Saturday, December 29, 2007

Only 9 GNU Cabinet Ministers Re-Elected To Parliament

It is emerging now that out of 35 member strong of President Kibaki's so called Government of National Unity government, only 9 members have made it back to the August House following the 27th December 2007 general election.

They are:-
  1. Wilfred Machage
  2. Amos Kimunya
  3. Kiraitu Murungi
  4. Chirau Ali Mwakwere
  5. John Njoroge Michuki
  6. Noah Wekesa
  7. Soita Shitanda
  8. Mohammed Kuti
  9. Martha Karua
It therefore means, in the unlikely event that PNU wins the election, new faces like KANU's Uhuru Kenyatta and possibly ODM-K's Kalonzo Musyoka and Mutula Kilonzo may be named as full cabinet ministers.

However, Kibaki's government, even if it includes ODM-K and KANU members of parliament will have to contend with a minority in parliament because the latest MP's breakdown show the ODM has more than 96 MPs so far, against PNUs 35, ODM-K's 15 and KANU's 7. Whether a PNU government will conduct business smoothly. Other parties affiliated to PNU with seats won so far are Safina which has 9 seats and New FORD-K 2. Nationally, 21 seats have yet to be announced.

Nairobi, with eight constituencies has won 5 seats (Langata, Westlands, Embakasi, Kasarani, Starehe) while PNU has only won 1 seat (Dagoretti). The Kamkunji seat is hotly disputed and the ECK has announced the vote will have to be repeated.


  1. The message to Kibaki is clear: we like you, but not the guys you've surrounded yourself with.

    Thanks for acknowledging the possibility that ODM or PNU may form the next govt.Either way, I think it means that we will be very well governed, with a very strong opposition. If everyone has Kenya's interests at heart, that is.

    Phil, I appreciate your outlook since you are on the ground versus some people reading stuff online and declaring the winner.

  2. Governmant of National Unity without an MOU.

    Period. Lakini, tulipigwa shindwa hata Nairobi!

    Kazi iendelee


  3. 08h45, after the ECK suspends press briefings, additional security forces have been deployed to and around KICC. Maj-Gen Ali (Police Commissioner) has assured the nation on security.

    ECK commissioners reportedly in a meeting with political party agents.

    EU envoys, raise concerns on the slow pace of releasing results, but continue to express concern for the nation.

    No word yet from the chief protagonists President Kibaki or his chief rivals Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka.

  4. Its disturbing when the country is so tense that ECK is still holding back results. My opinion is someone is cooking them. With results pending from 19 constituencies and the announcement from Dr. Noah Wekesa in a press conference that Kibaki has won with a difference of almost 300,000 votes (4,533,181) over Raila's 4,206,062 its no surprise where close to 700,000 votes will come from to achieve this tally. The nerve of these wazees is shocking. Washindwe.

  5. Dont be so sure about a strong opposition..the habit of Kenyan politicians of being bought will soon rear its ugly head and some of them will soon be rushing for ministerial positions

  6. Kamukunji's electoral process MUST be repeated. Anybody who watched KTN News saw the vote tally tampering in favor of PNU with their own eyes. The camera zeroed in on a certain gentleman as he flipped through vote tally sheet after vote tally sheet showing viewers how the initial PNU vote tallies were written over to increase the value e.g. a "0" turned into a "6" or "9" and son on. Do these people think Kenyans are idiots?

    No wonder the reporting officers concerned went underground.

  7. Yeah, Kenyans want Kibaki to win sooo badly that they showed up to vote for him in numbers that exceed the registered voters in several constituencies. They also want him to win so badly that they are sitting on results waiting to doctor them as results from other regions come in, have even run away with the tallied results thus abdicating their duty to ALL Kenyans and violating the law, turned off their cell phones and are in hiding. Yes, they really want Kibaki to win, REAL bad. There is no argument about that. And I'm sure no one asked them to do this...their just taking matters in to their own hands. Wow, this is such a joke, I thought I was watching a goofy episode of the Simpsons when I first heard about this. Question is, will the ECK stand up to this or will they chalk this up to collateral damage?

  8. George Saitoti has become the 10th minister in Kibaki's government to retain his parliamentary seat (Kajiado North).

    Saitoti (PNU): 40,376
    Ole Sakuda (ODM): 21,602

    Presidential votes from the same constituency:

    Kibaki PNU) 49,038
    Raila ODM) 25,330


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