Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mugoya Construction: The Sensational Comeback That Stinks

Remember Mugoya Constrution? Remember the numerous cases the company faced and even court appearances of the proprietor, Ugandan James Isabirye both in Kenya and his home country of Uganda?

Mugoya construction was also mentioned in the Kroll report and everybody knows how political connections and kick-backs were used to great effect to help the company look like it was the only construction company in Kenya at the height of the Moi era. In those days you just had to name any major project and Mugoya’s tentacles were sure to be there.

Now this house of evil has made a sensational comeback under the watch of the grand coalition government which some naïve Kenyans believe is clean because certain individuals whom they worship are in it.

A quick question for you. Why should a foreigner dominate construction projects in Kenya? Are there no qualified Kenyan companies? Or do we also have a Kenyan construction company dominating things in Uganda?

Let me take this opportunity to announce to Kenyans that Kibaki’s first government was much better and the corruption currently going on is making that administration even with Anglo Lasing hanging over it) look as clean as a Sunday school class. Folks, what is currently going on is a feeding frenzy. Most of your beloved politicians in the grand coalition government are very busy building war chests for the next general elections. They are in a terrible hurry because nobody believes that the next elections will be in 2012. Everybody knows that they will happen much earlier.

The amazing resurrection of Mugoya construction should tell Kenyans a lot. There is no doubt that it is linked to 2012 and the war chests being put together.

My sources tell me that Mugoya is involved in the Nairobi-Mombasa road project. Yes that major highway in Kenya that never seems to be completed although there is some semblance of work going on and construction is so slow that tourists have to shake their guts vigorously when going to Mombasa by road. Mugoya was squeezed into the project under very mysterious circumstances because another company has always been and still is the main contractor. Sources on the ground say that the company is building bus stops and taking care of other “special features” on the road. Wow!!!

I am also informed (and I am verifying this information) that Mugoya is very heavily involved in some hefty contracts in the Prisons department. In fact I am told that Mugoya are heavily hiring (casuals) at the moment. What all this means is that it is now business as usual at Mugoya.

How did this happen under the nose of the grand coalition government? I mean Kenyans are already reeling under the extremely heavy weight of supporting this bloated government and then these chaps are adding insult to injury with their corrupt ways. Where is the Prime Minister? Is there anybody who can stop the feeding frenzy currently going on and clearly illustrated by the return from the grave of Mugoya construction?

What you may have forgotten about Mugoya construction

Mugoya: Bank loans in Kenya and prosecution in home country

Woes with graft body when was Mugoya cleared?

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  1. Chris,

    The ministries of Works, and Immigrations are in the frontline as cash cows for the 2012 Elections' war chest. Do you remember that late Hon. Kones to move from a rented house to a Sh.20million house in Karen within weeks of appointment to the ministry of Works. In addition, to help him enjoy the his good fortune, he was proposing to a young Kikuyu journalist to be a new addition to his halem. I tell you, his death might ave saved the Kenyan tax payers a couple of billions. When Hon. Kajwang' says that their tammies have waited for 45 yrs to taste matunda ya uhuru, he means it from the bottom of his corrupt heart. And when the it is finally reveald what Prof. Anyang' Onyong'o is doing at Health, Kenyans will riot in the streets. Don't even try to touch the PNU side - their greed is well known!!

  2. Chris - Its good you are bringing this up. With all what is going on in Kenya(kriegler, waki etc) the chances are the politicians will have a field day as there will be no scrutiny amid confusion.

    The unfortunate thing is that it is emanating from ODM. ODM did put the bar so high that it would be unfortunate for them to stoop too low. Hope the PM is aware. All the same what do you expect from leaders whose pre-occupation is not the poverty and hardships Kenyans are going through but rather their selfish ego and survival after 2012. These politicians - are really the curse of a great nation-Kenya. And Kenyans are not mediocre - we are olympic champions, nobel prize winner, see the US elections, mau mau etc

    Thats why am proposing to offer myself for leadership in 2012 - to bring a human face and responsive political leadership in Kenya - any support out there?

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  3. Chris,

    the molasses and his gang of 40 thieves have started to show their true colours. what with expert thieves like ruto, kajwang, ngilu, mudavadi, ......and the molasses luo minter himself. these guys will make anglo and golden berg look like candy....odm os a house of thieves, murderous and witches...i pity the minions in the name of Taabu and Phil who spend alot of man hours posting as anon to defend these dimwits. kisumu is realing in the weight of kibera like poverty and all the low lives can think about is an international airport to welcome their pipe dream american it mirage and daftness at its best..

    Taabu's Mistress

  4. Chris,

    Did Ngilu close the secret account she opened in mid-2003 in Nikosia, Cyprus, with the help of Dr. Florence M. Musau, the ousted former CEO of Kenyatta Hospital? That is the black-hole account through which the money for the renovation of the Hospital was routed out of the country! And the dummy account in a relative's and Mr Musau's name that was opened in Florida, USA, for the purpose of siphoning money intended to buy sophisticated kidney and heart machines? When you see these hyenas speak in public you wouldn't know that they have just eaten a baby!!!

  5. Anon 7:56 AM

    You could be right about Ngilu's account in Cyprus. You know Florence studied medicine in Greece (in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki before specialising in pediatrics in Athens). She and her husband speak greek fluently and greek is the main language of greek part of the island of Cyprus. This needs to be followed up by the press since she is suing the govt alleging that she was dismissed from KNH irregularly.

  6. Kenyans have a very short memory
    Flies must be laughing
    Kibaki-Fake prince of peace?

    Grand Coalition Government indivisible, asserts Kibaki
    Written By:PPS , Posted: Sun, Oct 19, 2008

    President Mwai Kibaki has declared that the Grand Coalition Government is indivisible and no petty divisions shall be entertained for the sake of the country's unity.

    Speaking during a meeting with grass root and elected leaders drawn from the vast Rift Valley Province at State House Nakuru, President Kibaki observed that the unity of Kenyans is paramount and cannot be treated casually.

    The President said, "The unity of all Kenyans is the main focus of the coalition government after the post election challenges."

    The President said that the country underwent a very painful experience early this year due to unnecessary divisions and reminded the leaders that Kenya must remain as one.

    The Head of State noted that all Kenyans must be treated equally and their welfare also taken care of equitably in order to foster social cohesion and peaceful intercommunity co-existence.

    During the occasion the President advised the Kenyan youth to guard the peace that the country has enjoyed since independence.

    President Kibaki noted that a majority of Kenya's population were citizens below the age of 45 years who may take for granted the peace prevailing in the country since they never experienced the struggle for independence.

    The Head of State observed that since the country gained independence all communities in the country have co-existed harmoniously and urged all citizens to rededicate themselves in building a new Kenya.

    The President said, "Since Independence, 45years ago Kenyans have lived harmoniously and they must seek forgiveness for what happened early in the year."

    He further appealed to all citizens to endeavour to live in harmony and support Government's efforts of promoting equitable development in all parts of the country and improve the living standards of the majority.

    "We should reflect on why we behaved violently against one another. We must dialogue amongst ourselves to avert such horrific incidences against fellow citizens in future," said the Head of State.

    The President reminded Kenyans that leaders from all parts of the country have decided to not only unite the citizens but also to work together regardless of their political inclinations to build a new Kenya.

    He commended and urged the Provincial administration to continue inculcating the virtues of patriotism and unity among Kenyans in various parts of the country.

    With regard to the councilors salaries President Kibaki commended them for their vital contribution in grassroot development and promised that the issue will be addressed to satisfaction after comprehensive consultations.

    The President, however, cautioned that no groups of public servants will be accorded preferential treatment in salary rewards adding that all remunerative packages must be realized through sound financial management and increased tax collection because the government cannot borrow to fund such expenditures.

    During the occasion President Kibaki told all government institutions to guard against any grabbing of public resources. He was responding to allegations that land for Nakuru Municipal Council water supply had been grabbed.

    Addressing the same meeting Forestry and Wildlife Minister, Noah Wekesa thanked President Kibaki for ensuring equitable distribution of the national resources through various initiatives.

    The occasion was attended by Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, Deputy Prime Minister and Trade Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti, Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi, Defence Minister Yusuf Haji and PNU Secretary General, George Nyamweya among other members of parliament from the province and beyond.

  7. Chris,
    Thank you for highlighting this important issue. Don't you think it is time to payback those who sponsored the "Duly elected" president to keep the stolen potato? Libyans got theirs in Grand Regency and now Ugandans who provided thousands of rogue soldiers to supress ODM supporters during the aftermath of election are getting theirs. So do not waste time shouting big. This is the culture of impunity my dear friends. The looting of state resources will go on and on for as long as the empire is still ruling. Co-operative shares are up for grabs despite expert advice to suspend the IPO. The same owners of safaricom, RVR, and any other recently sold state corporations will buy co-op and life continues. We will cheer and jeer but "foreign investors" will continue looting and enriching there already full bellies where as millions of kenyans lnguish in poverty.

  8. Please all Non -Odmers, do not see this poor people normal human being just like you and me they are basically ill and need to be loved, helped and refered to a psychologist. I personally think this website somehow helps them to get it out of their system. So well done to the person who set it up. So there nothing to be embarrassed about and I promise you it can be cured. There always be help there for them if they acknowledge it and stop being in denial: This form of denial involves avoiding personal responsibility by blaming, minimizing or justifying. Blaming is a direct statement shifting culpability and may overlap with denial of fact. Minimizing is an attempt to make the effects or results of an action appear to be less harmful than they may actually be. Justifying is when someone takes a choice and attempts to make that choice look okay due to their perception of what is "right" in a situation. Someone using denial of this kind of behaviour is usually attempting to avoid potential harm or pain by shifting attention away from themselves.

  9. Taabu's Mistress

    6:47 AM

    Let it be known as facts Mugoya was sunctioned back into business by Michuku check your facts madam!!
    spreading your filthy propanganda here won't wash- go look at who signed the mugoya contract in 2005-2006:):) yani you guys like putting your foot in your mouth before checking facts:):)

    again the Mt. Kenya Mafia has been caught red handed....
    watch and see how they will get out of this one look at Transcentury (Rift Valley Railway line?? they thought they had bagged it.... but now they have no place to hide.. Jimmy Kibaki has share in Transcentury ha!ha! so what is new?? Kibaki using his own children to accumulate wealth...

  10. Now kenyans can look at this lunatic con(PNU bought MP Ababu Namwamba) ati now fighting for an MP who was engaged in criminal activities!! how many innocent kenyan are in foreign jails without government interventions? let him start by asking the government to look at all those cases abroad of kenyans in foreign jails before asking the government to intervene for a criminal former member of Parliament with his girlfriend...

    Shame shame on Ababu Namwamba shenzi kabisa.

    MP wants Government to intervene on Wanjala and Akinyi’s behalf

    Updated 4 hr(s) 11 min(s) ago

    By Roselyne Obala

    The Budalang’i MP wants the Government to make an effort to have a former minister arrested in India returned.

    Mr Ababu Namwamba, yesterday urged the Government to consult with Indian authorities on former Assistant minister Raphael Wanjala’s fate.

    "I have pleaded Wanjala’s case with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Moses Wetangula and I hope the Government will be in a position to intervene

    "The Government should offer any necessary assistance to the former Assistant Minister and his woman friend because they are Kenyan citizens," said Ababu, who ousted Wanjala in the last General Election.

    Wanjala and Ms Joyce Akinyi, the woman at the centre of a divorce and property wrangle with her Nigerian husband, were arrested in New Delhi, India last week. Namwamba said he held talks with the minister to ensure their safe return.

    He argued that despite the magnitude of the offence, the two should be tried in their own country.

    Budalang’i residents said they were concerned with the conduct of the former MP.

    "Why is he going around with a married woman yet he has two wives? Although we appeal to the Government to help him, he is letting us down as a community," said Mr Corneli Sebe, a resident.

    However, family members at Wanjala’s rural home in Budalang’i remained tight-lipped over his fate.

    They declined to talk to The Standard team, which visited the home.




    1. PRINT PROPAGANDA TO CONFUSE KENYAN(only the empty heads from central province read your paper and take it is a bible) the rest of kenya most tribes are tooooo intelligent to read your nonsense..

    2. The bullet factory since kibaki took over power has been controlled by Kibaki government in fact he Kibaki sales Bullets to his Buddie Museveni of |Uganda (we as kenyans have those facts)

    And if I may ask the kalejins that you point out got bullets from this factory??? were they using sticks to put bullets in ?? since they had no guns??




    How guns from Mt Elgon and bullet factory worker supported attacks

  12. Anon 3:15,

    Decency is a virtue. Isn't this all highlighted on the WAKI report. These guys are just messengers. Its unafrican to despise the messenger.

    Why dont you take your time to go through the report, then make an informed contribution.

    Mzee wa Kijiji

  13. anon3:39 PM

    Mzee wa Kijiji(wacha upuzi - speak for yourself- gutter press is gutter press and kenyans know daily nation stands for that)

    which page and just to let you know that the facts and the truth about the Bullet factory will be out soon too.... and what i stated here are facts from the managers and workers at the factory....

    Daily nation Kibaki press as we all know it spreads lots of propaganda and lies and i will stand by my comments on here... it is not about shouting a messenger!! it is about stating facts about the messenger who seems to always change the news or package before delivering it and that is what Daily Nation kikuyu gutter press is known for.. you my friend maybe prefer reading gutter news.. most kenyans don't!

  14. Its good to expose such cases as the Mugoya one,It deals a great blow to the credibilty of the government in its supposed fight against corruption.

    But i must point out that your post is riddled with bad reasoning.

    For example you ask,

    "A quick question for you. Why should a foreigner dominate construction projects in Kenya?

    It seems you are asserting that indeed Mugoya is dominating cons5truction projects in the country,I don't know if this claim is true,but it is very clear that most major road construction in the country are being undertaken by chinese road construction company's.

    You say,
    Let me take this opportunity to announce to Kenyans that Kibaki’s first government was much better and the corruption currently going on is making that administration even with Anglo Lasing hanging over it) look as clean as a Sunday school class.

    your argumnet seems to be
    1.Mugoya was a corruption machine
    2.The government is using mugoya (for corrupt deals)
    3.Therefore this ghovernment is worse than the former government.

    The conclusion does not follow from the premises.
    The only concklusion we can draw is that The government is engaging in corrupt deals.

    But concluding that this is proof that the current government is worse than the former because of mugoya, is bad argumnetation.

    you say,

    Folks, what is currently going on is a feeding frenzy. Most of your beloved politicians in the grand coalition government are very busy building war chests for the next general elections. They are in a terrible hurry because nobody believes that the next elections will be in 2012. Everybody knows that they will happen much earlier.

    The amazing resurrection of Mugoya construction should tell Kenyans a lot. There is no doubt that it is linked to 2012 and the war chests being put together.

    again another case of bad reasoning.And unclear informatiion.Who is benefitting from mugoya's dealings?who is preparing the money for 2012?if the road constrruction ministry is under ODM,then does it mean that the "acting finace minister" is the one to blame?what about other ministries like the Prisons department?Who is to blame for contracting mugoya?Did the roads and housing ministry sit down and decide to give the tenders to mugoya?

    Your post commits the fallacy of Hasty generalization.Your basing a broad conclusion from insufficient statistics.Leaping to concluions from a small(in this case only 1) sample.

    Do not take this the wrong way, I am sure you are an experienced writer,and you should try and avoid sensatilizing news at the expense of common logic and reaon.This leads people to draw wrong conclusions,and paints a rather inaccurate picture from scanty evidence.

  15. Sorry meant to say "acting road minister"

  16. Chris,
    No to rain on anybody's party. Let us compare and contrast these two accounts of the same story/news o Judge Kariki:


    Whom do you trust?

  17. Goldenburg, Anglo Leasing, Mugoya...seems to me that a skunk by any other name is a skunk. All we do in Kenya is recycle. So wacha the mugoya guys eat in peace. Goldenburg guys ate, and so did AL.

    A wise man once said,"it is like raping a willing woman!"

    It's all mind over matter; as long as Kenyans don't mind, then it doesn't matter. Whinning and potificating on Kumekucha - am sorry to say - will not change anything. At the very least, collect signatures and hand them over to whatever ministry of foreign affaires in your host country. Picket and match. Write to BBC and CNN. We should borrow a leaf from Obama on organization and lobby the government just the same way the Cubans in Miami have done.

    just saying...

  18. Taabu

    Please stick to the post, won't you? Not that i expect you to comply anyway

  19. @Anon 1.02,
    Sorry but am GLUELESS. Any help? You can be more original, can't you?

  20. Taabu,

    u seem to run amock now that ua god molasses seems to be on a highway to hague....same for ruto and the other murderous who u keep fighting here to protect.
    you are about to close shop dimwit....get another job...

  21. Taabu

    You can do better than responding to anons, can't you?

  22. anon5:18 AM

    The only people en-route to HAGUE highway are Emilio Kibaki, Uhuru, Michuki, Karua, Saitoti, Njenga Karume and cronies this are the people confirmed at the meeting with the Mungiki gang at statehouse before and after.... let me repeat confirmed meeting with the Mungiki gang before 27 December elections and after..... pole sana they can't even crawl and hide in a pit like Saddam Husein:):) they have been caught hands down... HAGUE awaits them:)

  23. easy @ 6:06

    the writer does not lay claim to any specific class of reasoning but is a journalist and by profession/design will either leave the reader to draw conclusions or inferences as needed by reading between the lines

    i read the syllogism as follows

    1.Mugoya was a corruption machine
    2.The government is using mugoya (for corrupt deals)
    3.therefore this government is corrupt

    but that is not news, so why would the writer bring this up, we then add the new inferences although not explicitly stated, the corruption cartels are perhaps making a "ferocious and unabated" comeback (having silenced the former PS of Ethics and anybody else, and by the way people was this ethics post ever taken up again or did it just fizzle out with Githongo, who is the PS for whatever that title was .. this i just added in for theatrics...)

    you may therefore want to suppose that the new corruption levels will be worse (on account of re-affirmed impunity) than the previous

    this is the supposition/hypothesis/assertion that needs to be questioned and evaluate whether the writer has presented sufficient credible argument to hold up the allegation.

    i dont think one form of corruption is worse than another. its all corruption. the problem with kibaki administation and now the coalition kibaki/rao administration is that there is no political will to fight corruption, but perhaps it is premature to judge the coalition govt because its basically at infancy.

    corruption in the kenyatta, moi or kibaki regime was all bad, impunity made it worse in Moi and Kibaki regime.

  24. Kenya is legally opened for global looting. It's regulations are so lax that any outsider can set-up shop here under the cover of foreign investment. Look at what is happening in Malindi with the Italian mafia. Much of Kenya's wealth is owned by non-African foreigners and I find your emphasis that Mugoya is a Ugandan completely uncalled for, emotional and xenophobic. So what if he is a Ugandan? Is he a crook because he is Ugandan? Does it make it less or more painful for us if we were being fleeced by a Ugandan than a fellow Kenyan? I don't think so. In any case, Mugoya was 'eating' his ill-gotten wealth with his Kenyan partners, and since he has been here for so long, he may even have acquired Kenyan citizenship! My point is that being a Kenyan isn't a licence to loot your own country.

  25. even after being exposed these sleaze operators still try to squeeze payments

  26. The guy who spoke of Wanjala and Akinyi, let them and any other Kenyan arrested abroad rot and die in jail. After all they thought what they can do in Kenya they can do anywhere else. We have no country. You can do anything here including selling people, but please keep it here, dont push ypur luck and do it abroad. Namwamba is probably Wanjalas relative or Akinyi's God knows what , otherwise he would not give a damn whether they serve life in prison, wherever.

  27. Let any one Kenyan tell me they are not waiting for their turn to steal. We have no values as a country and we are all cursed. We will continue fighting, dying of hunger and getting accidents on our roads due to corruption. The good news is all of us are victims of corruption including the big fish. They will die in air crashes with fake pilots while the rest of us die of hunger and accidents. We are all the same. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!


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