Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Moi You Don't Know


Most Kenyans do not really know Moi and what the man is capable of. A little reminder is in order.

Moi the Liar
Daniel Moi's performance denying any involvement in the murder of former foreign minister Robert Ouko was the kind of performance that would have won a Hollywood oscar.

"My government has absolutely nothing to do with the Ouko murder," he told the nation with a straight face. In fact he looked fairly angry and the one who had been wronged in the whole matter. Clap. Clap. Clap.

The former president still uses the same straight face to tell all sorts of lies.

Moi The Hypocrite
These days Daniel Moi gets very worked up whenever he is talking about ODM. His favorite catchphrase in describing the party—this is nothing more than a tribal party. By extension he also means that Raila Odinga is a tribalist. But hold on a minute sir...

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  1. Where is the biggest sycophant alive, derek?

  2. I don't lift things out but been forced to share about Moi with my fellow Kenyans, whether this is the person to listen to. The verdict is yours, this has been in the news in the UK whole part of morning today

    The looting of Kenya

    · Leak of secret report exposes corrupt web
    · More than £1bn moved to 28 countries
    · Property in London, New York , Australia

    Xan Rice in Nairobi
    Friday August 31, 2007
    The Guardian

    The former Kenyan president Daniel Arap Moi
    The former Kenyan president Daniel Arap Moi. Photograph: Juda Ngwenya/Reuters

    The breathtaking extent of corruption perpetrated by the family of the former Kenyan leader Daniel Arap Moi was exposed last night in a secret report that laid bare a web of shell companies, secret trusts and frontmen that his entourage used to funnel hundreds of millions of pounds into nearly 30 countries including Britain.

    The 110-page report by the international risk consultancy Kroll, seen by the Guardian, alleges that relatives and associates of Mr Moi siphoned off more than £1bn of government money. If true, it would put the Mois on a par with Africa's other great kleptocrats, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and Nigeria's Sani Abacha.

    Article continues
    The assets accumulated included multimillion pound properties in London, New York and South Africa, as well as a 10,000-hectare ranch in Australia and bank accounts containing hundreds of millions of pounds.

    The report, commissioned by the Kenyan government, was submitted in 2004, but never acted upon. It details how:

    · Mr Moi's sons - Philip and Gideon - were reported to be worth £384m and £550m respectively;

    · His associates colluded with Italian drug barons and printed counterfeit money;

    · His clique owned a bank in Belgium;

    · The threat of losing their wealth prompted threats of violence between Mr Moi's family and his political aides;

    · £4m was used to buy a home in Surrey and £2m to buy a flat in Knightsbridge.

    Kroll said last night it could not confirm or deny the authenticity of the report.

    The Kroll investigation into the former regime was commissioned by President Mwai Kibaki shortly after he came to power on an anti-corruption platform in 2003. It was meant to be the first step towards recovering some of the money stolen during Mr Moi's 24-year rule, which earned Kenya the reputation as one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

    But soon after the investigation was launched, Mr Kibaki's government was caught up in its own scandal, known as Anglo Leasing, which involved awarding huge government contracts to bogus companies.

    Since then, none of Mr Moi's relatives or close allies has been prosecuted. No money has been recovered. Three of the four ministers who resigned after the Anglo Leasing scandal was exposed have since been reinstated.

    Last night, the Kenyan government confirmed that it received the Kroll report in April 2004. But Alfred Mutua, the government spokesman, said it was incomplete and inaccurate, and that Kroll had not been engaged to do any further work.

    "We did not find that the report was credible. It was based a lot on hearsay." He said the leaking of the report was politically motivated and insisted Kenya was working with foreign governments to recover the stolen money. "Some of the money is in UK bank accounts. We have asked the British government to help us recover the funds, but so far they have refused."

    The report was obtained by the website Wikileaks, which aims to help expose corruption. The document is believed to have been leaked by a senior government official upset about Mr Kibaki's failure to tackle corruption and by his alliance with Mr Moi before the presidential election in December.

    On Tuesday Mr Moi said he was backing Mr Kibaki for a second term, saying he was disappointed that "selfish individual interests have been entrenched in our society". Mr Moi remains an influential figure in Kenya and his endorsement is expected to go some way to ensuring his successor's re-election.

    In the Kroll report the investigators allege that a Kenyan bank was the key to getting vast sums of money of out of the country via its foreign currency accounts. The same bank had already laundered $200m (£100m) on behalf of the late Mr Abacha, with the assistance of a Swiss-based "financier".

    "It is believed that twice as much was laundered through the same system by the Mois," the report said.

    Kroll confirmed last night that it had previously done work for the Kenyan government. A company spokesman was given extracts of the report seen by the Guardian. "We cannot confirm or deny that this report is what it purports to be," he said. "Nor can we talk about the scope, content or results of any work we have done for the government of Kenya, which remains confidential."

    Gideon Moi is an MP and Philip Moi is a businessman. Daniel Arap Moi's spokesman did not return calls last night.

  3. This just goes to show the hipocrisy of the white man. Innocent college kids are being deported from Aussie ostensibly because their parents are bigshots in Mugabe's government, and they allow the thieving former PM of Thailand to bid and purchase a leading FA Premiership outfit, and let people like Moi bank in their countries. I have a theory that their hands are tied because direct investment equals a booming economy, and sods like Moi do not know that they are actually major stakeholders in European economies!


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