Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ocampo 6: Kalonzo Wins, Vindictive ICC Loses

The VP Kalonzo Musyoka is the true political winner whether the Ocampo6 are indicted or not. His is an enviable win-win political scenario. Either Kalonzo will inherit all political votes following Uhuru and Ruto's being carted to The Hague or he will bask in glory and reap abundantly as the defender of the duo at time of need.

See latest post by Chris: Evil plan to stay in power for 3 more years

Hon Kalonzo Musyoka's unwavering shuttle diplomacy has been vindicated by the vindictive ICC following sermons for the so-called Ocampo 6. Now that two of the three ICC Judges have joined the global political chorus in making Kenya an example of fighting EXECUTIVE IMPUNITY, all Kenyans must join the VP in the global fight to reclaim our country and pride.

Those who derided Kalonzo for wasting taxpayers' money must now bury their heads in shame. See Steve has proved once again what it means to be steadfast while armed with wisdom of being able to see ahead of time. We must have faith and confidence in our national institutions otherwise the recently promulgated constitution would not be worth the paper it was printed on.

And the message to the world is clear: defer the ICC cases and you spare the WHOLE REGION and our country Armageddon. Only doomsayers would argue with that truism given our immediate political past experience. What is more, Kibaki and Kalonzo should know better given the comprehensive daily intelligence briefings at their disposal.

The President and his principal assistant must not be faulted for operating at a variance with the aspirations of most Kenyans. Truth is they know more that we don't know as ordinary citizens. Forget about the NGOs. They can as well sing IMPUNITY till cows come home but we know their sights remain singularly trained on donor funds while they remain oblivious of the plight of IDPs.

As a country we must learn to be grateful. So far our born-again brother Steve has worked diplomatic MIRACLES on a shoestring budget of just about KES 30m. Make no mistake, that amount cannot even built a MODERN MANSION for a single IDP family leave alone the many thousands littering our national landscape in the Rift Valley.

We must all pull together to save the 6 gallant Kenyans from Ocampo's jaws of prejudice and neocolonialism packaged as seeking justice against impunity. It is no coincidence that half of the Ocampo 6 share a sodiac star - all born in December (CLOSURE?).

The VP deserves the support of every breathing Kenyan in securing our national pride and sovereignty. A closer look will reveal that his singular objectivity has even seen him SHUTTLE together with SALACIOUS Sally Koskei who SLAPPED him while she was his PS as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Surely, there comes a time when national priorities outweigh personal traumas.


  1. If this is satire, then nicely done!

  2. How can we have faith in so called national but actually politicized institutions that constantly fail us? We would like to but they dont deserve it! let the mzungu court deal with us! This does not sound like sitre! Mwara' just doing some income tax estimates and cannot come to terms with loosing a third of a lot of income to GOK! I have previously requested you to write an article on tax in general. Dont the highest earners get taxed the least in the land me ivy leagu education?

  3. Seconded, kudos to the brave VP Kalonzo Musyoka for successfully piloting the shuttle mission back to Cape Canaveral political station.

    Kenya needs more strong willed politicians like Kalonzo Musyoka, King of Ukambani and all the mountains surrounding Kilimambogo.

    A cry was heard from Kanzanzu, ayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Mondo yoo enanuksi nyengi mono!!!!!!!!!!!

    On Kalonzo Musyoka, she is said to have described (classified) him as "a diminishing assest" who continually frets that he could be overshadowed by Mutula - Sally Kosgei.

    Ouch, that ws abitter direct. You know have been discarded for a substitute when a woman refers to you as "a diminishing asset".

    Mutula ataniroka,
    Mutula atanyakua upinde wangu, Mutula anataka kunimaliza,
    Mutula anatafuta njia za kuniangamiza,

    Mutula ananiwinda usiku na mchana, Mutula anataka kuwa makam wa rais,
    Mutla hanithamini wala kuniheshimu,
    Mutula anafanya njama ya kumiliki kila mala Ukambani,

    Mutula anataka kuniangamiza,
    Mutula atanimaliza,
    Mutula must go!
    Mutula has become an albatross around my political neck,
    Mutula must be stopped!

    Mutula must not be allowed to cross my path,
    Mutula must not be seen at the same functions with me,
    Mutula is going to overshadow me,

    I must find emergency funds to derail all of his political ambitions,
    Mutula has caused me to lose a lot of sleep,

    Mutula! Mutula! Mutula! How I wish that he had not gone to some of the good schools in the country,

    Mutula may overshaodw my ambitions for the state house in 2012,

    Mutula is the Trojan Horse in Ukambani and he must be stopped ASAP,

    What shall I dooooooooooooooo! about Mutula
    - A man heard talking loudly while asleep in the first class cabin.

  4. Ali never used to take calls from ODM ministers.

  5. All roads stop at t'he door steps of the C-I-C. Time will tell

  6. Taabu. What are you smoking.

  7. Poor Taabu, he tries so hard to sound educated but like his friend Dan, he always comes short. Thats what happens when you give a government scholarship to a non deserving dimwit just because he is from your village. Moi must be dissapointed. The good thing is that Taabu is approaching 60 and considering the life expectancy of Kenya, he will not bother us for long.

  8. Taabu well stated, the likes of Tiskie would surely not be able to comprehend what you have just penned but would rather froth from the sides of the mouth with vitriolic comments. Kalonzo has shown Kenya why he is a career loozer and spent up political waste. I am afraid A life full of boiled mothokoi awaits him in retirement.

  9. I have to admit raila "owns" the press in kenya. The standard quotes salim lone as saying raila has reached where he is by "force of his personality" but omits the bit saying "but not through managerial acumen". Orengo, kosgei and lone have said raila is a poor manager. You can see both the standard and nation not wanting to touch this but it is highlighted that kosgey said raila is the one best placed to succeed kibaki. Kenyans must not get an opportunity to say poor manager equals poor president! Of course negative bits about his opponents are headlined. Raila has obviously invested a lot in PR and I give him an A on this.

  10. Taabu,
    Ushasema!, let those who are against you speak, let them shout, let them scream if they want but after all is said and done can they dare even write a more intelligent post on Kumekucha? Laptop specialists and google crackheads are what we have in this murky world of Kumekucha academia and pretenders to wisdom who are omnipresent in the shadows.
    Hapa ndipo jicho pevu liko, wale wetu wanaoelewa lugha mufti na lile sanifu wajipange. We welcome comments from anti ICC naysayers like from that guy who pounces on peoples comments, you all know him ama nitoboe?.

  11. Is Uhuru Kenyatta going to smoke and Inhale his last Puff of weed and drown it with a bottle of that frothy EABL stuff? Is he the last Mohican? Heir apparent to the Kenyatta family nipped in the bud.

    Will the Professional general, retire honoroubly and be discharged off his duties at the hague cells?

    What about Joshua Sang will he now be in a position to address his cellmates in Kalenjin?

    Mr. Manifest Nonsense will have to ask or inquire from senor Ocampo how he arrived at this nonsense.

    let the process of Mr. Jailer begin.

  12. Anon 10:29,

    Raila has hired that Lome fellow to bribe the media editors and spread propaganda. Its easier today because NMG has jaluo's in top positions same as standard.
    So we are yet to witness more propaganda, sexing up of some news, storms in tea cups all meant to improve the chances of the opinion poll president.

    Tough luck guys.

  13. Just met DAN,

    He told me he will be late to comment today because Mrs. Ouma, his form 2 class teacher scolded him for spending too much time at the schools cyber cafe.
    Let s wish this young man a bright future and good grades.

  14. @11.53PM aka Tiskie,
    You must have a lot of bile in you to the point it is spilling all over the blog. Bwa ha ha haaaaaa! Have u recovered or is it a slow recovery and to the point it pains u so much, let it go, offer kumekucha an intellectual educational response for a change i.e if you can Bwa ha ha haaaaaaa!

  15. Anon 11.50
    Just to see how well you know how the media operations and hierachy works, I will beseech you to name all the Senior Managers at both Nation Media Group and Standard including their positions.
    Proove to us that you are not just another tribal bigot, and who influences what is reported? Once you accomplish that minor task, we can then have a healthy intellectual discourse or is it a case of being another armchair specialist from the comfort of the cyber. The floor is yours.

  16. Has the 'Virtual Economist' gone MIA? Ooooops or hafi hi njust stepiti on a rive wire.

  17. Guys, this is politicalmaniac of Jukwaa. I think the guy calling himself Tiskie is an imposter. The Tiskie who used to grace Jukwaa last year and had a knack for kicking the mount kenya mafiya butt was pro-raila. Join me in Jukwaa as we prepare to usher in the new president Raila Amolo Raila.

    PM USA

  18. Am too lazy to find out on my own, so can someone summarise the icc process from the summons stage.


    1. Any remaining chance of a Jaluo becoming president in 2012 went up in smoke. Kikuyus and Kalenjins will not vote a Jaluo in the near future because they blame Thug Raila for the fate of Ocampo Six.

    2. Lightweight Kalonzo just got a free pass to State House today; it his to lose in 2012.

    3. The future of Kikuyu settlements RV is brighter than it has ever been. The Kalenjins who were duped by Raila's majimbo call to try the ill-fated attempt at Kikuyu ethnic cleansing will never try again. They have realized that it was simply stupid - they never got their lands back and they have just lost best sons.

    4. For continued blessings of the Kikuyu people, the gods asked and got a princely sacrifice, Uhuru Kenyatta.

    May those who laughed or cried today at the ICC news choke on the futility of their emotions.

  20. Anon 10.29/11:50
    so your answer to this post is blame the jaluos in top positions in the media?Ah yes, the tribe factor,no comment in KK would be complete without mentioning this at least once, the day is still young lets hear more from your rambling mind

  21. Taabu,

    So, the Mzungu saviour has arrived from the sky?


    Mwara' just doing some income tax estimates and cannot come to terms with loosing a third of a lot of income to GOK!


    Ati GOK? What is that? We see no GOK. We only see an ORGANISED small band of THUGS, bent on PLUNDERING just like the old priests and the nobility.

    No wonder, Artaxerxes, Persian King observed that:

    "The authority of the prince must be defended by a military force; that force can only be maintained by TAXES..."


    I have previously requested you to write an article on tax in general. Dont the highest earners get taxed the least in the land me ivy leagu education?


    We have never believed in taxing the higher earners. If a man wakes up at 3 a.m. to sell his maize (that he has PRODUCED) at Wakulima Market, as you f$££ your w$£$£, we see no legal/moral grounds for ROBBING him to give you BB after you wake up at 9 a.m.

    If you believe that, the man who wakes up at 3 a.m. as you f$$£, then, you do not believe in equality and you accept your inferiority which destroys the whole nonsense of democracy and universal suffrage.


    Chris, we have read your worries that, Mr Kibaki might extend his rule. We ask, does it matter? It does not because, things can only get WORSE.

    Sample this:

    "A weak shilling spells doom for our fight against double-digit inflation," by Jaidi Kisero.

    Although we find his "solutions" laughable and childish, we can quote him a bit where he writes:

    "The danger signals are everywhere. The shilling has weakened steeply in a very short time, and the inflation rate is climbing steadily.

    The Monetary Policy Committee must move speedily to address these worrisome trends.

    We can’t bury our heads in the sand any longer. We are in the middle of an oil shock. High inflation actually means a fall in the living standards of ordinary people."

    NB: As to his GOLDEN CALF called the MPC, please read, Politburo like that of the USSR.

    We do not wish to write much, we just refer the WISE reader to some very interesting Bible verses.

    In Genesis 47: 15, we read this:

    And when money FAILED in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us BREAD: for why should we die in thy presence? for the MONEY FAILETH."

    Then, in Genesis 47: 19, with TREPIDATION, we read this:

    "Why should we perish before your eyes--WE and OUR LAND as well? BUY US and OUR LAND in exchange for FOOD, and we with OUR LAND will be in BONDAGE to Pharaoh. Give us seed so that we may live and not die, and that the land may not become desolate."

    Oh! Humanity, you have books, but, you do not read because you prefer to flip TV channels looking for idle amusement.

    And, when you read, or the books are read for you, you understand not.

    Perhaps, instead of singing "I shot The Sheriff," Bob Marley would have sung:

    "I shot the Central Bank Governor" @

  22. Whick kyuk and kale will not vote a luo? Silly consolation In your dreamland. Kenyans have changed. Lets deal with walevi,thieves and international criminals as individuals.umezikia?

  23. Taabu,

    So, the Mzungu saviour has arrived from the sky?


    Mwara' just doing some income tax estimates and cannot come to terms with loosing a third of a lot of income to GOK!


    Ati GOK? What is that? We see no GOK. We only see an ORGANISED small band of THUGS, bent on PLUNDERING just like the old priests and the nobility.

    No wonder, Artaxerxes, Persian King observed that:

    "The authority of the prince must be defended by a military force; that force can only be maintained by TAXES..."


    I have previously requested you to write an article on tax in general. Dont the highest earners get taxed the least in the land me ivy leagu education?


    We have never believed in taxing the higher earners. If a man wakes up at 3 a.m. to sell his maize (that he has PRODUCED) at Wakulima Market, as you f$££ your w$£$£, we see no legal/moral grounds for ROBBING him to give you BB after you wake up at 9 a.m.

    If you believe that, the man who wakes up at 3 a.m. as you f$$£, then, you do not believe in equality and you accept your inferiority which destroys the whole nonsense of democracy and universal suffrage.


    Chris, we have read your worries that, Mr Kibaki might extend his rule. We ask, does it matter? It does not because, things can only get WORSE.

    Sample this:

    "A weak shilling spells doom for our fight against double-digit inflation," by Jaidi Kisero.

    Although we find his "solutions" laughable and childish, we can quote him a bit where he writes:

    "The danger signals are everywhere. The shilling has weakened steeply in a very short time, and the inflation rate is climbing steadily.

    The Monetary Policy Committee must move speedily to address these worrisome trends.

    We can’t bury our heads in the sand any longer. We are in the middle of an oil shock. High inflation actually means a fall in the living standards of ordinary people."

    NB: As to his GOLDEN CALF called the MPC, please read, Politburo like that of the USSR.

    We do not wish to write much, we just refer the WISE reader to some very interesting Bible verses.

    In Genesis 47: 15, we read this:

    And when money FAILED in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us BREAD: for why should we die in thy presence? for the MONEY FAILETH."

    Then, in Genesis 47: 19, with TREPIDATION, we read this:

    "Why should we perish before your eyes--WE and OUR LAND as well? BUY US and OUR LAND in exchange for FOOD, and we with OUR LAND will be in BONDAGE to Pharaoh. Give us seed so that we may live and not die, and that the land may not become desolate."

    Oh! Humanity, you have books, but, you do not read because you prefer to flip TV channels looking for idle amusement.

    And, when you read, or the books are read for you, you understand not.

    Perhaps, instead of singing "I shot The Sheriff," Bob Marley would have sung:

    "I shot the Central Bank Governor" @

  24. Taabu,

    So, the Mzungu saviour has arrived from the sky?


    Mwara' just doing some income tax estimates and cannot come to terms with loosing a third of a lot of income to GOK!


    Ati GOK? What is that? We see no GOK. We only see an ORGANISED small band of THUGS, bent on PLUNDERING just like the old priests and the nobility.

    No wonder, Artaxerxes, Persian King observed that:

    "The authority of the prince must be defended by a military force; that force can only be maintained by TAXES..."


    I have previously requested you to write an article on tax in general. Dont the highest earners get taxed the least in the land me ivy leagu education?


    We have never believed in taxing the higher earners. If a man wakes up at 3 a.m. to sell his maize (that he has PRODUCED) at Wakulima Market, as you f$££ your w$£$£, we see no legal/moral grounds for ROBBING him to give you BB after you wake up at 9 a.m.

    If you believe that, the man who wakes up at 3 a.m. as you f$$£, then, you do not believe in equality and you accept your inferiority which destroys the whole nonsense of democracy and universal suffrage.


    Chris, we have read your worries that, Mr Kibaki might extend his rule. We ask, does it matter? It does not because, things can only get WORSE.

    Sample this:

    "A weak shilling spells doom for our fight against double-digit inflation," by Jaidi Kisero.

    Although we find his "solutions" laughable and childish, we can quote him a bit where he writes:

    "The danger signals are everywhere. The shilling has weakened steeply in a very short time, and the inflation rate is climbing steadily.

    The Monetary Policy Committee must move speedily to address these worrisome trends.

    We can’t bury our heads in the sand any longer. We are in the middle of an oil shock. High inflation actually means a fall in the living standards of ordinary people."

    NB: As to his GOLDEN CALF called the MPC, please read, Politburo like that of the USSR.

    We do not wish to write much, we just refer the WISE reader to some very interesting Bible verses.

    In Genesis 47: 15, we read this:

    And when money FAILED in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us BREAD: for why should we die in thy presence? for the MONEY FAILETH."

    Then, in Genesis 47: 19, with TREPIDATION, we read this:

    "Why should we perish before your eyes--WE and OUR LAND as well? BUY US and OUR LAND in exchange for FOOD, and we with OUR LAND will be in BONDAGE to Pharaoh. Give us seed so that we may live and not die, and that the land may not become desolate."

    Oh! Humanity, you have books, but, you do not read because you prefer to flip TV channels looking for idle amusement.

    And, when you read, or the books are read for you, you understand not.

    Perhaps, instead of singing "I shot The Sheriff," Bob Marley would have sung:

    "I shot the Central Bank Governor" @

  25. anon 8:18pm
    what's itching you? you always sound like some broken sprocket on a kid's bicycle every time your squeaking petulance is heard on kumekucha.
    don't you think some of your remarks are getting so old as you claim?
    your usual remarks among others = "poor taabu" - "trying so hard to sound educated" - "government scholarships" - "deserving dimwit" - "approaching 50, approaching 60" - "he or she will not bother us for long" etc.
    lol! lol! you of all people never bring anything of value or constructive to kumekucha besides sounding like a pissed off dinosaur still incased in moi's era.
    lol! someone denied you a scholarship? is that what your anger towards taabu is all about?

  26. The ICC bus is ready for take off with those passengers whose constant presence and contributions at Machakos airport are well noted. Enjoy the ride and welcome to the ICC.

  27. Anon 2.18am

    You are wrong and i know you know it. Mzungu got it right long ago when he said the african does not act as an individual. The african is a member of a community, and goes by the collective decision of the community. Your success is the community's success and your woes are the woes of the community. Of course today because of education there are a few exceptions here and there.

    When a politician goes to campaign in say ukambani, he does not just ask for votes generally. He says "i ask you wakambas to vote for me". The speaker and the audience understand that kambas are being talked to collectively and not as individual members of the community. I dont think you and raila can change this in two years.

  28. I am feeling very very lazy to the point i utterly am bored. Can someone train me how to copy and paste articles with ease or educate me for free on this ICC.

  29. Anon 3:59
    you are in the wrong forum my friend.this is not social media like facebook/twitter
    save your witty self observant soundbyte one liners for the "update" or "tweet" on those sites if you have nothing to say here

  30. Has the 'Virtual Economist' gone MIA? Ooooops or hafi hi njust stepiti on a rive wire.

    3/9/11 12:49 AM


    Gone MIA? Hapana, sisi iko tuu. It is only that, we had taken some time to visit a valley called Mexico. We went there to find out more about a guy called Montezuma.

    This guy, was the Emperor of the Aztec State from 1502 - 1520 which was rich, sophisticated and strong in arms. We wanted to find out how such an serious state was conquered by a few Spanish THUGS.

    Very summarised, the Aztec had many gods like gods which were bird gods, serpent gods, jaguar gods, rain god like Tlalo, sun god Tezcatlipoc.

    Mark this one please. The FOUNDING GOD of the state was Quetzalcoatl who had fallen from glory and departed into the eastern sea, whence his return to earth was expected, ot be foreshadowed by omens and apparitions and to portend the downfall of the Empire.

    When a group of just 600 Spaniads led by Cortes appeared with their own priests carrying crucifixes and banners of the Virgin, they proclaimed their goal was to win souls for Christ.

    Now, instead of standing up to these ROBBERS, as one would have expected of the Aztec Emperor, and as was advised, he sent them gifts in cart wheels of gold and silver. Instead of stopping the Spanish THUGS, these gifts excited their GREED.

    Convincing himself that, the Spanish thugs were the returning Quetzalcoatl god, he made no effort to avert his fate and the fate of his people.

    NB: Who is the founding god of our state?
    NB: Did he depart sometimes back?
    NB: Is the founding god not back as THEMIS, and, are we not welcoming him like the Aztec?

  31. Kalonzo just secured his retirement ticket. Go Eugene and Maina J. we are pro youth and not for old bloggers here like 50 year old mwarangethe

  32. Mwarengethe

    Thanks for the info. Wasnt aware of the god Quetzalcoatl. Have googled "him" and the concepts around him are so much like those surrounding Jesus. Lucky spaniards! There was another story of someone who visited a certain country and when he left a religion was created around him. Years later he visited the country again and found he was their god. When he tried to say he was not a god he was told by the authorities to leave queitely because if the people were to know the truth the morality and laws of the country would come crushing down. There is a reason why religion is called "the noble lie", a lie for the greater good.

  33. In Nyanza, the Odinga family had almost reached a deity status before Obama became POTUS and all attention went to that sleepy village.

    But still, most Luo's are yet to be free.

  34. Kalonzo Katumani Musyoka will NEVER see statehouse NEVER

  35. I still believe Kalonzo will make it to Statehouse despite recent 'leaks' to smear and taint his name. He is the only politician out there good enough to lead Kenya.

    The oracle has spoken

  36. Pumbavu in real panic gear

    Pumbavu to challenge poll chaos case at The Hague

    This is what they should have done instead of going to UN.

    Do they learn.

    If C-I-C does not feel cornered,why go into all these futile efforts?.

    Should we conclude that the C-I-C is feeling guilty and true to some peoples' predictions, he is the prime catch for Ocampo!
    It stinks

  37. Seems kalonzo has the oracles blessings.
    Taabu must be furiously typing insults to dilute 'the ivy's oracle is correct' effect.

  38. @5.54 am
    Taabu posing as the Oracle

  39. This blog is similar to jukwaa just another blog that ought to have shut down a long time ago. Clueless posters like Taabu have run out of ideas and Chris simply needs to take an early retirement package.


  40. 5.54am and 6.28 am, is one and the same person, and definately not the Oracle, but an old forko jembe kobe known as Taabu. Impersonation and identity theft seems to be the latest pre-occupation of this pensioner, just stick to what you do best, spewing epithets.

  41. anon 7:53am/8:03am
    is it that obvious really?you simply have nothing else new to contribute?the floor is all yours keep wax ahead won't you

  42. A few years ago the government raided the standard offices to cover up on a drug related story that touched on the first family namely Mary Wambui and Lucy Kibaki.
    Then came the Artur Brothers who were hired guns to assasinate Joseph Kabila and not Raila as people where made to believe in order to control the lucrative gold and drug trade in DRC via Mary Wambui.
    Ali Hassan Joho a well known drug lord is a business partner again to whom, you guessed it Mary wambui and the network runs deep.
    The gold heist that took place in a warehouse in JKIA was sanctioned by Mary Wambui with the help of an assistant police commissioner and a congolese national.
    Mary Wambui occassionaly makes forrays to european capitals to meet he contacts in the company of one Nancy Westtein who apparently is related to the Kenyatta family and is the proprietor of Pivot Point and who has a daughter in a drug rehabilitation centre in switzerland and was recently transferred to south africa.
    The billions received from the drug heist will be used to arm and finance the youth in readiness for 2012 the President is well aware of what is going on and has decided to take a hands off approach.
    Billions of shillings have been transferred in the last 7 weeks from foreign accounts into Malawi by merchants of Impunity for fear of freezing of their assets. Kalonzo and Uhuru are currently involved in a 3.4 Billion shilling housing project in mlolongo inorder to raise finance for 2012. The game of chess continues as we hurl insults at one another as a nation

  43. Hi Good People:

    Did you see Luo-led demonstrations in New York against Kalonzo? They think New York is Uhuru Park or Tononoka where you can take your Kibera shenanigans. NYPD kept them far away from Brother Kalonzo, like they were lepers. I tell you, YOU CAN TAKE SOME PEOPLE OUT OF KIBERA BUT YOU CAN NOT TAKE KIBERA OUT OF THEIR CRANIUMS!!!


    Whichever way i look at it, a great injustice is being committed against Kenyans. Florence Jaoko admitted before the Waki commission that she removed names of several Luos from the human rights commission list of post election violence among them one of Raila Amolo Odinga. That report forms the basis of Ocampos case and subsequent summons of the Ocampo six.

    God is great, at least Anyang Nyongo, got "cancer ya makende" for his role in shedding innocent blood. A lot of the notorious home guards died of diseases like that and i am not surprised that he fell sick so soon after his name was removed from the list of suspects by Florence Jaoko.

    Once upon a time, mapanyas held a big congress to deliberate on how to combat one Paka who had caused them endless violence and bloodshed. There was a great idea mooted by a leading panya which was accepted by the entire congress.


    When he approaches any of us, the bell will ring and we shall take cover at great speed.

    The only problem was, WHO WILL BELL THE CAT FOR US?

    Two years ago i was emphatic like other Kenyans that "dont be vague, go to the Hague".

    We believed Ocampo would bell the cat for us!! But how wrong we were.

    As long as Raila remains at large, there will never be peace in Kenya.

    It is my conviction, NO RAILA, NO HAGUE!!!!!

  45. Mwarangethe--your statements on the fall of the aztec empire are inaccurate. Montezuma did not "gift" the gold and stuff--they were looted and pillaged by cortez and his army. In fact the Spanish king of the time was appalled by Cortes plunder and pillaging including his killing of the Aztec king--fellow royalty.
    The Aztecs were weakened by all the exotic diseases the Spaniard brought in and could not effectively resist even as their leader was 'imprisoned' by the Spaniards. Moreover, groups not happy with their Aztec ruler cooperated with the Spaniards. Just thought I'd share this .

  46. Oh dear--so now you are reveling at Nyongo's misfortune with prostate cancer? What a shame!

  47. Isnt this just the greatest news!!!
    Now I can rest easy knowing that Raila Kwisha ! The kikuyus will be furios that uhuru is on trial nad the kalenjins feel betrayed. Hurrah for Ocampo

    @ Anon 3/9/11 1:03 AM aka PM of jukwa
    please dont bring your tribal bile here your "jukwaa ya raila" is a nothing more than a raila cheering squad but I was glad you were made to apologise recently.
    Get ready to usher in a kalonzo presidency.


    Ghadaffi says the rebels fighting against him are high on drugs. Likewise, Raila says that his critics are drunk and high on bhangi. Same thuggish argument when they are cornered exposes same delusional mental state in both thugs.

  49. Amazing that anon 8:35am,8:44am &9:56am are all the same person

    what a gift this dying blog must mean to you with the freedom it gives to spew all your anti-raila venom outside your head.Those toxic voices of hate must have been eating you up on the inside

    Welcome to therapeutic arena for you my friend go ahead and vomit out the poison.Your sanity lies on the other side of 2012 meanwhile get the treatment you need here freely

  50. Kalonzo is a colourless small figure who believes in dictatorship. President is above law. He pressed the ECK to reveal a faulty result so that he can become the VP. This is a worthless man who can not reform our corrupt country.

    Kalonzo would support impunity and embrace dictatorship

  51. Onyango Oloo3/9/11, 11:33 AM

    there is one huge problem with satire... idiots who support the Sycophant-in-Chief take it for fact. I would advocate for plain writing until majority of Kenyans learn about satire and irony.

  52. @11:33 am
    agreed but minus the dry political commentary or other people's opinions that are passed around for revolutionary editorials.

  53. the problem with politics is the win loose outcomes.
    I ask my fellow kenyans to consider a win win situation. Dont vilify our fellow kenyans on the Kalonzo side.Instead we should look for a way of accommodating them into the new reality.My brother Kalonzo and crew should now put more effort on local affairs,for staters please settle IDPs.second be more inclusive government planning.lastly think before you act.

  54. Well stated. I couldn't agree more.

    However, there are certain individuals who would be the last persons within Kenyan circles to entertain any literary works that hold up their conservative or liberal views, communities, school of thought, endeavours, activism and socialist vices to ridicule or scorn.

    Needless to point out the fact that there are countless victims who have been shut out of various gatherings, forums, institutions and organizations for rediculing their views, commentaries, activities, or close associates.

    While idiots who support the Sycophant-in-Chief may take it for fact, there are those in the other activist camps who take it very personal when the shoe of satire or buckets of irony are redirected at them and others of their ilk.

    The huge problem with satire and irony is that they do cut both ways, and it's always great when othersiders are on the receiving end, but hell breaks loose when there is a barrage of incoming satire aimed ta the insiders.

    We never like to take cover, but we do love to counter attack by all means necessary. It's an old human instinct.

    And there lies one of the problem with satire and irony.

  55. Anon 12:49 PM
    Try convincing Sarah Pallini, CCC (Chama Cha Chai) and Rethugs.

  56. Expect more Chinese babies born to kenyan mothers.
    There is a lot that been going on most people don't know about.

  57. Kalonzo only has to play he's cards right and the presidency is his, pick the right running mate and and we can bury ODM!!!
    Kweli atapitia kati kati

  58. For those who say that circumcision is not an important part of the process of turning a lad into a man, then how come Raila has been ordering his Luo tribesmen to undergoe mass circumcision? For me I support Raila; what I don't support is that Luo circumcision should been funded using taxepayers' money.

  59. ODM Kitu Gani??

    It has been reduced into a Kavirondo mafia party (cult). Only mafia bosses and their DOMO followers are still left clinging like ticks to a rotting cow hide.

  60. Kitendawili!

    Name the party whose chairman and deputy party leader are suspects in crimes against humanity!


    Name the party whose followers carry stones in brief cases!

  61. Poor Onyango Oloo,

    Bored with his obscure, Luo funded, raila praising blog called Jukwaa where he has allowed sycophants like his fellow jaluos odongo and miguna to write propaganda, cheat, eat, dream, praise and speak raila, he comes to the heart beat of the nation blog Kumekucha hopefully to spread the cancer. How some fellows are desperate. Even his other pet kenya democracy project is akin to an abandoned grave.
    Chris, do not let failures ruin your house.

  62. Lernaean Hydra has combined forces with a Medusa the Gorgon in a desperate chase after their own shadows in the water @4:45pm,
    2:56pm, 2:51pm, 2:46pm, 2:41pm, 2:31pm, 10:43am, 9:56am, 9:56am,8:44am, 8:35am, 7:53am, & 5:17am.

    Where is the mirror?

  63. @ 3/9/11 7:57 PM

    In your poor deluded mind, anyone who sees a kalonzo presidency in the horizon, must be one and the same person, has it occurred to you that they are many raila phobes and all in different time zones?
    I am am totally anti raila and it doesn't matter who becomes president except raila , so boy, am I not glad for the ICC summons?
    Raila will be forever banished to nyanza and county politics.

  64. So what if Kikuyus are the most tribal. Mta do whaaaaaaat!

  65. Only in Jukwaa does one crazy fellow include mafiya in all his posts and responses.
    But the fellow happens to be in the USA wiping the $%#% off the bottoms of old wazees in elderly people homes.
    Explains why he associates alot with mafi-ya.

    I am glad for Kumekucha where I can speak out since in Jukwaa this crazy man is allowed to insult and condemn kikuyu's, a job he does excellently daily.

  66. Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s sister, Dr Wenwa Akinyi, has been appointed Consulate General in Kenyan mission in Los Angeles, US.

    See Kenyans comments here;

  67. politikal wanstaz i alwes seid hawawes make or not kabila adui almost worked but now Obama remains the deity

  68. Do you own KANU LIFE MEMBERSHIP?

    Then I understand why you support impunity and corruption. But next time you will be the victim.

    Some have benefited directly from this evil behaviour. I remember when Moi went to the US and gave Kenyans Kanu life-membership. I refused to take it but many did.

    But the people who took it with pride are the same people who support the current impunity-loving rulers. These are rulers who are out to protect their interests.

    Today they set Mungiki on Luos, Kalenjins, Luhyas. Tomorrow they kill all Mungikis. Today they avenge the deaths of Kiambaa victims, tomorrow they dont give a damn, where the Kikuyu, Kisii IDPs are living.

    These are people even ready to sell a portion of Kenya to remain in power. They are ready to work with the Thugs of Gadafi type (sell him an hotel for peanuts), sell the country to Communists China and Museveni.

    Im not surprised that many people in this blog are supporting these thugs. You are the life members of Kanu, YK92 and regime supportes of murderers of JM, TJ, Bob Ouko, etc. Your intentions are known. State opression, Continuity of injustice in Kenya. You are against any reform, be sincere.

    Even after nearly 50yrs of indipendence my Kikuyu tribesmen have no land, while one family owns land the size of Western and Nyanza combined.

    Dont hide behind the KKK-design of the politicians. These people just want to protect themselves and have no folk in their hearts. A common uninformed Kenyan voter has been fooled for 47 years.

    Many enlightened Kenyans are starting to understand why it is evil to fool the poor Kenyans.

    Put on your specs and magnify the state of the sick Kenyan society. A small section enjoys nyama choma the other toils and lives in abject poverty.

    Join the fight against this inequality before it gets too late.

  69. anon 12:59,

    Try spinning your theories elsewhere. You must be one of those tinga sycophants. Wachana na wakikuyu wako sawa. Moi in his 24 years of misrule that saw ndeserving fellows like Taabu get scholarships couldn't finish kikuyus. Mo1 tried bringing down coffee, tea, and other income generating farming activities to hurt Kikuyu's but they still control the economy of Kenya.
    You lad is still stuck in the USA and you are talking to Kikuyu's who are making it in Kenya how to live their lives???

    Bure kabisa!!!

  70. BULLSHIT! Kalonzo for PORK will never happen. I would rather walk barefoot in Hell than vote in that Loozer

  71. The Only reason Kibaki and Raila have appointed their relaz in high office is simple, they are well qualified.

    Kaloozers relas are semi - illiterate or not literate. Katumani politics will not be allowed in this our country

  72. Guys! Guys! Is there a term like an "intellectual featherweight" coz I would like to label it on someone right now

  73. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yurdy Yarda busy bodies are all over the blog and have gone viral with unsubstantiated comments that can only results in spats!
    Trajectory comments on tribes can never solve the problems we experience as a nation. Can we tone down on tribal and vitriolic opinions

  74. Now comes new research showing that having children is not only financially foolish but that they literally make parents delusional.

    Parents are also angrier and more depressed than non parents — and each additional child makes them even angrier.

    Couples who choose not to have children also have better, more satisfying marriages than couples who have kids.

  75. In 1999, Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times reported a surprising encounter on the island of Pate (Lamu, Kenya), where he found a village of stone huts. He talked to an elderly man living in the village who said that he was a descendant of Chinese explorers who were shipwrecked there centuries before. The Chinese had supposedly traded with the locals, and had even loaded giraffes onto their ship to take back to China. However, the Chinese ran aground on a nearby reef. Kristof found evidence that confirmed the man's story. Such evidence included the Asian features of the people in the village, plus Asian-looking porcelain artifacts

  76. anon 2:50am,
    thank God your parents chose to give birth to you inspite of such "dire" warnings from Western backed scientific research.You must make up your own mind as to why you are alive today and my apologies if you are an orphan and i have offended you

  77. @Anon 2.50 am,
    Is that your way of coming out of the e-shadows and ride on the back of that post and intellectually suffocate us. Well we are reading, by the way what happened to the porcelains?.

  78. Sovereign? Sovereignity? What is sovereignity?What is sovereignity when your people die of hunger,when your masses languish in poverty, when your youth are jobless,when your hospitals have no drugs and enough doctors,when your own people don't have homes and live in the cold as IDPS? What is this sovereignity we only here when our leaders want to do something wrong? Lets build our country be proud of it, make our citizens happy by following the law and fighting impunity because for the,that's the true meaning of sovereignty Is Kenyan sovereignity sames impunity? Methink so.

  79. thanks Sam Jonyo(anon 5:36am)for that copy and paste edited comment from the nation website(Posted March 10, 2011 04:01 PM) from the main story forgot to include the abbreviated links try and do your homework fully next time


  81. Anon 6:01AM. I am no san Jonyo. Thatnks for your critic though. Remember this. You are allowed to copy and paste so long as you add an in put. Even if you add one word, a comma, fullstop or question mark, then the item becomes yours. Plegarism or note.
    Good day pal

  82. "Office messengers and errand boys never live to take over after their bosses have gone.

    One can't be a herdsboy or milkman and expect to manage a farm, let alone own the whole ranch.

    How many office messengers or chauffeurs do you know of that have risen to the level of managers in their respective establishments or industry?

    Don't bust my chops! You're real funny! Yeyeyeye! Many house maids are a perfect example of hostile takeovers in Nairobi, lakini Bernie Madoff of all people? That's abit farr fetched. Hiyo ni spiced up porojo tele.

    Kwani yeye alikua office messenger huko Wall Street during the 1950s? Now that's news to me and I don't think its correct so to speak.

    He may have been employed in a different capacity and played a totally different role at the time, but not the one of an office messenger.

    Even people like our very own Mh. Njenga Karume, the man was never employed as an office messenger during the colonial era, otherwise he would never have risen to financial prominence as we know it today.

    Exactly, we all have different roles to play and this wannabe big kahuna is no exception because they will cast him away once the agenda is off the table and the insiders have positioned themselves in a quid pro quo alignment of the heavyweights at the end of the coming season.

    Guess what? You could become the next executive in eleven to twelve months, fi you play your cards right. Think of the possibilities!

    Mark my words! I will hate to remind you that you didn't listen when I told you so.

    Shhh don't tell Steve, he is coming back from the lavatory. By the way, could you unfasten your seat belt and ask the air hostess to pass me an extra mini bottle of Martini?

    Didn't you get enough of them while were still in New York? Oh yes I did, but I am now a veteran when it comes to knocking them down after thirty years of having worked on similar missions.

    Hallo Steve, that was a good speech you gave those audience. As a matter of fact they seemed to like you and they were pleased with what you had you say.

    All I can say is that we are not yet there but the mission will be accomplished soon. The longer we prolong it the better for us.

    Guys, do you mind if I excuse myself? I need to take a nap for a while because I worked late into the night while we were in New York, and by the time I got back to my hotel, it was already four in morning.

    I hope you do understand? Where is my neck rest pillow, ile pilo ya kunyorosha shingo? ... That's mine, why don't you remember to bring your neck rest pillow the time around?

    Hii ni yangu, yako ilikuwa ya dark blue. Hii ni ya dark green. Hata nusa hapa, ina marashi yale ya kwangu, haina after shave au cologne kama ile yenu.

    I never share mine. It's like a toothbrush. Get your own when we get to our next destination, au uliza yule nanii akununulie mpya.

    That will definetly give her something to do while we are waiting for our connection flight and discussing our next strategy.

    You know what I mean. Some of theese people mustn't listen to everything we talk about while we are out here. Hasa siku hizi za Wikileaks.

    Don't forget the fact that we are no longer in the days of sukuma-wiki, where people kept their silence or loyalty. Kuropoka ropoka kiwiliki (wikikleak) ndio mtindo waki kisasa

    Bado unataka chuba mbili za Martini ua akuletee kikombe cha chai?"

    Tingi! Tingi! Tingi! Tingi! All passengers are requested to remain in their seats. We will be experiencing some turbulence as we go through air pockets in the next five minutes. Thank you for cooperation.

    Silence silence as Steve is heard snoring two seats across the strategizing trio.

  83. I don't know why some idiots here are so against plagiarism!

    We all do CTRL C > CTRL V

    Everything we read textbooks included are work of plagiarism!

    The Oracle has spoken

  84. @2:50am
    One can only award themselves a consolation prize if their chances of having children are doomed or they never had children of their own.

    One size doesn't fit all, and having children or not having children is not at a rate a measure of one's happiness or so called satisfaction in life.

    You either are happy or gloomy in daily life regardless of whether you decided to have children or NOT to have any at all.

    Remind us of the same psuedoscientific research in 2030 and we will be able to find some concrete answers.

  85. Daily Nation misinforming Kenyans!

    “The six persons are for now not indicted for the very simple reason that indictment does not exist in the system and procedures of the Rome Statutes,” said Mr Bitti.

    He added that the government was free to challenge the admissibility of the cases since the six suspects had been summoned.

    “However, this challenge must be based on actual national proceedings and prosecutions of the same persons on the same cases.

    You CANT challenge the admissibility of cases based on future proceedings before a court yet to be established,” said Mr Bitti.

  86. @1:59
    Who is making it? Why are you afraid of setting up a business in Riuri or Kerugoya? They will come, beat you, rape your wife, kill you and burn your premises, if you dont give them what they want. Is this what you call progress?

    Why do you prefer to settle in Butere, Bungoma, Eldoret and even in Bondo instead of Karatina?

    Forget your dirty tribalism. What we want is democracy, fair distribution of resources and truth in dealing with one another. Robing people is no progress.

    A Maasai must get his land back which were stolen by Wazungus( 99yr lease is over), Kalenjins must get land allocated to Black-Wazungus after indipendence, Coast people must get their plots stolen by up-country men. Luos, Kisiis, Kambas and Luhyas must be given fair distribution of national cake which Kenyatta, Moi and Kibaki denied them, Kikuyus must be given the land back which Kenyan tax payers bought in 1963 from whites but ended up in the hands of a few individuals in Kikuyuland.

    That's why Kenya must reform. Dont think you are fairing well because you stay at Buruburu and drives a Nissan. When they come next time, you will be the victim. They will rape your daughter and wife infront of you. It will happen soon. Be it Mungiki, thugs or frustrated voters. It doesnt matter. Your dirty tribal way of thinking will not help.

    Wake up now and preach reform process.

  87. Anon@6:57
    I am glad your e-vote for plagiarism is so passionate, feel free to educate us more on how you practise this timeless art.double standards apply though, just don't get caught outside the confines of this blog.

  88. "Guys! Guys! Is there a term like an "intellectual featherweight" coz I would like to label it on someone right now"

    Yes, you've coined it and it applies. Just look at our MPigs, no less. Look no further.

  89. Ayiiiiiiii! Talk of facial profiling. Yaani it is so easy to tell the ethnic differences between between Ruto, Uhuru, Muthaura, Sang, Kosgey, Ali, Mudavadi, Balala, Mbuvi, Mwakwere, Wetangula, Basanji, Ntimama and Kalonzo.

    Who said that Africans look the same and it's very hard to tell them apart?

  90. Re: Gedi Ruins.

    Nicholas Kristof who?
    Kristof the explorer (David Livingstone of our time) or the archaelogist or the DNA specialist or the world renown historian or scientist from the Simithonian Institute or the purveyor of exotic human interest stories for the usual western media comsuption?
    Who first brought the news about discovery of the ruins at Gedi (Kenya) to the unwelcomed attention of the European minds and when?
    The is no Chinese record of Chinese ships ever being shipwrecked at Gedi on the coast of Eastern Africa nor were they explorers at the time, however they were among thousands and thousands of sea merchants that plied their trade from the Port of Aden all the way to the Cape of Good Hope and back to East Asia.

    There is no doubt that the Chinese must have established their respective depots, houses, communities or local contacts of some sorts like many other seafarers (Arabs, Indians, Indonesians, Somali, Africans, and Portuguese) of their of time.
    How does one establish the difference between an East African with some Chinese ancestry from an East African with some Indonesian ancestry?

    Or with an East African with heritage that consists of Arabic, Chinese, and Indonesian ancestries?

    Is it by a combined DNA profile or evidenced by common facial features as found on the East African coast and the neighbouring islands of Madagascar and Comoros?
    The ongoing condescending view that refuses to give locals credit is that the Gedi Ruins must have been built by outsiders and not natives, like is the case with the Zimbabwe Ruins or Thimlich Ohinga.
    What's the difference between Egyptian pyramids and Nubian pyramids?
    Train ride is over. Time to alight at the next stop.

  91. Anon 7:27 AM
    Tell them loud and clear, because no tribe, family, individual or buisiness were spared when Ndjamena, Kinshasa, Kampala, Mogadishu and Addis Ababa went down after being overrrun during the last vicious civil wars. It's was ugly for anyone cught in the crossfire.

    Mungu Ibariki Kenya.

  92. @ 6.57 am and 7.27am aka TAABU

    Dude impersonation and identity theft are not your strongest point, only continues to undress u more.
    Taabu you so old that your national ID already shows your picture with ur teeth falling off.

  93. Uhuru: "Kenya can not go ahead until Raila says so?
    Uhuru: " kani ICC ni mama yake?

    With ODM stating they dont support the legal challenge of the ICC ruling, what answer does Uhuru want

    Is ICC Ngina now?

    These dudes are thick and just arrogant.
    Raila is their best bet at the moment

  94. Uhuru: "Kenya can not go ahead until Raila says so?
    Uhuru: " kani ICC ni mama yake?

    With ODM stating they dont support the legal challenge of the ICC ruling, what answer does Uhuru want

    Is ICC Ngina now?

    These dudes are thick and just arrogant.
    Raila is their best bet at the moment

  95. Sex is boring. I hate it!!!!!!

  96. Anon 9:44 AM
    LOL! Gotcha! Are you still seeing shadows from last year?

  97. Mwara Ng'ethe,
    Glad to find that you have graduated from the murky world of Mesopotamia to Mesoamerican civilizations @4:18am.

    Welcome for a change. How serious are and how deep do really want to advance in the well documented world of Mesopotamia? Or are will you retreat back into your comfort shell of Mesopotamia?

  98. I have recently returned to Kenya from abroad and am very disturbed by what i see in my party ODM.

    Every statement issued is done by either Jakoyo Midiwo, Anyang Nyongo, James Orengo,Millie Odhiambo, Miguna Miguna or Raila himself.

    The party i believed in and voted for seems to have degenerated to a Jaluo outfit.

    Add in a supporting cast of Florence Jaoko and three loud MPs from Kisumu and the picture is complete.

    The Jaluo wing of ODM!

  99. Kenya not ready for 2012 elections due to delayed legislations?

    Says who?

    Mutula Kilonzo or the political suspects that have been busy wiggling, wobbling, jiggling and wrangling so hard in the hopes of escaping the hook of ICC's prosecution and justice?

    Let's put aside the retrogressive and disastrous (usual takataka and pesa nane) politics between PNU, ODM including so many old ghosts from the ever smoldering KANU chambers and graveyards of rule and divide and vetriol ethnicity, for a moment.

    And ask ourselves?

    Why should the 2012 elections be delayed just because some two or three players with political yellow yard cards are bound to get red cards issued by the ICC referee?

    What are Kenyans or some sections of the Kenya population really afraid of?

    Are Kenyans afraid of real democracy or scared of their opponents from the other ehtnicity, political party and region of the country winning a place to rot the in colonial static house?

    Are Kenyans fearful of another worst case scenario of post election violence? They should be if they don't search for a permanent legal remedy, one of them being the ICC.

    Are Kenyans afraid of the other party or their political opponents winning the presidency and taking over the sordid reins of power in 2013?

    An event that normally brings with it or add zero or very little ugali, muthokoi, githeri, wali or whatever staple to their tables, plates, kitchens, and cooking pots around the country, should that come to pass.

    What is the country going to do about the IDPs (white snake, call it elephant if you will,) in our midst?

    How will the current ploy (time and revenue wasting shuttle diplomacy) against the ICC work in Mwai Kibaki's favour or even benefit some members of his inner political circle in the longrun?

    Is there something or worse cases and evidence of who did what during the post election mayhem that is yet to be disclosed or may be disclosed when the sh*t hits the fun at The Hague?

    At a time when some of the suspected politicians will be busy making plea deals with the ICC's prosecutors in order to avoid long sentences but at the same time incriminate their colleagues?

    I can't wait for a Kenya without a Kikuyu, Luo, Kamba, Luhya or Kalenjin presidency and vice presidency.

    Election of a president from soem of the minority communities will help derail, deminish and defuse the political stronghold that has been exerted by the major ethnicties on the Kenyan political scene since December 12, 1963.

  100. Anon 2:24 PM
    Same old game of dirty political games, intrigue and underhandedness. The same can be said of PNU and its affiliated political parties, its spokesperson and intact ethnic political outfit, and the picture is complete.

    The blah blah far right wing PNU. Sounds familiar?

    BTW, have the ODM's bigwigs politely turned down the request for sponsorship of your intended bid for the 2012 parliamentary seat on an ODM ticket?

    And did you really have to return home in order to find out the truth about well known ODM's internal politics of cronyism, nepotism, clannism, corruption, crossive ethnicity and ongoing underdeveloped of Luo Nyanza?

    What did you expect after fifteen years or twenty years of having been away with the exception of limited vists every other year or every three to four years?

  101. State House! We have a problem! The Shuttle Diplomacy Mission has flopped big time.

    We have been hit by a last minute meteor thrown in our path by James Steinberg.

    There is nothing that can be done about it at this stage but to abort mission, close down the whole enterprise and return to base.

    Over and out!

  102. Kutuny. Kutuny. Kutuny. Kutuny. Kutuny.

    The voices of the dead Kenyan children, young adults, women and men still hear politicians every time they step infront of microphone and utter their desperate antics and self-inetrest campaigns against the prosecution of all those involved in the PEV.

    But a time will come when they shall seek and receive justice that has been denied to them since the PEV. It doesn't matter how long it takes. Justice will be served in due time.

    It's not just about ethnicity, party politics, election party politics or who survives the 2012 general elections.

    But it's about justice for the dead, the maimed, the internally displaced and all Kenyans who have lost faith and confidence in the current political leaders like amny of you, in their government and country as it is in 2012.

    Justice is all they seek. Law and order is all they seek. Prosecution of the ring leaders is all they seek. And a repeat of the '07 and '08 mayhem is all they hope and want to avoid at all cost in 2012/13 as well as in 2017/18.

    Am sure many of the diehard tribal politicians ut there will be gone by 2017, but at very high cost to the nation and the people's future.

    Time will tell when real justice is allowed to prevail in the same way it did in Rwanda, South Africa and after the downfall of Nazi Germany.

    Time is all they have. Time is all we have.

  103. Visualise a cabinet meeting comprising all and two international criminals(uhuru and muthaura) and a failed shuttle diplomatst'(kalooser diminished assets).The three on the high table setting! Is 7th april a thursday when cabinet meets? Hard times ahead for this collision government. Welcome back nyong

  104. Kumekucha is simply full of FOOLS!

  105. Muthaura and uhuru should not resign. This is t'he best way to show that they can help in setting up trials against themselves in kenya. Kifaki and kalooser are really messing these Accused!

  106. Mwarangethe,
    Just ignore taabu who has posted a dozen times as anon and of course a bunch of loosers and dimwits.
    Just know that a majority of readers here benefit from your informed contributions.
    Hecklers and madmen never lack in all markets. Its unfortunate that Chris gave KK keys to one madman Taabu.

    The real Tiskie

  107. The Original Tiskie said,

    "Hecklers and madmen never lack in all markets. Its unfortunate that Chris gave KK keys to one madman Taabu"

    We have severally and consistently maintained that the likes of Taabu are wasted and emancipated brains. No ONE can claim to educate bloggers here the way I do.

    Such fools can learn a thing or two from here:

  108. Is Mwarang'ethe now growing horns and claiming that he is the only one who can educate Kumekuchans? This is arrogance of the highest order, this guy is so fool of himself.

  109. It seems Ocampo is already having trouble with his evidence even before the trials began. The judges threw out the case of use of excessive violence by police in Kibera and Kisumu because there was not evidence to a indicate it was 'state policy'
    With good lawyers, some the suspects might have the charges droped at the pretrial stage.

  110. @11.53 am,
    Do not sound bitter as mwarang'ethe views himself as a demi god and is keen on creating a cult like personality around him.
    As you can see a no brainer like Tiskie is already waxing and is currently in a trance swearing allegiance and loyalty.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Yes! kumekuchans you are "intellectual featherwights", you are nothing but FOOLS as stated by Mwarang'ethe, mta do what?

  113. Ti hi hi hiii...

    This is one of my best quote of 2011..

    'Taabu are wasted and emancipated brains.' Mwarang'ethe 2011

    Surely, it looks Taabu's idea of coming out of retirement to Kumekucha was ill advised.

    I can help ROTFLOL...ti hi hooooooo

  114. Anon 3/10/11 9:03 AM said,

    "Train ride is over. Time to alight at the next stop".

    The train ride is far from over as we see here:

    And again here;

    Enjoy your viewing FOOL!

  115. To the readers of KK;

    Having tried all other means, they have now started to hijack the name Mwarang'the.

    In particular, see

    3/10/11 9:30 PM,
    3/10/11 11:47 PM and 3/11/11 1:19 AM

    So, please do not be fooled by this guy who is using name Mwarang'ethe and then replying as anonymouse.

  116. Does it have to degenerate to name calling here by a self proclaimed professor aka mwarangethe. If there was ever a time where the statement, *I wish I knew* prudently applies, it is now. Kwani wapi e-cop?

  117. To the readers of KK;

    Having tried all other means, they have now started to hijack the name Mwarang'the.

    In particular, see

    3/10/11 9:30 PM,
    3/10/11 11:47 PM and 3/11/11 1:19 AM

    So, please do not be fooled by this guy who is using name Mwarang'ethe and then replying as anonymouse.

    Chris, Philip, Mpesa, Phil, Luke and others on KK, PLEASE! PLEASE! believe me don't be fooled by this other guy.

  118. To all KK readers .I'm very sorry guys for this slight mis-understanding which I have hencewith dealt sortd out bearing in mind that it would have led to altercations.

    I look forward to future engagements with you.

  119. has someone become schizophrenic?

  120. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Thanks for the clarification and retification. As a matter of fact, the anomaly @9:30pm, @11:47pm, @1:19pm and many other anonymous were easy to spot.

    I am sure it's the same person who posted under a faked Onyango Oloo's name, and is the same person going by the name "Chikuyu".

    That's why it was stated earlier on that Lernaan Hydra and Medusa the Gorgon had combined their evil forces to chase their wicked shadows in the waters.

    Thanks for the clarification, although the fake Mwarang'ethe was so easy to spot as apple tree in the Kalara Desert.

  121. Importing "Al Shabaab" to kenya s a strategy to win in the shuttle diplomacy?-Regional peace!

  122. Mwarangethe,

    I know who the other fake mwarang'ethe is. He posted and deleted as himself see 3/11/11 12:45 AM when he realized people will connect the dots. Of course those keen will equally realize the 'oracle has gone MIA'.

    Its one and the same fool.

    Like they say, you can fool all the people sometimes, but you can not fool all the people all the time. I warn him that if he continues this habit, I will divulge all his personal information here.
    Yes, I managed using his IP to bypass his firewall and download a few of his personal files and email account passwords.
    I warn other jokers who and fake 'e-ntellectuals' trying to bring Mwarangethe down. I have you all under my scope. You have all been warned.

    Kumekucha Prefect

  123. Well appreciated, I will continue to teach unhindered.

  124. Tell them Kumekucha prefect let them not joke around with me. Show them your IP by passing skills.

  125. Mwarangethe,

    Luckily you have a unique identity here and those who have debated with you will easily tell who the real Mwarangethe is.

  126. Mmmmmh! The murky waters of Kumekucha are becoming even more murkier by the day, muddled complete with identity theft and character assasination innuendos which is threatening to go viral.

    It is rather obvious that a false "prof" is out to inherit KKs 'virtual economists' title. Well poor job at that as the sumerian high priests arguements and abbreviated references are legendary here.

    Mwara"N"gethe have some Mursik on me, if in the process of downing the same you become lactose intolerant may your wannabe get it.

    And a free tip to the 'oracle' who posted on my behalf, please take note of the times that I make my comments.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  127. Exactly.

    Mwarang'ethe's signature rebuttal, comments and contributions @Kumekucha are very easily identifiable from the fakes, imposters and malicious types.

    The imposter's charcater precedes him, and the method of operation such as same old same old tantrums, threats, outright maliciousness etc, are well known and documented on many Kenyan sites and others. The trail of malicious history is there for all to see.

    Thanks for bringing the unfortunate series of evidents to our attention.

  128. I really enjoy Mwarang'ethe's posts. Although at the face of it they sound far-fetched and antiquated, they ARE sophisticated and the lessons are right there for the discerning mind. Thanks for taking the time to educate us. Keep the Sumerians, Aztecs, Methuselah, scheming/evil bankers, financiers, usury and so on coming. Mmmmmmhhh....We love it!! :)

  129. @7:26 am. What I am about to say is not original, but dont accuse me of plagiarism as I cant remember who said it right here on KK.
    The Kikuyus should also get back their land in and around Nairobi, including Westlands area, near Karen and so on. The Maasai should also be given back to them Uasin Gishu. Everyone should be given back what was theirs prior to the coming of the colonial masters. It is only then that we can move forward with any measure of fairness. If not, it's all just bloody hot air, and if you keep insisting that some select blue-eyed groups get back 'their' land that promises to turn really bloody when the quiet ones decide to make their demands as well. So think just a little harder and just a little more of consequences.

  130. So this is how it dangerous man calls others KKK. the same dangerous man calls others thieves and bhang smokers.
    Now flash back to how it (the murder and mayhem of 2008) danagerous man called others thieves, the same dangerous man called them kabila adui, and the same dangerous man called proclaimed 41 vs 1.
    I wonder how 2012 will end?
    Do you???

  131. Kalonzo IS REAPING MAJOR weight from the infighting within ODM and the inconsistency of PNU.He is playing the "NITAPITA KATIKATI YAO" and he is gaining leverage.If this was a few years ago he would be way ahead of the game.No-one trusts Kalonzo anymore..he has alot of convincing to do....the people dont trust him.he plays second fiddle to and ruto/uhuru.

  132. Thanks guys for noting the pretense and for coming to my aid. Much appreciation goes out to all of you, as well as to my sworn enemies whose support I least expected.

  133. Who will circumcise Raila mentally. He is so uncircumcised in his public discourse especially when talking about his opponents. His mouth oozes with epithets. He is the primiere goon of Kenya politics. As long as he is able to ascend a public podium, Kenyans will never know peace or enjoy cultured discourse!!!

  134. today's events of identity theft etc exemplifies the bane of our existence as kenyans

    Until we learn to settle our differences using words and ideas not swords and identity theft etc Kenya will continue to remain exactly where we are today-marking time going nowhere

    Particularly the anons who spew all kinds of filthy smut, gone are the days of mashada etc. change your tone Its now about talking sense here even if its plagarised.let us move forward as a people and a country

  135. @ 3/11/11 7:24 AM

    I do remember that discussion which was totally ignored by the ODM,"historical injustice" proponents.
    I for one, am targeting the land around St Austin's church lavington and St Mary's school, where one of the first mass land expropriation/theft was done,and the culprits were not the kenyatta family but by the "saintly" catholic church.
    The families living there were moved to olenguruone which was then a tsetes infested forest.
    I think i should form an NGO to help fight for these marginalised and dispossessed peoples rights. People from nairobi area should start identifying prime properties like Sarit center etc, that were stolen by the colonials and demand restitution

  136. Something to cheer you for the weekend.
    Chikuyu baby news has gone global

  137. What a lot of bullocks!!

  138. @ anon 3/11/11 10:41 AM

    Eh, my broda. That is very good, now. Let us join forces to provide a more complete narrative (unlike the current cherry-picked one) around the 'historical injustices' discourse. I have identified properties in Muthaiga that I wish to have restituted back to me. I have also identified properties in the kibera slums and parts of eastlands that I want restituted back to their rightful owners. The god Raila might not allow this, though.

  139. UN and ICC call kifakis bluff! Ati touch my boys uhuru and ruto and we stop reforms and start violence. Wapi? Appearing with the boys in eldoret was t'he worst mistake he did and started t'he short journey for accused to hague. They tell lies to internstional community. Ati power grab calculus.shame on these masters of impunity

  140. Ruto issues threats to ICC witnesses. The purpoted forgiving of witnesses is a veiled threat that he knows them. Cant wait to see issuance of warrants of arrest.cant the dude shut up and only speak in court? Vable vomit will break conditios issued by court

  141. When was the last time a post on kk raked in over 100 hits..

  142. If kumekucha only knew how desperate Ocampo six are to turn publoic opinion in support of a local tribunal.They have started recruiting prominent media personalities to convince kenyans.. copy this link and paste it to your browser to get the latest revealed top secret documentary..

  143. UN chief to have a cup of tea at an INFORMAL meeting with kalooser team. Same as happened with USA. Diplo speak says it is a courtesy snub to stop the kenya team from embarassing themselves and other members of UN further.this will satisfy them to rudi nyumbani. Its like throwing a penny to keep a beggar quiet. Was UN chief not in kenya recently. Why informal meeting in a kiosk?

  144. Kenyans are becoming more and more civilized. It will take ages but it will happen.

    Can you now see Mr Mutula Kilonzo.

    The man has learnt to differentiate between a devil and a saint.

    Kenyans transform!

  145. @ 3/11/11 6:59 PM
    Hey broda, welcome to our "histoical injustice" bus, any takers for JKIA its kind of prime but far from my ancestral lands claim.

  146. I was wondering about this KKK animal and could not understand the heat it is generating considering we are 42 tribes. What challenge could a grouping of three pose to the rest of us?
    To my horror, when i checked the last census figures,i realised the Kikuyu,Kalenjin and Kamba comprised about 60% of the population if you add the GEMA cousins of Meru and Aembu.
    If you add Somali sympathisers because of Maj Gen Ali's inclusion in the Ocampo list, you are talking of 70% of Kenyas population.

    Things are not what they seem to be, for though liars can figure, figures never lie.

    Who does Raila and Reinberger speak for then? A mere 25% made up of Jaluos and Luhyas tucked in a corner somewhere past Kericho.

    It is shocking indeed.

  147. when you give statiscs of tribes, you are thinking that Kenyans have not changed
    People are no longer voting as "tribe"-at best say 50% of figures you talk about.
    The game is very wide this time round.

    With wikileaks, so much has been exposed about the "current" leaders we have.
    For example,do you think Kalonzo can beat Kilonzo out there in Ukambani?

  148. Truth be told, the more you attack the KKK alliance the more cohesive they become. It is a siege mentality that happens even in the most advanced democracies like the USA. Latinos vote as a block and so do African Americans.

    Politics follow a pattern of protecting interests and for now there seems to be two groups in the country. Ocampo Six comrades and the pro Ocampo group. the only difference is in leadership. The pro Ocampo froup has Raila as a candidate in 2012 while the other group has three candidates. Assuming two of them end in the Hague, the third candidate may have a walk over. But still another candidate may emerge.

    Can Kalonzo beat Mutula Kilonzo in Ukambani? I bet Mutula may not even see the mbooni seat due to CDF controversies. He seems to have problems reasoning with peasants. Remember this is his first time as an elected member of parliament.

    I have never liked Kalonzo, but he is at the right place at the right time.

    Ever wondered what would become of ODM if Raila is indisposed for any reason? Like being taken to the Hague?

  149. wikileaks is a very interesting animal , it tells us that in 2009 the US ambassodor "renne-his-mouth" already knew that ruto and Uhuru would be out of the 2012 equation due to the ICC process.
    The question then begs, how did he figure this out after all the names were only revealed in late 2010?
    Was this knowledge perhaps inspired by the US's behind the scenes pulling of strings at the ICC?
    Well, the US may have over played its hand because at the moment, all the ocampo six have to do is stir up anti US sentiment and any candidate deemed to be a american stooge will loose the election.
    Regardless of the ICC outcome what we all know is that the political scene has shifted and no amoun of doctored opinion polls can save the raila campaign

  150. "He should set aside. He should stop thumping and crowing like a cockrell with a broken crest and know that Kenyans are sick and tired of politicians who think that they lord over them." - Joseph Sonkori.

  151. The peeople out to cause chaos in Kenya are not Chemilio and his minions. I think the person who will cause violence is well known, none other than Raila Amolo Odinga. It's the only way he knows. The last time he was rewarded with nusu mkate, next time he expects full mkate. Watch this guy and have a plan B.
    His worshippers in jukwaa and elsewhere are now suggesting they are targeted. I think not, with all their KKK rhetoric, mafiya, gema, thieves, bhang smokers and so on descriptors, WHO really is targeted? Those dirt bags need to answer that question.

  152. If he's an intellectual lightweight then who in GoK can be described as being the intellectual powerhouse?

    correct answer-no one else!
    The USA Ambassador may have made fun of the VP but truth be told the entire executive have the thinnest of resumes when it comes to steering real leadership at the helm of the nation

    No surprises there though-engaging brains for good goes hand in hand with corruption no retardation

  153. Ruto makes his parting WILL

    "I challenge leaders who would remain behind to take up responsibility to ensure Kenyans live in peace," said Ruto.

    He asked Eugene to mobilise and bring together the youth in the country to spearhead the generational change.

  154. First of all, the man should sum up some courage, challenge him conscience and mobilise what remains of his moral comprass, dignity, self-respect, honour, pride, warrior instinct and drag himself to accept the fact that the impending trial at the ICC is imminent and there will be no wiggling, riggling, wrangling, nor slithering out of the trial until declared not guilty and the process dismissed.

    Last but not least, Here you'll get a FARI hearing. There will be NO DELAY. You will THE RIGHT of representation. Nobody will INTERFERE with the CONTENT of your files and they won't get LOST, and WITNESSES won't DROP DEAD (as it's been known to happen in the Kenyan judicial system). - OCAMPO. By GADO.

    Let justice reign! Let justice reign! Let the victims have justice. Let the innocent be set free after being acquitted. Let guilty serve their mandated sentence. Let future lords of impunity and their foot soldiers learn a painful lesson. Let the whole country and its people respect and embrace the RULE of LAW if they want to be a greater part of the civilized society.

  155. The very heart of your writing while appearing reasonable originally, did not settle correctly with me personally immediately after some time. Someplace throughout the sentences you truly managed to make me a believer but only for a short though. I nevertheless have got a issue together with your leaps in logic and you may do nicely to fill in those breaks. If you actually can accomplish that, I could surely be fascinated.


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