Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, April 19, 2007

KTN Cameras Seal Fate Of Robin Hood Doctor Jones


KTN carried a fascinating exclusive profile on a gentleman called Dr Ken Jones. Apparently he was the only doctor still around in the clash-torn Mount Elgon region after all other doctors have fled amid threats from one of warring factions.

The next day he was in police custody. It seems that after the positive TV coverage of this Dr Ken Jones (if that is his real name) those he owes money swung quickly into action and with the help of the KTN crew that covered the story, traced the doctor treating the long line of patients somewhere in the Mount Elgon area and got his arrested. The charge? He is suspected of being in the country illegally. His nationality is still not known although there are those that say he may be British.

Here some very fast thinking must have taken place because owing people money is a civil case and although everybody calls him a conman (an increasingly lose term in Kenya these days), proving a charge of obtaining money under false pretence will be fairly difficult in this case because the man was not running commercial ventures at the time he incurred the debts. He was running mercy missions that were benefiting many down-trodden and under-privileged Kenyans.

Actually Dr Ken Jones first came to national prominence about a year ago when he assisted in getting foreign treatment for two boys who had gotten their private parts mutilated in a domestic incident.

Interestingly apart from having incurred debts from several prominent organizations in Nairobi, Dr Jones seems to have only done good in Kenya. And even those debts were fo charitable causes. This has led to some Kenyans branding the doctor, a modern day Robin Hood. The debts incurred were from prominent organizations and so many see this as "stealing" from the rich to give to the poor. There are even those who see his arrest as insensitive because the suffering Kenyans in Mount Elgon now have absolutely no doctor to take care of them even as diseases cause havoc.

The situation in the area is really pitiful now and yesterday TV cameras showed footage of area residents getting hurt and bleeding badly as they fought for the supplies and donations of blankets and other basics that aid workers were "taking too long" to distribute to them. Apart from Darfur, this writer does not know of any other area where citizens of a country are refugees in their own nation, which is in fact not at war because those in other parts of the same country are comfortably going about their daily business without caring too much about the killings and goings on. At least the well-fed business executives who appeared on KTN telling Kenyans proudly about their investigations into this "International conman's organization" hardly thought twice about the fate of the doctor's desperate patients and are only keen on getting Jones Incarcerated or deported since it is highly unlikely that they will be able to recover their millions. They even had no qualms about spending more to get him safely behind bars.

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