Monday, July 09, 2007

The Kalonzo-Nyundo Incident At The ODM Rally In Mombasa


It is not my intention to upset any of the radical emotionally-charged supporters of various leading presidential candidates within ODM who will end up reading this, so I will report just the facts (I have evidence on tape of everything that I am going to say here).

The Mombasa ODM political rally this weekend was held at the Khadija grounds, the first time a rally of such magnitude has taken place outside the Tononoka grounds. The turn out was massive and the crowds were charged.

The candidates first had lunch at Najib Balala's house before proceeding to the rally. Interestingly the same strategy used by Narc in 2002 of using the host "tribal chief" was adopted and it is Balala who led the candidates into the grounds waving vigorously to the wildly cheering crowd.

All hell broke lose when Raila stepped forward to address the crowd who punctuated every other sentence with a resounding shout of "Nyundo." He then introduced Kalonzo Musyoka who immediately ran into problems as he was drowned out by shouts of "Nyundo" most of which were coming from the front section of the crowd. Most of his speech was a shouting march between him and the rowdy section of the crowd shouting "Nyundo." At one point Kalonzo appeared to lose his temper as he handed over the microphone to the next speaker, Musalia Mudavadi, without introducing him. No doubt this small incident will not augur well for the "bonding" of the candidates as the day when the party will have to name its' presidential candidate draws nearer and nearer.

At the end of the rally, the massive crowds almost crowded vehicles off the busy Nyali bridge, which links Mombasa island to the North Coast, as they headed back to their humble abodes, towards the island and its' environs.

I just have two comments to make.

Firstly our political leaders should encourage maturity in their supporters. Shouting down a speaker is not democracy although the same kind of behavior has often been seen in this blog and it is clear Kenyans have chosen to ignore the wisdom of the ancient Greeks. Even if you "violently" disagree with what somebody has to say, at least listen carefully so that you will have valid and powerful arguments against them when it is your turn to air your views. Even supporters need to be able to convince others to join their bandwagon with solid arguments of persuasion based on fact and what has literally "come from the horses' mouth". This is preferable to using abusive language which is the thing intellectually challenged persons tend to do. Some very intelligent Kenyans I know also occasionally sink to this level when they decide to have a few rather strong drinks before visiting Kumekucha to make comments (you know yourself--my friend).

Secondly it is clear that ODM has a head start at the Coast and Narc's recent victory in the Magarini by-election by a small handful of votes is not a reflection of how Coast voters will vote in the coming general elections. All this is assuming that the mammoth crowds at the ODM rally and their spheres of influence can be translated into votes on D-Day December 2007.

Why Is Hon Michuki bullying his youthful challenger?

The photographs Kumekucha feared to publish.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

Are you a Kenyan? Do You love your country? Join in this noble campaign to change things. Do something instead of just complaining.


  1. Yes Chris, your main point could have as well been the last caveat. Unfortunately history informs us otherwise that huge crowds don't translate into votes, at least not in Kenya. Period.

    For starters, the ODM debacle at the coast was a classic case study of 'how to allienate yourself and your friends'. Shouting never won any argument and carelessly engaging the incision between the nose and chin without commensurately linking it to the upper faculties is a sure recipe for embarassment and the epitome of immaturity.

    Kalonzo has all the right to be heard. Why not hear his side before you foam at the mouth in protest? Eventually to the sober bystander KM is left looking like an angel and his opponents Lucifer incarnate. Shame on all the loudmouths. How I wish people listened to seasoned lyric from Sura Mbaya RO Mtoro that Mtaka Vyote Hukosa Vyote.

    You may be having the mouths to shout hu(a)mmer but sitting calmly as a rowdy mob tears into your opponent is inexcusable. On the contrary it only succeeds in isolating you from the moderate many.

    Our brand of politics is very immature and no amount of sanitizing this rot can wash. ODM is fast hurtling downhill into self-destruction. They have sharpened the very knife stabbing them.

    Kenyans must stop the rule of and by the mob and appreciate the basic fundamentals of reasoning in replacing empty minds with open ones. We have two ears and one mouth to listen more and talk less and the ears are no mere appendages on the shell burdening our shoulders. Explaining the obviously is the most difficult task to any rational mind.

    Ask yourself why your nose is facing dowm and not up. I will only tell you the consequence of drowning under shower or rain. You get my drift. On the same breathe we demand mature politcs now and not tomorrow. Shame on our scoundrels for polticians.

  2. It’s dangerous times for Kalonzo “empty shell” Musyoka (going by last weekends Nation interview:

    The public humiliation may as well have been a stunt by Raila supporters at the Coast. Since there’s no expectation that thousands of Kenyans basking under the sun listening to empty rhetoric will only respond when appropriate, the jeering and cheering that accompanies every political speech should be accepted as common place. On the contrary (and alongside KM), I think that heckling and vice versa is democracy in its simplest form. Whereas I do not support the hurling of stones and the like, a versed citizen should be able to express his sentiments in a public fashion whenever the opportunity arises. Public disobedience is the cornerstone of democracy. In fact, a society that allows and protects the rights of citizens to cheer and heckle is profoundly demonstrating democratic ideals. You just wait for Railas’ turn in Machakos.

    Additionally, any ODM-K joint rally is undeniably a popularity match. That established, it would be silly for Raila to forego an opportunity to diminish the stature of his most formidable opponent. Chaps, it’s just politics….especially in the media sensitive culture we now live in.

  3. I refuse to engage in a shouting match with u Chris. Booze has been in my system since I was 12 but I can bet my head that I am more sobre than some tea tottlers like u.

    Back to the boo boys. Kalonzo Musyoka is a politician and that's reason enough for him to take whatever happened in his stride. If he wanted some soft landing then he should be a nurse or some other interesting professions like those. I give credit to him coz he did not dissolve in tears. He left Khadija primary school with more supporters than he had at the start of the rally.

    Now I guess what is important is the analysis of the cause-effect complex. I do not want to tear into Raila or his supporters but I have some curious observations. Assuming that Chris for the first time u reported the truth, how did those hammer holding goons find themselves at the same corner in the front section of the crowd? Where did they get those miniature hammers? And why was Kalonzo booed? If it was because of his support for the consensus, then why didnt the crowd boo Ruto who is the father of consensu(He actually told Raila to his face to step out of the contest) or Mudavadi? In my opinion someone is running scared here. And finally why didnt Raila Odinga , a thoroughly experienced 62 year old ,very well versed with matters politics not try to calm the crowd? (I was in Mwingi at the burial of mama Malia Musyoka and I saw Kalonzo tell off the boo boys who didnt want Ngilu heard). Why did Balala introduce Raila with "Leo ni leo, asamaye kesho ni mwongo, leo nina jibu"?

    I believe Raila Odinga and Najib Balala have a duty to go for lunch in Westlands and plot how to raise the living standards of Kenyans when, sorry if they win power instead of plotting outdated political hooliganism. In the same measure I believe Kalonzo faired rather badly when it comes to political smartness. Whereas Balala had been in Mombasa for a week, Kalonzo arrived there hours before the rally. Had he gone earlier, he would have read the plot and stayed away, London style. He scored bad there.

    Now, about a week ago, there was a lot of heated arguments here about stone throwing. I am not sure about one thing, did Raila win supporters in Mombasa or did he loose? These machavellian tactics either by himself or his supporters are such a repellant to say the least. How is Kalonzo expected to back him if he gets the presidential ticket? And again, what was KAlonzo's mistake--running against Raila?

    Now Raila is quitting ODM and in my opinion , he was just pulling a fast one on Kalonzo
    And Kalamari, Raila was in Machackos , the capital of KAlonzo's bedrock a ccouple weeks ago and he was given a rousing welcome. It doesnt mean he is going to get any votes there, no.That is civilization if u ask me.

    And the games on, happy half time.

  4. Vikii; if in truth you’ve had the strains of ‘Johnny Mtembezi’ in your veins and arteries since the tender age of 12 then I cannot vehemently say that your diagnosis of Kalonzos’ woes is reflective of the true nature of things. Further, I find no option but to call you out on where your true allegiance lies. Is it Musyoka or Kibaki????? The double speak has to end and you know what I mean. There’s no such thing as supporting the man who’ll make it. We are all prone to backing the wrong horse (as Taaabu proclaims).
    That being said, there always remains a window of opportunity to jump on a horse on its last stride. Still your defiance in denying that Kalonzo may have swallowed a big pill is dumbfounded ridiculous. Show your true colors.
    The reality is that the Kalanzo camp and its fraternity is on a downward slope with no clutch. Especially as none of you (Derek and the like) is commenting on the devastating Nation interview. This guy is really rallying behind his beautiful face and nothing else.

  5. Now Kalamari with all due respect, your question, lecture, statement, oxymoron or whatever it is, is hard to understand. Where does Kibaki's name come in here?

    I know you are looking for political guidance and I will offer u just that. First, what we need is a mature leader, read mature (You are very likely to confuse an aged leader with a mature one).We need to look for a corruption free, energetic, intelligent and strong willed leader. I am not here to dictate to you on who to vote for , just look for the guy best described by those adjectives. Satisfied little boy?

    Oh, u wanted to know my horse, first I dont ride unless u toking about gals. Did u want to know the person I support for the presidency? That person is called Kalonzo Musyoka. I indicated here last week that I may quit the ODM in the event he or UK is not picked. That is ofcourse a very remote possibility and you will note that I have all along mantained Kalonzo will be the ODM candidate.

    Now, i understand quite well the confusion u find yourself in when i defend Kibaki. Well, unlike u, I am a political supporter of Kalonzo and not a religious one. When you talk of me trying to back the candidate most likely to win, I laugh because I have been attacked left right and centre for defending Uhuru Kenyatta, a guy whose employment status is in real jeopardy. I have said flattering stuff about dr. Ojiambo. If u want me to rank the people i support for the highest office in the land (at least the declared candidates) i will gladly do that---------Kalonzo, Uhuru, Kibaki, Ojiambo and if they all die or step out of the race then i will back Vikii.

    I respect your belief that Kenya can be healed by only that one 'magician'. Its gonna take a while but I am sure u will gich in due time that the magician was just a little fella not much bigger than Kalamari.

  6. Chris, thanks for this. I personally attended this rally. We arrived Mombasa in the early hours of Saturday. In order to understand what took place in Mombasa, you need to recount events leading to this rally. ODM itself had set on itself a deadline of naming its presidential candidate by 30/Jun/2007. This deadline came and went without Kenyans getting to know who the candidate would be. If Raila/Balala/Nyagah could have consented, ODM would have by now have a single candidate in the name of Musalia or Kalonzo. However, this was not to be. There were various ODM meetings that were called to make efforts and try to iron out differences on the presidential candidate nomination method. During these meetings, an emotional Raila at one time got visibly upset because a section of ODM had proposed in no uncertain terms that he steps down in favour of either Musalia or Kalonzo - because as a Luo he reduces the chances of ODM forming the next government, in that most ODM supporters will not vote for him as a Luo but will vote for Musalia or Kalonzo as non-Luos. Due to the charged atmosphere at these meetings, it was suggested by Musalia that ODM Big 6 (Raila,Musalia, Ruto, Nyagah, Kalonzo & Ojiambo) hold a joint rally in order to publicly demonstrate ODM unity and "speak with one voice", whatever that means. The rally was originally supposed to be held at Uhuru Park in Nairobi, but Kalonzo vehemently opposed the choice of venue fearing being upstaged by Raila's fanatical supporters. Nakuru's Afraha Stadium was suggested as the next option but again had to be called off and the date pushed forward when Kalonzo got wind of a similar upstaging by Raila's supporters in Nakuru. That venue was yet again changed, this time to Mombasa, so as to please one individual - and alienate ODM supporters from attending the rally. Unfortunately for him, although ODM supporters do not attend committee meetings, they read the press and listen to FM stations so they are fully informed on what has been going on. What happened in Mombasa was not unexpected but clearly shocking to Kalonzo and his like minded associates.

    Saturday morning, tension was clearly evident in Mombasa streets and word going round was that the consensus group in ODM were intending to ambush Raila and announce "so and so tosha". It was being said that ODM's line-up for the next elections would be announced at the rally on Sunday. These rumours of an impending ODM candidate annoucement created apprehension among Raila's supporters and in my opinion is what caused Kalonzo to be booed when he rose to speak on Sunday. Infact Raila's arrival at the rally significantlly increased the temperatures. In order to avoid controversy, Musalia - who was among the first to arrive in Mombasa on Saturday - suggested that all candidates have a pre-rally meeting and agree on what each would say in their speeches. When he arrived on Sunday morning, Kalonzo joined his colleagues at Balala's home and brought in a new twist.... this time protesting on the manner of roster of names saying "why should it be only one candidate who addresses all their rallies last?" Kalonzo was alluding to the fact that it is Raila who addresses all ODM rallies last and this automatically gives him "undue mileage" and "aura of seniority" against the rest - because the public will percieve Raila to be the "president" amongst them. The honour of addressing public gatherings last is normally reserved for the state president. (Actually this is a complaint Kalonzo has always had against the press in Kenya even during the days of Liberal Democratic Party where Raila was always referred to "LDP Leader" by the press and mass media). In the pre-rally meeting Raila accepted to give his speech in whichever position he would be given. All candidates agreed not to personally attack each other.

    Chris, I was at the rally and it was Raila who stood up to calm down the charged crowd - when the booing of Kalonzo started. It was not a small rally (estimated 50 - 60k strong) and experience shows that chants for this or against that always happen at political rallies. A smart public speaker, and a presidential candidate at that, Kalonzo must surely know how to divert attention from himself if the crowd appears to be hostile. For example, Kalonzo would have asked the DJ to play some Tony Nyandundo music as an intro then he invites all the candidates on to the podium for a short dance, before he starts to address them. The crowds love it Tony Nyadundo - and Kalonzo knows it. He should have started his speech by attacking NARK-K and Kibaki as this is the ODMs common enemy - that should have diverted the hostility from him to the government. This was a large crowd with a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Instead Kalonzo's short remarks were arrogant and emotional. He clearly showed the traits of an amateur politician. He forgot he was addressing actual party voters. He also forgot that millions others were watching on TV. How can you dare the people who votes you will need in a few months time at a public rally, even if they are hostile towards you. One expected Kalonzo to excercise due prudence but he instead clearly lost his temper. Is this a sign of dictatorship to come, I wonder. But I hardly blame him, this is an individual who is used to addressing KANU National Delegates Conferences in a enclosed and controlled atmosphere at Kasarani Stadium gymnasium and he is yet to master tricks in handling independent crowds at open rallies. Our country has graduated from single to multi-party politics and this is fast being overtaken by coalition politics. Therefore politics will continue to be very competitive and political players must evolve and embrace this unusual competitiveness. I think that it is upon the guest speakers at political rallies to adopt methods on how to keep the crowd enthralled. Unfortunately, Raila's speeches and pointless football commentaries, as trash as some call them, are what excites the crowds most and whoever choses to speak after him must come up with something more exciting than a topic that Raila will choose as focus of his speech. Nina JIBU is Balala's slogan since he launched his vision a few months ago. It he is was the host of the rally as ODMs candidate from coast province. "Nina jibu, leo leo ni leo" is hardly a threat to anyone. It was not a remark aimed at undermining anyone. Political scientist will tell you a slogan works wonders in these rallies. Moi's early slogan was "fuata nyayo", Kenyatta's was "harambee". Raila's is "Kibaki Toka - Raila Tosha". I dont believe that some people can start misintepreting these plotical slogans as to mean that Kalonzo or Uhuru are being undermined, do you Chris? All I can say is the challenge is upon Kalonzo's much talked about think-tank to come up with speeches that will counter that of his opponents. The think-tank should also give Kalonzo some private lessons in public speaking especially in handling hostile crowds because this is multi-party and Kalonzo will sometime have to campaign in hostile areas - whether for himself or for a single ODM candidate.

    Another observation I have Chris is that, it seems to me all the committees of the ODM are frequently bending rules and engaging double standards so as to please their presidential candidates in particular Raila and Kalonzo. This has been the case when they are arguing over nomination methods, rally venues and even registered party officials. If this is how they are handling party matters, how then will they handle parlimentary business where they are expected to vote for or against matters that directly impact on the lives of Kenyans? How will they handle manage government affairs if they are voted into power? It also seems to me that in ODM, the candidate to beat is Raila. If people here cannot for once acknowledge the immense and national popularity of Raila, then I wonder which news they keep abreast with or which rallies they attend. The sooner ODM declares its candidate or splits into two the better. Chura haizui ngombe kunywa maji mtoni, ie. a frog does not prevent a cow from drinking at the stream. In this case the cow is ODM supporters - you must decide who is the frog!

    Talking of leadership qualities and current affairs Chris; how can our Vice President accept to be honoured by Yoweri Museveni when just hardly a week ago, Uganda's UPDF lauched unprovoked attacks on hapless Pokot villagers in Kenya killed several of them, kidnapped their young teenage girls and as if that was not enough engaged in cattle rustling? The Government of Uganda has accepted that its soldiers actually crossed into Kenyan territory and committed these acts. No apology so far; no kidnapped girls or cattle returned. How low can our leadership get? I bet Museveni is fighting his own domestic political battles at home and is undermining one of his chief rivals who happens to be one of VP Awori's brothers. The history of the National Resitance Movement / Army is well known - and its early relationship with regional leaders and governments well known. Awori's name or that of the Kenya Government that he has served since the early 1980s does not feature anywhere. Obote was KANUs favourite and both Museveni and Awori know this. Perhaps they should cast an eye down South and they will realise that Mandela and his ANC party have turned down numerous high-profile honours and awards from various dubious quarters because of their universal policy of promoting equality and democracy. I would have expected Awori to reject that award from the Ugandan leader, if not for the Kenyan Pokots who were killed, but for the millions of displaced Ugandans who have never known peace since Museveni took over that government - and continues to irregularly change the country's constitution so as to continue clinging to power and oppressing citizens! What a shame.

  7. Chickens have come home to roost and now everbody sees who is with the people and who is not.hahah i will laugh at this guy(kalonzo) until i drop LOL.Mr board(bed) room president! alas

  8. Thanx Phil,

    For a very indepth analysis on the goings-on behind the scenes within ODM. You've added a lot of value to this post.

    Ladies? Gentlemen? I propose that we appoint Phil our ODM specialist/correspondent/consultant and the same for our Kibera area coverage. He has surely proved himself.


  9. Yes Phil fits the bill but with a caveat. Bw Phil must take an OATH (witnessed online by Vikii and Derek) to remain faithful to Kumekucha readers. He must vow never to trade our faith by defecting to another outfit, as predicatable as that seems.

    Over to you Phil ad now the vow (reap after me): Do you take this honour to serve Kumekucha readers objectively, faithfully, in unity and even when ODMinevitably indivisibly divides?

    A. YES I DO
    B. Yes I WILL BUT........

    Append your signature below and teh agreement is considered binding. Ole wako ukituruka.

  10. Hehehe. Thanks for the compliment guys... Yes I WILL BUT......... as Chris says we've got to stop spreading propaganda and start posting commentaries with facts. We must stop insults and instead engage opposing arguments with facts. It really disappoints when we end up demeaning or insulting each other here. You can imagine how for instance a Rwandese reading this blog is Kigali is laughing his head off!!! I support Raila but I certainly dont expect every blogger to do the same and I shall not insult anyone just because they support someone challenging Raila.

    I am following events in ODM very closely and I shall update you guys on developments as they occur.

  11. Definitely Phil deserves praise for his accurate, detailed, mature and sober articles, unlike some commentators who comment for the sake of it.

    There was some rewards to be given by Kumekucha for the best comments, I wonder who got it, may be I missed the post on the rewards.

    Keep it up.

  12. Very interesting posts and comments especially by Phil. Kalonzo has proved his weakness in full view of the public by the way he handled the hecklers. He forgotten what his supporters did to Kalembe Ndile during a cultural function. He did not stop his supporters when requested by Ndile.

    What goes around comes around.


  13. Consistency is not a virtue but it should be. As far as mature, energetic, intelligent and strong willed leader (esp. strong willed leader) in the form of Kalonzo… that cheque is not being cashed anywhere anytime soon. If it’s not BC bud, I have pertinent questions on the type of weed you’re inhaling. As far as ‘little boy’; that’s what the hot chicks call it and not because it’s only two inches……... from the ground. I like to think it’s because it has its own heartbeat (and soul).

    Moving on. There’s no question that Phil has a miniature hummer hidden under his bed. That was great reporting. Keep us abreast. I have read that rallying crowds do not reflect votes. I myself have argued that a meaningful poll must be one that analyses only those considered as likely voters (i.e. voter card bearing). My question is this; In recent history, have we seen a truly crowd pulling politician loose an election? By crowd pulling, I mean euphoric and by loosing I mean rig-less.
    Musyokas’ earlier quip that the boos was democracy in action was possibly his best way out of the juggernaut he found himself in. His later revision that all was a stage managed affair confirms his perplexing reality. His call for a ban on joint rallies is just the last kicks of a dying horse.
    The Awori-Museveni afternoon tea affair should worry not just Kenyans but all Africans in general. What began as Mbeki-Mugabe silent diplomacy is evolving into a mischievous see-no-evil-hear-no-evil policy. Either there’s full confidence in the authorities that will bring back the girls and cows or Awori just likes badges pinned to his breast.


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