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Monday, April 09, 2007

Patrice Lumumba: Details of Brutal Foreign Interference Beginning To Emerge 47 Years Later

The good book says that there is nothing that is done in secret that will not be shouted from the rooftops one day. There are some very fascinating revelations that have come out recently of some rather nasty business done in great secrecy, involving the Belgians and the Americans in the Congo.

The first legally elected Prime Minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, removed illegally by foreigners at height of cold war.

While it is true that most Kenyans do not care much about what happens with our immediate neighbors, Uganda and Tanzania, let alone a slightly distant one like Congo, these latest revelations are of great interest and concern to every Kenyan. It is also true that we have many problems of our own and hardly have time to take a peek over the fence to see what is happening with the neighbors but the truth is that the thugs who robbed the neighbor will inevitably be at our doorstep soon.

Patience please, as I tell the story.

In 1960 what is today the Democratic Republic of Congo attained independence and in those first elections there was a surprise winner in a young former postal clerk and travelling beer salesman called Patrice Lumumba. A charismatic politician and great friend of our own Tom Mboya, the Belgians were extremely nervous about this man and his "burning eyes". In retrospect it is also clear that the Belgians were not quite ready to leave the mineral-rich Congo, yet Lumumba who reflected the will of the people, wanted them to leave ASAP.

To cut a long story short, Lumumba was in power for barely 3 months before he was "removed" by the International community. Even the United Nations passed a resolution not to recognize a democratically elected leader of a country that was now supposed to be independent. Thanks mainly to pressure from the United States. Lumumba's fatal mistake was simply warming up to the Soviets then.

But what followed was even more shocking. The Americans working closely with the Belgians carefully laid down a plan for the elimination of Lumumba. It is said that President Eisenhower gave the executive order for the fiery Lumumba to be murdered in cold blood. After extensive deliberations that at one time included the suggestion to poison Lumumba with a special toothpaste, the deed was finally done by flying Lumumba to the Mineral-rich Katanga province which was the bedrock of his political enemies within Congo. There Lumumba and his close associates were put against a tree and shot dead. They were then buried. Later two Belgian soldiers on orders from their superiors, exhumed the bodies, cut them into small pieces and burnt some parts while dissolving others in acid.

The full story including details of wire taps on Lumumba phones and his residence and office, using equipment supplied by the Americans and installed by Belgians, as well as amounts of cash sent for the operation to the Congo by the CIA have only now started to emerge in full. Many of the key participants are apparently still alive.

It is instructive that this foreign interference in Congo in the early 60s opened a can of worms that is yet to be contained or shut again to this day. President Laurent Kabila was assassinated in circumstances that are still unclear by allegedly being shot by one of his own bodyguards. His son took over the reins of power but his main opponent in a recent general elections has refused to accept the results and the country looks like it is headed down the only too familiar road to more skirmishes and blood-letting.

Read more about Patrice Lumumba

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