Friday, August 31, 2007

ODM-Kenya: What Impact Will Its' Presidential Candidate Now Have?


Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka this afternoon beat his only challenger Prof Julia Ojiambo by garnering 2,835 votes against 791 votes to become the ODM-Kenya presidential candidate. The action was at Kasarani Stadium (some have christened it Kiserani—meaning controversy).

Tomorrow the other Orange party, ODM original, will hold a similar exercise at the same venue to come up with their presidential candidate. They will have a tough act to follow because the ODM-Kenya elections were extremely well organized.

It is expected that Mr Musyoka will seek an alliance with another political party before facing the general elections and he has said so himself several times...

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  1. Chris stop spoling KM's party. Na uwache Wakamba alone. I repeat, they are mere biological accident who have mothers with tongues.

    Another one. Keep your belief and religion about multiple WIVES to yourself please. Appearing and living faithfully are two differnt things. This is not to question KM's monogamy. Far from it but you are opening yourself too to bards. Just to be personal and I hope you don't get offended, ama? By the way is your 26-year-old gone? I am still SEARCHING and want to free Vikii because you know I remain an impediment to his PROGRESS.

  2. Kumekucha,

    Congratulations are in order to KM after delegates confirmed what we already knew. The real work now begins to sell his 'nationalistic' attributes. He also now has the bargaining platform that he has been looking for. Whether he will sell is another story altogether.

    But he doesn't seem to have the answers to our complex problems. For instance, the other day he appeared on a KTN interview and seemed to be evasive on almost all questions put to him.

    Asked what he would do to Kenya yet his constituency has nothing to show after being an MP, Assistant Minister, Minister, Deputy Speaker for over over 2 decades, he repeated his stock answer, "i was not president!" Do we have to be president to bring meaningful changes to our communities?

    Asked about his contribution to Kenya as minister, he could only cite the peace processes in Somalia, Sudan, etc. Will he be president for Kenya or these other countries. My fealing is that he has nothing to show, in his own country.

    Is he a revolutionary/reformist? People are credited to be revolutionaries or reformists by other people who have seen or experienced the results. People become revolutionaries by doing and not calling themselves so. And they do this in their normal day-to-day activities, i.e. it is after results that people realise that what you did was extraordinary.

    Chris, I sincerely fail to get the link between poligamy and crime, but I will anxiously await your thesis. Furthermore, in this part of the world, the truth about you (e.g. how many wives you have) comes out after you die. Don't trust appearances, they can be deceiving.


  3. Chris, who told you that Julia Ojiambo is a Professor? Which university appointed her a Prof? Please get your details right before submitting your articles. Her title is "Dr" because she holds a Phd in nutrition-- a glorified name for samosa and chapati cooking!! Her PhD is not in semiconductor physics. Jack.


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