Sunday, July 29, 2007

Just How Corrupt Is Hon Raila Odinga?


This is the most difficult post I have ever had to make here since Kumekucha started (now going to 3 years). It is difficult because I am faced with the prospect of disturbing the peace in this blog and losing a very good dear friend I have made here.

Nobody has contributed so many useful insider scoops to this blog than this good friend of mine that I am talking about. I value this guy very much and I am not ashamed to say that I need him here in this blog. Not only that, this guy works amongst the less privileged Kenyans, the masses of voiceless-down-and-out Kenyans—which already gives him a very soft spot in my heart. You all know that I believe the key to the future is with this group that many of us hardly understand. I asked a question here about how many people have visited the slums and as you can see the silence is deafening—apart from a few counted people (including this treasured friend of mine).

I am praying against all hope that he will not only remain my friend after the information that I am about to disclose, but will be a closer friend because we have one thing in common. We both desire nothing more than a better Kenya. The motherland first, our friendship second...

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  1. What an anticlimax Chris? after whetting appetites how could you disappoint in such proportions? Well you must agree that the post is more about apologies to Phil without mentioning his name and when we expected you to bare it all then what do you do?

    RAO is no saint and to pretend otherwise is to fool around loudly. He has chosen to take a path (read public life) patronized by flies who must perch on him with all the nasty and ssmelly feelers. He has been accused before and he must shed the light himself without letting sidekicks through their legs harder on his behalf.

    But in all honesty Chris, you are UNFAIR to Phil. You don't make a treasured buddy the subject of your post and besides pre-empting responses, you latently implore others to snap him up. Myabe I am wrong and taking my e-cop role a handshake beyond the elbow, but I fear yours is the best recipe on how not to win and sustain a pal.

    Back to Ouko's murder. If it is true RAO struck a deal with the devil then as my grandam would never tire remining me, dead people don't sleep and their blood never dries. If the guy wants to be Kenya's CEO, he must exorcise all the host and the best way is to confess. None and I repeat NOBODY can pretend to do it for him.

    Now Chris, you owe us the promised expose lest....You know as much as I do that what you have HINTED at here is from elsewhere and we demand your personal touch. Caveat, as always I hold brief for nobody absolutely. Over to you and on Phil he will predicatbly rise to the occassion to your chagrin.

  2. Chris,

    This piece is in the class of the numerous allegations that are sounding like old broken records already. If you have the evidence, present it to the police and stop wasting our time. Remember until proven guilty in a court of law, all you stated here remain hearsay. BTW you seem to have adopted the policy of Sunday Standard and particularly Kwendo Opanga that anything Raila sells. I guess you are trying to draw as many hits as possible to your blog. Good luck!

  3. Chris just wanted more people to blog here. I must confess, I fell for this. I was expecting some fireworks but nooo! Any article about one Raila Amolo Odinga aka agwambo, njamba, hummer etc whatever his fwackin name is sells like hot cakes. I am afraid tinga is taking it all the way to the ballot box against Kibaki.

  4. You not need be apologetic about what you believe. You are entitled to your own opinion.

    However, its very difficult for me to see Kumekucha as anything but a Raila blog.You lost me when 'our candidate of choice' went to 'further his education'.

    Why, no matter how many 'mistakes' you list about Raila, do you still idolize him and maintain that he is the best candidate 'we' have. I have to restate my opinion(and will not apologize), that your sole goal is to see RAO in State House.Nothing wrong with that, but I love it when people are direct. As far as I'm concerned, all this 'evidence' of evil is meant to make us think you are non-partisan. But its enough for anyone to think twice about voting for him as president, if ODM forwards him.

    As an aside, ati KANU is backing Kibaki for the top job? People,do we have political parties with any distinct ideologies in Kenya, or just a bunch of individuals who will jump into any band wagon whenever their chance to 'eat' elsewhere is threatened? Ebu guys imagine Obama joining the Republican party if beaten by Mrs, Clinton in the primaries? Anyone get me? Wanatuenjoy!

  5. Chris
    Some bloggers have asserted that this is all hearsay that has not been proven in a court of law, is it because its RAO or should we say the same for Chris Murungaru.... just a question

  6. Chris has spoken about Raila cutting deals with Moi and his chronies. He says he has documentary proof but he has NOT published it. Why not publish it if you did it in Jeff Koinange’s case? Chris has even accused Raila of a conspiracy to cover-up Dr. Robert Ouko’s gruesome murder. I believe this is a far-fetched accusation. And I wish he would publish documents to prove this. Moi retired from power in 2002, and I wonder why hasn’t this so called ‘working nation’ government that has been in power since 2003 not instituted court charges against Dr. Ouko’s killers if they are well known?

    Moi himself assured us no stone would be left unturned to get Dr. Ouko’s killers. As we speak, nationalists Pio Gama Pinto, Tom Mboya and JM Kariuki were also killed in mysterious circumstances more than 30 years ago. Three governments down the line, and with the current President having been at the apex of all the three governments, the stones appear too heavy to turn. In reality we are seeing hundreds of innocent deaths in Mt. Elgon, West Pokot, Mathare slums, etc etc, not forgetting the assassination of Dr. Odhiambo Mbai a few years ago. Is Raila in charge of police? Or does he control the judiciary or make cabinet appointments? I would be very contented if Chris were to direct these queries to the right people in government.

    Four and a half years since Kibaki’s powerful inauguration speech on 30th December 2002 what does his government have to show in ending official corruption and dismantling the networks in which they thrive? Absolutely nothing!

    Derek, there were about 18 security related contracts that have been brought into focus. Six of them were actually executed during the Kibaki regime particularly the Immigration Security & Document Control Systems for Passport and visa issuing systems, signed by Ministers - Moody Awori & Daudi Mwiraria; and PS - S. Mwaliko, T - J. Magari on 4th December 2003. The contract was valued at Euros 31,890,000 by Anglo-Leasing (fleecing?) Finance Ltd. Was Moi in power at this time?

    Some millions of dollars of public money that were paid for Anglo-Leasing contracts were refunded back to government as confirmed by Daudi Mwiraria. Government has since declined to confirm which firm/s refunded the money. Which leads us to the question, how did government know that these were Anglo-Leasing refunds?

    To this day, the British High Commission has not been able to trace the Anglo-Leasing firm in its government’s companies’ register and the physical address that was initially given as Anglo-Leasing in Liverpool was fictitious. Nobody knows who the Directors of Anglo-leasing are and even their local lawyer Mr. Fred Ojiambo is tight lipped on the issue. Why would a ‘British’ firm hire a Kenyan lawyer? And why would a government that was elected on an anti-corruption platform execute such high value contracts with companies that ‘do not exist’? It should get everyone alarmed that the GoK does not employ Due Diligence and Corporate Governance in its pre-contract activities. What a rip-off!

    It gets more interesting when we start questioning the intentions of the very expensive and extensive Goldenberg Commission Report? It is common knowledge that members of the previous regime were implicated in this scam. How come no action is being taken? The loud silence from Government may be construed as protecting Moi in exchange for political expediency. Goldenberg main architect, Kamlesh Pattni, is now Chairman of a political party known as KENDA, and KENDA is among numerous political parties that have declared their support and/or offered presidential tickets to Kibaki. Is KANU support for Kibaki meant to protect the criminals of past regime?

    Another scam that has not been given proper highlight in the Kenyan press is the issue Safaricom share-holding. Apart from GoK and Vodafone plc, there is another firm known as Mobitelea Ventures Ltd that owns 5% of Safaricom Ltd. This is a matter of much public interest and I wonder when Chris will research and publish on it. Although Safaricom was incorporated during the KANU regime, its recent Shs. 18b profits brought into sharp focus who the ghost shareholder is at safaricom. Why cant the Kibaki regime come out openly and confirm if it is Moi and chronies, and how did they manage to get substantial share-holding from a company that was originally publicly owned? Did the public gain from this deal? Ama its yet another 'clean' rip-off Derek?

    Ever since he was elected, Mutula Kilonzo informed us, President Mwai Kibaki has never attended any political party meeting, be it NARC, NARC-K or DP. What does this tell Kenyans about the value he attached to promoting multi-party democracy? Instead of strengthening political parties, the President is poaching members from official opposition instead of head hunting from his own political party. This is the worst form of corruption and a dangerous move to return to single party dictatorship!

  7. I agree we all should accuse Kibaki for failing to act on the Goldenberg report. In my opinion, Moi, Awori, Raila, Ruto and all other thieves should be behind bars as we speak. But as anonymous asks, are u guys shamelwssly applying the 'innocent till proved guilty' principle because it is Raila Odinga? When someone asks Chris to publish documentary evidence to back his claim, that is the height of dishonesty because no documentary evidence was published to nail down Chris Murungaru on Anglo leasing.

    Phil u have to think outside the box on what it is u want in the governance of Kenya. If u are protecting criminals just because they excite u in rallies then u can do with some prayers. Are u looking for evidence that Raila Odinga is corrupt? Go grab a copy of the Ndung'u report at the government press offices on Haile Salisie avenue on your way to Kibera. His nae is all there in black and white alongside those others with itchy fingers like him.

    About this small diversionary article I am on the same page with u PKW. This is just face saving. This is Raila Odinga's third campaign website. The first is and the second is Period

  8. Quite interesting read these posts. But behind every schooled point lurks the thin-veiled bias. Makes me think, are we any different from the people we try to barrack and applaud. Ama ours is to sound intellectual e-wise while in private we recoil to the TRUE self?

    The more things change the more they remain the same. Kenya makes a step forward and leaps several jumps behind. We rightly criticize Emilio for killing multipartism. True, but why complain about a colleague’s speck while you have a whole fig tree in your own eyes. Surely hypocrisy has mutated to mean a totally different thing nowadays.

    Then come UK. One time we support him for standing up for Kanu as the independence party and now Madoka (UK's sidekick?) says Kanu will support Kibaki. Our overall political body is only sustained alive with blood of expediency running through its veins. And from the look of things we are not any better, or are we?

    Integrity has no equivalent word (Luka must have chosen not to wake up) and until we stick to it, we are merely enjoying the generated heat with no trace of light. And by the way the oncoming light at the end of the tunnel is perhaps that of an oncoming train. Poor us Kenyans.

    Naive I may be but I refuse to buy the cheap line of unwittingly propping up two wrongs to right a wrong. Some of us have even become Sangoma's with the ability to mind read from other's posts. What an enviable trait that I don't miss. Paranoia is when you read malice in every remark even where there is none. It is insecurity, simple.

    But hey who said paranoia can't be a virtue? Just like Churchill would defend his retreating troops at the hands of Hitler that they were only ADVANCING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION, so paranoia can be being sensitive and careful in disguise, ama? Good luck chaps and we are watching and reading bring them on.

  9. Vikii, Chris said "....I have a witness's sworn statement and documents (letters to a well-known Kenyan lawyer to back up the claim) that Hon Raila Odinga teamed up with Joshua Kulei in 2000, on behalf of Moi in offering a certain foreigner millions of dollars...." end-of-quote.

    Remember, on Jeff Koinange's saga, it was a blow-by-blow account. Very detailed. Am simply asking, why cant we be given as much detail as possible on Raila's alleged corruption.

    To this day, apart from being denied a British & American visa and resigning from government, Chris Murungaru or anyone else for that matter, has never been convicted or nailed for the anglo-leasing scam. And the greatest impediment in seeking justice for the Kenyan people is President Kibaki's government. And I can assure you Vikii, it wont last any longer than December 2007.

    I am not protecting any criminal, am only against you guys trying to worngfully accuse an individual because he is a threat to continued corruption in government. If Raila were to found guilty of corruption, I would be the first to condemn him and deny him my vote.

    You talk about Ndungu Land Report, which incidentally also mentions 3 prominent families as the biggest land owner in a squatter country called Kenya.

    Moi used his constitutional powers to allocate land for Mollasses plant. What is illegal *UNLAWFUL( about that. And did u expect the investors to operate the plant in the air or on the lake after buying it in a public auction. Get real Vikii.

  10. the Odinga family paid for the korando land in kisumu to build the factory to creat jobs for kenyans when the government plan had failed, placed left for cows to graze having sank billions of wanainchi tax money. I now live in the USA where land is donated and tax is waived for development purposes all the time. There is hadly any company in the USA that does not get one or both benefits. Raila and family received neither!. The truth is money was given to for the land and mostly rotten snd broken equipment of which most were worth nothing. remember the family competed and beat other bidders for the property. Odinga family deserve an award for bailing the government from public redicule...remeber Ouko died for the same land project and his case has not been solved. I trust my friends will not allow cheap politics to confuse them. The Odingas moved by the needs of the Nyanza people invested heavily by faith to the project when every one thought otherwise including the goverment thank God he has honoured their investment and Kenyan are employed. Tuwache fitina and develop kenya Odingas inspite of their many unjust trials have set the pace for all us to follow. The politically motivated commission set by the current government look into this matter to embassed the family and creat the false perception which some of you now bought into and share, cleared the Odinga family of any corruption.


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