Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Why Our Kumekucha Campaign Will Work Like A Dream


Our noble campaign in this blog is a powerful force, which only requires each of us to play our small part, nothing more.

All that is required is for you to do 2 simple things. Firstly, to take a little time and compile a letter of protest against the ongoing land clashes/politically instigated violence, which the government is not doing enough to end. The violence will not end with security operations in slum areas where even pregnant women are asked to lie down in the dust. If it is true (which everybody highly doubts) that this government and the intelligence community does not know the identity of the people financing and sustaining the violence, then they have failed miserably and have no business being in office.

Secondly to speak to a few friends and acquaintances about the initiative, especially ordinary Kenyans who have no access to the Internet. And that's it. If 1,000 of us each recruits only 5 other people that will bring our numbers to 5,000 and the numbers will rapidly climb when everybody who joins refers only 5 friends as follows 1,000; 5,000; 25,000; 125,000; 625,000; 3,125,000.

Admittedly life does not work out that neatly and that is why it is important for each of us not to stop at 5 but to refer as many people as we possibly can to make up for those who may not be able to convince any of their friends. Folks, together we can accomplish much. If we accept to be divided then our politician's partisan selfish interests will win the elections and there will be no chance of us bringing about the change we desire so much. So let us make every effort to unite and speak as one voice. That way victory will be assured.

(Click Here) now and make your contribution towards the change we all desire in our beloved motherland.

Horror of Kenyan with female sex organ sharing cell with men at Kamiti Prison

Are you a Kenyan? Do You love your country? Join in this noble campaign to change things. Do something instead of just complaining.

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  1. Talking of campaign, how did our guy do? The one i voted for daily? Remember the one who was participating in some weird contest? Yes yes that one.

    Keep us updated bro.

  2. Hi Chris, in light of your latest postings and knowing what Kenyan politics is all about, those of us in Kenya are little apprehensive of giving our full names and e-mail addresses in support of your anti-political/ethnic violence campaign. I personally have been affected by it, and am so eager to do something but I wish to remind you that John Gothongo is NOT living in exile for no reason.

    Recently, BBC correspondent Alan Johnston was released by kidnappers in the Gaza Strip after 114 days in captivity. His release was attributed to an online petition was signed by some 200,000 people as well as countless rallies that continuously demanded for his safe release. Bloggers can check BBC website for Johnston's work, and while there be pleased to learn that Johnston has since won a prestigious Amnesty International award.

    I think a similar online petition is what we Kenyans need to launch instead of writting to our local press as suggested by Chris.. The petition may authoured by a human rights lawyer, on behalf of Kumekucha and the petition itself should include the number, names and circumstances of the Kenyan's needlessly killed so far. The online petition signing form will be public on the petition signatures page, except one's email address and ID/electors card number, for which privacy is set in other fields for verification elsewhere. Of course a comments field should also be there. The petition should be as graphic as possible and as it grows, the data can be sent in intervals to international news channels, press and human rights organisations as well us our own local not-so-free press and FM stations.

    This sort of petition will make our concerns be captured globally and the publicity generated in such proportions will make the Government and opposition alike sit up and listen to the cries of victims of violence in Kenya.

    What do you think Chris?

    I trully wish one of the smart IT professional Kenyans out there can be able to design such an interactive petition where our e-mail addresses and names will be held in confidence and signatures of Kenyans confidentially verified through ID or electors card on that online facility available at the Electoral commission of Kenya website. Other nationalities can also sign the petition as foreigners and interested parties.

    Chris am sure with your vast experience and wide contact base, you might just be able to source someone for us, ama vipi?

    Have a not-so-fearful day!


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