Monday, March 14, 2011

Ocampo6 Parallels Present Day Kapenguria Six

History is prone to repeat itself with regard to Kenya stewing in her own blood come 2012 elections. Exactly 20 years ago Moi prophetically warned about the perils of multi-party politics. Fast forward to 2012 and the game remains the same except the players are donning jerseys in different colour - the foot is in the other boot. The world would be IRRESPONSIBLE to let Kenya go to the dogs. And we have been warned that indicting Ocampo6 is an open invitation to chaos.

The SHATTERED diplomacy was not an exercise in futility but a chance to remind the world that Kenya has her owners. The truth is that you only risk arresting LEADING PRESIDENTIAL candidates at the peril of the remaining 40 million Kenyans. Kibki is no political fool to risk his legacy by shooting himself in both feet.

Make no mistake, defending the Ocampo6 is a national project, MTA DO? Uhuru and Muthaura cannot be left to their own devices when their only crime was to do what they had to do given the near-Armageddon in 2007/8. As for Ruto, it is REALPOLITIK and expediency both rolled in one, period.

At the risk of distorting our national history, the gand of Ocampo6 may as well be compared to the Kapenguria six in their fight for independence. The later delivered and the former have the potential to deliver us from APOCALYPSE if Kibaki saves them from the noose of vindictive ICC.

Presidential frontrunners
Naysayers will cheaply equate the cost of shuttle diplomacy to dancing on the graves of PEV victims. Far from it, brother Kalonzo has selflessly devoted his energy and time to help Kenyans reclaim their country back. The born-again VP has put at stake his moral compass, dignity, self-respect, honour and pride on the national chopping block. What is more, no price is bigger than patriotism and sovereignty.

While saving the Ocampo6 will definitely guarantee peace for the IDPs in their camps, carting the suspects to The Hague is a sure recipe for another bloodbath. Well, the choice for a lesser evil must be natural. President Kibaki is never known to protect anybody from prosecution but since he is neck deep into saving the Ocampo6 we must accord him the benefit of doubt for he surely knows alot that we don't.

Kenya needs no babysitting given our selfless and competent leaders. Post-election violence was our own making and we are better placed to solve all its problems by ourselves. The Americans and Britons are better advised to keep off and so do the loud-mouthed so-called international community.

No amount of judicial posturing can solve the plethora of our domestic problems. Truth is our problems are political which demand political solutions. We have the political will and leadership to steer MV Kenya out of the present and future doldrums. With Gaddafi and Mubarak as our trusted allies who wants neo-colonialists?

The ICC is poised to shape 2012 polls. It is true that while Uhuru and Ruto may miss 2012 polls, the 1300 victims of PEV will definitely miss 2012 polls. Similarly while the next president is not known, what is known is who the 4th PORK will NOT BE. That is HARD BALL politics 100. Meanwhile the Rift Valley (and Central) remain the focal point and hotbed of Kenya's politics.


  1. Most idle Kenyans have perfected the art of political speak and will hang onto any straw that happens by. As we wait for 2012 to come and go, we are busy trying to shape up and whip tribal epithets that will assist us hang onto whatever conclusion we wish to just like we have done for the last three plus years after the "stolen" elections. As Fr Wamugunda would ask, "Do top Politicians and their like minded cronies know anybody who was killed during the PEV" The 2012 will come and go just as the 2007/8 did. Impunity will not just die but given time it will mutate into a form that we can all accept. Lets brace for the 2012 after shock of 2007/8.

  2. don't be vague let em go to hague

  3. It is hypocritical for our president to state that prosecution of 2 out of the so called "Ocampo6" post election violence suspected masterminds will lead to renewed violence in the country in the run up to next years general elections.
    any other excuse would have sounded plausible but not that one it won't fly.
    Almost makes you wonder whether he knows something we don't and he's not telling us

  4. Poor Kenyans!

    Sample this:

    After "independence" they tried Harambee, it did not work. They banned it.

    To foster "national unity" they tried one party shistem, it did not work.

    They asked for multiparty OPIUM TAKING sessions, they got them, but, it has not work.

    They tried National Cohesion Commission, after 2007, it has not worked. However, the INVOICE keeps on coming.

    They have paid heavily for anti - corruption commission, it has not worked. Only the INVOICE keeps arriving at the door.

    They tried purging the judiciary, it did not work.

    They have tried the wonderful new constitution, unfortunately, all they are getting is the INVOICE at their doorstep.

    Now, in total delusion, they are trying the ICC and IC. It SHALL not work.

    Kenyans will jump up and down, but, just know this. The DIE IS CAST, for like the Romans after the fall of the republic, we combat each other only for the choice of the MASTERS.

    Anyway, for us, just pass the popcorn as we continue enjoying Fools Die For Lack of Wisdom by Tosh:

  5. Schindler's List3/13/11, 12:41 PM

    They are Ocampo 6 not Ocampo 2!

    Get that in your thick head taabu... do you understand?

    You posted 2 photos instead of 6!

  6. Kenya Collision government sends two GRAVELY contradicting petitions to The UN Security Council.

    Each of the two Principals have issued own petition to the UN.

    One petition decants the contents of the earlier one with “This petition presents a set of incontrovertible facts which will assist The Security Council and other interested parties to understand why the Kenyan cases at the ICC should neither be deferred nor referred.”

    The UK and USA have already stated that Kenya has a GRAND coalition government and the two principals are LEGALLY bound to consult and issue a common stand on any national issue.

    The O-6 have already accepted the summonses, to the extent of Ruto making a Public will (today's papers quote him saying--while we are away....)

    Then, who is the PNU side of government fighting for? Is the C-I-C under REAL threat?

    Najikunakuna kuwa mkenya while I and my IDP brothers and sisters continue piling the invoices.

  7. anon 12:41am
    yes you're right they are 6 not 2 next comment thanks?

  8. That photo does not do any justice to Uhuru... He could do with some eye drops & cold cucumber for the eye bags! And this I say with a clean heart-these are stressful times for him! No pun.

    Fiona K

  9. Comic relief3/13/11, 2:04 PM

    Why did u leave this "great" blog in the hands of madman taabu?
    There is a saying that goes..." you know a man by the friends he keeps".
    Taabu is a reproach to this blog and any good reputation you may had.

  10. I followed the 2007 campaigns carefully and wish to point out some bare facts.


    It is a lie to say that every election since 2002 has been violent.

    RAILA ODINGA incited the Kalenjins and other communities against Kikuyus in all his public rallies in Kericho, Nandi, Busia, Kakamega, Voi, Nairobi, Kisumu, Wajir etc. He spoke in plain Kiswahili inciting communities to evict and murder Kikuyus if his party ODM does not win the general elections of 2007.

    I wonder therefore, how Florence Jaoko of Kenya National Human Rights commission turns a blind eye to this well publicised speeches of incitement. I also wonder how Ocampo did his investigations. But my biggest amazement is how Raila Odinga is pushing for the prosecution of ODM chairman Henry Kosgey and deputy leader Ruto, his chief comrades in crime!

    The sense of injustice and betrayal by the ICC prosecutor is overwhelming. By leaving Raila out of the list, Ocampo has bastardised the ICC.
    Florence Jaoko has bastardised the KNHRC as well, but Raila has all but defecated on the Kalenjin voters who contributed 50% of his votes and have the biggest bloc of MPs in the party he leads ODM.

  11. Mwara' by now we are farmiliar with opium sessions, so what are your solutions to the delusions, how will always reminding us of our demise help us? stop laughing at the begger and give him some coins

  12. Kibera as seen by the world!

  13. anon 4:40pm
    thanks for the unabbreviated video link but why not stick to the post in the process?
    failing all else silence is not stupidity

  14. Pastoralist said;
    Most idle Kenyans have perfected the art of political speak and will hang onto any straw that happens by. As we wait for 2012 to come and go, we are busy trying to shape up and whip tribal epithets that will assist us hang onto whatever conclusion we wish to just like we have done for the last three plus years after the "stolen" elections.

    Thank you sir for calling out Taabu for what he is and what he will ever be. Those who care to read his threads in 2007-2008 will know how this scumbag cheered on as Kenyans murdered each other. Its not suprising that the SOB is back blood hungry as we approach 2012 and trying to polarize kenyans more with his tribal posts.

    Chris as an owner of Kumekucha is equally guilty for making his creation a genocide catalyst.
    We will continue forwarding these instruments of hatred to Mzalendo Kibunja.

  15. Taabu,
    Unfortunately, the country is going to see more of 'an enemy of an enemy of an enemy of an enemy who fully collaborated with perpetrators reponsible for PEV and all other previous political and ethnic clashes combined' become a worthy friend due to the onset of the ICC trials and the 2012 vicious politics of election survival for many candidates in the country.

    Many political candidates will not hesitate to use their usual ignorant and blind foot soldiers as fodder in order to gain entry in the great colonial edifice that's better known the parliament.
    Kenya's Decaying Backyard - Kibera
    While our capital city's decaying backyard of Kibera continues to be exposed to the rest of the world as a destination for poverty tourism and western media entertainment, Kenyans from all walks of life should not just be flabbergasted and filled with dismay by the appalling conditions in which women patients find themselves at the Kiambu County hospital as well as in various provincial and district hospitals around the country.

    But should hold the nation's leaders and their respective representatives acountable and immediately begin to demand for better medical services and modern medical facilities.

    The funds are there in abundance and are only beiing wasted on irrelevant pet projects such shuttle diplomacy and the ardent protection of selct few from ICC's prosecution.

    Otherwise, we wiil continue to sink into a nation of zombies who have lost their, pride, dignity, focus, bearings and priorities.

    Kalonzo's shuttle diplomacy would have done the country a very very very very big favour, had mission's primary objective been concentrated on hardcore begging and literally crying for financial and medical aid to help rebuild our nation's hospitals that have fallen into a deep state of dilapidation since the early 1970s.

    Kenyans seem to have resigned themselves to their fate of abject poverty, poor standard of living for the employed, poor service delivery for the so called "mindro crass" or "mintlo classi" and have become accustomed to the theater of absurd tribal politics, day in day out.

    While in the meantime, shuttle mission politicians like Salley Kosgey would rather see all the funds that were reckelessly and extravantely injected into the now failed shuttle diplomacy go waste on trivial political ventures that were doomed from the get go, instead of fighting tooth and nail and seeing to it that adequate medical funding, unexpired constituency and well trained medical staff are made available to all the neglected women in her constituency, neighbouring area and rest of the country.

    Let's not even dare mention the pathetic medical facilities and care that is provided to Kenyan citizens in areas such as Kitui, Bungoma, Murang'a, Kakamega, Meru, Embu, Kirinyanga, Machakos, Narok, Nanyuki, Garissa, Kilifi, Rift Valley, Nyanza, Coast, et al.

    Kenya should no longer be referred to as 'Zamunda' or 'Ndizi Republic' or 'Kenya Ina Wenyewe' (Republic of Impunity), but as 'ZLD' - Zombieland.

    We are a people and nation that has totally forgotten its priorities and turned itself into a small redundant village where tribal and political gamesmaniship are the highly valued currency than the nation's gold reserves.

    Welcome to the Republic of Zombieland after 2012.

  16. Mwarangethe,

    You are being unfair by listening to Bob Marley and Peter Tosh whilst taking 'mursik' and popcorn and always giving desperate comments in this blog in the comfort of your mansion.

    Why don't you form a group or party whose aim will be to take leadership in this country?

  17. Exactly! Why cant mwara' run for the presidency in yet another 'opium taking session' and implement his 'virtual' philosophies instead me reminding up constantly of the obvious!

  18. Taabu can only post photos of Uhuru and Ruto because those are the fellows who are threatening coronation of his jaluo king...poor raila, paying money to SOB'S like phil of jukwaa and taabu of kk will not make you become a president. A fellow who cannot even transform a small slum like kibera has no business managing Kenya...kwenda kwa molasses ukawe director huko.

    The other fools following mwarangethe around like dogs on heat should get a job to do.

    The oracle has spoken.

  19. @Fiona K,

    Bwa haha haaaaaa! ROFLMAO! Tehehe he heeeeee! @ Uhuru's Blood shot eyes.

  20. 'fake' oracle 11:33pm
    better take your own medicine first before prescribing to others

  21. Kifaki predicts violennce. Then we see importation of sofisticated arms outside t'he normal military procurement procedures. Fear kenyans.

  22. I pity the Jaluos. They are being herded into a corner of isolation by Thug Raila. Come 2012 and they could find themselves in unenviable tribal party called Luo-ODM. My advice is that tey should diversify their political investments in other parties.

  23. What happened to the help ODM mandarins promised Henry Kosgey. They had promised to fight to stop him being taken to Hague and if that fails they would pay for his legal bills. Does any ODMite out there know what happened to that promise?

  24. Mwara' by now we are farmiliar with opium sessions, so what are your solutions to the delusions, how will always reminding us of our demise help us? stop laughing at the begger and give him some coins

    3/13/11 2:15 PM


    The problem is this. Much of the social - econo-political "analysis" you are DRIP FED daily from birth to death is NURSERY/KINDERGARTEN level thinking.

    Let us give an example of HOW TO THINK and ANALYSE the situation:

    In 2010/11 financial year, the BIG BANKS in Kenya (we know you are already yawning, for this has "nothing" to do with Kenyan political mess) made the following "profits":

    (a) Equity kes 7.1bn.
    (b) BBK (The Big Bank)kes 10.6 bn.
    (c) Standard Chartered kes 5.4 bn.
    (d) Coop Bank kes kes 4.58 bn.
    (e) KCB kes kes 7.1 bn.

    This gives us a WHOOPING kes 35 bn profits in one year. Add the small banks and micro, and u get the picture.

    Now, ponder the following:

    (a) if we discard the GDP BULLSHIT, and we calculate the ECONOMIC SURPLUS of Kenya in 2010,what figures would we get?

    (b) what % of the economic surplus did the banking sector take?

    (b)CRUCIALLY, what is the % of the population of Kenya which owns these banks? Is it more than 1%?

    (c) CRUCIALLY, did these banks create wealth worthy kes 40 bn. last year? And, if so, can you show us that evidence?

    (d) considering all of the above, what kind of political system and political behaviour do you expect?

    If you can pull yourself to such kind of analysis, you can begin to see how big the mess is.

    More so, it will open thy eyes on the futility of all measures Kenyans have been taking.

    Even better, you will understand why a NEW SLAVE MASTER in 2012/17/22 shall solve none of thy problems.

    As such, under the current arrangements/thinking, whoever teaches you that OPIUM TAKING, ICC and such nonsense will save us, is preaching the DEVIL'S PHILOSOPHY OF SLAVERY.

    Anyway, we are off to listen to I shot The CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR, oh, sorry, Sheriff by Bob:

  25. Mwarangethe. Quite mind-boggling profits from banks but you’ve not suggested a clear solution. Perhaps we can regulate interests and other charges as one Donde proposed at one time ? But again it might be a tall order because the guys who make/implement policies are the owners of these money minting enterprises (and ofcourse they need the profit to effectively dominate the down-trodden masses)

  26. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.
    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.
    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!
    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those massacres in 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.
    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.
    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?
    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.
    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.
    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  27. Anon 4:01,

    Too late buddy. Mwarangethe said here many times that issues to do with wealth creation and management should have formed a big part of the new constitution. As usual the yankees who were intoxicated by the mkiona hao weka tyre kind of kindergaten politics dismissed it as they always do. We dug ourselves deep into a wet shit hole and the shit will keep on coming until a day when we will learn to use an iota of our brains.

    Mwarangethe's pupil

  28. Oracle is a homosexual. he is well known among kenyan gay circles where he advertise himself as a good cook and very submissive.
    That should explain his obvious inferioty complex in all his comments here in kk.

  29. This people with names starting with "O" are giving me problems, now why should I resign O?

    This is Manifest Nonsense

  30. Mwarangethe. Quite mind-boggling profits from banks but you’ve not suggested a clear solution.


    Nothing can be further from the TRUTH. If you ask the COE, they received from us a 50 page dossier entitled:

    "The Money Question, The Draft Constitution & Freedom."

    This is how the dossier first lines were:

    "The strongly held belief in the 21st Century that bankers have a divine right to create money out of thin air, and thereafter charge interest/usury and thereby enslave those who honestly labour, will be looked at by the future generations as an obnoxious idea as we look today at the vicious idea pregnant with peril, of the bygone ages that, kings had divine right to rule."


    Perhaps we can regulate interests and other charges as one Donde proposed at one time ?


    You cannot improve a pervesion.


    But again it might be a tall order because the guys who make/implement policies are the owners of these money minting enterprises (and ofcourse they need the profit to effectively dominate the down-trodden masses)


    That being the case, the problem is not THEM, it is the IGNORANCE of the SHEEP.

    As such, chase ignorance from your head, and the tyranny will dissolve like salt/sugar in water.

    Simply, well informed people cannot be oppressed by a few THUGS.

    In simple words, the IMPUNITY Kenyans are crying about like babies stems from their own IGNORANCE on civil govts.

    Anyway, good luck in your vain efforts.

  31. Taabu is in a senile retirement home where he tries out doses of viagra to jumpstart his already limp member. His posts are similar to recycled NCC garbage for lack of a better word.

  32. Ocampo says he has enough evidence:

    International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo wants Kenya to limit the head of civil service Francis Muthaura's powers over the police fearing he may interfere with witnesses.

    Mr Ocampo also wants Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta stopped from interfering with witness protection since he sits on the board that oversees the programme.

    At the same time, the prosecutor said the political debate around the Kenya cases may as well go on, but he has collected sufficient evidence to support the cases.

  33. Which is which?

    "WE" don't need you comments here or "I" don't need your comments overshadowing my esteemed post - Ocampo6 Parallels Present Day Kapenguria Six?

    And is it PDK.6 (Present day Kapenguria Six) or The D.3, 1952, KSD (December 3, 1952 Kapenguria Six Detainees)?

    December 3, 1952? It will be sixty in 2012 and little has really charged in Kenya.

    Same old script with a different cast of characters, but the opera will be played out in four acts on a worldwide stage at the ICC.

    Where are the stage managers and who are they?

    What about the supporting cast loaded with the:
    - Ocampo6,
    - PEV-Victims,
    - Survivors of PEV,
    - Concerned Kenyans,
    - Women from NEVER AGAIN CAMP,
    - Supporters of Ocampo6,
    - Detractors of Ocampo6,
    - League of Tribal Nations,
    - Military Observers,
    - Civil Society (Quasi),
    - Outsiders,
    - Idle Masses of Kenyans,
    - Chameleon Legions of Churches,
    - Political Vultures & Hyenas,
    - Bands of Diasporans,
    - Gangs of Fence Sitters,
    - Swams of Media Houses,
    - Neglected Wanjikus of Kenya,
    - Cheering Squads,
    - political Grave Diggers,
    -et al

  34. Anon 3/14/11 4:59 AM: What issues do you have with Taabu?

    State your points instead of cheap abuses that hold no water

  35. Should we expect 150 hits or less?

  36. Muthaura has tried but the poor old man will go down big time. Pole old mzee lakini even that old toad will not help you, just tighten the noose around your neck and voila!

  37. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  38. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  39. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  40. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  41. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  42. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  43. bufwoli for president

  44. @11.33 PM,

    Poodly - Poodle - Poo, I applaud you for putting up an endless and scintillating performance in regard to identity theft. Infact you "whaoh" us with your unparralled dialogue delivery, endelea, us we proceed to laugh off our sorrows.

    We simply want our country to be left alone by the ICC, Our VP has been shuttling around the world "weeping" bucket loads of tears for the Ocampo 2 or is it 6, this are " weighty" issues he has repeatedly reminded us with weighty pronouncements in equal measure.

    Who would want our “brothers” as Mr. Kati - Kati fondly refers to them to spend nights in "5 star" cells in a foreign land whilst we have the Kamitis and Manyani camps of this world though full ( we are on reforms remember) that can easily make room for two, AFANDE!

    Furthermore, justice shall not be seen to be served at the hague, the ICC may just set them loose and free because of incompetence and that is a sure recipe for a repeat of 2007 chaos in 2012, having labels and titles like 'Butcher of Kiambu' and 'Nandi Warrior' will make those scenes in movies like 300, apocalypto and brave heart look like Childs play.

    Our government is 'determined' to 'punish' the PEV masterminds as it has diligently done so for the last 47 years. We failed to convict a policeman who shot a kisumu demonstrator because of a small "error" in the serial number of the gun, heck it wasn't the judges fault so why blame our judiciary for incompetence.

    Genuine IDPs long left the camps and what we are seeing are encroachers and pretenders 3 years later demanding to be relocated, where to, we may ask? The lands that they left have new owners who will equally demand compensation if evicted, so why create more IDPs?

    Why are we complaining over "small" legal defense fees of Ksh. 1bn which can't even qualify to be a scandal, after all, we Kenyans are used to losing billions, the 1 Bn won't even make it to the headlines, the commissions of inquiry, court bonds and bails,and legal fees will make this look like pocket - change.
    And this nonsense of stepping aside will only serve to kill political careers, dont we already have enough vacancies at the cabinet level, to the extent that some ministers can't even proceed on their annual leave coz their hands are full sitting in for the ones who already stepped aside.

    And now this thing called Extra judicial killings is just a complex word coined by the NGO's and magnified to stupendous proportons. Come on, give and take the police have only killed a few hundred 'suspects'.

    We are just simply being Kenyana Kenyans speaking Kenyanese

    The Oracle has Spoken

  45. wamalwa tosa

  46. Muthaura Kwenda

  47. we should expect more than 150 hits because Taabu is out to prove that his posts are popular, the old man is running amok all over the blog posting as anons

  48. Risk management is simply a practice of systematically selecting cost effective approaches for minimising the effect of threat realization to the organization. All risks can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all organizations have to accept some level of residual risks

  49. There have been serious threats against potential witnesses of the ICC (Hague), but we now also know there has been murder too.

    Top suspects like Uhuru, Muthaura and Ruto, are reported to have been directing a serious campaign to intimidate potential witnesses.

    As Wikileaks cables now reveal, the November 2009 street-assassination of Mungiki spokesman Njuguna Gitau by reported undercover police officers on a busy Nairobi street, is directly linked to ICC’s witness protection subject.

    According to Wikileaks cables, Gitau may have been the lynchpin that channeled funding from Uhuru Kenyatta during the latter’s sponsoring of Mungiki retaliatory murders and violence during the post-election violence. With that murder went down one high-priority witness with a "smoking gun" testimony.

  50. Most idle Kenyans will get glued on a political story for days, weeks, months and years.

    That's what happens when almost half of the country's workforce is idle, 60% of the nation's population can't afford to put food on table (in their sufurias), the young adults are cronically unemployed, and millions of youngters lack a better education, and the media has no longer sticks out its neck as was the case in the 1950s. 60s and 70s.

    Do not ask whether the top politicians know of anybody who was killed or how many defenseless Kenyans lost their lives during the POST ELECTION VIOLENCE.

    But ask what was your personal contribution leading to, during and after the POST ELECTION VIOLENCE?

    And what have you done since then (PEV) to avert potential inter-ethnic violence from igniting andf flaring up?

  51. anon 6:12am
    so what if it is?next comment please

  52. What the hell is Muthaura still doing in Office? Can the old block step aside

  53. @6:15 Am
    How is your 101 class? Are you guys still on spring break or getting ready for the finals? Beware of cramming, it can distort your learning process and thought process at the same time.

    A C+ for effort. Keep an eye on your GPA.

  54. What's Muthaura still doing in office?

    LOL!!!!!!!!!! Kenya ina wenywe, the lords of impunity.

  55. Thank you mwar'a. Can you please make your 'paper' available for public consumption on kumekucha?

  56. BREAKING: Ocampo names Muthaura and Uhuru replacements to the joy and ululations of ODM....

    In a suprising new development, ICC prosecutor Luis Ocampo has named little known ODM politicians to the positions previously held by Muthaura and Uhuru who are suspects in the post election violence in Kenya. The announcement was quickly embraced by Kenya PM.
    See whole story here:

  57. "The strongly held belief in the 21st Century that bankers have a divine right to create money out of thin air, and thereafter charge interest/usury and thereby enslave those who honestly labour, will be looked at by the future generations as an obnoxious idea as we look today at the vicious idea pregnant with peril, of the bygone ages that, kings had divine right to rule."

    What a *sensational* first line! Could you post the paper somewhere where we can all find it?

  58. Oracle shame!

  59. CHARLES.
    Have you ever dealt with a mzungu before? they dont have time for nonsense its "straight to the point" "lets get it done NOW"!
    Ocampo and his manipulated cronies will look at the EVIDENCE and conclude using that evidence,nothing more.follow the book to the letter.
    whether UHURU BANGS AND BREAKS THE TABLES AT THE HAGUE,it does not matter the future is bleak and Obama and Cameron,will have been told the outcome weeks before YOU AND ME KNOW..things will turn out very differently.MAYBE Its 10 years or more in the slammer for those 6!
    Back in Kenya,MAYBE-riots and chaos are likely to break out..and people will die!AVOID THE HAGUE-we must not be deceived by the white man again!
    Take a look at WIKILEAKS to know u are dealing with WOLVES AND SNAKES AND OTHER HIDEOUS MONSTERS U ONLY DREAM ABOUT-in sheeps clothing!foreign countries only protect their interests....why wont they take KIBAKI-the commander in chief of VOTE STEALING and the MAIN CAUSE OF the 2007 RIOTS AND DEATH to the HAGUE!WAKE UP TO REALITY-read between the lines....we are but puppets on a string!EU and US can influence the outcome of the case!KIBAKI should admit he STOLE AN ELECTION, he and Lucy are fattening up in state house on OUR BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS, and of course STOLEN ELECTIONS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!-AND BY THE WAY where the HELL IS KIVUITU?too ashamed to appear in public?foreign govts dint really care how many kenyans died-its how many UK/US/CANADIANS/FRENCH etc were injured in the chaos!we want justice but my friends we wont get it from the HAGUE!our polticians are blind-yule juzi alisema,huyu juzi alisema,Ocampo and Co are out to reap what they can from Kenya-their citizens will take off at high speed once chaos break out leaving YOU AND ME slaughtering each other in Mathare,Kibera and Mukuru!I cry for the Innocent poor people in Kenya who are NEVER HEARD-all they want is TO GET THRU THE DAY AND LIVE IN PEACE!KIBAKI should go 1ST CLASS to the HAGUE!and EXPLAIN HOW HE STOLE IN BROAD will Ruto EXPLAIN A SPONTANEOUS RIOT AS A RESULT OF A STOLEN ELECTION-YET UHURU is by his side.KIBAKI IS A LIAR NO.1 the blood of 1784 Kenyans who died is back to haunt him forever!

  60. Kitendawili.....??Now..,how do I continue kama hamsemi tega..?(and pls Mwara,we are not fools,just that our concentration span doesnt allow us to make sense of long winded copy and paste lectures).

  61. How do you defend yourself in court over public spontaneous riots?

  62. anon 9:03PM
    it seems the resident e-cop here is sleeping on the job
    otherwise there is no way filthy smut such as yours would be posted here

    as one kenyan to another please get help.pornography is not harmless entertainment.advised.

  63. How do you defend yourself, your family and property in the midst of what appears to be a spontaneous wave of violence, but turns out to be a well engineered and financed inter-ethnic violence?

    Majority of Kenyans are not able to afford the opportunity to defend themselves, fight back or even organise an instant counter attack against marauding gangs and hordes of clood blooded killers.

    The only alternative left for them is either to flee in the middle of the night or end up in flames or chopped up in pieces alongside their entire families.

    That's why many Kenyans have decided to take matters into their own hands by arming themselves, setting up surveillance, monitoring teams, prearranged early warning systems, safe houses, escape routes, and above all staying in constant touch with well paid informers from within the kraals and political nests of pontential enemies, in the same way the Americans living along the Mexican border, the Israeli, South Americans, Mexicans, Columbians, Brazilians, South Africans, Russians, Pakistani, Lebanese et al are doing.

    All necessary preparations have either been undertaken or are still being put in place by many Kenyans who were left at the mercies of the rabid blood hounds and hyena packs due to a very haunting reason. Which is?

    FACT: onetime childhood neighbours, or worse, current double faced neighbours, the local chiefs, the pharisaic clergy and their not so christian congregations (when it comes to "Love thy Neighbour" and "THou Shaal Not Kill"), politicians, MPigs, divisional/district/provincial adminstration police, regular police, paramilitary, chiefs of national security, the cabinet, the government, the vice president, prime minster and president to ever come to their timely rescue in the darkest hour of need, as was the case during the PEV of 2007/08.

    That's one of the many sad reasons we should be very much afraid and worried of a repeat of '07/'08- PEV.

    That's if the government continues to fail to enforce law and order, punish all known perpetrators and participants of '07/'08-PEV.

    Why? There are those who still think that it will be easy and business as usual when it comes to attacking their unsuspecting neighbours, road users, and defenseless ordinary citizens.

    However, the shocker will come in the type and form of repulsion force that will be encountered or the rapid response defense mounted by individuals, organised units, and forewarned teams of concerned citizens who will be trying do what the government has always failed do since the horror political/ethnic killings dating back to the 1980s.

    If the Americans, Canadians, Europeans and other citizens of the world have a right to defend themselves, then why not Kenyans?

  64. New constitution

    This katiba will change Kenya.

    sample these:
    -Reversal of appointment of Judicial officers
    -Court order that a list of all civil servants be produced-I fear the picture is not too good for status quo-Treasury,security,Banks etc
    -Ghai and Muite asking information on Grand Legacy
    -Grilling of military chief on the suspect military arsenal
    -na kadhalika

    My fear is that we may be heading the Ivory Coast route.Arent we?

  65. The constitution was all cosmetic until such time it will be respected to the letter of the law by 2030 when there is a greater presence of the civil society in most regions of the country.

    However, Kenya will never ever head or end up in the same predicament or political quagmire like the current shameful political scenario with Ivory Coast.

    Things will begin to gradually change when Gbagbo's little government runs out of cocoa money that is being extorted from traders and poor farmers.

  66. kivaki
    don't be vague go to Hague
    na mambo bado

    this guys belong to hanging even jail is too luxury for this misfits
    I smell blood on them this are nasty excuse of human beings na nimesema

  67. You Kenyans have many problems,
    you have such a beautiful country why are you allowing 6 people to hold you hostage?

    Can Chris do a month long poll here of how many Kenyans would really take to the streets to kill loot and rape if the so called Ocampo 6 were taken to the hague?

    And Chris do your poll better than the so called established media houses whose polls are nothing more than biased populist surveys aimed at boosting ratings

  68. Taabu, too much satire spoils the broth. Change delivery once in a blue a moon and come up with some different coverage. Nothing personal, just a suggestion.

  69. Enter the new "governor of kenya", luis moreno ocampo
    The man dislays utter contempt for kenya and we still hail him as our saviour or is he ODMs saviour?........ kweli we need to decolonise our minds

  70. It is very sad and dangerous that the political fight in Kenya has been reduced to Luos on one side and Kikuyus and Kalenjins on the other side. I don't know how it will end but I fear it could degenerate into "a fight to death" affair with the Luos losing badly. Some sane minds need to step in NOW before it is too late!!!!

  71. Kibera has no slums. How can you have slums in a slum. Meanwhile there are 6 slums in nyeri. 2 are in othaya. Again there are no IDPs in kibera. There are these camps in nyeri. Some in othaya.all the above are official facts.

  72. Do they have sumptous meals at the hague? just asking as I am confessing to having committed crimes against humanity.

    I was Uhuru Kenyattas hatchet man and chopped off a few heads and would do it again if required of me.

  73. @ 3/14/11 10:18 PM
    Guess what? I was one of the goons hired by the pentagoons and I have saved text messages that directly link your god raila to having directed and financed the the violence ,,,,,na bado!

  74. Taabu said...
    Once authored and published can the book be placed in a public galleria for consumption by gullible takers.

    3/14/11 10:10 PM


    You have a choice to make. You may take the Red Pill or The Blue Pill.


    We are also listening to Bob singing; Time Will Tell

  75. anon 11:05PM
    If only text messages were admissible evidence in pictures that can be copied, pasted, edited and photoshopped text messages prove nothing

    Anyway keep it coming.give us a sample of the said messages why don't you?i can help you out with the content if you wish LOL

    I'm sure it goes something like this
    "jo thur wa, today i your deity call you into mass acson......" i'm sure you can fill out the rest creatively

  76. Kenya as you have never sen it before!

  77. As Kenyans are busy with the "ICC Trance", keen observers with probing minds will read:

    "Most Kenyan banks cap the limit of loans given against real estate at between 60 and 70 per cent of the market price of property in urban areas and about 50 per cent for land in rural areas."

    "The rapid rise of property prices has however left banks holding on to collateral that is much HIGHER in value than the loans covered, prompting some lenders to call customers to take up more DEBT."

    As the delusions continue we will remember that..

    "The last time fuel cost Sh110 a litre was in October 2008"... as we are told that the middle east unrest has led to a "PUMP CRISIS"..

    Libya, which is currently in a "civil war" ( In Egypt the west called them LIBERATORS, in Libya they are calling them REBELS), accounts for a daily oil output of 1.6 million barrels out of the global daily requirements of up to 80 million barrels.... so where does Libya come in????

    Only the poor masses will continue to feel the heat as we see below:

    "Petroleum will cost Sh113.98 in the country’s Northern town of Mandera while Sh111 (Lokichoggio), Wajir (Sh109), Marsabit (Sh108) while in Maralal, a litre of petrol will cost Sh107 a litre."

    Keen Observers will remember that about a few weeks ago NOCK had been awarded an EXCLUSIVE tender to import Oil and you will note that the ship arrived a few days before the uprising in Libya.

    Patrick Obath "warned" that fears linger over the price at which the cargo will be sold to consumers.

    Mmmmmh the ship took inordinately too 'long' to dock.

    We can continue enjoying the circus that the ICC story has become, Mwara"N"gethe wapi popcorn.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  78. We simply need this PaNUa impunity fellows to resign. Or do they want an arrest warrant to be issued to drag that old mzee Muthaura to the hague cells, me thinks Uhuru/Uk will be left languishing in the cooler for kedo 30 good ones.

  79. We can continue enjoying the circus that the ICC story has become, Mwara"N"gethe wapi popcorn.

    The Oracle has Spoken


    Well, Kenyans will cry with one eye for they focus on COMMUNICATED NONSENSE.

    We beg to quote today's business communication update from Kenya on business environment:

    "Meanwhile..., costs of inputs are up and general transport costs/bus fare up again!.

    For the last ... days ... have been working on new prices ... I do not know where we are heading to if after every 30 days prices are shooting up: right from domestic products to general RENT/and hospital bills."

    There we are. Prices are going up everyday for those of us who WORK and PRODUCE, yet, all we hear from PARASITES, i.e. politicians, lawyers, journalists, bloggers is ICC, ICC.

    So, why is this happening? Well, we warned that, the implementation of the new constitution will require we print/borrow money which will speed up the gathering economic crisis/storm.

    Sample this:

    "Kenya shilling hits new record low."

    "Kenya's shilling fell further to a new low against the dollar on Tuesday a day after the Central Bank governor Prof Njuguna Ndung'u refused to intervene and stabilise the currency's performance."


    "Importers of raw materials and finished products have asked CBK to intervene to stem the decline of the shilling against major international currencies, even as agricultural exporters and tourism operators continued to gain from the weak currency."


    Now, as we yell ICC, ICC our economy is caught up in a jam.

    Yes, we can export more with a weak currency, but, does't that require we export larger qty. of coffee for instance?

    And, since all other coffee exporters are doing the same, do we really gain?

    Do we even have enough rainfall for coffee and tea?

    And, since we import even USED WOMEN'S INNER WEAR, will this not lead to even higher prices for poor Wanjiku?

    More so, if we pay more for fertiliser/raw material imports, doesn't this raise cost of production of coffee which undercuts any gains of a weaker currency?

    If we raise rates as some are demanding, will not HOT MONEY FROM PRINTERS in the USA/Japan come in and bid property, hence driving the RENTS even higher?

    And, will not higher rent and rates not bankrupt businesses?

    Now, add rising energy costs and u see a perfect economic tsunami.

    The failure of CENTRAL BANK MONEY PRINTING/CENTRALISED ECON. PLANNING by BANKSTERS will become evident soon around the world.

    Unfortunately for the masses, they will never eve understand what is eating them.

    Anyway, wacha we continue chewing popocorn as we watch this drama unfold.

    NB: Remember this, when all the magic of the HIGH PRIESTS in the CENTRAL BANKS/TEMPLES fail, we have one option left. WAR! A major WAR!

  80. crazy talk what is wrong with you? You cannot prosecuting argue that the perpetrators of violence will lead to more violence. This is outright incitement. What message would we be sending other than that it is okay to use violence to achieve your political goals. That for as long as you can people to violence you are exempt from the law. This is the sort of argument no reasonable Kenyan buys. A government that results to predicting violence in two years time as though it has no means to ensure the security of it's citizens has no business being in office.

    Do yourself and everyone else a favor; take whatever money you're being paid to spew this nonsense and keep your warmongering to yourself.

  81. I just posted a comment about this. I have trouble believing any self-respecting blogger would be advancing such faulty arguments. Which leads to conclude that perhaps you are being satirical. If you are, it is certainly very distasteful. We do not need people equivocating about this.

  82. what a name! john. might be a john doe or john dory for starters? whoever you maybe, just hold your horses and relax for a minute, 'cause it's not the end of the world.

  83. People a very easy to please at all times. Action speaks louder than words.

    2701 hits @N.M.G.P. in a matter of hours. 2701 speaks volumes.

  84. @John 8:03am
    yours is a rare sensible voice in the wild wild west that is this blogs comment section, so welcome!

    nevertheless i fear you are directing your indignation at the wrong messenger.the occupant of statehouse and his minders firmly have their foot up our backs&Kenyans have never been more discomfortable shout at them why don't you?

  85. john aka Oracle the faggot is back praising himself using anons.
    The man is really a sicko.

  86. a rare sensible or a rational?

    don't you think it's insensible for one to always sling indignities at the occupants of the state house without any further course of action at the ballot box or at the grassroots?

    what's the point of crying indignantly about the political and ethnic evils at the state house or the biting satire at the wild wilderness section of kumekucha if that's all there is to?

  87. anon 9:28pm
    ok let me bite your bait. supposing like our virtual economist here that you propose further action be carried out more than satire and logical voices

    what exactly do you propose be done at the grassroots/ballotbox by an electorate equally divided down the middle?

  88. Consider the following before you dismiss the prospect of violence as idle talk:

    The Kalenjin community holds the highest number of retired and active security personnel. 90% of them supported ODM and its candidate in the 2007 presidential elections. Their key political leaders are being charged by the ICC and the party leader they supported with their very lives has done his best to make sure they are prosecuted for the crimes at the Hague. Common sense tells me that any tensions in that community is by men and women who are currently serving in our security organs or retired but still active. A glance at the composition of the Kalenjin council of elders is a list of who is who in our retired military commanders.

    I am convinced the threat to national security is not mere idle talk. It looks real to me.

  89. Gbagbo troops in big search for weapons
    * More than 100 Ivorian troops loyal to regime have fled into Liberia, say refugees already there
    Troops loyal to Ivorian strongman Laurent Gbagbo carried out a sweep today of a suburb of Abidjan where heavy gunfire erupted near the house of an army chief, a military official said.

    Gunfire broke out shortly before dawn in the Andouka area of Yopougon suburb, near the private home of General Philippe Mangou, a chief of the pro-Gbagbo Defence and Security Forces (FDS).

    Sporadic gunfire could be heard throughout the morning in Yopougon, a Gbagbo stronghold, as military vehicles scoured the streets while most businesses closed, according to inhabitants.

    “There is a search operation in the area, the FDS has been deployed. They are mainly looking for arms caches,” the pro-Gbagbo military source said.

    It is the first time heavy gunfire has been reported in the Gbagbo stronghold since the start of an electoral crisis pitting him against rival Alassane Ouattara, internationally recognised as the winner of a November 28 presidential election.

    Meanwhile, more than 100 Ivorian troops loyal to Gbagbo have fled into Liberia, Ivorian refugees told AFP today.

    “Many of them have already crossed to Liberia. They are here in Toe’s Town and surrounding villages. They are more than 100...,” Jean Jacques Ba, an Ivorian refugee in Toe’s Town, told AFP.

    According to the refugees, the soldiers fled fighting between Gbagbo’s loyalists and the New Forces allied with internationally recognised Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara in the town of Toulepleu.

    The New Forces recently captured the town in the west of Ivory Coast following two days of tense fighting.

    Toe’s Town is situated less than 30 kilometres from Toulepleu. (AFP)

  90. I can still hear the words clearly though it is more than three years ago.

    "Look at Ivory Coast, because of a small mistake during elections the country went to civil war and has never recovered. From being the most successful model state in Africa, it generated to total chaos. If Kenya is to go that way because of this election, LET IT BE"

    These words were said at KICC on 30th December 2007 at the height of the dispute of that years elections. They were broadcast to the whole country live. To this day, they make me shiver.


  91. I can still hear the words clearly though it is more than three years ago.

    "Look at Ivory Coast, because of a small mistake during elections the country went to civil war and has never recovered. From being the most successful model state in Africa, it generated to total chaos. If Kenya is to go that way because of this election, LET IT BE"

    These words were said at KICC on 30th December 2007 at the height of the dispute of that years elections. They were broadcast to the whole country live. To this day, they make me shiver.


  92. ODM is really so screwed up. Begin with the ageing, visually-impaired, stuttering, feckless, dear leader (who wanted kabila adui businesses boycotted the way hitler did for the jews), then make your way to the serena professa, who led operation massaxion (codenamed maliza kabila adui) and then to jimmi, who would rather kabila adui die in idp camps, and then to the chief whip, who, from time to time, whips it out to pee in public places.....
    Good grief! What a party! and i havent even factored in flying toilets, gor mahia, the tin god's surgery directive and the like.

  93. Way to go. Keep the hits coming and keep them rolling with series of monologues or soliloquies. Will soon hit the 120th mark on an empty think tank.

  94. Kenyan delegate attending for a cup of Coffee in an informal meeting:

    The United Nations Security Council will on Wednesday decide whether to give serious consideration to a request by Kenya to delay the Hague trials.

    It has requested Kenya and the African Union, whose summit supports Kenya’s case, for an informal discussion on the basis of which it will decide whether to formally discuss the request.

    “The Security Council cannot vote” on Wednesday, spokeswoman Anne Siddall said. “The council votes only in a FORMAL meeting.”

    The scheduled session at UN headquarters in New York does not qualify as an official Security Council meeting, Ms Siddall explained.

    She said the gathering will take the form of an “interactive dialogue” involving the council’s 15 member states and representatives of Kenya and the African Union.

  95. I love having interactive dialogues rather than constructive dialogues with matatu owners, drivers, makangas, riders and the traffic police officers during every second week of the month.

  96. @ anon 10:03. The possibility for violence always lurks in the backgound but in many ways it is far less likely to be as full blown as it was '07. Given the predicament the Ocampo 6 have found themselves in, prominent Kenyans are now less likely to plan & instigate anything on as wide a scale as was done in the last election cycle. The whole world will be watching afterall. Should Ocampo succeed in nabbing the culprits outright, we'll have a deterrant for future ethnic based criminal acts against fellow Kenyans.

    I think we should be more concerned about the likes of Kuttuny who is calling for the 2012 elections to be postponed in August if Ruto is not cleared by the ICC before then. That is unconstitutional.

  97. anon 12:16pm
    why not 200?thanks also for your empty contributions and don't stop kindly keep it coming thanks

  98. anon 1:05PM
    It pays to keep the mind occupied.
    matatu owners, drivers, makangas, riders and the traffic police officers are people too.we can learn alot from them keep your ears to the ground and report back to us here why don't you?

  99. @Bobby6Killer
    It's been said before and I will join in by saying the likes of Kutuny, Kutuny, Kutuny, Kutuny, will fall on their spears should they dare try using them against the public.


    They are all full of SHIT !

    Tiskie of Jukwaa

  101. Leo ni Jumatano na bado ukurasa ni ulele, kihobelabela.

    Chris where art thou, mwenzetu?

  102. 3660 hits!
    Hooray for the people's efforts and genuine love for nature's wonderful giffts. The votes have reached 3660.

  103. @3.34AM,

    "Ocampo6 Parallels Present Day Kapenguria Six"

    As the author of the above the aforementioned text it must really wax your ego.

    Hits not Homework LOL! Poor Taabu

  104. Uhuru diverts monies meant for IDPs
    through Settlement Fund Trustees that he chairs!

    “The purpose of this letter is to ask you to urgently prepare and forward to the Ministry of Finance the budget necessary for purchase of land for their resettlement to enable immediate undertaking of the exercise,” Mr Muthaura notes in the letter dated November 15 last year.

    Mr Muthaura’s intervention followed separate letters Mr Orengo had written to President Kibaki and Mr Odinga in October last year asking them to approve the release of funds for the resettlement of the families.

    “The purpose of this letter therefore is to kindly request that you approve this proposal and authorize Treasury to avail adequate financial resources to facilitate the resettlement exercise,” Mr Orengo notes in his letter to the president.

    Mr Orengo confirmed that Treasury had earlier released Sh2.9 billion for the resettlement of post election violence victims but added that the monies were being administered by the Settlement Fund Trustees chaired by Mr Kenyatta.

    The money was exclusively for the resettlement of the victims of post election violence.

  105. Read about the Settlement Fund Trustees at

    All about How Kenyatta family and other elite acquired land

    No wonder stakes are VERY HIGH for Uhuru

  106. ATTENTION: Chris of Kumekucha.

    How could you? How could you not expose your folks at Kumekucha to a China's Unlikely Pop Star?

    You could have been the first among the first to showcase 'Hao Ge' on Kumekucha and let the rest like KTN, Citizan TV, KDR, Nation, Standard and what have you follow after the fact, since they are always in the habit of sneaking in here and picking up cues and clues from Kumekucha whenever its convenient for them.

    Well, who is 'Hao Ge'? He is none other than Emmanuel Uweche, a Nigerian born pop singer who has risen to stardom singing in Mandarin Chinese.

    Talking of a guy who immigrated to China in 2002 and has managed to master the Mandarin language to the point where he now composes, writes and sings in Mandarin Chinese.

    He even performs with various Chinese opera companies, major theater productions and heavyduty national commercials in China.

    Emmanuel Uweche is a unique ambassador, one of a kind who is now offering a very different type of image of Nigerians abroad as well as being an active public finger in the Sino-African relations, to the real amazement of the Chinese people.

    Emmanuel Uweche is an outstanding success in China and rightly so. One of the highlight of his music career in China was when he was invited to sing at the Chinese Lunar New Year Gala Festival for over 200 million of viewers.

    Btw, do you still recall Eriko Mukoyama aka 'Anyango Nyar Siaya' aka 'the nyatiti lady'?

    The Japanese woman who played the nyatiti musical instrument as well as sung Luo folklore songs in Dholuo (Luo).

    Well, I wonder what would have become of her had she ventured beyond the confines of the lake basin and embraced singing in Swahili for a wider East African audience?

    As someone once said, "It's not what you do, how you do it, but it's where and when you do it."

    In this case, Emmanuel Uweche was lucky enough to find the right niche for his musical performnaces, and for that, we wish China's Unlikely Pop Star all the best of times.

  107. @ Tiskie of Jukwaa 3/16/11 2:56 AM

    They are all full of SHIT !

    I agree with you entirely its about time we changed raila 20 yrs in kibera and nothing's changed except he has began to stink like the slum he represents.

  108. Typo:
    the name of China's Unlikely Pop Star is Emmanuel Uwechue and not Emmanuel Uweche. While credit goes to Jimmy Wang, the producer who came up with four and half minutes clip (China's Unlikely Pop Star), and other Chinese tv stations in Beijing, Hong Kong, such as CCTV et al that continue broadcast sold out performances by Emmanuel Uwechue.

  109. @10:38 AM
    I thought you were just kidding around. The dude is for real, he has a degree in mathematics, and he is an astro-physicist by profession. Enaff said.

  110. anon 10:38AM/11:06AM
    go back to twitter you clown this is not social media to air your nonsense

    They are all full of SHIT !

    "I agree with you entirely its about time we changed raila 20 yrs in kibera and nothing's changed except he has began to stink like the slum he represents."

    Oh, dear. This wasnt supposed to apply to the opinion poll president. Though a feckless dictator (who likes maize and hates for people to pay rent) that has poor managerial skills he's a well-worshipped, forked-tongued god who cares for the environment, the poor and starving, mandazis and unga, and for justice for all (including IDPs). No, he's a safi-kama-pamba nappy. No need to change him.

  112. why are people from the east panicking about a raila presidency...kwani kenya ni yao pekoyao!!

  113. Haitians, New Zealanders, and now the Japanese have had their rammed earth shattering experiences and wake up calls, and now the worry on the mind of most nations around globe is who will be the next victim to encounter Mother Nature's wrath?

    Will be it Kenyans' turn when the Rift Valley, Mt. Kenya, central highlands, Menengai, Longonot, lake region and lowlands get shuffled around by a magnitude of force that knows no ethnicity, political affiliations, economic class, gender, age or religion?

    Do Kenyans really need that kind of horrifying wake up call in order to get their act together or shall they wait until 2020 when most of the current dirty political players have been taken care of by Mother Nature on an individual basis?

    What will it really take for a country like Kenya to be restored back to the fold of civilized and democratic nations around the world that have respect for the law and order?

    Will it take another curving out a geographic slice the size of Madagascar from Kenyan territory in order to bring the ever squabbling ethnicities to see eye to eye on common ground issues?

    Or shall the persistent question remain whether 'to be or not to be' like Somalia, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, or Chad?

  114. The battles rage on as to where the county headquarters should be built.

    None of the above.


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