Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, March 19, 2007

We Told You About Moi's Power And Antics Months Ago

Yesterday's issue of the Sunday Nation featured a detailed analysis of what political observers see as the 'hidden hand' of former President Moi in the politics of Kenya. Regular readers of this blog know that this is an issue that we have warned about repeatedly for months now.

However judging from the comments of most readers, most Kenyans do not believe that Moi has any significant influence in the country anymore. This is being naïve because having been in power for 24 years (add another 12 years as VP), the tentacles of influence of the former president reach every remote corner of this country.

Then you need to consider the fact that the former president is now free from time-consuming affairs of the state and can therefore concentrate on playing deadly "political chess" the whole day.

It is a little late in the day for Kenyans to now realize that the former president has carefully worked himself into that position where politically and in relation to the forthcoming general elections, given a toss up, he will win whether the coin lands on "heads" or "tails." In fact given the prevailing view that Moi is "harmless" plenty more damage will be done before most people wake up to what is really happening.

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  1. There has never been any doubts about Moi and his desire to continue to control all the spheres of the Kenyan society. Remember teh KANU constitution was deliberately changed in the hope that Uhuru would be elected president and Moi would control him from the Kanu Chairman's seat.

    Moi has a lot to loose if an independent government was take over in kenya. During his reign, there were occurances of serious economic crimes as well as crimes against humanity that would require Moi to personally stand trial. He is therefore going to try and avoid that to the very end of his life.

    On the hand, it doesnt suprise me the Raila Odinga does not feature anywhere in Moi's apparent schemes. Among all these contenders, it is only Raila who can heal this country and ensure a free and fair society with equitable distribution of wealth and resources. His percieved challengers to the ODM crown are not only Moi stooges but also all very powerless to take any decisive action against him as they all owe their very existence to Moi. Unfortunately, our current president also falls into this category.

    No wonder Kenya never features anywhere in world politics!!

  2. Your small little opinion has been noted. U and your family can vote for Raila. It is not a crime for Moi to be involved in politics and so u guys should not whine when he does. Why dont u get involved urself. It is even better Moi than that jaluo called Raila.

  3. Well, its shame anonymous two to choose to drag in families, tribes and rate opinions, while avoiding the essense of what Chris posted. By the way, well done Chris for exposing these schemes by the elite (read Moi & Kibaki)of Kenya. We know they want to protect themselves and their cronies. Rating Raila on the basis of his ethnic origin is something we have heard here previously, it wont work. Advise try something else.

    Did Raila instigate tribal clashes or preside over stagnant economy or detain people without trial or rule in a one party dictatorship?

    Democracy is about making personal choices. Whats yours, Moi?

  4. Mine is not Moi. I was reacting to the insinuation that only Raila is not in Moi's gameplan coz he is the only one with the healing power. Moi has met Kibaki,Uhuru Ruto and Kalonzo(Atleast according to the propaganda machine called the standard). Are u guys telling us that the reason he has not met Raila is coz of his not owing his political rise to Moi. My bet is that if Moi asked to meet Raila 2morrow the latter wud propose that happens today lest Moi changes his mind in the course of the night. The truth is that Raila has tried in vain to meet Moi. I am not living in Kenya now coz of the economic crimes Moi committed in Kenya leading to nasty retardation and subsequently lack of employment opportunities. He has done a lot of injustices to Kenyans. BUT he is a Kenyan entitled to his right of association. My take on the fact that he is not planning to meet Raila any time soon is the latter's immaturity. What can the two discuss? Moi is a man and he is meeting fellow men. What the hell do u guys want him to discuss with a boy? Let him shed the skin,only then will he be able to dine with the elders.


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