Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Prince on Sabbatical Leaves the King Exposed

The adage that those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat its fatal mistakes couldn’t have been more apt in the present Kenyan political theatre of absurd. Semantics galore on whether stepping aside is same as resigning. Well, egos have no circumference and you indulge in inflating them all the much you wish till you discover you are only AUTO MASSAGING. Two Finance ministers under single regime in less than five years and both booted out in disgrace for the same reason CORRUPTION.

Only in Kenya do you find a minister begging to be fired when he never asked to be appointed in the first place. The tribal and political kites cannot fly any more and they must take a detour to abyss. There is no substitute to lack of leadership. Decoys and attention deviations can only last so long. In the long run the eggs must kiss your face leaving it plastered with the awful smell. Serial goofs remain the singular thread holding Kibaki’s tattered reign. His apologists may work overdrive sanitizing the rot but unfortunately the nauseating stench overwhelms any tribal deodorant.

Impunity and utter contempt are two sides of the same coin. The Kimunyagate has just started and the script is so predictable and disgusting so much so that it leaves your stomach boiling in bile. The game of semantics is very well calculated to convey the message that nothing has changed. Kimunya has only opted for a sabbatical leave to cool political temperatures. In few months time before you say Lucy he will be back in cabinet just like Mwiraria before him. Jomo Jr and the powers behind the throne cannot just watch as their efforts become a casuality of pressure from public opinion. To hell with the court of public opinion it never made anybody a multi-millionaire.

Serial goofs patented
Grand Regency was just the tip of a massive iceberg. What we are seeing right now are ripples from the NATIOANL RIPOFF that has been going on while we danced to the decoy of 6% economic growth. DECEPTION and FRAUD are the two principal ingredients defining this regime. And these vices are executed with total contempt and unrivalled impunity. The Grand coalition has proved such an inconvenience and irritant to derail the looting gravy train. You cannot fail to see EXPERIENCED civil servants retained purposely to undercut and frustrate the annoying nosers from within the government.

It cannot be sadistic to imagine God calling Kimunya’s bluff by recalling his LUNGS. It is not over till it over. Auctioning country Kenya must continue at whatever cost. At the end of this regime Kenya would be nothing but a mere geographical location exclusively owned by Libyans and Chinese. Kenyans are paying a dear price for having a marionette for a leader. Mistaking cluelessness and characteristic muteness in defence devoid of any trace of pro-activity for leadership is the height of self deception.

Meanwhile the charade promises interesting acts with the budget debate pending appointment of a substantive Finance Minister. Amos has done the necessary shredding in the last week and only a homeboy can be trusted with the key to treasury. In the din of all the suffocating heat we conveniently forget the KING of IMPUNITY as he ruminates on the next priced asset Kenya can offer. Kenya's title deed is up for grabs now that the Libyan Embassy in Nairobi has confirmed that Kibaki and Gaddafi signed three protocols. The state sanctioned LOOTING stinks to high heavens. By the way did Kimunya vow he would rather die than resign? If only God could honour that wish we would be one scoundrel less.


  1. just wanted to be first. Now I will read the article. YES WE CAN!

    Sam Okello

  2. Taabu,
    Quite right my dear fellow, quite right.

    It has to be a familiar sense of deja vu even for die hard PNU sympathisers. I say sympathisers because I doubt that there are any PNU die hards. They have been through this scenerio one too many times now with Kibaki predictably staying true to his character and modus operandi. Quiet, ditached, possibly what he assumes to being above the fray.

    It also has to be quite an irritating feeling for PNU enthusiasts. Why does Kibaki always find himself in such predicaments? Why isn't he more proactive in offence? Why is he muted in defence? Why does this happen within months of his tenure? And how in God's name does Raila always know what they are up to? Why, why, why?

    I knew it was a matter of time until Kimunya was out. Forget all this nonsense from Mutua about temporary measures. When I saw Martha Karua not utter a single word as Khalwale and others tore into Kimunya's CV and sperm count; I knew these were the dying kicks of a donkey.

    Deep in their hearts, PNU chaps know that Kibaki doesn't have it in himself to govern. He doesn't inspire. He is always overtaken by events. Even as his crew now looks to a post Kibaki era, with Kalonzo and Karua positioning themselves for the presidency without the so much talked about Moi succession like debate; PNU guys and gals know that they gave it their best but parhaps this old man is not Mzee kenyatta after all.

  3. Sam Okello,
    if you scroll down from the post page to Name/URL, you can enter your name without any problems. Unless you'd rather be known as anon...

  4. Ok, now you must revise the line that goes:

    'To hell with the court of public opinion it made any Kenyan a multi-millionaire.'

    It makes no sense. Revise it and I will check later to see whether you managed to make sense. I can do it for you if you want.

    Sam Okello

  5. Anonymous said...
    Sam Okello,
    if you scroll down from the post page to Name/URL, you can enter your name without any problems. Unless you'd rather be known as anon...

    And who are you?

  6. Sam,
    I am me! Just a bull fighter from Ikolomani!

    Max Maneno.

  7. Taabu I love your post.

  8. Two finance ministers since Kibaki took over; both booted out of office in disgrace, is a clear indication of the kind of/lack of leadership at the top.

    The king is surely exposed but I wouldn't be surprised if his trusted lieutenant is sneaked back when something pops up to 'keep the wapumbavu occupied'.

    Seriously, I wonder what his game plan is (surely the athuri must be working overdrive to identify another one of their own) as far as filling the now vacant portfolio is concerned.

    I know the injured ego has to be massaged, but I feel saddened by the message they seem to be sending out-that mumunya will pick up from where he left after being (predictably)cleared by one of the many fake commissions.

    For obvious reasons, the replacement will not be Oburu as would be expected, instead I hear -Kalonzo, jomo jr, Michuki, peter kenneth etc being touted around. Granted, it will probably be someone willing to complete the shredding from where mumunya left, but at least give us someone with basic accounting knowledge and the ability to handle the scrutiny which am sure is to be expected. (Especially after showing that they cannot resist dipping their hands in the cookie jar).

    We have interesting days ahead.

  9. You know, it is sad that the kenyan minister usually takes the fall when things go down the toilet. I remember VP Awori saying that he was not aware of Anglo Leasing deals he signed because the technocrats deal with the details. His job is to polish his knob of a head and smile and sign whatever the technocrats put infront of him. To some extent I think Kimunya got caught in a similar situation.

    That being said, it looks to me like we have to change how PS's and assis. ministers are hired. The president hires these fellows and the minister is forced to work with them. Many of our ministers have never run anything. They win elections and are appointed and find themselves in a plush office with a couple of choice autos. They have no clue what running a department...errrr ministry is all about.

    It is high time that these clowns go for job training. It should be part of their duties to meet certain criteria as they go along. If it is good enough for Walmart, Pfizer, Google, Microsoft, halliburton and other large corporations to train their staff sembuse sisi?

  10. Uhuru can not be trusted with power or money at that , just look at how he abused his office at the local govt.


    “I’d rather die“ KimunyaGate is a textbook case of the information age . This is the future. I hope you enjoyed this episode play by play. The stra was a delicate combination of open democracy fussed with laws of the land. A powerful force indeed. YOU MADE AND CAN CONTINUE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

    Let’s review our notes:

    Economic thugs “tribal’s” who pass as politicians should be exposed and left to speak for
    themselves. Kudos to Parliament for closing the exit strategy that has been used to prop
    up incompetence and graft. Next step is legislation that “resignation shall be a consequent of censured public servant “ The emperor really had no cloths.

    The commander in chief is supposed to make quick decisions based on the common good. If he is incapable of making quick prudent decisions, they will be made for him. Kudos to the committees which did the job in 24 hours – I guess that was why they were “flawed “as opposed to commissions that took more than thirteen years dancing with the wolves with nothing to show. No more partisan commissions, we have structures in place that can deal with these issues quick. LET’S USE THEM.

    Spoken words should – especially using a megaphone, be taken seriously especially from the so called “leaders “no more incompetent BABA na MAMA higgledy-piggledy who have been sheltered and escaped being called on their bluffs. Ohhh this and that is not how the affairs of the State should be run. The good people of Kipiriri are you with me? Your hands are clean

    The government should be run on merit, not on prowers of shady fund raising talent
    and management of clubs. Leisure and pastimes should not be criteria of fittness to handle critical positions in Government. We need a head count at treasury and a review of all the Government supply contracts – from pencils to the budget briefcase. This legacy should be terminated. The budget should be reviewed through a microscope considering who tabled it.

    The public has a right to know and we encourage whistle blowers and leakers, especially when the resources of the country are in jeopardy. Secret deliberations, back channel pardons of goons on behalf of citizens in the dark should be banished never to be tolerated again. Executive power is NO MORE absolute power. There are ways to contain it if its focus is exploitation of the masses.

    A good word to Honourable Justice and Constitutional Minister, you are a professional unlike some spoon feed amateurs who when exposed to the headlights are dazzled and confused, you said “Merit should count for something” Show Wanainchi what merit in your vocabulary really means - Make sure this issue is exposed to justice with the MERIT and urgency it deserves. Switch on your sport lights.

    Wanainchi Kaa Ngumu Support Fund – You and I know that Mbesha has been misappropriated and is being used to support further theft and confuse the facts. The scions are the beneficiaries of family corruption fortunes. An appeal should go out for a transparent wanainchi defence fund to support those who are in the forefront of supporting our fight against graft and impunity. We all have seen in the last few days how the media has been compromised for individual gain - through milking the tribal cow. This good fight has been fought and is being won on Independent Media. Let us all think critically how we can contribute to this effort. We need to co-ordinate resources to finish this off permanently. Kamiti should be prepared to welcome some big names. Is there enough room Hon Mr Vice Kalonzo Musyoka ?

    Finally tribalism is NOT and should not be allowed to rear its ugly head as a defence. Silence in matters so important should be called what it is “Kugwoya“. Yawa ! Lets enrich each others language. The megaphone should be used to UNITE not DIVIDE.
    Marley sang the colour of the skin, substitute that for tribe – PERMANENTLY.


    Haya ni sosini basi.

  12. well said Taabu

    I however, do not care much for kimumunya's theatrics about rather die than resign. thats the foolishness associated with PNU into believing their own hype and thereafter personalising national resources and its management.

    the real leaders are out there shepherding and nurturing these resources while the loud ignoramus smart ass looters are jawing about how they've turned the economy. while in truth, they fast tracked looting of public coffers in the name of fancy sounding jargon privatisation, etc. I agree that Equity bank should be investigated

    I would like to see their financial position (i bet some "hard work" has paid off), but oops, remember there were accountants involved so the books will be squeaky clean

  13. 3:14, hiyo ni poa, 2nd that

  14. They say every fool has a rainbow that only he can see. Kimunya was so busy doing jigs around his rainbow he didn't see Martha Karua sneaking up behind him with a dagger. He'll live, but he'll never dance again.

  15. PNU guys and gals, wakina Vikii and company; where at thou? Not to be flippant but I would like to hear your point of view on this. Remember, we are all Kenyans and we should always listen to what the other has to say. So holla back...

  16. well well

    why am i not surprised


  17. Pnu opperatives think they can hack into Ruto's phone and use it to send hate SMS messages:) this PNU goons amaze me- now Safaricom and CID at is involved but the best part ODM has brought in a phone security specialist a kenyan who works for one big phone company abroad that handles sensitive phone security all over the world:) they will find the link or the hacker trust me:):) I'm dying to see which PNU goon that thought they could get away with it!!

    this days do not play with phone hacking- it has gone hi-tech you will be caught....

  18. Pnu opperatives think they can hack into Ruto's phone and use it to send hate SMS messages:) this PNU goons amaze me- now Safaricom and CID at is involved but the best part ODM has brought in a phone security specialist a kenyan who works for one big phone company abroad that handles sensitive phone security all over the world:) they will find the link or the hacker trust me:):) I'm dying to see which PNU goon that thought they could get away with it!!

    this days do not play with phone hacking- it has gone hi-tech you will be caught....

  19. What's all this nonsense about Emilio Mwai Kibaki and his capacity to lead? Let's give credit where its due, this is one leader who, unlike Raila and his acolytes, does not run his mouth over every thing. That's a leader to admire. Moreover, he did what most people hardly do--gave his ministers the freedom to run their ministries per their competence. Unlike Moi who poked his fingers and toes into every little thing. Again, a leader to admire and emulate. Give the guy a BREAK.
    At this rate, not unlike others on this blog, I'm starting to actually doubt whether Raila is truly competent to lead Kenya. His dim-witted, uncritical, sheep-like followers dont make it any easier.

  20. 5:43 PM

    Your doubts are just a figment of your imagination, facts my brother facts or go back to slumber wherever you are . I guess you are still vouching for "i`d rather die" in the next elections - lets see what kipiriri will say first

  21. You mean he gave his club buddies a free hand ?

  22. To my friends at Kumekucha,

    I use Shaddy to blog here. Whenever you see any Sam Okello that's not Shaddy, ignore the idiot.

    Sam Okello

  23. dude 5:43

    What's all this nonsense about Emilio Mwai Kibaki and his capacity to lead?

    HE does not have what it takes.

    Let's give credit where its due, this is one leader who, unlike Raila and his acolytes, does not run his mouth over every thing. That's a leader to admire.

    he does not need to and no asks him to, BUT dear sir/ma'am the issue is when there is a crisis he gets even more mute. SO if he does not solve or facilitate solution to the small problems, the medium problems and the large problems what exactly is he useful for, the good times? if yes then he should remain a ceremonial figurehead and leave the running of affairs good or bad to those that can do it. DOnt give us the bull of behind the scenes push and pull, this was reactionary to pressure (as always) if you admire that, you need to go to management school

    Moreover, he did what most people hardly do--gave his ministers the freedom to run their ministries per their competence.


    Unlike Moi who poked his fingers and toes into every little thing.

    Moi was OK at the beginning but from early 80s to when he "retired" he run the country down through interference. Agreed. His final interference attempt (project Uhuru) was rejected.

    Again, a leader to admire and emulate.

    Again Go to management school

    Give the guy a BREAK.
    Yes we did and thats why we sent him home 2007, but he refused to leave

    At this rate, not unlike others on this blog, I'm starting to actually doubt whether Raila is truly competent to lead Kenya. His dim-witted, uncritical, sheep-like followers dont make it any easier.

    None of your statements above can in any way plausibly lead to this conclusion drawn from the thinnest of air. Demonstrates that yu are only echoing what you've heard others say that soothingly stokes your ego in this "trying moment"

    As a kenyan I need to allow you as my bro/sis to grieve, vent, rejoice or otherwise, its safeguarded in our otherwise flawed constitution.


    You are welcome

  24. can you people, Phil, Chris, Taabu, Derek, Vikii and Oscar tell your colleague Sam Okello to avoid this BLOG. I am an ODM supporter, but Sam Okello is a BORE. Simply tell him to FUCK OFF. Sam can you go away.

  25. Which 'trying moment'? I'm as glad as you are that we are now having a formal inquiry into a possibly corrupt deal, perhaps for different reasons. What I grieve for, however, your narrow mind has little capacity to understand--a civilized proces for enforcing accountability. What we saw these few days can hardly be called that. Hence my conclusion that Raila's emotional, pin-headed, sheep-like followers do him little justice and in fact will ruin any chances he has of attracting a different breed of voter. Do you get it now?

  26. dude 6:40

    Which 'trying moment'? I'm as glad as you are that we are now having a formal inquiry into a possibly corrupt deal, perhaps for different reasons.


    What I grieve for, however, your narrow mind has little capacity to understand--a civilized proces for enforcing accountability. What we saw these few days can hardly be called that.

    for that "civilized process" to be enforced, the suspect had to first be apprehended or smoked out by use of force and even then he still resisted "rather die than resign"

    Hence my conclusion that Raila's emotional, pin-headed, sheep-like followers do him little justice and in fact will ruin any chances he has of attracting a different breed of voter.

    personally have no interest in being attractive to you, its about a quest for good and just governance and justice. if your priorities are attraction first then other issues, then that explains why we are on different sides.

    Do you get it now?
    Yes But the question is DO you?

  27. The problem with you dumb-sheep followers is that you claim democracy yet use force in the same breath, and unsurprisingly, see no contradiction. It sucks.

  28. Anon 5:43, 6:40. We undersatnd your frustration at the moment. It's certainly unfair to call anyone that does not support Kibaki all the explithets that I see so many of you vomiting on every post. If we are pin headed Raila followers, then what would you describe your lot that follow Kibaki without knowing where he is headed nor what is on his mind.

    Let us assume the leaders;Raila, Kibaki, Musyoka, Uhuru etc are shepherds and we are all pin headed blind sheep.

    Would you rather a shepherd who is BOLD (able to protect you from wild animals), and constantly reassures you that you are in good hands, or ONE WHO SPENDS ALL HIS DAYS SLEEPING IN STATEHOUSE?

    If this is what makes me a pinhead Give me Raila any day.

    Haya, the wolves can now eat me.


  29. watch another fool; this is before \kimunya was told to resign:)


    does some have a video of the day after?? shenzi's like this should step aside- let us now look at what he did in local government?? i hear many shady deals in the offing to be exposed= no wonder he was supporting Kimunya:):)


    I wish to advertise for the post of Minister for Finance.

    You must be MP.

    You must be from Kiambu, Nyeri or Muranga and not from Meru.

    You must be not more than 50years and a good golf player.

    Kindly send your applications to president@statehouse.go.ke

  31. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYLMA3hzc-E
    Did you notice this idiot contradict himself constantly...ati "...there is nothing to indict Kimumunya... the only thing that indicts Kimumunya is the contradictory statements he made regarding the sale etc, etc. I think the fool went to that press conference when he was already stoned! Just watch his eyes.

  32. Cry, baby Kimunya, cry!!!
    Die baby Kimunya, die!!!

  33. Eti we should now clap for a serial liar because he saw the light. The fact is that Kimunya lied and lied and lied and lied until he couldn't lie anymore.

    He had to be dragged from the Treasury cursing, kicking, yelling and screaming. He ought to have resigned many days ago, thank you very much. In more serious democracies, the police would have felt his collar by now. Want to know when Kimunya is lying in a straight face through his teeth? Just watch him open his mouth!

    As I said before, it's goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish. Please exit the stage and never come back. Your 3 years of fame at the Treasury are over.
    The Cabinet smells a bit sweeter though the war is still to be won. Kibaki is not unscathed, he comes out as a WEAK, INDECISIVE AND CLUELESS LEADER.

    Hongera wakenya!


    Nbi Kenya.

  34. Sam Okello -stop posting here comments as Anon only to have a possibility to accuse others for sending them. We are not stupid and have realized that this is your way to attract attention and having your name come up here as often as possible. As others have told you already, we are fed up with your games. Continue posting in API, Mashada, Mambogani and all the other blogs to whom you are sending your boring essays.

  35. Anonymous 6:30 PM said...
    can you people, Phil, Chris, Taabu, Derek, Vikii and Oscar tell your colleague Sam Okello to avoid this BLOG. I am an ODM supporter, but Sam Okello is a BORE. Simply tell him to FUCK OFF. Sam can you go away.
    Well, you can avoid this website if you don't like my posts. Anyone holding a gun to your head and directing you to Kumekucha?

    Sam OkellO

  36. Dude 7:02

    The problem with you dumb-sheep followers is that you claim democracy yet use force in the same breath, and unsurprisingly, see no contradiction.

    that is the paradox of life, you must be young or uninformed. check out these paralels

    when there are riots (or protests really), the govt sends out troops to restore peace, i.e they are ona peace mission, however they carry rungus, tear gas and all sorts of weapons not bibles or qurans which would be the best peace weapon, and no one sees any contradiction

    the UN deploys peacekeapers to various war zones, these guys are also armed to the teeth and will use force to maintain the peace

    i would suggest an experiment based on your logic, we drop you in the middle of a conflict street e.g mogadishu with a bible or quran and let you talk peace with the militia there. if you survive 5 minutes feel free to write a novel and publish

    to gain greater democracy and better governance we are most likely going to fight for it and each other to attain it

    It sucks.

    Yes it does and so do you

  37. Kimunya must be Jesus and thus resurrected!!i feel pity for him and how he has been sacrificed in the 11th hour!!

  38. Anon 4:33 AM aka Sam Okello - still around meddling with this blog? You are not yet the owner of this blog, or did Chris pass it over to you when he run away from Kenya? Keep on posting in Mashada. That's where your fictions belong.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.