Friday, June 15, 2007

Marianne Brinner Gives More Details On Date Rape Incident


What Really Happened on That February 20th Night?

Yesterday in a lengthy interview with an American newspaper date rape victim Marianne Brinner revealed new details concerning the said incident in London.

Today I reproduce her statement in full, which emerged from that interview here. The same statement was also sent to a leading South African newspaper that is covering the story.

"Here is a summary of the assault details because I think that this is such an important issue that I do not want to have any misunderstanding about it. I hope, you read this before making your final article.

Especially since I am sure that Jeff will tell the whole world that I agreed on having sex with him etc. etc. -

It started on February 20 after I had arrived in London. Jeff called me in the afternoon and then came to my Hotel (Holiday Inn Forum Plaza) around 6.30 pm. He had announced that we should meet in the Lobby, take a drink, talk a bit and then go out for Dinner.

So I dressed up for dinner, nice and elegant. But he came just wearing black trousers and a black sweater (a little bit like the MEND people in his Nigeria Report). I made a remark to this asking if he was really seriously thinking to have Dinner with me since as you may know, the London top restaurants have quite a strict dress-code. But he assured me that his outfit was ok 'why, what's wrong with what I am wearing?'

We then talked for about an hour, sitting in the Lobby, sipping a glass of wine (we really both had just one glass each - so alcohol is not the excuse for what happened later). Although I should have been warned: In the middle of our conversation (about the Nigeria Report, his problems with the CNN lawyers which were still going on also in London, and about people we both knew in and outside Kenya etc. etc. - he all of a sudden stopped and said 'I want to make love to you - now....' - I started laughing and did not take him serious, teasing him 'you are crazy - have you forgotten, we have a date to have dinner together ....' - and he again: 'but I am 'ready' - now....' - But then he changed back to our former conversation and I felt 'safe' again .....

But all the time I felt quite 'overdressed' and told him so and said, I would rather prefer to go to my room to change into some 'less fancy'...

He agreed and asked if he could come up also since he wanted to call 'his people' to see if everything was ok .... I told him to give me 15 minutes so I could change before. And then I made a big mistake: I had two passes (these security cards to use the lift and to enter the rooms) and I gave him one ....

I was still in the bathroom since he entered already after about 5 minutes - but I was wearing a housecoat - when he opened the sliding doors of my bathroom, pulled me out telling me 'not to be shy with him' - and then the big shock: he was already totally undressed..... he pushed me on the bed, and in seconds tried to enter me ..... I struggled and asked him several times to stop this - but he forced himself into me and that's when he has hurt me ..... he held my arms down and started kissing me (maybe he wanted to stop me from screaming) in a very brutal way ..... he saw the pain in my face since he even made the remark 'Did I hurt you? Do you have pain?' - I started crying and begged him again several times to stop, but he only said 'I can't - so just let me 'finish' ---- and continued. Every move he made was like a knife was going deeper and deeper in me cutting me apart.... it was horrible.

When he finished - yes, he even had an orgasm - he turned around and for about 3 minutes was lying on his stomach next to me without saying one word. I was still crying, shocked and devastated. And still without a word he got up and without washing himself put his trousers on and then even called - like nothing had happened - his people, chatting and laughing on the phone. He then turned to me 'sorry, but I have to go' and off he went.....

I stayed for a while in my bed wondering what I should do ...... then I saw the blood on my body and on the bed sheets ...... and I had only one thought: to 'wash away this dirt' so I took a shower and stayed under the water for more than half an hour…

I tried to call him the following day since I did not hear anything from him - but he had switched off his cell phone and in the Hotel (Kempinski) they always told me that 'he was not available'.

But now comes another thing which I have not spoken about yet: As I said, he had the 'pass' to my room since he took it with him and I always feared that he could come back in the middle of night..... and it came out that he really tried on the second night: After I had already sent the letter to CNN and he started to call me again, he asked if my daughter liked the DVD's he had left in my Hotel for her ..... I did not even know what he was talking about and he told me that he had come to my Hotel but the Night Concierge stopped him and he then left an envelop for me with these DVD's and a note at the Reception. I wrote to the Holiday Inn and after some days they confirmed this and apologized for not having given it to me when I checked out that morning. They then sent to me the envelop by DHL and besides the DVD's (about Darfur, Somalia and Oprah's School) it also contained a handwritten note by him saying that he came after having done a live interview at 4.20 am for Anderson Cooper 360 ....and that he had been very busy - working day and night .....and then he also attached the 'pass'…

I know I have made many mistakes - the biggest was to trust him - then the others to give him the pass and allow him to come to my room - but again: I was trusting him ..... like he had always told me 'I will never hurt you - everything will be done mutual - I have never forced a woman to have sex with me - I respect you too much to ever hurt you ..........'
I should have been warned about his intentions when he said in the Lobby ' I want to make love to you - now - I am 'ready'…

- and that's also one of the reasons why I did not go to the Police - I started to blame myself for having been so stupid…

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  1. Chris:

    Please let this Jeff story go...there's no point in kicking a dying horse. What exactly does Brinner hope to achieve further? Yours is a blog that is so precise and so timely politically that you muddy your reputation with this woman's claims. They're both high-profile people and she can seek legal redress.

    There's something very distasteful about a woman discussing such intimate details. This is just not the forum for discussing such sexual details--we can't offer her any help. She needs to go through the right channels.

  2. I felt that since it is this blog that broke the story, it is only fair that we be the first to update it.

    Also there is the developing story about CNN that isjust nowhitting the world media and whose main focus is bribery and news reporting in Africa. In my view these are not stories that I (or you) can afford to ignore.

    However thank you for your comments, and most of all I thank you most sincerely for being civil about it, rather than personal like others. I really appreciate that. I will tone down reporting on this story in future.


  3. Hi Chris, thanks for responding. I know you need to update, but, you can do so by having an active link as you always do. I didn't like Brinner referring to Jeff's clothing as similar to those of the "mend" people. It's very snobbish and reflective of her attitude towards us--I mean, if Jeff's clothing are that bad, what about the rest of us lower class people who don't wine and dine with the elite?.

    I completely agree with you that we should pay attention to the issue of bribery--as a former reporter myself, I know there are things that go on in the media that would shock people to death. It's important to highlight those--in that regard, Brinner's role is testimonial as far as that particular e-mail. She can ride on that and not Jeff's orgasms. I've never met Jeff and I think she gave him a rope to hang himself, but, enough of the details--the images are not pleasant.

  4. he all of a sudden stopped and said 'I want to make love to you - now....' - I started laughing and did not take him serious, teasing him 'you are crazy - have you forgotten, we have a date to have dinner together ....' - and he again: 'but I am 'ready' - now....' - But then he changed back to our former conversation and I felt 'safe' again .....

    mmhhh! This woman knew exactly what she was up to. Poor Jeff. Makes me wonder why Jeff has not been arraigned in court.

    From I where I sit, I see a languishing journalist trying to cut his teeth using a successful journalist misfortune.

    Give Jeff a break.

  5. Chris, this woman knew what Jeff wanted. And I tend to believe that she consented to it, only to change the version of the story later, for some reason or another; maybe the deal went sour. Don't take me wrongly, I don't support men who can't keep their zips closed. But Brinner must be smarter than just this, owing to her long exposure with the authorities. It's like telling me that a lawyer decided to dispose the same evidence he expects to use in court, then expect sympathy from the judge. I do understand her, but why did she wash after the act? Does she have the bedsheets she bled on? Chris you tell me which other evidence she may have apart from just word of mouth. Why didn't she call the police if she really felt defiled. Chris something is not just adding up here! But all the same, the power of the skirt has once again brought a "great" (African) man down!!!!

  6. My only problem with this woman is that she would rank very low in any credibility test. That Chris will want to call her Kenyan foot, is it for the number of Kenyan politicians she has slept with from Ouko to Moi?

    It seems that when she wants a favour, it is what lies between her legs that she uses and whoever fails to deliver meets her wrath. Perhaps it is the same reason she has so much bile for Moi, but then she could not get back at him.

    She then approaches Jeff for a story on her book, entices him to sex, and when jeff will not get her on CNN or Oprah, she claims she was date raped and also cooks up stories of bribery etc!

    Chris, if you are a journalist, do you know the number of people who pay their sources for a story and would you classify this as bribery??

  7. What happenned to mariana blog. Has it been hacked or she has sold it after finishing Jeff?

  8. I think Malaya Anne Brainnerjust intended to spread her leg to get the taste of African tool that day.


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