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Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Echelon Project And Evidence Of Anglo Leasing That Even Ringera Will Not Bear To Ignore

One of the biggest ambitions of former President Bill Clinton after the historic 2002 elections was to meet the man who had ousted the dictatorial, corrupt KANU government, one Mwai Kibaki. The reason was obvious. The former US president knew a thing or two about the Moi regime and although he carefully leaves out the issue of Kenya and the policy of his administration towards corrupt African governments from his massive biography it is well known that the Clinton administration used information from high tech surveillance to identify instances where bribes were being solicited and to intervene when US companies were going to lose multi-million dollar contracts as a result of bribery and corruption.

The best example of this was the infamous incident where American companies were competing with European competitor Airbus industrie for a major contract in the Middle East and high tech surveillance showed evidence that officials of the company were involved in bribery attempts. The Clinton administration intervened and the contract went the way of Boeing and McDonnell Douglas.

Now what is this high tech surveillance that I keep on referring to here?

Ever heard of Echelon? Echelon is a joint intelligence surveillance arrangement that the governments of the US, England, Australia and New Zealand share intelligence information thus bypassing domestic privacy laws that limit the extent to which the individual countries can spy on their own citizens. The Echelon project benefits greatly from the 9 acres of computers, backed by sophisticated satellite links that keeps a watch on the entire world's every communication that is operated by the NSA (National Security Agency) in the United States. That includes private cell phone conversations, fax, land line conversations, the confidential email you sent off moments before you came to this site to start reading this and so on. The whole system is run on a sophisticated arrangement where certain keywords will attract attention. During a recent documentary feature a former NSA operative gave the amusing example of a conversation between a woman who had been to see her son in a school play and described it as "a blast" (common English expression meaning that it was excellent) to a friend. That keyword sent the NSA alarm bells ringing and caused close scrutiny of the entire conversation before it was realized that the woman was not involved in planning a "blast" somewhere or any terrorist activities for that matter.

But while the systems of processing the information are not yet foolproof, the gathering virtually is. These systems not only capture every conversation on the globe but agencies like the NSA are well able to decode encrypted communication as well. All this may sound like fiction, but it isn't. It is reality.

This means that there is foolproof evidence lying somewhere on Anglo Leasing, Goldenberg and even the gruesome Ouko murder. Little wonder that it is said that the British have conclusive evidence on the Ouko murder locked up somewhere in London. (Although retired superintendent John Troon is of the view that there is enough evidence in Kenya to prosecute the two big names in that gruesome crime).

What all this means is that Western governments are always very much aware of the facts when dealing with African governments such as the Kenyan one. And when they warn of imminent terrorist attacks during World Cross Country championships scheduled for Mombasa this Saturday, they have their facts.

Obviously people like Kieni MP Chris Murungaru were either not aware of the existence of this surveillance system or chose to ignore it when as a full cabinet minister he chose to meet characters who are known to be involved in the illegal drugs business, during a visit to London. The British authorities promptly slapped a visa ban on him that still stands to this day.

It sends a chill through your spine does it not, to realize that your every move is being watched. Big Brother is watching.

Read more about Echelon

The most valuable business secret from Coca Cola

Regular violent wife rape by a dutiful husband.


  1. QUOTE: "And when they warn of imminent terrorist attacks during World Cross Country championships scheduled for Mombasa this Saturday, they have their facts."

    Let's not get carried away with our awe towards American intelligence. They blundered on "9/11". Since then, they did not provide any warnings for: -

    - the 2002 Bali bombings
    - the 2002 Kikambala bombing & Mombasa airliner shoot-down attempt
    - the 2003 Istanbul bombings
    - the 2004 Madrid train bombings
    - the 2004 Moscow Metro bombings
    - the 2005 London bombings
    - the 2006 Mumbai train bombings
    - the 2006 Madrid Barajas Airport bombing

    These failures are too numerous and too significant for us to declare, "Hey, these marvelous buggers have their facts right!" At most, they may have A fact, and it may be a guess, and hey, Kenyan police have arrested some people in the past week, and a few years ago, Kenyan police foiled another plot (which resulted in the death of a Kenyan cop by grenade).

    Remember, when Clinton visited Africa as President, it was UGANDAN SECURITY who identified the trespasser in the US president's entourage.

    Let's not blow the Yanks out of proportion... A country as dangerous as South Africa ought to have a PERMANENT TRAVEL ADVISORY against it...

  2. Toneloc,

    I cannot agree with you more. Although we cannot dispute the complexity and capabilities of the echelon program, it is not foolproof.

    The manner in which the US ambassador raised the alarm was suspect. He did so to the media, devoid of official communication with the Kenyan intelligence and the Foreign affairs ministry. This clearly shows that the alleged 'threat' was based on unconfirmed source. It was merely a hunch.

    This propaganda being diseminated in this article is shocking. Chris, you know better than this. This is mere speculation purported to be factual. Get the facts then publish.

  3. Oh, and they would have known for sure that there were WMDs in iraq.


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