Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why A Kikuyu Versus Luo Contest For The Presidency Will Open Up Old Wounds


A recent analytical piece in the Standard newspaper has told Kenyans what is already clearly written on the wall. And that is the fact that we are headed for a Raila versus Kibaki showdown. (Read the Standard story for yourself).

This is exactly what Kenyan politics has been all about since the referendum. Everything else has been a side-show.

It is interesting that in while two Luo candidates would feature prominently in elections in an area with large numbers of Kikuyu voters in 1958, a similar contest in a Nairobi constituency in that pits two major candidates, namely a Kikuyu and a Luo against each other would end up causing chaos. I have in mind a contest between former Mungiki leader, Ndura Waruinge and Raila Odinga in Langata constituency.

The whole problem started in 1969 when a Luo threw a chair at a prominent Kikuyu in Kisumu. The resulting death toll (of mainly Luos) is still a government secret to this day. The luo who threw that chair will forever remain unknown, but the person he threw it at was President Kenyatta. The chair did not reach it's mark because one of president Kenyatta's bodyguards intercepted it in mid air and caught it just in time. What followed was that the president's security detail drew their guns and opened fire on the rowdy crowd.

But what had caused tensions to be so high? The answer is the assassination of a man who had never been elected to parliament by Luos. Thomas Joseph Odhiambo Mboya who gained immense popularity that he never had and was never interested in from the Luo only in death.

The consequences of the Kisumu massacre is that the Kenyatta administration launched a propaganda war against a section of its' own citizens who were perceived as the only threats to the Kenyatta presidency. So powerful and effective was this propaganda that even today, talk around President Kibaki about the Luo is very similar to the talk during the Kenyatta administration. And it is also clear that ODM-Kenya will lose a substantial amount of votes to Kibaki if it's candidate is Raila Odinga. Sad, a terrible tragedy, but true.

Kumekucha has come across some confidential documents involving a well known presidential candidate. Read them here in this blog tomorrow. Don't miss Kumekucha on Monday.

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  1. What tragedy is there in Raila loosing presidential elections to Kibaki? The worst tragedy possible in Kenya's political leadership is a Raila presidency. Nobody wants a president who never tires to talk. I have never been interested in Luo politics but the little i know tells me the Kisumu massacre was not about Mboya but Jaramogi. Jaramogi had sourced funds from Russian tax payers in exchange for bringing the communism ideology in Kenya. Those funds were used to construct the New Russia Hospital today known as Nyanza Provincial Hospital. Kenyatta made life difficult for him and he left government before the hospital came to completion. Come 1969, Mboya was shot in todays Channis chemists at Moi Avenue. This may have upped the emotions among the luos but the stroke that broke the camel's back was the official opening of the new russian hospital. Jaramogi Odinga was not anywhere in the program and Kenyata decided to take over the project. In Kenyatta's own words he was going to Kisumu to give them a hospital and tell them who the true cock was incase they didnt know. He was irritated by the stick he was getting from the Mboya assasination and the irritant KPU which was calling itself Dume.
    Jaramogi did a lot of groundwork , he mobolised the poor luos and assured them he would storm that dias and ask Kenyatta to tell the public who really built the hospital? He forced himself to the dias and the pc offered him a seat a few metres from the president. Jaramogi expected to be allowed to great the crowd but that never came to pass and when Kenyatta rose to speak (Jaramogi's case was sealed) all hell broke loose and what followed was a massacre of untold proportions.
    Stop glorifying Mboya in death. He was as bad as everyone else.

  2. Hey chris why dont u just bring Tom Mboya from the dead n I promise u I'll vote for him so that u get satisfied!!!

  3. Well said Mr. Mulwa. As much I will defend your right to parade the enormous ignorance you have typed above, I wish to kindly remind you that cheap lectures packaged as Politics 100 cannot win any argument. Please try something refreshing and factual instead of peddling street wisdom couched in tribal stereotypes.

    Kenya and Kenyans do not need to look far for their enemies. They are a plenty right withing the confines of our borders. Propagating hatred inherited from selfish politicians is the height of naivity for lack of a stronger and better term. You don't win an argument by regugitating irrelevanet, false and old tales that the then ruling class inveted to turn a victim into villain.

    Chris has all the right to idolize Mboya and living his ideals (whether you see them depends on the quality of what you have between the ears) is not to worship the late TJ. Reverse logic in which you bring down your opponent to your lower level of 'expertise' instead of measuring up to him is akin to swapping hatss with your professor to be him by association. You can rant and rave all the much you care but please spare us the baldash of cheap lectures that insults the inteeligence of any average readers. Make no mistake, this is not arrogance but I beg you to swallow your misplaced ppride and engage us is useful, factual and informative dialogue. Over to you Bw. Mulwaa!

  4. Simon says,

    Mention anything Jew, mention any Irish. They'll stone you alive. You ain't heard nothing yet

  5. Chris and Taabu, I think you thought only supporters of anything Raila (read Luo) were reading your blog. You can't stomach any criticism, can you? So you result to cheap insults and lies when someone offers their point of view. By now you should realize you have more critics than supporters (online, that is).
    An source close to insiders at Standard told me how the Raila camp will ask columnists on Standard newspapers (do you want names?) to write a piece in his support, of course dissing Kyuks. Neither that, nor this blog, seem to be working.
    Btw, I am a Kikuyu woman who admires Raila as a person and as a politician, but you make it all ugly when it becomes a tribal affair.And I think Kyuks err when they dislike him simply because he is Luo. However, you might be demolishing, rather than building him support.I'm not in Kenya, but you may be losing me, along with others.

  6. Taaabu and ur crammed poems. I will not bend to your level, I will just refer you to "Not Yet Uhuru" by Jaramogi Odinga, the father of your demi god

  7. Hongera sana Mulwaa. Taabu sometimes makes a lot of sense but what you`ve told him is good food for thought

  8. My contacts tells me that Taabu is a she who cleverly packages himself to sound otherwise. Can the real Taabu please stand up. Sister/brother you are smart in starting fires that you leave burning everybody without any attempt to rescue.

  9. Silly Stupid Typical Kenyan Wed Arguments!!! Cant you Kenyans bring substance to your arguments instead of seeing TRIBE in everything? Face facts and Table them in an arguments.

    What you need is a civil war in your country so you all learn to respect each other and know you are in a common boat, and if you dont all work as a team you are SUNK.

    Silly, Weak Kneed arguments...

  10. Its obvious going by recents posts that any mention of raila's name brings great fear into the hearts of some of these bloggers. The fear makes them loose ability to engage in mature debate.

    Kibaki's MOU betrayal is the MONUMENTAL COCK-UP that has divided this country right down in the middle. Worse still, he has reneged (without batting an eyelid) on NAK / NARC whom he's known to have assured of being a one term president.

    It has reached a point where everyone has to endorse Kibaki's regime simply because the economy has recovered (not grown). Otherwise they are labelled tribalists or Raila supporters. Utter nonsense!


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.