Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What Were The Intended Objectives Of The Leaked Dossier?


Was The Leaked Dossier Itself “Cooked” To Achieve Certain Objectives?

Yesterday I gave you the views of my better half but today I will move on to mine. This is concerning the so-called leaked ODM dossier.

Let us start by agreeing that voting patterns have changed significantly since 2002 and to base any research on how Kenyans have voted in the past is a little dangerous. I believe that voters have grown much wiser in leaps and bounds since the times of "Kibaki tosha."

Secondly I agree with the readers who say here that the figures were "cooked". As they say, figures can be used and "tweaked" to prove anything. More so where it is claimed that William "YK’92" Ruto is at number 2 in the projected presidential votes.

What makes me even more suspicious is the fact that the latest Steadmann polls already in the hands of newspaper editors have not been released. Is there anybody putting pressure on them not to release them? According to my sources, the latest poll puts Raila Odinga at No 2 after the incumbent. KM is of course at Number 3. Still as I have often said here before, something about the Steadmann polls made me lose faith in them early on and I am yet to change my position on this (if ever).

I wonder what it did to Ruto to see his name at number 2 on the much publizised dossier published on the front page of the Sunday Nation? I mean the figures would suggest that he was just a breath away from the presidency. I am sure he dreamt of long motorcades with motorcycles riding next to his limousine. What would he not do now to win the ODM-Kenya nomination?

Interestingly in view of the 40:40:20 rule in ODM-Kenya (which gurantees Kanu a 40% share of the party), there is just an outside chance that if the delegates system were to be used, Ruto on paper would look like he has a decent chance of winning, especially in the absense of his party chairman Uhuru Kenyatta. But in the game of politics what is on paper is almost always very different from the reality of things.

I also agree that the buck stops with Hon Fred Gumo as far as the alleged leaking of the report is concerned.

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  1. At least you have said it in a different post. I felt like replying the numbskull who called a woman he/she does not know a 'bitch'. It is not for this forum. But unfortunate.
    Chris on the leaked dossier, it was either Prof Nyongo or Gummo as you said, who wanted to achieve the benefit of locking out some of the contestants. Secondly, a friend says that it was designed to lock out Musalia Mudavadi who has covered enough ground in the last two weeks.
    It was meant to show that whether some people fail to return the nomination papers ODM can still win. There is also another spin doing rounds that UK's press conference on Saturday (and odd day for one like that) was in response to pour cold water on the dossier, after the UK Secretariate in Chancery Building got wind of it from a mole.

  2. The varacity and intentions notwithstanding, the dossier leakage spells a fundamental flaw in our Kenyan fabric. We jump to lofty titles whose basic ideals we don't grasp. Council of elders was meant to smell credebility and truct but what we hear them spewing is nothing sort of bigoted ethnic calculations. A look at its memebership leaves the bowels threatening to release its contents.

    Ww are simply witnessing political theatre of the absurd in leaving scoundrels chat our future as we watch mouthing disguised tribal explitives. Gumo is only raising his personal poltical profile in readiness of the coming polls and a counterfactual ministerial post.

    We are back to ridding in nice circles always kissing the starting point thinking that we have gone far yet nothing moves despite the apparent motions. Simply put we are political doldrums and the luck of decorum is even manifested in a shameless outburst in calling somebody's dear wife a bitch. Speek of unfetted adoption of street words you can't spell on the reverse.

    Anon must be a man and he makes me very sad. For all female readers I pologize for the crude and uncililized comment directed at you. As for anon it is not the physical strength that determines the contents of your upper faculty. Instead the apes leave you ashamed asbask in your own shineshine of plastic superiority. Pole sana bro.

  3. Chris, Asante sana. I read your Blog with with pleasure and great interest. I am equally thankful for those like derek, taabu, vikii etc who care to leave worthy comments. We in the diaspora are hungry for news from home and you do us a great service. i am sure that the thousands here who continue to support the Kenyan economy and their families in Kenya find this forum quite illuminating. Take no notice of the poor anonymous ingrate with distasteful comments regarding your lovely wife. The family is the corner stone of the larger society, I am happy you shared her thoughts with us!!

  4. Thanks Taabu for apologizing to all female readers for the crude word used on Mrs. Kumekucha, I was disgusted that I couldnt even find words to tell this sick person.

    Chris asante for posting Mrs. Kumekucha's views, keep it up to encourage us female readers to give our veiws on politics, which we are not keen on.

  5. Thanks Adhis, I just want to tell you and Mrs. Kumekucha (and all other female bloggers) that Raila's vision, which one or two people have trashed in this forum, carefully addresses the issue of affirmative action, and that the man himself, Raila that is, has promised to share out the cabinet and other public appointments on a 50/50 basis with men. This will be a first worldwide. In other words, your next VP will be a woman.

    ODM also boasts of two presidential nominees, ie. Ojiambo and Umar and half of the ODM secretariat is managed by women. On the other hand, the only women I see on NARC-K NATIONAL stage is Mrs Kihara, Martha Karua, Beth Mugo and Betty Tett - all from the same (gema) community - some may want to throw in Prof. Wangari Maathai, but will that make it any better? In view of this, it is now upon members of the fair sex to take up the challenge and show us what they can do (read vote for Raila) in 2007. Raila has made a pledge to empower women intellectually, economically and politically.

    Wahenga walisema, n'gombe halizimishwi kunywa maji kisimani, na pia mchagua jembe sio mkulima. Lakini mtoto akililia wembe mpe!

  6. Tumelialia wembe kwa mda mrefu na itakuwa vyema kupata chama ambayo itatupa.

    If we go by Raila's vision on affirmative action and that the next VP will be a woman and sharing cabinet and public appointments on a 50/50 basis, I would vote for him because women understand the fundamental needs of a nation more than men, just the way we run our homes and families.

    If we look at the history of this country we can see women have contributed positively to this nation. During Margeret Kenyatta’s tenure as Nairobi Mayor the City was very clean compared to what it is now after successive male mayors, in health sector, we can see improvements in public hospitals especially Kenyatta hospital because of Charity Ngilu, Wangari Mathai brought honor to this country when she was awarded the Nobel Prize for her good work on conserving the environment, we can walk in most parts of Nairobi at night without worrying of being mugged because of Esther Passari’s Adopt Alight initiative and many more…

    I can imagine a government with a woman as the VP and 50% women in Cabinet and public appointments, I think there will be less corruption, cleaner environment, better infrastructure, lower poverty rate etc…..

    The time has come for us to support a presidential candidate who supports women’s cause and avoid liars who don’t keep their promises.

  7. this talk about woman VP and affirmative action has no place in this country. Raila can do much better than this by sorting out the plight of his constituents in Kibera, before appointing self serving bitches, who ofcourse will be girlfriends of his cronies.

    the problem with africans is that every one wants to be the boss so we end up with a society full of know it all politicians. what kenya needs is a political system like in china where poeple work as opposed to endless politics.

    why cant this blog be addressing important issues affectying kenyans instead os sensational political fiction of demagogues like raila and kumekucha..

  8. Anonymous, I wonder what gives you the right to dictate to Chris what topics to publish for discussion. I would rather if you took your time and posted your senseless and racist outburst in your own blog. Insults will never take you anywhere and it is attitudes like yours that have made this country Kenya be in the mess it is. As Adhis is trying to tell you, affirmative action has a lot of positive results, most of all promoting equality in the society. Considering this is an international site, it is really a huge disgrace when other nationalities read comments like yours that offer more insults and arrogance than solutions. Shame on you, anonymous flop!

  9. Anon you are it again please please stop bandying offensive words. You can make you point without necessarily blowing your top. Your mother and sisters may be bitches but not every woman is. Sorry I couldn't stop it man but to pass the benefit of a response that you don't deserve. Stop it please, address issues and not personalities. Show us the quality of the grey matter resident in between the ears and stop mouthing murk as comments. Over to you with your predictable tirades.

  10. Anon, what thrill or pride do you get from spewing vitroil on this forum. Are you really happy. If I were you, I could be ashamed, despite the fact that many people answering do no know you. How coward can a man be? If you have a dictonary, please look for the word CAD. Rather, you are the lowest of the low. Honestly, it takes a man with an ego to talk in such a forum. In that can, if you dont have an ego, or youn have nothing to contribute about, please keep it to yourself. Free education has seen you learn to use a computer to insult people. Kindly stop it. It costs nothing and the time spent doing that can be used to broaden your intelligence.

  11. Inexcusable balderdash, as a certain commenter would say, describes my thoughts on the ungentlemanly remarks on the wife. That being said, words, even abusive words, are simply expressions of opinions; no matter how distorted. Spare a serious thought and be driven into an emotional fight with shadows.
    That established, the reality of discussions in any anonymous public round-table must include the expectation of raw abuse and hateful spew, preferably in low doses. The solution is simple; ignore. However, if disgust persists, serious attempts must be made to mungikirize that jamaa.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.