scrutinize anything we write and respond.

    If you find ILLUSIONS, DELUSIONS and CHILDISH FANTASIES in anything we write, PLEASE, let us know.

    Where we are convinced we are WRONG, we shall be HAPPY to abandon such wrong/stupid and childish ideas and embrace INFORMED opinions.

  15. PIG,

    And you know what the so-called African teacher refers to as wisom: catalogue of previous mistakes aka experiences that cannot fill even a page.

    All so-called African teachers are agists who intimidate using their ages unlike you who don't have either, sorry.

    Delusions and illusions is when you think ivy league means

    1)Tinsmiths of Yale (kifuli), LOL.

    2)Arab spring is some brand name of water bottled as source, LOLLEST.

  16. Kwa Mwalimu Delusions wa Illusions, mwenye cheti cha S1-Certificate in Childish Fantasies na Matusi Chokochoko. Kwa hakika wewe umezoea kujipaka marashi kabla hujaoga ziwani Kumekucha. Wana-Kumekucha pamoja na wanafunzi wako wanauliza, je ni lini utaoga ili uweze kuupunguza uchafu na harafu ya ajaabu ambayo husababisha ubani wowote kudhofika na kuzirai? Mwalimu Delusions wa Illusions, tafadhali tunakuomba uchunguze na kuhudumia hali yako ya afya ya kielimu na dhamira bila kusitasita mwakani.

  17. @Chris,
    Is it true that woman tend to be maybe a half generation ahead of males on average in terms of fashion trending? One of the reasons why many fashionista are dressing flamboyantly at homecoming partiess, weddings and even at funeral gatherings. Word has it that, gone are the days when young women were expected to be sedate and decorous.

  18. Is it true that woman tend to be maybe a half generation ahead of males on average in terms of fashion trending? One of the reasons why many fashionista are dressing flamboyantly at homecoming partiess, weddings and even at funeral gatherings. Word has it that, gone are the days when young women were expected to be sedate and decorous.


    Bwa ha ha ha ha hi he we wa wa

    Here is the FINAL word.

    Dressing, in the INNER, INNER, INNER mind of man, should serve the following functions:

    (a) Protect the body. Although this is the most IMPORTANT function from a BIOLOGICAL point of view, it is the least consideration when buying clothes.

    (b) Serve as EVIDENCE of capacity to spend ABOVE human comfort, i.e. (a) above.

    By this, we mean, dress serves as evidence of:

    (i) man's capacity to WASTE human life and human products.

    (c) From (b), dressing MUST then, demonstrate the PECUNIARY BEAUTY/SUCCESS, and therefore, serve as PRIMA FACIE evidence of SOCIAL WORTH.

    We can say more, but, it shall be waste of time.

    So, we leave to enjoy:

    Shilingi YAUA tena ni MAUA

  19. Swali kwa Mwalimu Delusions wa Illusions, mbona waendelea kujipaka marashi kabla hujaoga? LOL! La kushangaza ni kwamba, hayo maoni yako duni hana mwongozo wala mwelekeo wowote kulingana na yale yote Kumekucha amechapesha hapo awali. Basi endelea kujipaka marashi upendavyo kasoro kuogesha mwili mwako wa makamu.

  20. While it may be true that those three young women are several generations ahead of their male counterparts in daring to dress, they are definitely trying to emulate the Himba women of northern Namibia, with one exception, their wonderful dresses are too long and the young women seem to be very hesitate when it comes to letting the upper body dress code rival that of their distant cousins, the Himba women. Which leaves one asking, is there anything new under the sun, or African skies for that matter?

  21. Kumekucha,
    Last weekend is long gone, and mid-week is already here with us. How about we flip a page or two as Kumekucha royal caravan heads toward Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the eargerly awaited weekend?

    By the way, the 'njugu ya bridegroom' sydrome has registered unwarranted adverse effects on many families in and around our neighbourhoods.

    For instance, during last Sunday service held in one of the mega churches within our one time 'green city in the sun', Mrs. Name Withheld was heard bemoaning the fact that not all was well and fine on the domestic front.

    And when asked how her family was doing, she replied "Not good, actually, Mr. Name Withheld left us last week, and I don't know what the girls and I are going to do.

    He simply walked out on the family in protest because I have always encouraged and allowed the girls (as seen in the picture) to dress as they wish during family gatherings and public functions."

    Unfortunately, the real fact of the matter that is still unbeknown to Mrs. Name Withheld, is that Mr. Name Withheld did indeed allow himself to be highjacked under the influence, or what several witnesses have said was an irreversible spell cast by one detremined "njungu ya bridegroom" while he was the bestman at his cousin's wedding, one month ago.

    The ripple effect continues leaving a lot of collateral damage in it wakes.

  22. luo-kalenjin political union is dead as a dodo. At first is was Ruto, now it is the fighting between the two tribes at chemilil and Nandi border. So where is the new constitution? Where is Ocampo? luo-luhya union is in the ICU after the ODM new chant of Raila is ODM and ODM is Raila. Where shall Raila get votes from? This is the end of his al night long dream of presidency.

  23. Mwanetu,
    Ozanaki? What became of your your nationwide tour of places and people while you researched, listened and tried to gauge the mood of the rural people as well as the diverse issues they were embroiled in at the time?

  24. Every generation tries to out do the previous and this girls have done it,will the next just go nude?o

  25. wooww!nice bodies!

  26. Wapi mid-week special? Has Kaloozer recovered or is he still profusely bleeding after having wanted to have his cake and eat it at the same time?

    Mzee Njoroge Michuki was laid to rest, may his soul rest in eternity. While Mzee Njenga Karume will also be laid to rest this coming weeked, and may his soul finds its to in eternity as well.

    The only deed that I didn't like was the public spectacle that's being put up by a man who still claims that Mzee Njenga Karume was his biological father.

    Granted that he has a right to finding out after the fact and really needs to know more about through scientific tests - Dengu Na Arrowroots.

    He has gone about it in the wrong way possibleby alienating the rest of the greater family and people who would have had some ounce of sympathy for his belated biological quest.

    What many Kenyans and African as well always forget is the fact that, just because you are so and so son or daughter does not automatically give one the rights to inheritance, let alone make one to be part and parcel of to such an estate, especially in the situations or case where an express written will, last testament and patriarchal blessings were already institutions by all legal and tradional means and ways that are recognized by the powers that be.

    Unfortunately, it all comes down to the ugly issue of sons and daughters picking and choosing their battles for whatever reasons and motives related to whether they had a Rich Dad, Not-So-Rich Dad, or Poor Dad.

    How many times has the public heard cases or been treated to family drama where individuals have changed their names, adopted their mother's name or maternal grandfather's name, and severed ties with their so-called biological fathers just due to the fact that the later were men without higher status nor wealth in their respective communities and region.

    The dilemma of Rich Dad vs. Poor Dad will continue to bedevil our evolving society as economics and greed become the modus operandi.

  27. @5:52 AM
    How can they ever manage to out do the brave, graceful, beautiful, proud and naturally confident women of the Himba people?

    @5:55 AM
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as long as it is not seen nor driven by the beauty and beast complex that tends to paved and corrupt noble intentions.

  28. Chris, Julius Malema is frothing from both sides of his mouth like rabid cape buffalo and hissing like cabon viper after being shown the exit from the inner circles of the A.N.C. Will he rise again, or has his political fortunes collopased for good?

  29. Fellow Kenyans,
    Much ado has been made about "Himba women" and the picture slowly emerging is one of reverse low self-esteem although this will be denied by the beholder of "Himba" beauty who no doubt will defend his/her right to compare their idea of beautiful with every other woman in the world

    Take heart Kenyan women, despite the many disparage-rs out there you are still considered beautiful in all various definitions and meanings of the word. Thankfully the meaning of beauty is not limited to one definition; one man's meat will always be another man's poison

  30. Anatomy of the expected.

    Mr. Fulani wa Fulani, had done so well for himself, family, friends, relatives, people and his home region.

    Borne on the winds of adversity, last born son in his family, educated by European missionaries, tried and proven in the anti-Nyayo political battles of the 1980s and 90s, he had developed heroic qualities.

    He earned three graduate degrees, and a PhD from one of the top universities in the northern hemisphere.

    Indeed, he enjoyed a reputation as a mighty mtu wa watu (a man of the people), a cultural icon of sorts, development guru, progressive individual and one who never forgot his roots, people and nacestral homeland.

    In addition to all that, he was also development conscious person - one was said to have built several bridges, six primary schools, three secondary schools, a huge social hall, a storage facility and public toilets for day traders at the regional market, a local church for 3000 worshippers, and the one and only 120 bed public hospital in his backwater region.

    Unfortunately, his immaculate lifestyle, successful career, philanthropic spirit and love for his people and region came to an abrupt end due to one of his many unknown (closeted) vices of personal failure and of character.

    When he collapsed after having overdosed on antidespressants, antipsychotic meds as well as taking excessive amounts of alcohol, and later suffered a massive stroke which has rendered him severely paralyzed on one side of the body.

    In short order, he will now need round the clock medical and nurse care for the rest of his life.

    His concerned nieces and nephews have arranged to have him flown back home, in suburgan neighbourhood of Nairobi, where they will be able to rpovide him with the same level of care that is cost effective in a more family oriented environment that is non-alien and geograhically distant from his people who still love, admire and respect him, no matter what has happened or become of him.

    Life has its ups and downs, and his is a very unfortunate and sad anatomy of the unexpected in the life of fifty-five year old.

  31. Hmmmmm! Every generation tries so hard to out do and even undo the previous generations.

    Yet the current generation is still using the very same old technologies discovered or invented some hundred years ago.

    Case in point, the automobile industry is still using old fashioned rubber tires on tarmac roads, and petro energy to propel their finished products, with the exception of a few comestic engineering changes here and there.

    The current generation has yet to find a cure or vaccine for cancer, malaria, brittle bone disease, cold, allergies, airborne diseases, obesity, tuberculosis, AIDS, STDs, etc.

    Nairobi, Kampala, Lusaka, Kigali, Dar es Salaam, Lilongwe etc are no way near where other ancient cities like ...., ...., ...., ...., were a hundred years ago in terms of industrialization and so forth.

    Forget Nairobi, Mombasa, etc, for a moment and take a second look our villages in the rural areas.

    1900s was then, 2012 is now, what majors changes, if any, have taken place since then?

  32. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Who in their wildest dreams would dare ask Kenyan women to take heart, only to turn around in a coldly calculated fashion and reduce (comapre) the same women to "meat" and "poison"?

    "One man's meat 'will always be' another man's poison" Need I say more? Or was it an idiomatic slip of the e-tongue?

  33. "Loose Mouthpiece" Malema has lost his political platform for pontificating, spewing, raving, ranting and grossly misleading the youth league in the name of political expediency, warped entitlement, misplaced hopes as well as gross miscalculations that he was bound to end up being elected the next president of South Africa.

    IMHO, electing leader like Jacob Zuma in the wake of Tha(m)bo Mbeki and Nelson Mandela was a real political blunder and big mistake inspite of the fact that he was elected by the majority for whatever reasons at the time.

    Jacob Zuma is still a grave political mistake that will really need to be corrected in the near future, and South Africa as a whole can not afford to repeat the same mistakes once Zuma's tenure is over, otherwise it will end up becoming the Nigeria of South Africa, a failed state.

    Please, feel free to dredge some sludge and sling it out in defense of Malema who will soon end up like a political 'kilema' without a kilima or platform to stand on in a matter of months.

    Sling it. Go ahead - "Who the hell do you think you are? What are you are? And what do you know after all about South African politics and the struggle against apartheid in South Africa?"

    A.N.C has better qualified men and women who can lead the party and nation (if elected) to greater heights, unlike political rogues like the Malema de-Kilema who pretend to be advocating for the poverty ridden youth yet at the same time accumulating personal wealth in the tunes of millions and millions of dollars.

  34. What if the bridesmaids and maid of honour turned up like this for your wedding?

    I would welcome them, serve them tea and mandazi, then try and convince them to get a change of clothes by using or improvising with whatever modest clothing, especially body wraps (leso) available, and let the rest of the day's events take care of itself.

  35. @Chris,
    Mbona umwingi wa uchoyo hadi bado unaendelea kutulisha kiporo baridi kilicho tiliwa seki tele tangu wiki juzi?

    Kwani umekumbwa na kazi zaidi za kibinafsi au umezidiwa na ukosefu wa nafasi ya kuchapisha posti mpya za kuwanufaisha wana kijiji na wasomaji mbalimbali wa Kumekucha?

    Haidhuru, hawo makashishena, yaani "mabraidimedi" wanaokena wazi kwamba walikosa ushaidizi wa manufaa kutoka kwa wenzao na wakuu wao, hasa kwenye mtindo wa mavazi ya kuridhisha pamoja na shunguli za kujirembeshe wakati wa harusi na sherehe mbalimbali.

    Ndio sababu moja wapo ambayo usemi wa Wahenga bado watukumbusha kwamba, "chema chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza".

    Hawa makashishena watatu sio wabaya bali wamejitambulisha kwamba wako miongoni ya wale ambao hujitembeza kila mara hadharani bila soni yoyote ile.

    Sina la ziada wala lolote la kuongozea kamwe ila nakutakia wikendi yenye makuu mema ili uweze kupumzika vya kutosha na hatimaya upate fursa na nia ya kuchapisha toleo lingini bila kusitasita wala kuchelewa.



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