Monday, July 09, 2007

Will Mary Wambui Seek Political Office?


We all know who Mary Wambui is don't we?

Officially there is no link between her and the President. But nobody takes that official word seriously. Not with the huge contingent of GSU paramilitary officers who camp at her Lavington home and the security detail that follows her everywhere she goes.

Kumekucha recognizes her as our beloved President's second wife.

Emerging intelligence indicates that contrary to what most Kenyans think, all is not well at the President's campaign team. There are too many inexperienced analysts who think that just because the economy has grown by over 6% and since the President belongs to the house of Mumbi and they are so many in number that they used to give Moi nightmares whenever elections came up, he will automatically win re-election. Naturally these guys don't understand the first thing about human nature let alone politics (I recommend that they start by reading William's Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and then Machiavelli's, The Prince. You can read it online for free HERE).

Fortunately for the president, some of his aides know better and what is upsetting them is the fact that their sums don't add up to the total they are looking for. Yet they did just a few months ago. But then that is the fluid nature of politics anywhere in the world that caused Winston Churchill to say that a week can be a very long time in politics.

It is no secret that the Mungiki troubles and pressure on Kenyans at the grass roots level from the influential but usually ignored Kenyans residing overseas (many of whom religiously read this blog and sometimes leave comments when time allows) has taken its' toll on public opinion on the ground. And thanks to the excellent intelligence service at the beck and call of the president, word has already reached the inner circle that all is not well.

Some action has already been taken. You will notice that the President is being seen much more in public and his spin doctors will be trying very hard to fight the lame duck image that has come to the forefront as the Mungiki violence has exploded countrywide.

But also activities of a key political activis of the president Mary Wambui, have increased tremendously in the last few weeks. In fact looking at the itinerary of the first Lady No 2, one would easily be convinced that the general elections are being held next month and not in December. For example she was in Malindi yesterday, probably to somehow downplay the impact of the ODM rally that was going on too far away on the North Coast.

Mary Wambui is no doubt a seasoned campaigner (she did more good work for President Kibaki than she will ever be recognized for in 2002) and her failure with the infamous referendum of November 2005 can be attributed to poor strategy and infighting in the government side.

Now there are whispers that if push comes to shove, she may seek political office. The truth is that she can win any parliamentary seat she may fancy in most of Central province.

On a lighter note we already know that First Lady Number 1 is standing for a parliamentary seat somewhere (we don't know where yet). Now imagine a situation where the 3 Kibakis make it to parliament but the senior-most Kibaki loses the presidency? I would advice that his Excellency keeps his parliamentary seat and takes his place in the back benches because his chance for revenge will come before you can say "ODM Kenya." With attendance for important debates in parliament sometimes falling to a mere 7, the 3 Kibakis can easily and quietly frustrate and defeat many government bills in the house. A bloc of 3 assured votes can be very powerful if the habits of the 9th parliament persist to the 10th (which will happen for sure if we vote the same guys back).

Why Is Hon Michuki bullying his youthful challenger?

The photographs Kumekucha feared to publish.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

Are you a Kenyan? Do You love your country? Join in this noble campaign to change things. Do something instead of just complaining.


  1. Somebody said that the first signs of madness is when you ask why there is no hair growing in your palms, but I think, it should be when you think that you have grown horns.

    Not to make anybody feel awkward, but the shameless political motives that one imagines, really leave a lot to wonder.

    We were not yet through with the first Wambui rumours, before Lucy pulled on her pyjamas and went to attack a journalist, and thereafter some Wambui/daughter connections besieged the EA Standard.

    Plizz. Can Wambui/State House or whatever, stop this sheninagans once and for all. It sucks. MURK

  2. Give it to MW, she knows a thing real mobilization than the incumbent first lady who is shamelessly harvesting where she never sowed. Besides that MW is not naive and she knows she has a thing (guess right?) Lucy lacks in a bundance. That said she has all the constitutional right to vie for any political office. She has the numbers and the logistics including the brothers-in-law from without who can play dirty and straight.

    On a sober note, MW is an apt case study of resulting tension caused by embracing 'modernity' while still enslaved by our tradional roots. Ever noticed that nobody including HE never disowed her by name, hata querelsome Lucy? At times of war you need any pair of hands and MW is an asset tey cannot afford to lose leave alone fighting. Mama Winnie is corrupted version of Madikizella Mandela - hated officially but adored humanely.

  3. Unless she is doing it for some reason and I dont want to doubt he ablities in politics, it is her right to vie for any post, but look at the wider picture, where, she might be campaigning without that 'family' thing following her.

    Or, take the case of Johnathan Moi for this reason and the way the family refused to give its backing to his bid.

    Yes, Kibaki did not disown her, but is she fit enough to be a politician material. I, have for once heard that she cruises in the several cars that Chris has mentioned, but aiming a shot at a parliamentary seat, might be harder bite.

    Anyway, it is her right, and like the other things that have been done before, let this one not be a 'spin' by State House.

  4. Mwai Kibaki is a very hard man to understand . He has all of you thinking he is not in control of even his own family. He may be many things but one thing he is not is a fool.

    Mary Wambui and Lucy Muthoni are not parliamentary candidates regardless of what they want to think. Maybe after the president retires, but round this wanafaa kujua tu Ubaks ana plan zake. He just cant take the embarassment of his wife fighting in parliament with Otieno Kajwang when he is a sitting president.

  5. Why do people, especially Kenyans, feel the need to quote shakespeare so much????

  6. Iam in the process of writing a fictional novel based on state house titled "shadows of the hill" .Lots of juicy stuff i intend to seek kumekucha's approval to publish some excerpts right here.

  7. Chris, you are very correct in your post. Both these women are eyeing parliamentary seats. Actually Lucy first started plotting a parliamentary seat during the days LDP was giving the first family sleepless nights. ODM was not existence then and she is reported to have been advised that if she can deal Raila a blow by keeping him busy in the constituency then her hubby would have peace in handling pressing national matters. And since she could not identify any man who is "man-enough" to face and upstage Raila in Langata, she toyed with the idea of taking up the challenge herself, particularly since she would have the backing of powerful state machinery. It is not known if this has anything to do with the fact that Janet Museveni is an MP and apolitician in her own right in Uganda. African first ladies have a club and Janet and Lucy are known to be close. Although she has not openly declared it, it is likely she will not stand bearing in mind the presidents' party options are higher and his GNU is reportedly working well.

    Derek, can you please explain to me further what you mean to say in your first two paragraphs of your posting?

    And to Vikii, Otieno Kajwang, it might suprise you, were voted into parliament in the same party ticket as president Kibaki. If it wasnt for Kibaki's gross dishonesty in ruining the NARC dream, Otieno Kajwang could now probably be occcupying the position currently being enjoyed by one Danson Mungatana. Politics never has permanent enemies and I would not be suprised to see Kajwang and Kibaki addressing one campaign rally. I wouldnt also be suprised to see Kalonzo/Uhuru/Saitoti (DP/KANU) addressing another joint campaign rally..its called "bado mapambano".

  8. To answer anonymous who said:
    Anonymous said...

    Why do people, especially Kenyans, feel the need to quote shakespeare so much????

    I know where this is leading his next question will be...

    Hii Shakespeare kabila gani?


  9. Sorry Phil, I could not reply you on time. I wonder which one. If it is the first one, I was simply saying that after going around the country in some state-orchestrated journeys when there is a problem within the cabinet, may be with the advice of the kitchen cabinet, most to distract public attention, Mary Wambui now thinks that she is, and can be alected.

    An Irish folklore goes that there was a messenger who who was being sent so many times that he thought he looked like the bearded, hairy master. he tried to keep his long, then one day he wondered why his palms had not grown hair. The master said, 'Those are the first signs of madness, imagining that you are like the master'. He also thought that the master's crown was a horn!

    To me, i think she is and none of them is politics material.

  10. Hey Derek, consider this counter example bro. Imagine Einstein's driver after taking his boss to several lecture circuits he mastered all the lectures till one day he challenged Einstein that he could deliver betterr. And the open-minded Einstein never disappointed.

    The driver had his wish. He got Einstein's academic gown on and delivered a falwless lecturer. After a standing ovation, a picky prof asked a sneaky question he didn't even understand and to his credit, guess what he did?

    The genius driver laughed at the 'cheap' question atht he couldn't bother answer but instead referred it to his 'driver' seated at the back, the REAL Einstein. The rest is history as they won't to say.

    So there you have it bro. Mary's case is a double edged sword capableof cutting both ways. Never underestimate her potential or capability, ama? Over to you bro Derek.

  11. Taabu,

    Kabisa! As George Musengi (Muthengi) Kinusia (Kinuthia) used to say when he was Veep.

    But Mary Wambui has never uttered a word that can convince anyone apart from herself to be elected. The only thing I have heard her say is that NARC imeleta economy. NARC imeleta economy. From where? Take Orie Rogo Manduli, I believe that despite my misgivings she speaks a little bit more sense than Mary Wambui.

    Very few people will realise it, but Mary Wambui case comes to the public domain when there is a serious problem in the cabinet. Go back to the time that the issue first came to be discussed publicly. It was the time of the first cracks in the cabinet in 2003.

    Anyway, she is entitled to a vote. Na, apewe!

  12. Now phil you lived up to the billing. I used Otieno Kajwang not because I detest him, despise him or even doubt his credentials.

    I can tell you the reason u think I gave the example of Otieno Kajwang is coz he suppotrts Raila and if that's not the reason then it must be coz of his luohood. That's how u interprete it, no doubt about it. Well. I must tell u that u are reading too much into that. Otieno Kajwang fought with David Mwenje (WAliumana masikio), Now Mwenje would be on the same side of parliamnet with the temperamental Lucy. Otieno Kajwang would be on the other side--U see? That was ma reasoning. I take back my words and replace Otieno Kajwang with Anthony Kimetto or Julius Sunkuli. Hope that brings a smile on ya face.

    My idea bro was that Lucy wont mind a braw in parliament and the likes of Kajwang, Sunkuli or Kimetto wont either. Hope u gich.



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