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Monday, May 21, 2007

Did The London Date Rape Happen Or Is It Pure Fabrication?

Today I publish two key emails from the intimate date rape emails (involving Kenya's most famous journalist) now in the public domain. Make up your mind for yourself if they are genuine or not. Or even better head to the blog yourself and read the entire email trail leading to the London rape incident.


After I told him how I felt, he wrote on February 23:

... if that's how you feel, then all I can say is SORRY from the bottom of my heart and I hope you can find it in your compassionate heart to forgive me and give me ONE more chance to make it up tyo you .........
I at least deserve that ..... one chance ..... if I FUCK -UP, then you can do whatever you want!!!!! "

to which I replied:

" Which chance ? What do you think you can correct ?
Being a lover as you promised to be ? Being a man who cares as you said you are ? Being somebody I could trust completely as you begged me I should ?
Who is the real Jeff Koinange ?
In my memory it is the man who left me there in that room - having seen and realized that I had pain - who left without even washing himself - without looking back and without getting into contact with me afterwards.
Only now - when you fear I could talk - you come out of hiding and beg me to forgive you....."


  1. Man this Jeff-Marianne bisness is getting cocky. Once you read the whole blog you are left torn between sympathy and justice. But at least JK owned up to his empty threats except the African in him made him macho by refusing what Brimmer values most, SORRY. Or maybe as they say you can take a villager out of the village but not the village in him. Mmm interesting and they both have pegs for their beef. But as for me Jeff has the upper hand to climb down and stop his own character and professional assisination. But will he oblige and ashame pride? Time will tell, we are watching and reading.

  2. Is this another of your polls (still awaiting the results of your previous one)?
    My take is that this pure fabrication because its only appearing on your two blogs.

  3. Chris, this thing between Brinner, a white slut out to character assasinate Jeff is uncalled for. If I wereyou and had little brains between my years, I could think loud and stop this crap once and for all.
    Why should she show you such e-mails, if not to malign Jeff, the same way she said KN Arap Biwott used to sleep with Ugandan girls when she was Moi's 'girlfriend' She never was!!!.
    Why even write to CNN about it. Why hang it to the public.
    SLUT she is. I speak as a professional colleague of Jeff and you if you are a journalist for real.
    Tell her to F*** OFF. Whore! Malingerer, SLUT. ANy name. She knows everything, including who killed Ouko. Why did she not say Njorogo Mungai raped her.

    NB: Are you waiting for her to promote your Mboya Book. Pole NDUGU. Umenoa!! na hasara juu.

  4. Did I read professional? Well, the tone and the vitrol betrays the diplomacy inherent in the word. I may be wrong but only the truth shall prevail, no amount of gang mentality. Is it another turf war or are people settling unpublished scores here? Boy, it is getting crowded.


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