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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Insecurity: If The Government Is Not To Blame, Who Is To Blame?

Because this blog is infested with NSIS agents and Kibaki campaign strategists, as is every high traffic site that deals with Kenyan politics, you will often see very convincing reasoning that is easy to take in, in the comments sections.

Reading the comments you will be told that without Kibaki, the Kenyan economy would still be where it was under Moi. (But they will omit to tell you that the very same Moi is a major political strategist in this government and interestingly since he came in, the Kibaki government has enjoyed the most extended and solid stability it has ever had since coming into power.) You will also be told that the Kibaki government's brilliant policies and strategy is the reason why the economy has improved so much.

If you are reading this and trying to find the truth, sober up for a minute and examine the facts on the ground.

For starters the system of accounting used to arrive at the growth rate was conveniently changed in 2003 to the World Bank's (1993 SNA – System of National Accounting). The major thing this new system does is shift the accounting system from products costs to the income element. In simple English it will always make things look better than they really are by focusing on income and ignoring costs.

Sample this, in 2004 using the new system the economy grew by 4.3 per cent. But using the old system it actually grew by only 2.4 per cent.

But I may look like I am splitting hairs here, so let me quickly move on to my main point.

This attitude of government which is nothing short of shortchanging and conning the ordinary wananchi has extended to virtually everything this government does and says. Especially as we head towards the elections. Another extremely annoying claim this improved-booming-economy government keeps on making is that it has created hundreds of thousands of jobs. Figures I heard recently indicated that well over 400,000 jobs have been created annually since 2003. But my big question is how many jobs have been lost? If a million jobs are lost in a year and then 400,000 new ones created, then my arithmetic tells me that the truth is that 600,000 jobs have been lost. But alas, that is not the system of analysis currently being used, we are talking about new jobs created here (are we not?), let the rest go to hell.

But it does not really matter whether you want to believe me or not. And it does not matter what the government keeps on saying and what propaganda they keep on forcing down our throats, already the evidence of what I have been saying here in this blog for a long time is beginning to materialize clearly for everybody to see.

5 more were killed in the Mathare clashes a few hours ago in what is believed to have been a Mungiki revenge attack. There is so much insecurity in the country that thugs dressed as robbers walked into city hall and got into the safes with wielding equipment and stole a number of things. We are seeing images that are a stark reminder of 2001 as Kenyans are forced into refugees status in their own country and some are showing up in hospitals with arrows embedded in their bodies.

As I write this NTV reports that there was a bank robbery in the Momabasa main Postbank where thugs made off with shs 7 million after turning up at the bank at 6:00 am in the morning and posing as security guards.

The government can keep on feeding the public with all the propaganda and plain lies designed to help them win re-election for the President, but just watch and see what will happen for yourself. It will soon be very difficult to even find a place secure enough to hold those propaganda spewing press conferences.

Since this government is not in a position to see the truth, let the next government take careful note of the following; any economic policy that does not have job creation as it's number one priority and (not an afterthought after you have dealt with Raila and ODM) is doomed. As long as we have so many Kenyans jobless and idle and with no hope for tomorrow, mainly because the system favors the corrupt and the big old political names, then there can be no security in Kenya.

P.S. Some people also believe that as we approach the elections, some politicians sponsor criminal activities top raise funds for their campaigns.

What do you think about this whole issue?


  1. Hi Chris
    I wonder whether my point on integrity ties in with this post of yours:-
    As you said, the system favours the corrupt and the big old political names-i agree

    My feeling-whether or not the economy grew (by an old GDP or new GDP method), for me, the lack of integrity means that i don't trust that the current administration has the countries best interests at heart as a top priority

    I guess (maybe naively) i consider Integrity to be a priority over the economy-anyway, that's what i think
    PS:-great post, as always

  2. You ARE NOT being naive.

    I agree integrity comes first. If our government cannot be honest and law abiding, why should the thugs be? Why should Mungiki be?

    Integrity also means a government admitting that tumeshindwa and appealing for ideas from wananchi.

    Integrity also means not trying to cheat us in broad day light saying that they have created a few hundred thousand jobs when we all know that we have lost many more jobs than have been created since 2003. Many of those jobs have been lost because of lack of government policies which have job creation as the number one priority.

    Then there is the issue of the improved economy that is apparently doing so well that thugs have gone on rampage. Thats integrity for you.


  3. I decided to do a simple test. Have a discussion that is of genuine interest to Kenyans and one that exposes the government's weaknesses and see if some annonymous guys' whose IP addresses I have taken careful note of will comment.

    Result; they are very quiet. More quiet than a grave yard. This seems to confirm my suspicions. These guys are not genuine. They are hired hands hired to spew out propaganda on behalf of candidate Kibaki in cyberspace. Just watch, they will all show up together after they have received their briefing, and they will all be saying the same thing. Something like security is better under Kibaki than it was under Moi. Generally propaganda rubbish that will not help anybody.

    Or they may be a frightened to make an appearnace this time, now that I have specifically blown their cover.

    Come on guys, I know that you have to put bread on the table, but what a way to do it.

    Do you really love your own stoamch more than your country? But then on second thoughts most Kenyans do, led by our politicians.

  4. Look out for a hot exclusive in this blog late today, about the real reason behind the Mathare slum clashes. It will shock you. I'm still dumb struck as I put it together. I did'nt realize that predictions in this blog would come to pass so quickly and so soon.



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